Forum Thread
The Ocean Clan RP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → The Ocean Clan RPUsername: Celestial
Clan password: Floatzel
Name in RP: Katerina Razuli (Kat for short)
Just like this, except with jeans and a light green shirt.
Pokemon/Trainer: Trainer.
Personality: Stubborn. Headstrong. Sarcastic. These all describe Katerina. Kat doesn't seem like a good friend at first, but she's fiercely loyal to her friends. She argues with people a lot, and she has a hot temper sometimes. Although she can be rude with people, she's sweet and understanding with Pokemon. Kat has ambitions to be a breeder one day, as she hatched a few eggs before.
If trainer, what Pokemon: Meena (level 30 Floatzel), Timber (level 40 Rapidash), Starscream (level 35 Skarmory), Canis (level 28 Poochyena), Sift (level 18 Kirlia), and Pearl (level 2 newly hatched Skitty).
If Pokemon, what move set:
What private beach house looks like:
Sort of like this.
Izzy ran out of her house to go and meet the new arrival.