Luke is hiding in one of the abandoned buildings. He wishes that it
wasn't winter forever, otherwise he would be having fun. Wait, no
he wouldn't because of the zombies.
*He peeks out his head in the apartment using the sheets as perfect
cover seeing the girl follow their fake trail of snow, he goes back
to the daemon making sure he was alright. he couldnt shake the fact
now that they were being hunted luckily he learn from someone how
to cover their tracks perfectly thanks to the person he looking
for* Talla... *he whispers in a low voice as walks very slowly
toward the daemon*
Luke is running now to get away from zombies. "How did they find
me?" I was hiding behind a wall!" he says to himself then runs way
ahead of the zombies. He is out in the open, not knowing if there
was anyone else still alive.
Eltiana looked up at Holly and narrowed her eyes. She seemed pretty
boring, not worth her time. She stayed silent as she kept walking,
knowing this trail was pointless. Hey, maybe she could run into
zombies or something and kill them all there
Holly hears the familiar sound of a zombie. She summons her blades.
In a swinging motion, the nearby zombies lose their heads and the
ground is littered with bodies. Holly gets to work on the rest.
"Hmm...I don't know. People will be buildings, but they all are on
guard because of zombies, so we could die." She says to Max
starring at the snow. She then looks up feeling cold.
he took what looked to be a thick metal cuff out of his pocket
threw it on the ground and smashed it with a horrific crunch
"that takes care of that.."
he yawns and bleps his tongue out, rubbing an eye , his pupils
changing to slits as he caught the sweet smell of blood
his head twitched and he followed the smell up the stairs noticing
a obviously old body and unable to control himself he tore flesh
from bone and swallowed it down fast
A group of bandits surround the building everyone is in when Mal
isnt looking. "Crap crap crap crap crap..." She makes her way down
and pops into the building through the roof. "Hey everyone, me
again, um... you may want to look outside."
"Frick." Holly curses. "There are too many. She runs away, heading
for a building. She opens the door and slams it shut, running up
stairs and finding a window. She watches in confusion as humanoid
figures surround the house.
Eltiana roamed around the mountain without a plan. She hated no
knowing what to do, it was pretty tiresome and boring. Maybe she
should’ve followed them to the building...
Mal looks in shock. "I know I said i wasn't gonna help you, but I'm
not just gonna stand by and do nothing. Hi, I'm Mal, full human.
Lets hope you guys aren't though. Quick, what species are all of
you guys?"
*He looks at the daemon eating the body fast and clean, he runs to
the bathroom and vomits all he can* D-Do I have to get use to
that...? *he shouts in the bathroom*
"........" Holly hears a voice. She sighs, recognizing it from
earlier. She heads over to where everyone else is. Her eyes seem to
bore holes into everyone's heads. "We've got a people problem
outside." she says lightly.
Luke is trotting down one of the roads and finds a house. He opens
the door to find no one inside. "Great, another empty house. What
does it take to find someone who isn't un-dead.
(I forgot to out my used to be power. Could it be to summon vines?)