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Traitors Among Us RP

Forum-Index Roleplay Traitors Among Us RP
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Thu, 09/03/2017 23:44 (7 Years ago)
"Yes and no.I am here to make sure he is alright sir.The scars of the past affect our future."Nyx said truthly while watching Rickys form."I wish to help those that are here within this Mansion with me.Even if that should mean my death."
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 01:30 (7 Years ago)
The ghost smiled, "Take this memory then."

Ricky was calmly walking down the hall carefully sneaking up on a girl, and covering her eyes.
"Ricky?! I guess you were right about how stealthy you could be." the girl laughed.
"Indeed Cassie. You'll fear that more in two weeks when we are to marry." Ricky mused.
"If we survive the mission tomorrow. Now we need to go back to our rooms, don't want the others to know yet." Cassie replied walking to her room.
"Who cares if we tell them now? Leo, Casper, and Devon would be happy for us." Ricky explained.
"If we survive tomorrow, and we will tell them." Cassie offered.
"Stop saying if. We will survive." Ricky replied confidently.
"You are over confident. I think that is one reason why I loved you." Cassie mused entering her room.

"Guess how it ends." The ghost said cocking his head.
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 01:36 (7 Years ago)
Nyx blushed a bit before frowning."Ricky is here but Cassie isn't.Plus I do not remember a ring being on his finger.It didn't end well did it?"She asked looking up at the ghost."She didn't survive did she?"
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 01:45 (7 Years ago)
"Here I'll show you." the ghost replied.

Finally arriving at a clearing they saw two demons, who seemed to be fighting. One of them ran off and Ricky running after it was shot in the back with some huge spike sending him near the first demon.
The first demon was a black skeleton clad in light blue ice. He looked at Ricky and began to speak, "You have only a minute left to live. I too have a minute left to live without a host."
Ricky sat dazed, "So we'll keep each other company while we die? No thanks. If I will die, it will be in front of Cassie."
The demon shook his head, "No, we both can live. If you become my host I will live and you will live. I will give you great unimaginable power, to wield, and I'll keep quite never interfering unless you are in danger."
Ricky smiled once weakly, "I see. I still think death will be better."
Hearing Cassie scream, he nodded, "Deal."
The demon entered Ricky through mist and Ricky quickly the spike seeing his wound gone and he began to run faster than he had ever ran before and then when he entered the clearing he stood stunned to upset to move. Leo's head was gone entirely, Casper was missing his legs, Devon was impaled on a rock, and Cassie's head rolled towards him.
Screaming in rage the demon turned to him and lunged. Ricky however easily leapt over it, like it was a game of leap frog, and his skin dissolved revealing a skeleton form covered in ice.
Forming an ice sword, he began yelling in rage as he began flipping and slashing. Blood spilled over the field and by the time Ricky stopped attacking, only the torso and an arm remained of the demon and even those parts were covered in slashes.
Appearing in his human form he fell to his knees and began to cry over the loss of his friends. After a few minutes the demon spoke, "Ricky, stop giving into your emotions. Stop caring."
Ricky struggling to swallow nodded once.

"If that was only the end of it." the ghost sighed.
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 01:49 (7 Years ago)
Nyx felt tears run down her face."There is more?"She asked looking at the figure once again."Show me please.I want to help..I want to help him,please sir."She begged.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 02:01 (7 Years ago)
"Maybe not. But everyone can change, except... I have a feeling you won't let him." Galaxy replies.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 02:08 (7 Years ago)
(You'll recognize this Galaxy)

"I did let him change as he wanted."


The ghost nodded, very well.

When Shade catches up to Ixima, shes being pet by a tall girl with golden blonde hair by the entrance. The girl looks up at them, her dead black eyes showing almost no emotion. "Shade." She says simply.
"Vinna!" Shade exclaims.
Ricky froze in place looking at Vinna up and down, before his phone buzzed. It was a message from his brother asking for help and claiming Ricky was the demon. "Crap! I need back up! Anyone?"
Vinna crossed her arms. "Depends on what its for." She says, her voice and eyes still showing no emotion.
"No." Ixima says flatly.
"Uhm, sure." Shade replies.
"My brother has been attacked. He knows I have demon powers meaning Onslaught is to blame. Will you help ma'am?" Ricky asked becoming skeletal.
"Dont ever call me ma'am again. But sure." Vinna replies.
"Guardian of the life beneath..." Ixima murmurs.
"Warp to Armstrong Street please. The warehouse." Ricky said warping in to see Onslaught sitting calmly before a weird trident impaled him.
Vinna, however, ended up in the corner, hidden by shadows. She was silent, and she moved only enough to find the place she knew she would be practically invisible. Her black eyes were already taking in everything around her, making sure she knew how to deal with every possible situation.
Ricky grunted as he was thrown. His whole body screamed. How? Was it the design of the trident. Seeing the trident spin it became like a sharp shovel which he dodged only to be punched by Onslaught.
Vinna did nothing to interfere. She watched silently, dark eyes shining in the shadows like onyx.
Ricky after getting over his surprise, threw Onslaught half a mile away and turned to fight the other guy only to be surprised, "Anthony? What did he do to you?"
The spear was thrusted again breaking two of his ribs and sending them flying.
Vinna twitched once. He was going to get himself killed. Or seriously hurt. She still, however, didnt intervene.
"Dang it! I called for back up!" Ricky yelled avoiding Onslaught and the trident. Ricky's white bones became black and Leonidas let out a roar before destroying Onslaught's head and breaking Anthony's trident.
Anthony jumped up to the second floor only to have a steel beam collide with him and send flying far outside.
Leonidas began looking around before breaking support pillars.
Vinna was out of the shadows and in front of him in a second. "Calm down. Im here." She says quietly, her voice still almost flat with no emotion.
Leonidas ignored her and destroyed once last pillar breaking half the building before letting Ricky take over again.
Vinna's eyes glowed softly, turning bright silver. The building reconstructed itself, like puzzle pieces fitting back into place. Her eyes stopped glowing as she finished. "Nice job ruining the building." She snorts, the tiniest bit of amusement in her voice.
"Ah Leonidas could have leveled the entire city in a blizzard in three seconds if he wanted to." Ricky nervously laughed glad Leonidas's problem was fixed quickly.
"Learn to keep him under control." Vinna says, her voice back to emotionless. She disappears, going back to base.
"Did she miss the part where she did nothing and I had to take over?" Leonidas asked.
"Possibly." Ricky said warping back to the base.

"Still the story is not over. Do you care to here more?" the ghost asked.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 02:08 (7 Years ago)
Shayla listened quietly, thinking back to when Madder had first been tied to her body. It had been a process that Shayla never wished to be put through again, but it had been necessary at the time. Still, when she and Madder were first learning to cope with each other, it had been hard on both of them. It was only through both of them coming to accept one another that they were able to change and grow. From what it sounded like, Ricky and Leonidas had not reached that level ground yet. "Are you sure it's actually what he wanted?" Shayla asked quietly.

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 02:11 (7 Years ago)
Ricky took back control, "Yes. A guy with a gun and a sword protecting his loved ones from harm? I needed power. We both needed life. Now, I guess Leonidas is like a father. We need each other."
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 02:12 (7 Years ago)
Nyx tilted her head slightly before nodding."Yes as I had said I wish to help everyone here in the Mansion even if it means my death."She responds looking at the ghost with determined eyes.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 02:16 (7 Years ago)
Shayla cocked her head a little to the side, her eyes flicking towards Madder. He shrugged in response. "We all have our reasons for doing what we do. But I don't think you've had the best of influences on you if your "father" has taught you to attack people simply because they have not given you the answer you desire."

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 02:23 (7 Years ago)
Ricky smiled, "My life is easy one of the hardest ones out there. I doubt many can one up me. So unless you can, don't judge."


The ghost nodded continuing.

Zorra pauses. "I want you to fight someone."
"Fight who?" Ricky asked.
"Vinna." Zorra replies.
"Zorra, are you sure this is a good idea?" Shade asks, nervous.
"Guardian." Ixima reminds him.
"Yes. I do." Zorra says.
Vinna looks at Zorra, then Ricky, her face, eyes, and posture revealing nothing.
"Alright." Ricky said warping to the gym and concentrating hard.
Vinna followed, appearing on the other side of the gym. Her eyes glittered with bits of silver, and she simply stared at Ricky. As if not willing to move.
Leonidas took form next to Ricky and cracked knuckles, "Well you did it."
Ricky entered his Lemris form, "Let's do this Leonidas."
Vinna put her fingertips together and her eyes glowed silver for a second. Frostbite and Onyx appeared next to her, and she gave a small smile. "You two have met Frostbite and Onyx, right?" The two dragons bared their teeth.
Ricky nodded and changed his form again, into a reptile like demon and looked at Frostbite and Onxy in anticipation.
Frostbite and Onyx started forwards, but Vinna stopped them with a flick of her finger. "Your move." She says softly.
Ricky began by making a loud scream that hurt dragons much larger than Frostbite and Onyx while Leonidas slowly crept towards them.
Vinna twitches and a wall of sparkling diamons flares up in front of Leonidas. It expands quickly, trapping him on all sides.
Leonidas easily gets through and he continues marching slowly as Ricky screamed louder.
Frostbite let put a screech and snapped open her wings, tackling Ricky.
Vinna twitched again, and there was a pause before a spike of metal came up and shoved itself through Leonidas.
Leonidas freed himself again and meanwhile Ricky smiled, before fire directly in Frostbite's face while preventing her from leaving.
Frostbite countered it with her own icy breath, and Onyx slammed it Ricky.
Vinna tilted her head, but did no more.
Ricky easily ignored Onyx's attack and started to heat up his body, meanwhile Leonidas was still slowly approaching Vinna.
Onyx dug her claws in and activated her power, making Ricky deaf and blind, and practically numb.
Vinna watched him with her same expressionless face, eyes shining.
Ricky began screaming at a pitch that knocks out dragons, meanwhile Leonidas seeing Ricky in trouble grabbed Onyx and began beating her in rage like he previously did with Dream.
Onyx snarled and spit a bolt of fire in Leonidas' face. Frostbite came to her aid, breathing her frost breath on Leonidas' back while camouflaged.
Vinna twitched her fingers and murmured. "Don't let the noise bother you." And with that, her eyes glowed, and Ricky's vocal chords ceased to work.
Leonidas laughed, fire and ice. Cute, while continuing to beat Onyx.
Ricky sighed, what to do now?
Onyx kicked him back suddenly, and Frostbite had to dodge.
Vinna just watched with her face still emotionless.
Ricky switched to his Lemris form and became invisible. Meanwhile Leonidas easily righted himself and rushed towards Vinna.
Vinna, however, was on the other side of the gym in the blink of an eye. "Too slow." She stated simply, her dead black eyes glittering with bits of silver, but still no emotion.
Onyx and Frostbite did a quick communication in the pitch only dragons can hear, and then split up, Frostbite launching into the air, and Onyx prowling around the edges of the gym.
Ricky punched Vinna and then flew a feet away still invisible.
Vinna's eyes flickered a dangerous dark red, but then they turned normal black again. She twitched her head ever so slightly to the side.
Onyx, motioned to Frostbite with her spiked tail. The smaller dragon was still camoflagued, and listened carefully. She tilted her wings and went into a dive, raking her claws at invisible Ricky before pulling back up again quickly.
Ricky watched as the claws went through him and he floated slowly back to Vinna yanking her hair.
Vinna dodged easily, on the other side of the room in a blink. She tilted her head, as if asking "Is that all you can do?"
Ricky shook his head making the walls and ceiling break like a glass cup falling.
Vinna flicked her fingers and it reassembled itself, like the building had before. She frowned ever so slightly, not particularly impressed.
"One last thing. Leonidas return." Ricky said as Leonidas returned, "Frostbite please calm down."
Frostbite snorted a bit of frost and flicked her tail, adjusting her wings so she could use minimal wing-beats.
"You calm girl?" Ricky asked, "Snort twice if yes."
Frostbite looked at him, unamused, and snorted twice, letting out more frost breath.
Onyx flicked her tail and growled at the smaller dragon.
Ricky enter Frostbite's mind. "Hi. It is me." he said making her wave her tail.
Frostbite suddenly jerked and pushed Ricky out of her mind with a hiss. She landed and crouched, growling at him angrily.
"Sorry. So Vinna, do you like horror movies?" Ricky asked.

"Can you guess what happens next?" the ghost asked happily.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 02:28 (7 Years ago)
"I'm not saying I've had a worse life than you by any means," Shayla replied, "just that... well attacking people simply because they won't meet your desires isn't very kind." Shayla paused and fumbled. "Like I said I can't really say much since I don't know you, but... well I just think that it was wrong of you to attack me simply based on my answer."

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 02:29 (7 Years ago)
Ricky growled, "Who is the other person?!"

Noemi patted his shoulder, "Calm down."
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 02:30 (7 Years ago)
Nyx giggled a bit at what the ghost was getting at.She had to admit Frostbite was adorable.Wait didn't Noemi say that Vinna was dead?She decided to ask her question."Isn't Vinna dancing with the angels now sir?"
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 02:36 (7 Years ago)
Shayla jumped at the question. She took a step back and started to answer when Madder held up a hand and shook his head. Shayla sighed, crossed her arms, and shrugged. "I don't know, you tell me. Since you seem to be the only person here who thinks there are two people here when clearly there is only one."

Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 02:38 (7 Years ago)
(I think I'm going to leave this roleplay. So many new characters are being introduced and I have a hard time remembering all of them.)
Nanbaka Trash:
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 02:39 (7 Years ago)
Ricky growled, "I know he exists!"


"Oh yes she is, though who said I was a guy?" the ghost asked, "Still might as well explain why it hurt him so."

Suddenly, a knife is pressed to Ricky's throat. "Hello." A guys voice says.
"Ah, a boy friend or an older brother. Just a horror movie. Well have you seen one called The Cat?" Ricky asked.
"Older brother. Sevi, put the knife away." Vinna says, but theres a hint of amusement in her voice. "And no, i have not."
Sevi reluctantly slips away the knife. "No."
"No. No. Very very NO." Sevi replies.
"Oh shut it, you dont get to make that desicion." Vinna snaps.
"It is about a serial killer cat from my world. Complete crap, not scary. It is one of those so bad it is good movies. There is only good actor. He beats the cat and is goofy." Ricky explained.
"Interesting." Vinna replies.
"Did I mention NO." Sevi says.
"It is...so my offi...oh yeah...I don't have an office." Ricky sighed, "To my room or yours. You have a tv right?"
"Unless you want to be attacked by dragonets, your room." Vinna replies. "Speaking of which, Onyx, go check on Thorn's younger siblings for me please?"
Ricky nodded leading the way to his room which he had painted black and gold. The windows were bricked over, and the room was mostly bare. A black throne covered in emeralds sat at the corner near a table that held a wine glass, and three wines. A pack of cigarettes was on the throne. Next to the throne was a wooden chair. At the other end was a huge chest and the tv sat on a stool. "So I am not sure if I could tamper with the rooms, but I did."
Vinna shrugs. "Zorra doesnt care. If you die, she always manages to change it back."
Ricky set on the movie which involved the main character killing zombies in a game oblivious to the fact that the cat killed a guy. When the fat kid died he he blamed it on diabetes. Then more people were killed off and finally the main character broke the cat's spine.
Vinna was silent through the entire thing, messing with her bracelet every once in a while.
"So crappy as I said, but I hope you enjoyed it. As I said only the main character was good." Ricky said.
"Agreed." Vinna says, as theres a knock at the door.
Ricky sat on his throne, "Enter." he called sitting like a king.
A smaller version of Frostbite, with slightly darker scales, opens the door and looks at Vinna. She makes a sort of purring sound.
"Hm. I better be there. Cant miss that. Tell me Ricky, do you like dragons?" Vinna asks.
"I do indeed like them." Ricky explained. "Heck, I have a pet dragon."

Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 02:46 (7 Years ago)
Nyx watched the scene."Ricky has good taste in movies."She mutters before laughing a bit."I take a guess Sevi didn't like the fact that Vinna was hanging out with Ricky."She then stands silent for a few mminutes before what the ghost first said registers in her mind.Her eyes widen comically."Oh no I'm sorry if I offened you.I just figured you were a guy since you look some what shaped like a guy."As she says that last part she blushes heavily and draws a figure of a guy in the air.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 02:47 (7 Years ago)
"What proof do you have for this individual's existence?" Shayl asked.