Time Limit - 450 Minutes For writer test -
Send me a article on what happening around ph and interview,be
careful article and more with photo send me via pm
for bonus point - take 5 people interview and tell them to contact
Time Limit - 460 Minutes /For Adviser -
Pm me ten best idea for times of emera town.
for bonus point - find 5 more ideas from your friends and pm
Time Limit - 600 Minutes/For Designer
try to make news layout and main title - Times Of Emera Town With
transparent and for bonus point - you can make badge of
Point List {Top 5 Will Be Selected}
1.KingHenryTheFirst - 20/100 - Passed Round - I
2.ShadowPikaSami - 13.5/100
3.mariangeorge - 11.5/100
4.zachy156 - 9.5/100
Hi, when is this due? ; v; I know I signed up but I'm kinda
preoccupied at the moment and I can't attemd to this until much
later (or possibly tomorrow omg I am so sorry)-- ; o;
5 ideas: more pages, realistic newspaper, fun activities (word
games, etc.), opinions on the newest updates, star ratings for each
post, advertisements
there! if you'd like to learn more about me, go check my
good thank you and you are great artist and desginer and one more
think this task is not the only thing you can do more than task
make more design and give me make more ideas, do people interview
and much more that can also give you points