Forum Thread
Dead roleplay
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Dead roleplayEMPIRE
They are inside the castle of the empire, where the Empire rulers usually meet. Sakri the Girantina(Angelltale) is high ruler. Mew is impatient with
Mew is pacing "We still havent found those annoying set of rebeling Pokemon!.what are your troops doing? We should have never of trusted anyone with this!" She looks furiously at Sakri.
They are in the forest,the empire on the hill behind,running from a bunch of guard Charizards.
Levi keeps using swift backwards to keep them back "how much longer till we loose them?"
They are in the prison which is at the bottom of the castle. The best behaving ones are used to find rogues. But this starts in the prison. Three walls are bars, the back wall is stone. There is a window in it to keep light coming in.
Mark is waiting impatiently for food to come "Just a few minutes more"
"Elizabeth,dont stress please. No one needs it in this situation" Levi said lookkng back to see only three Charizards left
Yael Naim
00:00 ●━━━━━━─────── 03:42
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"wait are you new in this prison??"
"Worried? AM LOSING MY MIND! And Charizards arent not reliable but they can be pretty slow!" Mew said, her tail twitching.
"One left! I feel like taking this last one down what about you?" Levi said smirking.
Yael Naim
00:00 ●━━━━━━─────── 03:42
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