Forum Thread
From Flight to Fight {Signups}
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → From Flight to Fight {Signups}The year 7042. 30 years of technology. Few people can remember times before the Advancement. Few people care to. Life has become simple, easy. Illness is rare. Death, even more so. The planet Earth was the first. Then there came more. The technology to include an entire atmosphere in a device began a new space race: To see who could colonize the most planets. Countries became obsolete, continents making everything within themselves named as they were. North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Antarctica. Each one populated, each one just as advanced as it's sisters. People have also changed. After so much time, they have warped, adapted perfectly to their surroundings. Some people did not like their adaptations, and ended up as something else. Some people worked with their adaptations, and made something else.
People with great minds created things, whether it be new technology or by using old technology. Some created robotic people and animals, some created simpler things, such as a more advanced toaster. The creators of the creatures were called Technicians, and the best of the best bound together to create an Order. Once that had been done, fight clubs suddenly sprang up all around the continents. But not for people, no. Technicians entered their robots in the clubs, and suddenly, everybody was making their own automatons.
The roleplay!

1. All PH rules apply
2. No God playing/ Powerplaying
3. Don't make your character something insane
4. Don't try to kill off anybody else's character w/o permission from them
5. Have fun!
6. Please don't make your robot massive, as it would be considered God playing to me
Password is the abbreviation before the word permission

Character name:
Are you a Technician? Y/N:
If you are a Technician,
Description of your robotic build:
What is your robotic build called (Named):
My Form

Username: Zander_Warcolf
Character name: Markus Marwolf
Are you a Technician? Y/N: Yes
Gender: M
Age: 22
Description: A tall man with blond hair and light blue eyes, he is usually dressed in a T-shirt and overalls, both of which are stained with many mechanical fluids
Personality: Casual and laid back in his down time, he is quite the opposite when he's building or watching a fight
Username: Zander_Warcolf
Description of your robotic build: The first real "Protogen," it looks like something out of a fandom. It's face is domed, like a Protogen's, but it's body is fully mechanical. It's joints are magnetic, making it's limbs float. The robot's upper legs are thick and durable, while it's lower legs are thinner, and taper down to a point. Upper arms are, again, thick and durable, and lower arms maintain a slightly smaller size, ending at a fully pose-able 5-digit hand. It does have a tail, of which is mostly for balance, but can be used for fighting. It's entire body is covered in a light armor, spray painted white.
What is your robotic build called (Named): P1-10 "Pillow"
Character name: Jack
Are you a Technician? Y/N: Y
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Description: 5'0", 90 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes, usually wars black sweat suit
Personality: shy, introverted
Password: w/o
If you are a Technician,
Username: Incineroar201
Description of your robotic build: 4'6", made of steel (duh), does household chores such as dishes and laundry if you put code into it
What is your robotic build called (Named): Household Speeder
Character name: Valerie(called Val by those she knows)
Are you a Technician? Y/N: Yes
Gender: Technically genderless? Indentifies as female.
Age: Unknown
Description: Valerie used to be a human, but her consciousness and mind have since been transferred into her creation, V4L3R13. See 'Description of your robotic build'.
Personality: Valerie acts cheerful most of the time, even if she isn't quite feeling her best. She enjoys fighting, even if she loses. She does get frustrated when her creations blow up, and quite a few claw marks and dents have been made in anger in her lab, but she tries to bounce back from her failures. Not a personality trait, but she has a distinguished British accent.
Password: W/o
Username: SpiffyGamer43
Description of your robotic build: V4L3R13 looks like a stocky, metallic, anthropomorphic Griffin. It's body is mainly a light tan colour, with darker highlights spray-painted around the edges of it's ears, and paws. The serrated wings are oversized, allowing for fast flight. It's claws are able to be retracted back into the paws, so that it can handle objects without damaging them. It's beak is a golden yellow colour, with a slight orange gradient at the tip. It has a few scratches and bumps in the hard-to-reach areas(in-between legs, underneath tail, etc.).
What is your robotic build called (Named): V4L3R13, version 7.0(the previous versions all blew up during testing)