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just wait (started, open!)

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP just wait (started, open!)
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 715
Posted: Wed, 14/12/2016 21:24 (7 Years ago)
Not too long ago, everything was normal. You could remember laughing and hanging out with friends, all of you having a great time.

In the small town of Orre, Pokemon lived happily. Everybody knew each other, whether they were close friends, or just neighbors. If a traveler came to town, everybody greeted them like family. It was an extremely close community...

Until people started disappearing. Left and right, people would just..disappear. Not a trace of them left; people began to blame each other for the disappearances. Fights broke out over the smallest of things--like staring at another Pokemon.

Then, to top it off, a zombie-like infection spread throughout the world. Nobody knew the cause. Nobody. They just knew that it was bad.

The infection would slowly work its' way through the body, turning your behavior more and more hostile. Your blood would begin to become a black-like color, and, pretty soon, there was no sanity left in the person. Your sanity was degraded by the infection, and instead of the person you once were, you were now a feral beast; living only to infect others, spread the virus, and kill.

If you were weak enough, or lucky, the infection would kill you. If you were strong, you could fight it. But the ones who fell in the middle? They were turned into beasts.

Now, the world has become a dystopian wasteland, every survivor fighting for food, shelter, and protection, in general.

You are one of these survivors. You live in an abandoned hotel--with quite a few other Pokemon. You bicker quite a lot, but that's not what matters.

Little do you know,

The future of the entire race depends on you.

Hey! My name is Yuri, and welcome to Just Wait, an apocalyptic-like Pokemon roleplay! In this roleplay, there may be small mentions of blood, but, as this is a child friendly website, there will be nothing major! Without further ado, please take everything required!

Quote from rules- As previously stated, keep gore down to a minimum! You can have small mentions of blood, but please, don't go any further. Death is allowed, however! Just make sure you ask permission before killing a person's character.
- PH rules apply.
- You can have as many characters as you can control, but please only go to your personal limit!
- Please don't just pick up a character off of Google Images, and call it your own! If you don't have a appearance for your character, describe it! Maybe commission someone to draw them for you!
- Please make at least 5 sentences worth of role playing. I really don't want this RP to go down fast--no one-liners, please!
- Get creative with your character's backstory and personality! Maybe they ran away from home and ended up in Orre? Maybe they appear calm and collected, but are actually extremely rebellious? Don't be afraid to pour your heart into your words!
- In my eyes, Mary-Sues/Gary-Stus don't exist. If the character means something to you, then why question it? But, I'd like a believable character! Don't give them rainbow hair or dragon eyes without a reason.

Got those down? Good! Now, let's move onto the form. (remember to delete the "( )"!)

[center]I'd like to join!
Name? ~ (insert character name here)
Age? ~ (insert age here)
Gender? ~ (can be any gender, don't limit yourself to just male or female!)
Species? ~ (pokemon species here)
Appearance? ~ (anthro pokemon are survivors! feral pokemon are infected, keep in mind!)
Any weapons? ~ (does your character use weapons? put that here!)
Personality? ~ (get creative with this! try being descriptive, don't just put two words.)
Backstory? ~ (optional, if you'd like. you could put "to be edited", if you are still unsure, or "to be discovered" if you'd like it to have it discovered in the role play.
Other? ~ (is your character infected/will become infected? put things here that don't fit in other categories!)[/center]

Now, here's my forms!

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Name? ~ Soul. Actual name is unknown. They seem unwilling to share it.
Age? ~ 18.
Gender? ~ Agender, they / them pronouns.
Species? ~ Mimikyu.
Appearance? ~

Art by me.
Any weapons? ~ Butcher knife.
Personality? ~ Despite their somewhat intimidating appearance, Soul is actually quite the sweetheart. They aren't very evil, no matter how much it seems like it. Their entire life, Soul has been killing things. At first, it was the small Dedenne. Now, they can take on larger things. They don't mind blood, and actually don't seem to know that killing is wrong. They're completely oblivious to most concepts, but are actually quite kind, if you can get past the butcher knife. Basically a murderous cinnamon roll.
Backstory? ~ to be edited
Other? ~ May become infected, still debating. Many people confuse them to be infected, due to their homicidal nature.

Name? ~ Chee, nicknamed C and Chee-Chee.
Age? ~ 21.
Gender? ~ Genderfluid, they or he pronouns.
Species? ~ Chingling.
Appearance? ~

Art by me.
Any weapons? ~ No, more of a pacifist.
Personality? ~ Chee is extremely clingy and needy with loved ones--he needs constant love to show him that you aren't leaving. He has abandonment issues due to a former relationship. Despite how clingy he is, it takes quite a lot for him to be comfortable around new people. He never really talked much, when he was a kid, and is kind of a selective mute.
Backstory? ~ to be decided
Other? ~ N/A

Okay, I believe that's all. Now, feel free to post~!

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Wed, 14/12/2016 21:35 (7 Years ago)
I'd like to join!
Name? ~ Jacksamilyon (Jack)
Age? ~ 17
Gender? ~ male
Species? ~ shiny pawniard
Appearance? ~
Any weapons? ~ Just his two knives
Personality? ~ Jack is... conniving. He always puts himself first, and is very short tempered. His ego is massive, which is his main weakness.
Backstory? ~ Jack was born special, and has been kidnapped many times to be sold on the black market for his blades. He escaped though, using fighting skills he learned from an old Gallade. When he escaped, he was caught up in a wave of zombified pokemon, bitten multiple times. He dragged himself to a warehouse, and submitted himself to the disease. But he woke up, feeling better than ever. The only reminder of who he is not is the fracture in his head-blade.
Other? ~ Jack is infected, except it seems he kept just enough sanity to be convincing that he is not contaminated.

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 715
Posted: Wed, 14/12/2016 21:40 (7 Years ago)
Accepted! Very interesting character~ OvO

Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Wed, 14/12/2016 22:00 (7 Years ago)
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I'd like to join!
Name? ~ Marie
Age? ~ 14 and a half
Gender? ~ Girlflux ((They, Them, She, Her))
Species? ~ Leafeon
Appearance? ~

Any weapons? ~ Double Pistols and a wink
Personality? ~ Negotiator. She's jumpy and easily scared, the youngest in her friend group. She is quiet and sweet, also kind. She is awkward and weird, with very little friends. She is innocent and naïve, and quite untalkitive. Quiet, Hippie, Nature obsessed, smart. She's a complete bookworm, and animal lover.
Backstory? ~ To Be Discovered
Other? ~
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 140
Posted: Wed, 14/12/2016 22:14 (7 Years ago)
I'd like to join!

Name? ~ "Evo"
Age? ~ "19"
Gender? ~ "Well, I usually use girl pronouns, but you can call me a he too, I have some tom-boy inside of me"
Species? ~ "I'm an Umbreon"
Appearance? ~

Blue eyes|Art is mine
Any weapons? ~ "I have a bow"
Personality? ~ "?" Playful, Loves all the Eeveelutions, clothes are colored to match all the eeveelutions except Umbreon because shes an Umbreon, she has a fear of heights, kind, wants to help with a cure
Backstory? ~ To Be Discovered
Other? ~ Will be infected|I decided to use an Umbreon because I usually use like Vaporeon or Eevee
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Wed, 14/12/2016 22:27 (7 Years ago)
I'd like to join! ( I guess :T )

Name: Cin ( People somehow get her name as Sin, but it's alright that she could be nicknamed Sin for some people )

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: Very small for a Cinccino, she doesn't like wearing things at all, so she won't be having anything on except her furry look. ( Oh, and she's a survivor, sorry about that )

Weapons: That annoying moveset of hers. ( King's Rock and Skill Link adapted moves )

Personal: Calls herself a " Mad Scientist ", would want anything to be her way because of how the world right now works, doesn't want to mess up her reputation trying to get friends.

Backstory: She was a little Minccino, from Unova to Orre, who always wanted to travel and show off her science projects with others, even though she didn't like when people touch her things because she thinks they would mess it up. ( Cinccino's concerns of being clean and also why she doesn't have friends ) She really loves a Noivern, who's moved away from here as soon as he heard about the infection. Now, without notice, she doesn't know if she could survive this town without friends being by her.

Other: Will probably grow into an insane Scientist through the process of trying to save the world.

You feel a disturbing something at the end of this signature. . .

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 715
Posted: Thu, 15/12/2016 00:08 (7 Years ago)

accepted~ adorable character ;u;that wink is deadly


accepted~ very cute character as well!


accepted~ sin--

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 21
Posted: Thu, 15/12/2016 01:20 (7 Years ago)
I'd like to join!
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Emily, though she prefers to be called Lilly
Linked for size!
note: art is not mine!!! only in my dreams could i draw that good... rip
Any weapons?
Lilly has a simple sword; its sheath is around her waist.
Lilly is very happy and outgoing most of the time. She doesn't get angry or annoyed easily, but when she does, she gets angry. She is fiercely protective of anyone she considers a friend, and is not afraid to stand up to those who oppose her.
Lilly has dreamed of traveling the world for as long as she can remember. So when the opportunity to travel to Orre came, she took it without a second thought, dragging along her best friend, Ruin. But after the infection started, Lilly decided that it would be safer to stay in Orre than to try and travel back to Kalos. And after Ruin became infected, Lilly felt like she needed to stay, in case a cure was found and she could help her friend. Since the infection of Ruin, she had tried to stay away from the infected and not hurt them, but when Lilly realized that this was a "kill or be killed" situation, she found she had no choice but to fight back.
Lilly is not infected, and is searching for some type of cure for the infection to help Ruin.

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Any weapons?
Just his teeth and claws. Ruin doesn't need anything else.
Even before being infected, Ruin had a short temper. He gets angry at everything, and would often get in trouble for starting fights. Now, along with a short temper and anger issues, Ruin is suspicious. He will attack anyone who so much as glances in his direction.
Originally from Unova, Ruin fled to Kalos after a big argument with his parents. Once in Kalos, Ruin met Lilly, and the two instantly became friends. Being with Lilly helped Ruin to control his temper, and Ruin felt indebted to her due to that. But then Lilly convince him to go to Orre, where he got infected. He doesn't feel indebted to her now.
Ruin used to be best friends with Lilly, but now he's infected. Not completely, but enough that he's hostile and will attack anyone.

"It is not the strong that win. Those that win are strong." -Palkia
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 715
Posted: Thu, 15/12/2016 02:02 (7 Years ago)
Both accepted~ uvu

We could start now, if you guys would like~ ;u;

Trainerlevel: 87

Forum Posts: 1,804
Posted: Thu, 15/12/2016 10:26 (7 Years ago)
Moving to 'Pokemon RP' :)

Art credit: gelatin
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Fri, 16/12/2016 19:59 (7 Years ago)
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I'd like to join!

Name? ~ Twinkle

Age? ~ Unknown

Gender? ~Tomboyish

Species? ~ Extinguished Vulpix (No Fire abbilities)

Appearance? ~ Made with Vulpix Dress Up
Any weapons? ~ Her teeths are like needles but they cant really hurt you so her speed is her main weapon

Personality? ~ She is the person who will always put a smile on your face , she is usually acting like a pet and she is always trying to help . Maybe she cant really talk but i am sure that she would tell you that you are her best friend ! ... Ha Ha , This is what others think but Twinkles true personality is hiding behind her mask . She loves to control to control people and trick them and it usually ends with serious injury or , if you are lucky , death . Dont get fooled by her cute face , she cant feel any emotion . She sees others as her toys/slaves and she loves to play Hide and Seek , Try to never be alone with her but dont forget: She thinks that you are piece of ash and she will dont expect you to be clever/strong , use it as your power

Backstory? ~ To be revealed

Other? ~ She is infected and she dont want to turn back
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 715
Posted: Fri, 16/12/2016 20:21 (7 Years ago)


And since enough people are here, I suppose I'll start it~

Chee exhaled heavily, shaking slightly as his "hands" gripped onto the railing of the balcony. Below him stood a once happy place, filled with laughter and cheer. Where nobody was different--you were all the same, and equal. Now, it was a battlefield, with everyone fighting to survive this Hell. The Chingling looked back, the hotel's slightly cracked glass doors staring back at him. This was their current shelter--the Arceus Hotel. He lived with several others, but he found Soul to be the creepiest. They could stare at him for hours on end, which unnerved him. He shivered, walking back into the hotel room, dulled wallpaper greeting him. The TV was on, but nothing but static was playing. "I hate this place..." he muttered, shutting his eyes and hugging his own arms. Chee, he thought. Keep being strong. You've got to, for your friends! His "eyes" slightly watered at the thought of his old friend, an apprentice florist, laughing and smiling. That friend was gone now. He had to fight back against this...infection. For Blitz's sake. His death would never be in vain.

Soul made a humming noise through their mask, staring at the infected Pokemon's head underneath their boot. The infected Pokemon seemed to be a black and purple Glaceon, their eyes red and pink. Their teeth were sharp as knives, as well as their glare. It appeared this infected still had some humanity, no matter how small. Soul's grin grew wider at the thought, pulling out their butcher knife, and laying it on the Glaceon's tail. The beast hissed, and Soul quickly jumped away before the Glaceon hopped up, trying to bite them, but failing. They were now stuck in place, thanks to the heavy butcher knife. "S..t..a..y." Soul muttered, their voice shaky from disuse. Getting up, the Mimikyu walked towards a familiar store--one that they had stolen from quite a lot in their earlier street days, and opened the front door. The small, once happy jingle of the welcome bell chimed throughout the store. Stiffening, Soul looked around the shop to make sure there wasn't any infected hanging around.

Once they were sure, they straightened out and walked forward. They needed something..specific. Humming out a cheerful tune, the Mimikyu browsed the shop as if everything was normal. "C-c-c'mon..." they whispered, looking back at the Glaceon across the street. They were still pinned by the tail, but looked ready to kill if provoked. They were thrashing around, trying to get free.

The Mimikyu's eyes widened, and they looked for what they needed in a bit of haste. Then,

they spotted it.

Quickly, Soul snatched the object from the shelf and jogged outside. Fast enough to get out there, but not fast enough to make a lot of noise. Making their way downtown towards the infected Glaceon, they noticed the black blood dripping down their mandible. Ah..this one might take a bit to fix. Humming out "Jingle Bells", after quite a few minutes, they had managed to get the thing on without being bitten.

Backing up, they looked at their handy work with a smile.

They had just out a muzzle.

And a leash.

On an infected Pokemon.

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Fri, 16/12/2016 20:55 (7 Years ago)
Jack walked down the alley, gutting each infected houndour that lunged at him, with one fell slash. His eyes seemed to glow, but he didn't care. Even though he seemed to pass undetected through these infecteds, he loved the feeling of his blades sinking into the disgustingly normal flesh. As he came out, leaving a pile of corpses on the ground behind him, he saw what looked to be a mimikyu and an infected glaceon. He stalked closer, up until he could stab the mimikyu in the back. "Taking it out for a walk, are we?" He positioned his weight so if he was attacked, he could easily dodge.
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Fri, 16/12/2016 21:18 (7 Years ago)
Cin wakes up for another day in the once peaceful town of Orre. She then sighes as she misses the only one she loved. Her thought's then disrupted by a sight she couldn't take, a Mimikyu and a Shiny Pawniard, . . . and the infected Glaceon. " Seems as the strongest only survives, so I'll stay here, while I make my own invention to get out of this... " Cin then secretly exits the hotel, trying to find scraps for her newest invention, but she's stopped by the sight of an infected Garbodor and a Ralts struggling to survive the attack the garbage bag was doing to the miserable thing. Cin felt an urge to attack in order to free the Ralts, but she knows she isn't strong enough herself, and that she didn't bring her King's Rock, so she leaves the injured Ralts to find some scraps.
You feel a disturbing something at the end of this signature. . .

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Fri, 16/12/2016 21:21 (7 Years ago)
Twinkle was sitting under the balcony of a Arceus hotel , this place looks boring. How could she ever accept this place like a paradise ? This whole town is just a trash , awaiting to be removed. She is not joining the battle and she ignored other infected pokemon that are almost everywhere .
They are surely staring at her , they should focus on killing these beasts and not stare on her. She heard a noise behind her and she turned around , there was a infected ratata. "Ooo , Hello there Little One? Will you join me for a dinner ?" Twinkle said in her cheerful voice and angry Ratata jumped at her , biting her nose. Twinkle made a squeek noise and she quickly shaked her head and ratata falled on ground and bafore it could stand up Twinkle put her heavy paw on its tail. "That wasnt nice..Well then." She said bafore slowly opening rattatas body with her small claws and then eating it
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Fri, 16/12/2016 21:30 (7 Years ago)
Marie was sitting in a corner against a wall. She held her notebook and her bag was propped against her leg. She had a pen in hand, and she was currently drawing herself. She blinked, and knew it wasn't perfect, rather, more animated. She shrugged, and continued. She wiped her nose on her sleeve, and sniffled. She was tired. And sad. Angry. She probably could name all of the emotions. She shifted to straighten a bit, and she yelped as something prodded her. Turning around to look into the shadowed corner, she saw shattered glass, about three pieces. "From the Windows, maybe?" She asked herself, picking them up carefully. She set the pieces a little away from her, and started to continue her sketch. Life was terrible now, huh? She let out a soft, pitiful laugh that slowly turned to a hoarse cough. She sighed after her coughing fit, licking her dry lips.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 715
Posted: Fri, 16/12/2016 21:49 (7 Years ago)
Soul eyed Jack, an annoyed expression on their face. The short Mimikyu wasn't exactly terrifying, but, if needed, they had their knife. "G-g-go away." they whispered in a shaky voice, picking up the knife off of the Glaceon's tail while also snatching up the leash. Maybe Cin could help them...? they thought, although they weren't really into the thought. They exhaled, noticing how their breath was seen in the cold winter air. They were now slightly glad they wore a hoodie all the time. They glanced back at Jack a final time, before pulling the protesting Glaceon along with them. The beast seemed terrified, in a way, and was snarling like a cornered dog.

They really hoped they could help the poor thing.

The truth was, Soul actually felt pity for the things. If they were infected, there was a low chance of Soul even trying to kill them. It wasn't their fault they were like this.

They just hoped this would stop...and soon.

Chee grumbled, rubbing his tired eyes with his arms. As he moved, his head made a slight jingle. He was glad he was alone. Staring at the static television, his mind wandered. Where did everybody go? Sure, he knew Soul was out, but that didn't explain the sudden disappearance of the others. Eyes widening, he held his hands to his head as he slightly panicked. "What if they got lost? Infected? What if they died? W-w-what if..." he trailed off, eyes wide and terrified. Oh sweet Arceus...this was his fault. Whimpering, he wanted to claw at his round head, but, as he had a scarf for arms, that was kind of impossible.

Idiot, they're fine. his mind muttered towards him. That slightly...eased his worry. He stopped hyperventilating, and smiled. They were alright...he was being stupid...right?

Dear Arceus, he hoped so.

Wow, I can't write panic attacks for the life of me.

Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Fri, 16/12/2016 22:04 (7 Years ago)
Cin finally reaches some abandoned car store, where a Magnezone used to work there. " I used to love this store before he died by an unknown explosion. " She then takes the remaining scraps from the burned but sturdy looking store. She then walks out and bumps into the same exact Garbodor, which seems to be menacingly growling, about to attack her. { I'm gonna die now, just because I don't have my King's Rock with me. Heheh... } The Garbodor then starts Attacking Cin, as she smells the stench of the trash bag. She somehow manages to Tail Slap the Garbodor, and then finish it off with a tiny pebble she keeps in her fur. " Wow. I don't even know if to escape this place and leave the others to deal with this, or to help stop this mess by something... NO! An antidote? "
You feel a disturbing something at the end of this signature. . .

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Fri, 16/12/2016 22:11 (7 Years ago)
Twinkle heard barkin of a Glaceleon not far away and she smiled "Ooo , this sounds interesting !" She said she started following the noise , leaving bones and some skin of Ratata behind .
That Ratata was alive , maybe infected but alive and sentien with feelings and Twinkle killed her even that she wasnt hungry and she doesnt care. Why should she ? Nobody is going to miss a stupid ratata.
She wonders what happened to that Glaceleon , it doesnt sound like a normal fight of infected pokemons...
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 21
Posted: Fri, 16/12/2016 23:03 (7 Years ago)
Lilly was sitting alone in one of the Arceus Hotel's abandoned rooms. She was sitting on the edge of a bed, thinking, mainly about the best ways to attack infected Pokemon. But, as usual, her thoughts began to drift to Ruin. Where is he now? Is he okay? What is it like to be infected? Lilly thought, gazing thoughtfully out a window. A small smile formed on Lilly's face as her thoughts turned to recalled memories, but she was interrupted by a whimper, barely heard above the sound of static. "Chee? Is that you?" She called out, standing up and walking down the hall. "Is everything alright?"

Ruin was confused, to say the least. He had been wandering around Orre, as he often did these days, trying to avoid being noticed. But he froze in his tracks as he saw something he never thought he would: a Mimikyu, trying to... help an infected Glaceon? But then Ruin's eyes glanced towards the intimidating Pawniard hovering behind the other two. He narrowed his eyes, taking a few steps back, a low growl forming in his throat. He wouldn't attack, at least not now. But if any of those Pokemon so much as glanced in his direction, Ruin decided he would attack first.

"It is not the strong that win. Those that win are strong." -Palkia