Jade finally stopped hearing chaos "Oh, its gone. Welp that's good,
it hurts my ears" She said and sat in the sand "Now because the
person who controls me is un social and doesn't know how to
roleplay right shes going to sit me down" She said breaking the 4th
Blu faced his floaty hand toward pegui and make a makeshift gem
destabilizer "Get off my tail" He said and the gem destabilizer
made a spark.
Redstone then teleported back to the beach house with
Steve, Tanstone and Yellow Tori.
"We're back!" Redstone then looked around. Carnelian was nowhere to
be seen, and Blu had goo and Pegui all over him. "...I can't let
you some seconds alone, huh?"
All of the sudden, Ruby Fusion ends up smashing the kitchen with
her head
After getting up, Ruby Fusion and Alexandrite keeps
fighting. Alexandrite stumbles on the Rubies' ship, falling to the
ground. Ruby Fusion jumps at Alexandrite with her giant gauntlet,
breaking her mask. Alexandrite gets up, heals her mask and keeps
attacking Ruby Fusion
"Crap! Alexandrite is outnumbered! We gotta help!" Redstone tells
Blu and Yellow Tori.
Redstone then grabs a random stone and breaks the warp pad,
so Blu could't escape "Don't worry, Dogoo can heal it" he looked
back at Yellow Tori and Blu "Alright, we all could-" Redstone then
sees the Gem Destabilizer on Blu's fingers. "Dogoo! Grab that!"
Dogoo woofs, and bites the Gem Destabilizer. Dogoo didn't die
because he is half Flask Robonoid.
Seeing a fusion getting wrecked by another fusion was actually
quite amusing to watch. Especially if it were common Ruby guards
against one-of-a-kind gems (except for that Pearl), It surely was
interesting. But they still couldn't help, Maybe moral
support at the least would work out-- But the Ruby guards would
identify them, It's too risky! Ugh, screw being identified. You
have to help those who didn't bother to bubble you!
Redstone was finally able to make the gem destabilizer fall off
Blu's arm. Dogoo grabbed it with his mouth, runned to the Ruby
Fusion and stabbed her foot. She turned into a lot of small
gemstones. Alexandrite then unfused herself.