Forum Thread
[S] PH stuff/currency [W] PFQ, FR, DV
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → [S] PH stuff/currency [W] PFQ, FR, DVThis thread will have more info.
Click my PFQ party as a guest for 1k PD!
Shiny Mega Zangoose
Shiny Mega Mightyena
Shiny Mega Flareon
(The 3 shiny megas in your party, not sure if I got the pokemon right)
Albino Cryogonal
Shiny Yamask
Albino Cyndaquil
Shiny Fennekin
Shiny Alolan Vulpix
Albino Zorua
Shiny Maractus
Shiny Rockruff
Shiny Poochyena
Shiny Litten
Shiny Starly
Albino Maractus
Albino Whismur
Albino Litten
Shiny Whismur
Albino Shinx
Albino Glameow
Shiny Bulbasaur
Shiny Sentret
Shiny Ivysaur
Shiny Venusaur
Shiny Feebas
Shiny Mightyena
Shiny Minun
Shiny Zorua
Shiny Zoroark
Shiny Romeo
Shiny Stufful
Albino Bulbasaur
Shiny Parchirisu
Shiny Furret
Shiny Growlithe
Shiny Lunupine
Mega Jolteon
Male and Female Seasonal Grotle
Apocalyptic Poochyena
Female Shooting Star Clefairy
Shiny Magikarp
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Click my PFQ party as a guest for 1k PD!
Shiny Mega Mightyena 150-200K
Shiny Mega Flareon 350-400K
Albino Cryogonal 200-250k
Shiny Yamask 200-250k
Albino Cyndaquil 200-250k
Shiny Fennekin 200-250k (female)
Shiny Alolan Vulpix 100-150k
Albino Zorua 200-250k
Shiny Maractus 50-100k
Shiny Rockruff 100-150k
Shiny Poochyena 50-100k
Shiny Litten 150-200k
Shiny Starly 50-100k
Albino Maractus 100-150k
Albino Whismur 150-200k
Albino Litten 300-350k (female)
Shiny Whismur 50-100k
Albino Shinx 200-250k
Albino Glameow 200-250k
Shiny Bulbasaur 100-150k
Shiny Sentret 50-100k
Shiny Ivysaur 100-150k
Shiny Venusaur 100-150k
Shiny Feebas 150-200k
Shiny Mightyena 50-100k
Shiny Minun 150-200k
Shiny Zorua 200-250k
Shiny Zoroark 200-250k
Shiny Romeo 100-150k
Shiny Stufful 100-150k
Albino Bulbasaur 300-350k
Shiny Parchirisu 50-100k
Shiny Furret 50-100k
Shiny Growlithe 200-250k
Shiny Lunupine 700-800k
Victini 20-50k
Mew 20-50k
Cresselia 20-50k
Heatran 20-50k
Regirock 10-20k
Zapdos 20-50k
Hoopa 20-50k
Yveltal 20-50k
Mega Jolteon 150-200k
Male and Female Seasonal Grotle 10k
Apocalyptic Poochyena 5k
Female Shooting Star Clefairy 5k
Shiny Magikarp 20-50k
Just kind of approximate values, based on what I bought them for and stuff.
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Click my PFQ party as a guest for 1k PD!
@Reckless, my highest offer so far is 275k PD, which is still too low for me. I think I'm going to reserve everything for now, actually, until I am low on PD/nuggets.
30k PD
I took the lowest values of those as well - 2.35m PD : 6.29m credits. Let me know what you think. ^^
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Click my PFQ party as a guest for 1k PD!
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Click my PFQ party as a guest for 1k PD!
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Click my PFQ party as a guest for 1k PD!
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Click my PFQ party as a guest for 1k PD!
@ArcanicRose, I am actually down to 321 gems at the moment. I can trade those for 321 nuggets c:
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Click my PFQ party as a guest for 1k PD!
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Click my PFQ party as a guest for 1k PD!