Tyler: good point....
Tyler: now where is the exit....
*Tyler gets out of the room the orb was in to see that the Dungeon
Tyler: em.... where did we come from again?
:Aria woke up and yawned, stretching her legs. She got up and
looked around the room she was in: "Did they disappear or
something?" : She said to herself before shrugging. She walked into
town and bought some food so that Aish and Tyler would have
something to eat when they got back: "Huh? Whats this?" :Aria said
while looking at a set of evolution stones. She shrugged again, and
bought them to show the others:
*she Would attack The GEodude. then Fainting It Quickly With Iron
Tail. Grabbing The HEadband She heard A Smash Behind Them. Looking
Behind Herself And Tyler she Saw The Cave Collapsing.*
(Walking through second floor)
Chompy: "Jeez this is big."
(notices 5 mankeys guarding a door)
"That must be where the client is"
(Mankeys look there way)
"great... hey sakri you think you can handle the 2 on the left?"