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Orphans College.

Forum-Index Roleplay Orphans College.
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Mon, 12/09/2016 21:54 (7 Years ago)
Pan bit his lip before looking at the girl again.
"Im starting with the first house." He said and pointed in the direction where the first dormbuilding was. He smiled a little and nodded shortly before jostle up his glases a little. They had drifted down on his nose a little as they spoke.
"Let's meet back here when we're done." Pan added. This would be suck a huge help, everything would go faster and it might even get funnier. A thought hit him. What was the girls name? He never got it right?
"Sorry but, I didn't really catch your name?" He looked at her face calmly, waiting for an answer.

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 164
Posted: Mon, 12/09/2016 21:58 (7 Years ago)
Cassidy finished the slideshows and emailed them to the teachers. She had finished a lot earlier than she was anticipating. She wasn't really sure what to do now so she decided to explore the town and the campus. She had never been in town before school so she was really new to the place. Besides, she needed to replace the ink cartridge in her printer and she was eyeing a new tablet.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Mon, 12/09/2016 22:10 (7 Years ago)
"Alright. And I'm Emma. Use any nickname you want if you'd like." She said, her smile widening. She had heard a lot of nicknames in the past; Em, Emmers, Skippers, Skip. She looked away for a moment. How had she heard those names? Oh... Her family. Right. She winced slightly. After about three seconds she blinked and shifted her gaze back to the boy before her. "Well, may I ask for your name, sir?" She asked lightly, before turning a bit of a darker red. She used that name on impulse, she'd been raised to be like that. Her eyes shone a bit, turning lighter in the sun. She blinked more, smiling softly. As she shifted her weight, her hair shimmed on her back, and the paper in her small arms ruffled a bit, but not creasing or ripping them. Her smile wavered for a split second, but didn't completely falter.
Trainerlevel: 46

Forum Posts: 296
Posted: Mon, 12/09/2016 22:23 (7 Years ago)
Koshōshō started to finish off the base for her drawing. It was a woman looking at the ground, her arms crossed almost hugging herself, looking disgusted. She seems to try and look away from something. Something Koshōshō can't fill in. She starts tapping the table with her pencil, her other hand over her mouth. She couldn't think of anything. She sighed, standing up and dropping her pencil back on the table. She decided to go out and explore for good now. She left her dorm without bringing anything, not realising herself. She started to walk downstairs, to the exit.
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Tue, 13/09/2016 10:41 (7 Years ago)
Napoleon let himself sit back down on his bed, he didn't much care for Colt's comments on his attitude, that is if he interpreted the bits of words he heard correctly. "Well, yeah half" he didn't bother telling him what his other half was "learnt it in the military." Honestly, he couldn't answer exactly if he wanted to, only his brother remembers that, he only knew the general area. The follow up questions slightly surprised him, he seemed to have given the questions a bit of thought "honestly, even I don't know why he named like that, when we met he just told me to call him that, nobody could really argue since I don't know where's any of his documents are, not even sure if that's the name my parents gave him, I just got mine in the military, and never changed it." His last question seemed to make him think for a while "well, our first house back in Germany burnt down mysteriously one night when I was gone, next thing I know, my brother books a flight to a country I didn't even knew of, and we seemed to be randomly wandering around till we got here." He said trying to comply with the questions, and was quite surprised he didn't mess up too much with the grammar.

Sirnef took a look around, where could he possibly go. He sighed, took a look around, and just started wandering around, trying to find nothing in particular, his dog following quietly, without a collar due to their trust among themselves. He didn't have to go that far, a quiet spot seemed strangely easy to find. He sat down his dog already trying to sleep beside him. He took around, watching the scenery simply enjoying the peace and quiet.
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They laugh because they know you're sad
They sing because they know you're angry
They attack because they know you're scared

They picked on you ever since you were young
They laughed until sanity you had none
You had nothing while they had their fun

And yet you still call them your friends
Thats a sad life you're living
And I bet you want to escape it, badly
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Tue, 13/09/2016 13:35 (7 Years ago)
Mitch shrugged. "I dunno, memories? A kind of portfolio or something? I'unno." Mitch bit his lip and stared at Maou, slowly stroking her back. "I have my doodles, mostly because I'm a hoarder." Mitch chuckled. Maou turned her head to peek out of one eye at Mitch. She arched her back then padded around to a more comfortable position. Mitch sighed. "So did you just not like anything you made? Bet it's better than anything I could make." Mitch had tried to make a bowl once, and it had collapsed into a decorative plate, so he was pretty confident in that statement.
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Tue, 13/09/2016 17:09 (7 Years ago)
"How about, Little Emmie?" Pan smirked at her before laughing a little and gave her a pat on the shoulder.
"Just kidding, Call me Pan, just Pan." He liked teasing other people when he got the chance. He had always done that ever since he was a little lad, mostly because he got teased himself for his glasses then. It happened yet today, but not as often. "Let's get going, so we can get this done due time." Pan wanted to get this done so he could idle afterwards in his room. He started to walk again, away from Emma since they were doing different building.


Leo put one of his fingers to his left sideburn.
"I store my memories in here." He smiled gently thowards Mitch and Maou. They were really cute, both of them. He glanced to Cricket who still sat on the trampette swing. She had put her head under the wing, ready to take a nap. Leo felt a little curious about Mitch doodles, but decided not to ask too many questions. It could wait, or he could atleast save that question until they got quiet and didn't have anything else to say to eachother, just to break the 'silent-barrier'. Leo closed his eyes as he shook his head.
"I guess that's just how it goes." He answered. Not really sure why he said it that way. Leo looked out the window, spotting spooky trees without leaves.
"Anyway..." He started, looking back at Mitch and Maou. "Wanna check out town with me?"

Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Tue, 13/09/2016 19:18 (7 Years ago)
(I`m sorry about that. I was on my phone so it was 5 lines)

"Hey what are you looking for?" she looked at him and giggled. Let`s just go and you can find it on the way. She grabbbed his hand and started dragging him to the school house. But then stopped." Hey I have an idea. I have a medical kit in my room we can go there and I`ll fix myself up and if you fancy you can meet my dog Ricky." She started bouncing up and down of exitement still holding his hand and when she realized she lightly blushed and jumped back " I`m sorry I`m used to holding hands with my friends from my old school. It was an only girl school!"
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 164
Posted: Tue, 13/09/2016 19:33 (7 Years ago)
Cassidy shoved her phone into her pocket and walked out of campus. She stopped on the sidewalk to look both ways before crossing the street. She didn't think the plaza was too far away and she was right. After a few minutes of walking she readhed the plaza and looked around. She but her lip and sighed. There were so many stores here, and a lot of computer stores. She sighed and began to window shop.
Trainerlevel: 92

Forum Posts: 1,617
Posted: Tue, 13/09/2016 19:38 (7 Years ago)
Colt's face scrunched up in a small frown as he thought about the information he was given. Apparently, Napoleon was in the military. From a veeeery young age if he was given a friggin' name there. His parents wouldn't even bother naming him? Man, that's cold. But they did keep Sirnef around? Or not? Regardless, Colt was kind of surprised Napoleon didn't seem to resent his brother for the favoritism. Though he could be reading the information completely wrong and it wasn't like he could really understand the relationships families had. They tended to defy logic pretty often and he didn't get it.

Upon the mention of the house-fire, Colt just assumed the parents kicked the bucket then. However, he didn't give it that much thought, something else caught his attention. Suddenly sitting up, Colt looked at Napoleon with a mix of surprise and excitement. "Wait what? You just traveled around the world just like that? You're kidding me, that sounds so cool. How'd you even afford it? Your parents were rich or something?" Colt got a somewhat mischievous smirk on his face then before continuing his word-vomit. "Or are you notorious bank robbers?" He was secretly partly hoping he hit the jackpot with his joke. It would be kind of neat to share a room with bank robbers. That was most likely not the case though.

Colt didn't seem to realize or care that he was basically squeezing information out of Napoleon without giving anything up about himself in return. Though it wasn't like he was particularly secretive, it would be weird to start citing his whole life-story out of nowhere without being asked. And even then, his life wasn't interesting in the least.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Tue, 13/09/2016 21:23 (7 Years ago)
Emma nodded, smiling. "Alright, see you soon!" She said, turning and walking off to the 2nd building. She slipped inside, searching for the starting point according to the top paper. She smiled when she found it. "Ahh, here we are." She slid papers under the doors, hearing them being picked up behind her at some times. She began humming softly to keep herself from being bored. She continued to slip the papers under doors and into dorms. She stared thinking to herself. 'Little Emmie.. That's new. ' Sge thought, sighing. She knew she was petite, but she didn't like it. Not at all. Soon, she reached the last one. A sigh escaped her as she slid the last one under the door. Straightening, she stretched, smiling. Biting her lip, she headed down the stairs, and walked to the door.
Trainerlevel: 46

Forum Posts: 296
Posted: Tue, 13/09/2016 21:34 (7 Years ago)
Koshōshō thought about where to go as she walked down the stairs. She decided to go to the forest, she thinks it's a calming place to be. She didn't really pay much attention to her surroundings except when she spotted the forest. She walked at a normal speed, which was slow to her but she thought it would be better to do so. Her hands were behind her back, not knowing where to put them.
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Wed, 14/09/2016 01:05 (7 Years ago)
Mitch listened silently to Leo's words, staring at Maou instead of maintaining eye-contact, and only responding with a nod or a shrug. Upon invitation to check out the town, Mitch lit up. He sat up instantly, eyes twinkling and merry, his grin large. "Do I!" Mitch responded, picking up Maou as he stood and ungracefully dropping her on her bed, leading to Maou making ungodly mewls of protest. "I'd love to!" He dug through a pocket of his bag and pulled out a skinny wallet, which he jammed into his pocket along with his dorm key. "Let's go!"
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Wed, 14/09/2016 10:05 (7 Years ago)
Napoleon didn't give much thought to his roommates reactions, he seemed to shrug off any bad thought he could have possibly gotten. He stood up and checked his desk, it seems like he was looking for something again. When his roomate cracked a joke he couldn't help himself, he dropped a book he was holding around on the floor, and laughed a bit more than it seems he should have. "Of course not, and around the world is a bit of a stretch, a few country possibly. Financially, he was the one to get us trough it all" he said looking towards the door "honestly, I don't know how much money we had, or how much we had left, we'd stay around for a bit, usually in apartment, looking for jobs, and if it not work out we would leave, we decided that finishing education would make our lives easier, and here we are now, lucky we even found this place." He reached down and grabbed the book, put it back on the desk, and continued to search.

Sirnef shivered a bit, wasn't always the easiest to sleep trough the first weeks of spring, but he gets trough it, one way or another. He got up, strange, he felt like he couldn't focus, he didn't even feel like meditating, it felt like something was slightly disturbing him. His stomach growled slightly, he emmited a groan, it couldn't be that late already could it? Time for an early snack he guessed, trying to wake up his dog "come on buddy, we're going for a snack" the mention of food got him up and running within seconds. "Heh, silly little dog" he said pulling out a map from his bag, tracing invisible lines, trying to find out where exactly he was going, and deciding where he would go. Being happy with his decision, he set off back to civilization.
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They laugh because they know you're sad
They sing because they know you're angry
They attack because they know you're scared

They picked on you ever since you were young
They laughed until sanity you had none
You had nothing while they had their fun

And yet you still call them your friends
Thats a sad life you're living
And I bet you want to escape it, badly
Trainerlevel: 92

Forum Posts: 1,617
Posted: Wed, 14/09/2016 20:28 (7 Years ago)
Oh goody, Napoleon laughed at his stupid joke, they couldn't be getting off on the wrong foot then. Splendid. Poor random book though, it didn't deserve such a painful fall. It seemed like Napoleon had problems keeping still, he was almost constantly doing something, at least from what Colt had managed to observe so far.

Colt really didn't know what to think of Sirnef apparently being mostly behind the brothers' living so far. It sounded a bit fishy. "Maybe Sirneffy was the only bank robber then. And right in front of your very nose this whole time." He offered with a cocking of an eyebrow. Still, unlikely, but an amusing thought nevertheless. "Either way, must've been nice to have the money do all that," Colt then pointed out, even if Napoleon didn't think much of it himself.

But Colt had seen the dorm room and his roommates so it was about time he did something with the free day. Getting up from the bed, he stretched a bit, before straightening himself and stuffing his hands into his pockets. He then turned towards Napoleon, noting the difference in height somewhat unhappily. "I'm gonna head out and see what kinda stuff I'll run into around here, wanna come with?" he asked the other male nonchalantly. Though Napoleon hadn't bothered to go out with his brother so Colt doubted he was interested in randomly wandering around with him.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Thu, 15/09/2016 01:29 (7 Years ago)
Navneet pulled his hand back. " Geez, what do you think others will think if they see you like this. Let's just get to your room and fix you up. " He said in a somewhat irritated tone and helped her walk to her room. Navneet was having internal thoughts on whether this girl was crazy or whether she is just putting him. Perhaps, he can find answers later and help her at the moment.
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Thu, 15/09/2016 07:44 (7 Years ago)
Leo gave Mitch a big smile before standing up straight beside the bed. He walked over to his side of the desk and picked up his scarf. This could actually get really fun! He felt sort of proud over himself for coming up with the thing, which probably was visible in his face as he picked up his wallet from the outer pocket of his bag. He put it in his left back pocket.
"All ready?" Leo asked, looking up to Mitch face again, then back to Cricket to see if she was still sleeping. Yup, and soundly with her cripping hum. Leo put his scary around his neck,then drag a hand through his hair again so it fell into place.


Pan looked back in Emmas direction before he Put a faster phase on his feet. Emma seemed to be a pretty nice girl, or either just atentionseeking. He shook his head. She was new here, it was pretty obvious, and she probably only wanted to make friends. She had seen this as an opportunity. Pan smiled a little, thinking he had counted out her tactics about this. He entered the first dormbuilding, thinking that he should start at the third floor. He started to make his way up the stairway, halfway stoping and looking down on himself. Man, he sucked at this. Not just walking up stairs, but all the athletic grueling stuff. He had never been good at it, and just got an E grade the earlier year.

After catching his breath again, he took the last steps to the third floor. "Right" he muttered before walking that way. Looking at the shedule on the top of his paper pile, room number 325 was right. Before getting there he put his glasses up again, then took the first shedule and put it in the small door letterbox. Doing that repeatedly the next 20 doors.

(To all of you: I'm currently sick, and might not be able to answer posts as fast as usual, for example, yesterday I never did. I will probably get well soon, but I still want to remind you all, 5 lines! I've seen some lack. Remember, I'm always watching anyway even if I'm sick hushus Cx)

Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Thu, 15/09/2016 10:21 (7 Years ago)
Napoleon giggled at the extended part of his roomates joke "heh, yeah right, be a bit cool tough, wouldn't it." He continued searching his desk, didn't drop anything this time, and frowned when he couldn't find what he was looking for "immer sicherhe" said sighing, that damned man, always playing it safe. He took his phone, pretending as if it was what he was looking for in the first place, tough it might have been obvious that was not the case. His roomates invitation was a pleasant surprise "huh? Oh, sure, why not?" He said, trying to hide the excitement in his voice, even if it hadn't been that much. He put his phone in his pocket "so, uhh, where we going?" He said, trying his best to cope with the height difference

Sirnef hadn't gone to anything special, in fact, he just went to some random fast food restaurant in town. He just got some french fries and some chicken nuggets, to go thank you very much, before going back into the streets. He would constantly take a fry or two every few seconds, he was absolutely addicted with these things, always had one every two days at least. He dropped a chicken nugget down in front of him every thirty seconds or so, his dog constantly taking it before it can touch the ground. He wondered where to go next, malls always had too many people, always was a headache inbound, the library was always quiet, but a bark from his dog quickly reminded him why that wasn't an option, the park? Maybe? Sure, why not he said, tough he didn't really know exactly where that was, and would probably take a while for him to find it, before he gives up and takes out his map.
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They laugh because they know you're sad
They sing because they know you're angry
They attack because they know you're scared

They picked on you ever since you were young
They laughed until sanity you had none
You had nothing while they had their fun

And yet you still call them your friends
Thats a sad life you're living
And I bet you want to escape it, badly
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Thu, 15/09/2016 15:47 (7 Years ago)
"Yes yes yes yes yes let's go let's go!" Mitch grabbed Leo's arm, jumping up and down excitedly like a child. Mitch's eyes were wide and earnest. "Dude I don't even know what this town is called but holy heck I want to go," he jabbered, grinning. Without another word, Mitch dragged Leo out of their room by his elbow, pausing only momentarily to shout at his cat and lock the door. "Don't wreck our stuff!"

With that warning, Mitch grabbed Leo's wrist and bolted down the stairs, hardly even looking where they were going.
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Thu, 15/09/2016 17:02 (7 Years ago)
Leo, wide-eyed, didn't even get to tie his scarf before Mitch had grabbed his arm. He almost got shocked about Mitch excitement, like, that guy had a lot of energy stoerd or something. The best part was that the energy felt positive, which Leo couldn't withstand. He blossomed up in a big smile, almost blushing, as his heart had skipped a beat because of the sudden contact of Mitch hand around his arm.
"The town is called Little Romsey." Leo had read it in the newspaper about the college, that the college would be laying less than 5 kilometers away from the town. as they both got downstairs, Leo looked around him.