Levi manage to dodge the iron tail this time by using lash out on
the ground to boost him away, he then quickly turned back to use
another facade on Shade, though he was getting some damage from the
toxic too, he’s on less than half of his full health now
Levi manage to use copycat again to copy the iron tail and this
time blocked Shade’s iron tail using his own, he then quickly used
facade on him he’s on low health now and is going to faint soon
from poison
“Use dark pulse on it to block the facade” Tazuli said
Dark pulse wasn’t every effective on Levi but he did get hit by it
and took some damage before Tazuli threw a Pokeball at him which he
wasn’t able to break out
Tazuli let Levi out of his Pokeball and used a full restore on him
“wait...did I actually get caught by this stupid trainer? Well
atleast I can see how she’s like, though I hate this” he said
“Dude, chill out, besides it’s not like you can do anything about
it” Kusa said as he hovered above the shiny Zorua
Tazuli mostly ignored Shade as she sat down beneath a tree before
looking back at Levi who’s...gone?
Levi immediately bolted back into the forest as soon as Tazuli’s
attention was away from him even for a second, he hopped into a
bush before running back into the forest, it’s not like she can use
her Pokeball to return him from this far of a distance even if she
saw him
Cherry got bored of looking at Cascade and Popplio, so she walked
away from the area. She decided not to be picky and eat the first
berry that she came across, the thought of that made Cherry have a
disgusted look on her face.