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Traitors Among Us RP

Forum-Index Roleplay Traitors Among Us RP
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 03:05 (7 Years ago)
"The fact that I can sense it when you lie!" Ricky yelled.

"Now, now. Truth of Uth!" Howl yelled, before turning, "Is there another person?"


"Not offended." the ghost replied, "Well I'll go to one last happy moment and then her death."

"You're going to be as bad as Smoke." Vinna rolls her eyes, but she's smiling slightly.
"I am worse. Can't let a five year old win even." Ricky said as if he was proud that he beat kids in games.
"And what have I gotten myself into?" Vinna says.
"You've gotten yourself a coffee." Ricky teased.
"Coffee, BUT I have to hang out with a psycopath. Coffee... Psychopath..." Vinna teases right back.
"High functioning sociopath." Ricky explained.
Vinna rolled her eyes. "Alright, psychopath it is."
"You don't seem concerned." Ricky replied.
"Well, considering I was friends with Death, and still am with Shade and Zorra, psychopaths are kinda just normal for me." Vinna replies.

Ricky rushed in with his pirate outfit dripping water everywhere and Noemi quickly followed him sighing as Ricky began laughing
Marrow takes flight again and zooms down the hall, ducking by Ricky with a snarl.
"Marrow!" Vinna calls.
"Uhm...is she alright?" Ricky asked.
"No. Yes. I don't know!" Vinna snaps.
Marrow stops, turns, and looks at Ricky with glowing dark purple eyes. She growls, and her bone-white scales on her tail start to turn dead gray.
"Well this is bizarre. Thank god you haven't asked about my clothes." Ricky said, "Though I do need a first mate."
Vinna takes a step back. "Ricky. Move away."
The gray on Marrow starts to spread, making its way up to her wings, causing them to stall slightly.
Ricky rolled back, "Would you wear a maid outfit?"
Marrow lunges forwards, at Vinna, but the golden-haired girl suddenly shifts until she herself is a dragon, and tackles Marrow. The two clash in midair, just a flurry of wings and claws, until Marrows thrown back into a wall.
"Oh my. Dragon girls are hot." Ricky mused.
"Uhm...you...are...te...teasing her...right mister....Ricky?" Noemi asked.
Marrow, however, tackles her right back, scales vanishing untold she's just bones. Vinna kicks her off and goes racing down the hall, Marrow zooming right after her.
Ricky began running off after Vinna with Noemi following him quickly.
Marrow catches up quickly and tackles Vinna midair, pinning her against a wall, and raising her spade-like tail. She stabs it down into Vinna's chest and then let's go, zooming off again.
Ricky gasping caught Vinna, "Hey, Vinna! Hey! Stay awake! Look at me!"
Pachise took her watch, activated it again and immediately decloaked herself, so that the bleeding stopped. "What just happened?"
Vinna shifts human. "Ricky... listen to me. You can't hurt Marrow. She's important. I was supposed to protect her and I failed. Take my job. Please. Dont... fail..."
"Fine." Ricky replied raising her head and giving her a kiss ignoring Pachise.
Pachise looked at Ricky, but shrugged it off like it was normal. Then, she looked at her watch. "Maybe I am not that useless after all... not for defeat, but for strafing..."
"Uhm...his...girlfriend was...stabbed." Noemi stammered.
Vinna falls completely limp, eyes closing, letting out a final breath. Her bracelet glows bright silver and then drains completely of color, just to dead black.
"Well..." Ricky said opening a flask and downing it, "What now?"

"And so he self medicated with beer and cigarettes. I wish that was end." the ghost sighed.
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 03:12 (7 Years ago)
Nyx opens her mouth as if to say something but no sound comes out for a few minutes.When sound finally works all you hear is a small whine.Almost as if she was shedding the tears and pain he wouldn't shed."W..What happens next?"She mumbles.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 03:29 (7 Years ago)
"But I'm not lying, there is no other person." Shayla shook her head. "Honestly, you people are so stubborn." She looked over at Madder and the man shrugged. 'We've got no choice. Just don't say much.' "If there were another person here you'd be able to sense them. What you smelled was the second soul that resides within my body," Shayla said simply. "It's not a person, it's a soul."

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 03:35 (7 Years ago)
A red light began flashing and Howl patted Ricky on the shoulder, "Sorry for doubting you."


Spirit tips over the two bottles of coke, spilling them on the grass. Throwing the glasses aside, he cuts his wrist and let's some of his blood fall too. A gentle glow starts in the air in front of him, shaping itself, solidifying, until blond Vinna is in front of them.
She puts her hands on her hips. "Whatcha want, Spirit, I haven't got all day."
"It's not what he wants. I paid him, his job is done. I wanted to...have a proper good bye. No becoming the guardian of a dragon or thought beings. Just a good...bye." Ricky replied moving towards her.
Vinna glances at him. "Oh... Ricky." She smiles, a sad smile. "I'm... sorry."
Ricky's hand became ghostly and he stroked her cheek, "How is the...afterlife?"
"It's... not bad. It's not good either. But I don't miss living. I can see the rest of my family again, Sevi, my little sister. Even my old friends."
"Well, you know this maybe the last time I see you. The curse of an immortal." Ricky sighed.
Vinna's smile fades. "That's ok, Ricky. You won't come where I am anyways. Besides, you need to move on. I'm no longer able to be your girlfriend."
"I know. I know. Three minutes left eh." Ricky replied turning on a classic song, "May I have this dance?"
Vinna smiles. "Sure."
Ricky began to do a slow ball room dance, "Well I met your sister. I do enjoy tearing her apart."
Vinna sighs. "Ah, Royal. Half sister, actually. She's annoying, but she's powerful. Few know her weaknesses."
"Well do you know it?" Ricky asked twirling Vinna.
"Sadly, no. Enigma, Shadow, Rebel, and Lyn. Oh, and Ziggy. They're only the ones who know."
"Thank you." Ricky replied hugging her tight as he spun around.
Vinna's form flickers. "Gotta go, Ricky. I'm sorry. One last thing. Jigsaw, I know you're growing fond of her. She's about to face some hard times, and she's going to need someone, even if she says she doesn't."
Ricky nodded and hugged her, "I love you."
"I love you too." Vinna replies, then she disappears.
"Yo, Spirit!" Jigsaw calls, coming out the back door.
Riley smiled sadly at Jigsaw a tear streaming down his face.
"Stars, what did I miss. You know what, never mind, I'm not good at comforting. Spirit, catch." Jigsaw tosses two things to him.
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 03:39 (7 Years ago)
Nyx smiles softly.At least he was able to have some closure.She thinks to herself before tilting her head at Jigsaw."Who is she?"She asks looking at her ghostly companion..friend..person?
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 03:57 (7 Years ago)
((Nothing Shayla just said is a lie though? Madder is simply another soul inhabiting her body, he's not a person. If anything he's a ghost.))

Shayla glanced at the red light. "The red light is wrong," she replied simply, "I have told no lie since I arrived. Like I said earlier, it sets a bad example for my younger brother."

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 04:18 (7 Years ago)
"The red light is simple. It defines all as person, and thus you dying it set off the red light." Howl explained.


"Ask Arcane." The ghost explained vanishing revealing a door.
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 04:22 (7 Years ago)
Nyx looked around for her ghostly companion."Is there no more to see?"She asks no one in particular before looking at the door."Or is the rest behind there?"She takes a deep breath before walking over to the door and opening it.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 04:26 (7 Years ago)
A younger version of Ricky in a suit glanced at her, a blazer of a chair in a nice room. "Oh! Hello there! Oh...sorry a bit messy."
Moving his blazer he smiled, "Take a seat while I make tea. Or coffee. Do you like tea or coffee? Well milk is the mini fridge along with some soda."
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 04:30 (7 Years ago)
Nyx smiles softly at this Ricky."Tea willl be fine.Thank you Mister Ricky."She says softly as she makes her way over to him.Normally Ricky would set her on edge but this one had an aura of comfort around him.Almost like an older brother would.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 04:33 (7 Years ago)
Ricky nodded pouring her a cup before pouring himself a glass. Sitting down he pulled out a notebook and a pen, "So what seems to be the matter ma'am?"
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 04:37 (7 Years ago)
Nyx sits down and wonders how she could word this."I wish to help you Ricky.A old friend of yours show me your memories.I wish..no not wish want to help you."She says gently while scratching at her neck."I know I won't be able to heal all your pain that is in your past but I do want to help you shoulder some of it."She takes a sip of her tea and smiles.Blueberry tea was her favorite.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 04:47 (7 Years ago)
Ricky frowned, "Oh wow. Well I guess that was a shocker. Okay...wow. Okay..." Recomposing himself nodded, "Alright, yeah I have some mental problems from working six hours everyday of the week, but that was too take care of my brother."
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 04:57 (7 Years ago)
Nyx nodds her head a bit before setting her cup down and getting up.She pads over to Ricky until she is infront of him.She then kneels down so she is leveled with his knees.She rests her arms gently on them and starts talking."I'll help shoulder everything you want me to Ricky.I'll help you shoulder the pain of loosing both Cassie and Vinna.I'll help you shoulder the stress of taking care of your brother.Just tell me what all you want me to shoulder and I will until my name is written within polished stone and my soul goes to dance with the Angels.This I promise you with evey fiber of my being."She says looking him dead in the eyes.Her own somehow was their normal lilac color and the only thing you could see in them was complete honesty.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 05:05 (7 Years ago)
Ricky stroked his chin. "I am sorry, but I don't quite understand. My brother is currently in Japan negotiating some deal for his law firm. Cassie is at the front desk, and I don't believe I met a Vinna."
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 05:05 (7 Years ago)
"Well that's not fair," Shayla stated simply. "I told you the truth and now you're claiming I lied?"

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 05:07 (7 Years ago)
"Howl didn't say that. Howl said Howl's lie detector is simple and doesn't look for specifics like human, spirit, or alien."
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 05:09 (7 Years ago)
"But it glowed red, indicating I was lying, which I am not," Shayla replied simply. 'Howl needs to stop being such an insolent fool or else Madder will rip out his vocal cords so Madder doesn't have to hear him talk in the third person anymore,' Madder grumbled to himself. Shayla shot him a sly look before looking at Howl. "So your thing is wrong."

Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 05:09 (7 Years ago)
Nyx blinks a few times before making an oh face."Your not present Ricky..your past Ricky."She says backing up slightly and facepalming herself."I feel like such an idiot right now."She mutters to herself before looking up at this Ricky."Well seems we may be in a bit of a pickle.I am technically from your future."
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 05:19 (7 Years ago)
"It is simple. It ignores small details and there is a second spirit. Maybe he doesn't feel like calling himself anything else." Howl mused.


"Not hard to believe surprisingly. So, Cassie dies...this...shocking. Are you sure it is Cassie?" Ricky asked.