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[sign-ups] Jumpchain: a Pokémon isekai

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up [sign-ups] Jumpchain: a Pokémon isekai
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 910
Posted: Sat, 04/02/2023 21:18 (1 Year ago)
Welcome to Jumpchain!

A mysterious celestial entity is bored and has given you a choice between staying in your world or hopping realities and living out the fantasy adventure you’d always dreamed of inside the world of Pokémon. Time is also stopped at home. Obviously, you pick the latter. You will spend 10 years inside of the world of Pokémon, possessing a character within the games.

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No graphic violence.
No Bunnying or Plot-bunnying. You may give suggestions but do not control the plot completely.
No OPness. (e.g having a legendary/mythical as a starter)
If you do not like a person’s character or the choices that they make, do not harass the person about it.
4 character limit per person!
1 egg move per Pokémon!
No One-liners, make your posts have at least a minimum of 2 or 3 lines of text!
Please use proper grammar. If you want to use a word and don’t know how to spell it, look it up in an online dictionary.
I will be adding all people who have accepted forums to a palpad, PP me if you do not want to be added.

Here is everything you need to know about Jumpchains!

Selecting your Pokémon region is a difficult choice but here are the options available!
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Side games:
Orre (Pokémon colosseum, Pokémon XD: Gale of darkness)
Fiore (Pokémon ranger)
Almia (Pokémon ranger: Shadows of Almia)
Oblivia (Pokémon ranger: Guardian signs)
Ransei (Pokémon Conquest)
Lental (New Pokémon Snap)
Ferrum (Pokkén Tournament)

Numbers from a D8 transfer like so, age only! (1 = 10, 2 = 11)
Roll a d16 for region selection.

Your phone is turned into a Rotom phone! It has all of your music and apps that your phone usually has, plus a Pokémon storage system and an app in which you can check your and other peoples info/stats!

No version exclusives, all Pokémon games are merged into one. The world includes both male and female protagonists (including Kris from Pokémon crystal) and it also means that version exclusive evil teams (e.g Aqua and Magma) will be doing stuff at the same time as the other! (Means you get to infiltrate two bases, hooray!)

The Pokémon world that you are transported to is more similar to the anime than the games. Bigger bustling cities and towns, more people and buildings, routes between towns become longer, cars exist, you need a passport for riding a Pokémon much like with cars and the police can take down the evil team for you if you don’t want to get involved!

You can possess Gym leaders, Island kahunas, the clan leaders, Wardens, evil team admins and rivals as well, not just protagonists. Basically any important character or those who have lore developed around them in game or anime. (Champions are off limits since Y’know.. champions but I’ll allow the subway masters, N and Charon.)

Now for the sign-up forum!

Name: (also state what character you are possessing)
Backstory: (if any)
Pokémon starter:
Pokémon moveset
Choice Point usage: (for free stuff, put 0cp)
Flaws: (override skills and identity, select 2 only. You will get points back)


My sign up forum
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Username: Purpleeda
Name: Amelia ‘Dusk’ Galdur (Possessing Penny)
Age: 13
Gender: female
Personality: Friendly, shy, kind and tries to help those in need to the best of her ability. She’s also bluntly honest.
Appearance: A short, brown haired girl with light blue eyes. Usually wears a light-blue hoodie with black jeans and blue trainers.
Region: Paldea
Backstory: She was bored of everyday life when the entity showed up. Amelia is a Pokémon fangirl. She loves Pokémon and collected all of the Pokémon video games before going to the Pokémon reality.
Pokémon starter: Zorua
Pokémon moveset: Extrasensory, Leer, Scratch, Torment
Choice Point usage: Bag (0cp), Pokégear (0cp), fully filled Pokédex (0cp), 5x Pokéballs (0cp), 3x Potions (0cp), Protagonist hat (0cp), Region choice (100cp), Hermit (50cp), Uncommon starter (100cp), Egg move - Extrasensory (50cp), Survival Training (0cp), Ranger (150cp, Hermit discount), Pokéglot (300cp, Hermit discount), HM collection (50cp), Headsets (100cp), 3x Masterballs (100cp), Laptop (100cp), Hypervisor (200cp), Rebreather (50cp), Welding torch (50cp)
Flaws: Swarmed (Zubat swarm every cave, cannot catch. +100cp), Wanted (Police will try and hunt you down. +300cp)
Other: Her anxiety and autism makes it hard to hold conversations. Sometimes she has long rants about her hyper-fixations.

Dusk and her party’s stats
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Trainer name: Penny
Gender: Female
ID: 803B121
Zorua|Male|Level 5
In region, Uncommon|Egg move
Bag|Pokégear|Pokédex|5x Pokéballs|3x Potions|Dawn’s hat
History: Hermit
Flaws: Swarmed, Wanted
Survival Training|Ranger|Pokéglot
HM Collection|Headsets|3x Masterballs|Laptop|Hypervisor|Rebreather|Welding torch

Reserved characters
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Shadow_The_Hedgehog - Natural Harmonia Gropius/N
ItsKendo -
MarshmallowMarshadow - Calem (male Pokémon X and Y protagonist)
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 910
Posted: Sun, 05/02/2023 20:11 (1 Year ago)
Trainerlevel: 82

Forum Posts: 570
Posted: Sun, 05/02/2023 21:14 (1 Year ago)

hi, hello, i'm intrigued ! ;-;

but, i'd just like to ask:

do we have to "possess" a character?

and how exactly does possessing a character work?

would we just be controlling the physical body, with the isekai'd character acting as their conscious?
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Sun, 05/02/2023 22:04 (1 Year ago)
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Mon, 06/02/2023 13:34 (1 Year ago)
Question: Are we only allowed to possess a protag from the games, or can it be any of the characters?
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 910
Posted: Mon, 06/02/2023 20:56 (1 Year ago)
@~Fahrenheit~ I’m unsure but I think.... Yeah, I’m gonna say that you have to possess a character. Also I envision it exactly as you described!

@Shadow_The_Hedgehog You can possess Gym leaders, Island kahunas, the clan leaders, Wardens and rivals as well! Basically any important character or those who have lore developed around them in game or anime. (Champions are off limits since Y’know.. champions but I’ll allow the subway masters)
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Tue, 07/02/2023 06:03 (1 Year ago)
What about some of the villains? Or used to be villains? Like N?
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 910
Posted: Tue, 07/02/2023 07:13 (1 Year ago)
@Shadow_The_Hedgehog For evil teams, you can only possess admins. (I’ll also allow Charon and N)
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Tue, 07/02/2023 13:18 (1 Year ago)
Can i reserve being N then? I'll need some time to fill out the registration form and I'm currently at school, so I don't have a lot of time to fill out the form. I can later, though.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 1,547
Posted: Tue, 07/02/2023 15:18 (1 Year ago)
Florian “Flori” Abel
(Possessing Executive Proton)
[8] - 17
AFAB Non-Binary; uses They/Them and He/Him
First and foremost, Florian is an actor. Someone who knows how to pretend to get to put on a proper show. While not charismatic in their base state, he just needs practice before he can properly show off the kind of role they're playing. However, when he isn't pretending, they're a very different person.
Flori is prone to intense anxiety when it comes to speaking up on their own needs and wants. Standing up for himself wasn't something he learned how to do, and they feel awful when he has to put his foot down. However, defending others comes naturally, albeit with rather explosive outbursts of passionate 'tough love' for the people involved.
Flori is academically gifted, and it shows with their quick ability to do math in their head. Affectionately called a "living calculator", if something involves numbers, he's going to do fine. This being said, Flori struggles with geometry for some unknown reason.
Despite Flori's kind nature, he's low-to-no-empathy. It's not that he can't feel remorse or guilt, they just struggle to empathize with others' struggles. There isn't a traumatic backstory behind this, they're just a jaded customer service worker.
When they’re not possessing Proton, Flori has fluffy, dirty blond hair that is shaved on their left side to create an asymmetric hair cut. It cascades over the right side of his face, covering their right eye, and falls a little below shoulder length. The bangs are ombré from their natural color to lavender. Their eyes appear to be different colors in different lighting, but they actually do gradually change color between blue, green, hazel and gray. This is a slow effect, though, so you’d need two pictures of them from at least a month apart to spot the difference. As of recently, they’re gray.
The usual outfit of choice from Florian is anything fitting the mall goth aesthetic; when they're picked up from home by the entity, Flori was getting ready to go to their job and was wearing a black button-up shirt with mushroom patterns tucked into orange and black tripp pants, which have white zippers above and below the knee. Alongside those articles of clothing are a white sweater with shockingly deep pockets and white hiking boots with orange straps.
[2] - Johto
See the spoiler tag. It’s fairly long.

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Florian comes from a very average, middle-class family with an elder sister and a younger brother. Their home life was always fairly boring; being the middle child, attention was seldom on them when they weren't standing out in any way. While Flori found good company in the baton twirling group they joined in elementary, it was hardly a show-off since their sister was involved in it. As such, Flori always felt they were third-best behind the baby and the 'golden child'.

However, Flori found comfort in a series that a close friend introduced them to; Pokemon. They spent a lot of time happily playing the bootleg cartridge of Leaf Green, struggling to beat Brock with the single Charmander they brought to the battle. Even if the game was off-brand and reset pretty frequently, Florian always had a lot of fun playing it in between school and baton twirling.

They began to fall out of interest in baton twirling, though, and took up new passions in arts and crafts. This interest still remains most prominent in Florian's life, alongside the performing arts, a byproduct of their former love for twirling. As they got older, they and their sister ended up playing the Pokemon games together, getting the different versions between the two. However, no game sparked the same amount of love from Florian as playing through Pokemon White, bar maybe Heart Gold. The characters and story won their heart, and inspired him to pursue his art-based ambitions.

Florian went on to drop out of high school a little after his sixteenth birthday, because they felt that they needed to work rather than attend school. He was a ‘gifted kid’ after all, and was passing classes despite having few friends. However, work was rough, working at minimum wage in a busy mall without even a high school diploma. So when Florian was given the opportunity to leave it all behind for ten years and experience a world not like his own, they gleefully took the chance.

Pokémon Starter:
A Murkrow named Grim
(Common Rating from the Johto Region's Safari Zone; found at night.)
Pokémon Moveset:
Grim the Murkrow
Peck | Astonish | Gust | Confuse Ray
Choice Point Usage:
[Total Usage: 650 CP]
Starter Kit (Free)
- Bag
- Pokegear
- Pokedex
- 5x Pokeballs
- 3x Potions
- Hat
- City Life [50 CP]
- Starter, Common [50 CP]
- Egg Move [50 CP]
- Blend In [300 CP]
- HM Collection [50 CP]
- Collapsible Baton [50 CP]
- Flak Jacket [100 CP]
- Wanted [+300 CP]
- Swarmed [+100 CP]
Florian's favorite Pokemon is Larvesta. He hopes that they can get their hands on one throughout this adventure.
In the spoiler tag below, I’ll be keeping a record of Florian’s stats, Pokemon, etc.

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Trainer Name: Proton
ID No.: 55469
History: City Life
Skills: Freerunning, Blend In
Flaws: Wanted, Swarmed
Status: Alive; Not Captured

GRIM | Lv. 5 Murkrow
HP: 21 (5 IV) | ATK: 15 (31 IV) |DEF: 10 (31 IV)
SP. ATK: 13 (3 IV) |SP. DEF: 10 (22 IV) | SPD: 15 (31 IV)
Serious Nature
Peck | Astonish | Gust | Confuse Ray
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 33
Posted: Tue, 07/02/2023 16:11 (1 Year ago)
And a res for me! (Possessing Clem Calem //Didn't see that mistake. Whoops//)

Seems like a fun roleplay :D
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 910
Posted: Tue, 07/02/2023 21:15 (1 Year ago)
All the people who reserved will get their name put in a spoiler list named reserved

Also sleepynebby, I love your take on the sign up forum! Accepted!

Added a new rule, go check it out!
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 910
Posted: Fri, 10/02/2023 08:10 (1 Year ago)
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Fri, 10/02/2023 14:03 (1 Year ago)
Just a quick question!

Im super interested in the concept at hand here but just wanted to ask prior to working on my sign up...

Say I were to choose someone who specialized in grass types in game for example, would I have to stick with that or could it completely flip to them having a more balanced team or specializing in a separate type? That and... If they were part of a team/organization in canon do they have to still be affiliated with such or would we have to the option to sort of dissociate from that?
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 910
Posted: Fri, 10/02/2023 15:48 (1 Year ago)
You can completely dissociate from the organisation if you wish and you don’t have to stick to a certain type.
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 910
Posted: Fri, 10/02/2023 21:32 (1 Year ago)
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 910
Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 18:04 (1 Year ago)
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 910
Posted: Sun, 12/02/2023 15:22 (1 Year ago)
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 910
Posted: Tue, 14/02/2023 10:26 (1 Year ago)
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 910
Posted: Tue, 14/02/2023 18:56 (1 Year ago)