Forum Thread
Noob12234's very cheap PokéShop [OPEN]
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Noob12234's very cheap PokéShop [OPEN]REVIEWS FROM BUYERS:(MAKES ME HAPPY)
Hi guys welcome to my shop I sell pokemon and items And so like any other shops there are rules here are the rules :)

-All pokeheroes rules
-Be patient! I work at another shop so don't rush me and I usually have tution and school so minimum u have to wait for a day for my respond/trade
-You have to offer/accept the trade in the span of 5 days or I will cancel the trade but if I am nice enough, I will wait till you offer the stuff ,minimum I wait for a week
-Be nice to the employees
-Be patient! I work at another shop so don't rush me and I usually have tution and school so minimum u have to wait for a day for my respond/trade
-You have to offer/accept the trade in the span of 5 days or I will cancel the trade but if I am nice enough, I will wait till you offer the stuff ,minimum I wait for a week
-Be nice to the employees
Shiny hunt

If you need shiny but you don't have
the pairs this is a perfect place for you
So if you want to shiny hunt but you are currently shiny hunting for a different pokemon you can come here IF I DON'T HAVE THE PAIRS BUT YOU HAVE BUT YOU ARE SHINY HUNTING YOU CAN BORROW ME THE PAIRS (I WON'T DO ANYTHING TO THEM)
Here are the pairs
Noob 12234:
Breeding pairs 1 N
Breeding pairs 1 s
Breeding pairs 2 s
*In the form pls write the box name according to what I write*
You provide battery funds before I start(50k pd/50 electric gems/50 nuggets).After I hatch the shiny u pay me
Easy :5k each
Medium :10k each
Hard:15k each
Rare :20k each
Special 25k each
Event :25k-30k each
So if you want to shiny hunt but you are currently shiny hunting for a different pokemon you can come here IF I DON'T HAVE THE PAIRS BUT YOU HAVE BUT YOU ARE SHINY HUNTING YOU CAN BORROW ME THE PAIRS (I WON'T DO ANYTHING TO THEM)
Here are the pairs
Noob 12234:
Breeding pairs 1 N
Breeding pairs 1 s
Breeding pairs 2 s
*In the form pls write the box name according to what I write*
You provide battery funds before I start(50k pd/50 electric gems/50 nuggets).After I hatch the shiny u pay me
Easy :5k each
Medium :10k each
Hard:15k each
Rare :20k each
Special 25k each
Event :25k-30k each

Hey Noob can you shiny hunt for me
Pokemon needed to shiny hunt
What box : ( breeding pair 1 N/breeding pairs 1 S/breeding pair 2 s)
Tips:(!! If you don't want it's okay;)
Pokemon needed to shiny hunt
What box : ( breeding pair 1 N/breeding pairs 1 S/breeding pair 2 s)
Tips:(!! If you don't want it's okay;)
Doing the order
Waiting list
Items and prices:

Bug Gem In stock 74 Cost 250 pd
Electric Gem In stock 134 Cost 300 pd
Fighting Gem In stock 201 Cost 250 pd
Flying Gem In stock 135 Cost 250 pd
Grass Gem In stock 237 Cost 300 pd
Ground Gem In stock 105 Cost 250 pd
Normal Gem In stock 160 Cost 1 k pd
Poison Gem In stock 209 Cost 250 pd
Rock Gem In stock 215 Cost 250 pd
Water Gem In stock 184Cost 300 pd
Dark Gem In stock 83 Cost 300 pd
Fire Gem In stock 0 Cost 300 pd
Ghost Gem In stock 0 Cost 300 pd
Ice Gem In stock 0 Cost 300
Psychic Gem In stock 55 Cost 300 pd
Steel Gem In stock 97 Cost 300 pd
Dragon Gem In stock 0Cost 6k pd
Fairy Gem In stock 0 Cost 450 pd
Pokeballs In stock 131 Cost 100 pd
Great balls In stock In stock 48 Cost 200 pd
Ultra ball in stock 21 Cost 300 pd
Evo. Stone
Fire Stone In stock 3 Cost 1k pd
Oval stone in stock 2 Cost 800 pd
Thunderstone in stock 3 cost 1k pd
Water stone In stock 3 Cost 1k pd
Galarica cuff in stock 2 cost 1k pd
Moon stone in stock 1 Cost 1k pd
Razor claw in stock 5 Cost 1k pd
Razor Fang in stock 5 Cost 1k pd
Soothe bell in stock 1+ Cost 1.2k pd
Sun stone in stock 46 Cost 1k pd
King's Rock in stock 1 Cost 1k pd
Shiny stone in stock 1 Cost 1k pd
Whipped cream in stock 1 Cost 1k pd
Everstone in stock 100+ Cost 100 pd
Ice stone in stock 1 cost 1k pd
There is more that i didnt write so juat ask if i have it or not
Honey In stock 100+ and more Cost 10 pd
Mystery items
Box: (2.5k pd eeach)
Dark blue in stock 1
Green in stock 1
Pink in stock 5
Purple in stock 3
Red in stock 4
Brown in stock 1
Keys:(2k pd each)
Gold in stock 1 (10k pd)
Red In stock 0
Brown in stock 0
Dark blue in stock 0
Light blue in stock 0
Pink in stock 0
Green in stock 0
Nebula stone in stock 10 Cost 5k pd
Griseous Otb in stock 0 Cost 8k pd
Art of Defence in stock 0Cost 8k pd
Enigma Stone in stock 0 Cost 8k pd
Resolute stone in stock 0 Cost 8k pd
Hollow Sapce in stock 1 80k pd
Terra Cave in atock 1 80k pd
Bug Gem In stock 74 Cost 250 pd
Electric Gem In stock 134 Cost 300 pd
Fighting Gem In stock 201 Cost 250 pd
Flying Gem In stock 135 Cost 250 pd
Grass Gem In stock 237 Cost 300 pd
Ground Gem In stock 105 Cost 250 pd
Normal Gem In stock 160 Cost 1 k pd
Poison Gem In stock 209 Cost 250 pd
Rock Gem In stock 215 Cost 250 pd
Water Gem In stock 184Cost 300 pd
Dark Gem In stock 83 Cost 300 pd
Fire Gem In stock 0 Cost 300 pd
Ghost Gem In stock 0 Cost 300 pd
Ice Gem In stock 0 Cost 300
Psychic Gem In stock 55 Cost 300 pd
Steel Gem In stock 97 Cost 300 pd
Dragon Gem In stock 0Cost 6k pd
Fairy Gem In stock 0 Cost 450 pd
Pokeballs In stock 131 Cost 100 pd
Great balls In stock In stock 48 Cost 200 pd
Ultra ball in stock 21 Cost 300 pd
Evo. Stone
Fire Stone In stock 3 Cost 1k pd
Oval stone in stock 2 Cost 800 pd
Thunderstone in stock 3 cost 1k pd
Water stone In stock 3 Cost 1k pd
Galarica cuff in stock 2 cost 1k pd
Moon stone in stock 1 Cost 1k pd
Razor claw in stock 5 Cost 1k pd
Razor Fang in stock 5 Cost 1k pd
Soothe bell in stock 1+ Cost 1.2k pd
Sun stone in stock 46 Cost 1k pd
King's Rock in stock 1 Cost 1k pd
Shiny stone in stock 1 Cost 1k pd
Whipped cream in stock 1 Cost 1k pd
Everstone in stock 100+ Cost 100 pd
Ice stone in stock 1 cost 1k pd
There is more that i didnt write so juat ask if i have it or not
Honey In stock 100+ and more Cost 10 pd
Mystery items
Box: (2.5k pd eeach)
Dark blue in stock 1
Green in stock 1
Pink in stock 5
Purple in stock 3
Red in stock 4
Brown in stock 1
Keys:(2k pd each)
Gold in stock 1 (10k pd)
Red In stock 0
Brown in stock 0
Dark blue in stock 0
Light blue in stock 0
Pink in stock 0
Green in stock 0
Nebula stone in stock 10 Cost 5k pd
Griseous Otb in stock 0 Cost 8k pd
Art of Defence in stock 0Cost 8k pd
Enigma Stone in stock 0 Cost 8k pd
Resolute stone in stock 0 Cost 8k pd
Hollow Sapce in stock 1 80k pd
Terra Cave in atock 1 80k pd
Form (for items) I will tell you the price at the trade just in case you forgot

Medium Rarity =200 pd
Hard rarity=350 pd
Rare rarity= 500 pd
Retro rarity= 100 pd
Starter rarity= 1k pd
Event rarity=1.5k
Legendary=5k pd
Shiny =5 - 20k pd (depending on rarity)
Shadow= 5-50k ( depending on rarity)
Special = 1k pd
Galarian / alolan rarity =500 pd
Sale box 2
Sale box3
Sale Box 4
Sale box 5
Form(for pokemon) (I will tell you the price at the trade)

Poliwag x12
Tentacool x35
Tentacruel x4
Shellder x2
Goldeen x26
Seaking x11
Magikarp x0
Gyarados x15
Chinchou x5
Marill x10
Remoraid x31
Mantine x1
Azurill x29
Carvanha x2
Finneon x3
Mantyke x8
Tympole x6
Frillish x6
Tynamo x12
Inkay x4
Crabrawler x1
Wishiwashi x1
Bruxish x3
Arrokuda x2
Tentacool x35
Tentacruel x4
Shellder x2
Goldeen x26
Seaking x11
Magikarp x0
Gyarados x15
Chinchou x5
Marill x10
Remoraid x31
Mantine x1
Azurill x29
Carvanha x2
Finneon x3
Mantyke x8
Tympole x6
Frillish x6
Tynamo x12
Inkay x4
Crabrawler x1
Wishiwashi x1
Bruxish x3
Arrokuda x2
Membership:(if you want to buy a membership just tell me)

Nooby membership 1000 pd : Get 20
Noobier membership 1500 pd :Gets 35% off
Noobier 2.0 membership 2000 pd : Gets 45 % off
Noobiest membership 2500 pd :Gets 60% off
Noobier membership 1500 pd :Gets 35% off
Noobier 2.0 membership 2000 pd : Gets 45 % off
Noobiest membership 2500 pd :Gets 60% off

Nadhujhan(Noobiest Member)
FruitBerries(Noobiest Member)
Asobu (Noobiest Member)
-DreamingDragons-(Noobiest Member)
Oofthisisbad (Noobiest Member)
AlexCartman(Noobiest Member)
nathaniel_low75 (Noobiest Member)
Firefireeee (Noobiest Member)
Speedypokegamer(Noobiest Member)
Xerivr(Noobiest Member)
QuantumVoid23(Noobiest Member)
Kanashiiiiii(Noobiest Member)
FruitBerries(Noobiest Member)
Asobu (Noobiest Member)
-DreamingDragons-(Noobiest Member)
Oofthisisbad (Noobiest Member)
AlexCartman(Noobiest Member)
nathaniel_low75 (Noobiest Member)
Firefireeee (Noobiest Member)
Speedypokegamer(Noobiest Member)
Xerivr(Noobiest Member)
QuantumVoid23(Noobiest Member)
Kanashiiiiii(Noobiest Member)

(Pm me and tell me about you and I'll see if your hired and I pay you 5k/week and 60% off for your orders if you want to order. If u are hired and if u do a good job I give a raise :)
(Pm me and tell me about you and I'll see if your hired and I pay you 5k/week and 60% off for your orders if you want to order. If u are hired and if u do a good job I give a raise :)
Have a good time shopping 😁
If u have any questions pp/pm me
Item: 14 normal gems
Tips: 2k 😅
Note: thank you so much!

Hi, nice to meet you!
Just so you know, I'm about 6 hours behind game time.
I'm aiming for all the plushies so missing ones will be much appreciated. This part is mainly aimed at the plushie exchange contest!
Also, I don't have a battle team so, plz, no battle requests!
I'm aiming for ditto so any normal gem offers or letting me borrow your ditto once I have enough gems would be very appreciated! I'm always buying them!
Just so you know, I'm about 6 hours behind game time.
I'm aiming for all the plushies so missing ones will be much appreciated. This part is mainly aimed at the plushie exchange contest!
Also, I don't have a battle team so, plz, no battle requests!
I'm aiming for ditto so any normal gem offers or letting me borrow your ditto once I have enough gems would be very appreciated! I'm always buying them!