Forum Thread
Ven's Sprite Shop
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → Ven's Sprite ShopThe team would consist of
1) Mr. Mime
2) Shiny Hypno
3) Banette
And if it’s no trouble may I ask for a custom trainer??
I want a sprite of me as Pennywise, aka, Dennywise
I hope it’s okay with you!
In your case FallenAngel, as I said in the original post, I take a break of shop boarder and signatures -_-" im not really and artist and its not as fun for me to make them than making sprites with pixels :P sorry !!

Can I ask for a pokesona for all of my team members? Primarina, Altaria, Talonflame, Ampharos, Chandelure and Tsareena
If there’s a limit to how much at the time then, please do Altaria first >_<
On that, have a good one and sorry again for the delay !

FR Elements and Familiars
Im not sure how to pick a trainer but if so can it be a Female Rocket member dressed as a mimikyu
Team is:
Shiny Mimikyu
Shiny Roserade
Shiny Buzzwole -not sure if you can do the ultra beast please correct me if you cannot-
Shiny Gengar
shiny Mew
shiny charizard
I hope i filled this out out