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raffle journal

Forum-Index Diaries raffle journal
Trainerlevel: 91

Forum Posts: 404
Posted: Mon, 30/04/2018 19:57 (6 Years ago)
this is where i keep my future raffles and current raffles updated and planned out please dont ever comment on this one

Trainerlevel: 91

Forum Posts: 404
Posted: Mon, 30/04/2018 22:25 (6 Years ago)

Title: future raffle

1st place hashtag winners:
1st place shiny scyther and sm scizor
2nd place shiny alakazam line and shiny mega alakazam
3rd shiny onix line with sm steelix
2nd place hashtag winners:
1st shiny zubat line and shiny mega crobat
2nd place shiny elekid and shiny mega electafire
3rd place shiny pharoahloin line

1st place hashtag
1st place shiny crystal agron and sm crystal agron
2nd shiny shiny mecha tyranitaur set with sm mecha tyranitaur
3rd place shiny festival gardevoir set with sm festival guardivoir
2nd place hastag
1st crystal agron line plus regular shiny mega able
2nd shiny swablu line plus regular shiny mega able
3rd shiny ghastly line plus giga gengar plus regular shiny mega able
third place hashtag
1st place shiny trapinch line shiny mega able
2nd place shiny elekid line shiny mega able
3rd place shiny shiny snom line with shiny mega able

raffle for art
to enter do art of my characters
you get 50 nuggets when you enter not place hold
1st shiny set of sala de minci with shiny mega sala de minci and 8k nuggets
2nd shiny set of sala de minci with mega sala de minci and 5k nuggets
3rd shiny set of sala de minci with mega able sala de minci and 2k nuggets

raffle for griseous orbs:
1st place shiny diancie 24k nuggets
2nd place shiny mewtwo 16k nuggets
3rd place shiny mew 8k nuggets
tier rewards:
100 griseous orbs--shiny drowzee line
200 griseous orbs- shiny charmander line with shiny giga charizard and mega x and mega y
300 griseous orbs- shiny goleros line
400 griseous orbs-shiny crystal aron line and mega crystal aggron
Trainerlevel: 91

Forum Posts: 404
Posted: Sun, 06/05/2018 00:13 (6 Years ago)

Title: current giveaway

Trainerlevel: 91

Forum Posts: 404
Posted: Thu, 11/11/2021 03:28 (3 Years ago)

Title: rules for current giveaway

none till another one starts