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•° Maniac's Log °•

Forum-Index Diaries •° Maniac's Log °•
Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Sat, 28/10/2023 14:08 (1 Year ago)
Page 6 ||| Page 7 ||| Page 8 - ͓̽

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° Halloween 6.0 °
° Advent Calendar 8.0 °
° Valentine's Event 6.0 °
° Fun Fair 2.0 °
° Tall Grass 1.0 °
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Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Sat, 28/10/2023 15:30 (1 Year ago)

° Halloween 6.0 °

Started: 23rd October 2023
Ended: 4th November 2023 ??

Trick or Treat:
I'm afraid of Ghosts!
This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Halloween, Halloween
Halloween, Halloween!

I'm gonna make this short. This year there is 1 new Halloween Event Pokémon; MissingNo. (Marowak) [25k sweets].

Too busy this semester, so I don't have that much free time to get this event. But I'll chime in now and then to collect some sweets; slowly gathering enough for the egg. I may or may not get it in the end... we'll see.
Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Fri, 01/12/2023 22:34 (1 Year ago)

° Advent Calendar 8.0 °

It's December already? Huhh?
It doesn't feel very christmas-y, to me at least. Probaby because I've been constantly working on assignments and labwork :0
Anywaaay, it's time for the advent calendar!
Open at least 20 doors until Christmas and choose between two new legendary Event Pokémon.
Open all 24 doors and receive both!

Day 1 - 6
Show hidden content
Quote from Day 1 || 2
Make 2,000 interactions.

Retro egg obtained!

Time for some early christmas shopping! Spend at least 2,000 PokeDollar on items at the Item Market (GTS).

5x Ice Gem obtained!

Quote from Day 3 || 4
Make 1,500 interactions.
Solve 10 hangmen.

Nostalgic event egg obtained!

Send 2 Dream World Plushies (Min.: 40 DP each) to another user.

1x Rare Candy obtained!

Quote from Day 5 || 6
Buy 10 Lottery Tickets. Good luck!

200x GC obtained!
Catch 5 Pokémon at the beach.

1x Magnetic Bait obtained!

Day 7 - 12
Show hidden content
Quote from Day 7 || 8
Feed 200 berries to Pokémon.

1000x Powerorb obtained!
Is there a Pokemon that you still need? Bid on an Auction! (1)
Interact with 25 Pokémon/Eggs on the Index-Page
("Give a hug?"/"Feed Free Berry!"-boxes)

1x Mystery Box (Brown) obtained!

Quote from Day 9 || 10
Send 2 Plushies to another user! (Min. Price: 40DP)

1x Event Plushie obtained!
Make 2,500 interactions.
Flip the coin at the game center 100-times.

Nostalgic event egg obtained!

Quote from Day 11 || 12
Brrr, it's cold... Fill your Party with Fire Pokemon! (4)

1x Leaf Stone obtained!
Send at least 1 christmas gift to a friend (See news post for more information).

1x Mystery Box (Green) obtained!

Day 13 - 18
Show hidden content
Quote from Day 13 || 14
It's free! No challenge today. 5x Great Ball obtained!

5x Great Ball obtained!
Summon the snow in Emera Town! Place 5 Ice-Pokemon in your Party.

15x Wepear Berry obtained!

Quote from Day 15 || 16
Send out at least one christmas gift.
Make 250 Interactions.

1x Mystery Key (Black) obtained!
What are your goals for 2024? Share them in a feed with the hashtag #NewBeginnings

1x Mystery Box (Pink) obtained!

Quote from Day 17 || 18
Make 3,500 interactions.

Nostalgic event egg obtained!
Interact with 20 Pokémon/Eggs on the Index-Page
("Give a hug?"/"Feed Free Berry!"-boxes)

1x Biscuit obtained!

Day 19 - 24
Show hidden content
Quote from Day 19 || 20
Set up an auction at the Auction House.
Did you find any auction that you're interested in? Bid on at least 3 auctions!

5x Poké Ball obtained!
Set up a Wonder Trade!

1x Fire Stone obtained!

Quote from Day 21 || 22
Christmas is near - don't forget to send out some christmas gifts! 2.
There are many eggs freezing! Hatch 3 eggs.
Last but not least: Time to chill at the Game Center. 20 coinflips.

1x DNA Splicer (Black) obtained!
Make 2000 interactions.

1x Mega Stone obtained!

Quote from Day 23 || 24
It's time for a Pokemon Christmas Party! Invited guests: Spheal, Delibird and Vanillite! 3 in your Party.

1x Snowling Plushie obtained!
Interact with 8 Pokemon/Eggs on the Index-Page.
(Feed free Berry/Give a hug?))
Hatch 4 eggs.
Secret Santa! Set up a wondertrade.
Close your eyes and make a wish.

You received a premium upgrade (1 week)! Merry Christmas!

Day 25 || Special
Show hidden content
You have opened all 24 doors and received both rewards!
You received two very rare eggs. Take good care of them!

Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Sun, 18/02/2024 20:42 (1 Year ago)

° Valentine's Event 6.0 °

Started: 12th February 2023
Ended: 18th February 2023 || pokemon received on 19th

The air is tainted with some kind of toxin... oh wait, it's love!

As previous years; collect sweet hearts by interacting and sending plushies. No new ways to obtain them.
Now, the requirements; send a card to at least 5 different users.
The reward; a new valentines-themed event pokemon.

Show hidden content
1 ⨯ Not qualified yet
2 ⨯ Not qualified yet
3 ⨯ Not qualified yet
4 ⨯ Not qualified yet
5 ⨯ 0.3 %

Quote from
Oh, you sent out so many lovely cards to other users!
Do you want to claim your special Valentine’s Event Pokémon?

You sucessfully received the Event Egg and placed it in your party.
Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Mon, 26/02/2024 20:55 (1 Year ago)
TBA header

° Fun Fair 2.0 °

Started: 26th February 2024
Ended: 11th March 2024

The Fun Fair is back!
Some differences since 2022; shiny plushies (Pinsir, Magmar) cost 30 Fair Tickets and harvest sprite plushies cost 100 FT (Rainbow costs 250 FT). Inflation hit the Fun Fair as well, because now the retros cost 250 FT (Charizard, Feraligatr) and 500 FT (Zapdos). The other items cost the same tho. There's also a New Event egg for 400 FT and a new minigame!

I need... let's see... at least 400 for the new event. 660, including missing harvest sprite plushies and shiny plushies.

Quote from Corn Maze || 500
Welcome at Scaractus' Corn Maze!

After paying the entrance fee, you are free to explore the corn maze for the rest of the day! You may enter and leave as you please. On the next day, however, the maze will be all new, so we charge the same fee again.

In the corn maze, you can find five different stickers. You'll receive a generous amount of Fair Tickets for collecting all five in one day and then reaching the end of the maze. But beware: Some paths might be blocked by wild Pokémon...
Let's see if it's the same as two years ago.

Show hidden content
[Day 1 & 6 & 11]

Each red dot corresponds to the screen you see when you play. Star is the exit.

[Day 2 & 7 & 12]

[Day 3 & 8 & 13]

[Day 4 & 9 & 14]

[Day 5 & 10 & 15]

Quote from Apple Bobbing || 100
Bobbing an apple a day will bring magic, hooray!
We can only bob for apples once a day. So it's like the fountain.
Show hidden content
1] You bobbed a super fresh apple, it looks incredibly glossy!
(Increased shiny chance)
2] Hey, that's not an apple you just bobbed! ... Wait, that's my little PuffPuff. I thought I'd never see him again!
Thank you so much for finding him. Here: Have a reward.
(100 Fair Tickets obtained)
3] Woah, that's an extremely large apple. How did you...?
(Increased mega-able chance)
4] You bobbed a super fresh apple, it looks incredibly glossy!
(Increased shiny chance)
5] Tasty! You really do like apples, don't you?
Here, have a plushie!
(Event Plushie obtained)
6] Hey, that's not an apple you just bobbed, that's a Poké Ball! Funky.
(1x Poké Ball obtained)
7] You bobbed a very fresh apple, it looks so glossy!
(Slightly increased shiny chance)
8] Woah, that's an extremely large apple. How did you...?
(Increased mega-able chance)
9] Hey, that's not an apple you just bobbed! ... Wait, that's my little PuffPuff. I thought I'd never see him again!
Thank you so much for finding him. Here: Have a reward.
(100 Fair Tickets obtained)
10] Tasty! You really do like apples, don't you?
Here, have a plushie!
(Event Plushie obtained)
11] Hey, that's not an apple you just bobbed, that's a Poké Ball! Funky.
(1x Poké Ball obtained)
12] Woah, that's an extremely large apple. How did you...?
(Increased mega-able chance)
13] Hey, that's not an apple you just bobbed! ... Wait, that's my little PuffPuff. I thought I'd never see him again!
Thank you so much for finding him. Here: Have a reward.
(100 Fair Tickets obtained)
14] 50 tickets
15] Tasty! You really do like apples, don't you?
Here, have a plushie!
(Event Plushie obtained)

Quote from Ducklett Fishing || 580
Welcome at the Ducklett Fishing!

After starting the game, you'll see Ducklett and its friends floating on waves. You'll be equipped with a rod - use it to catch one of them; but only one! Take as much time as you need for making your decision. All of the Pokémon have a random number hidden on their bottom side. This will be the amount of Festival Tickets you win. Choose patiently and wisely!
There's a 15 min cooldown, but interactions will reduce the cooldown.

Quote from Wingull Gulf || free once. 1,500 after
Welcome at the Wingull Gulf!
In this game, you'll see Wingull and Pelipper flying in the air. Your aim is to click-and-catch as many of them as possible.
But be careful: Do not click on any Pokémon but Wingull and Pelipper!
The game ends after roughly 2 minutes. Your final score will then be converted into Fair Tickets.
Refreshing the page resets your score and the entrance fee needs to be paid again.
There's a 30 min cooldown.

Quote from Whack-a-Diglett || 1,000
Welcome at the Whack-a-Diglett!
After starting the game, Diglett and its friends will briefly lurk from their holes. You'll be equipped with a soft hammer - whack 'em! The more you whack within the 60 seconds time frame, the more points you get.

Watch out: Whacking an Orthworm will make you lose points!
1 hour cooldown.

EDIT; 01.03.2024
The new event;
Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Sun, 24/03/2024 14:40 (11 Months ago)
TBA header

° Tall Grass 1.0 °

Started: 14th March 2024, 16:00
Ended: 24th March 2024, 16:00

Rowan's lost shipment
Delivery Delibird dropped a large order of Tadbulb eggs all over Tall Grass. Now we have to help find them all!

Quote from Lost Shipment (Special Event)Oh dear! This can't be. ... Please tell me this didn't happen. ... Oh dear, oh dear.

Maniac, I need your help! My latest shipment of Tadbulb eggs got lost in the wild! They are incredibly important for my current research. I have no idea how this could have happened, but my delivery Delibird dropped all parcels over the Tall Grass. They must have been too exhausted to carry the load. If I am being honest to myself, I have indeed ordered perhaps a bit too much recently. But I am this close to a great discovery, I can feel it in my joints!

Please find as many as you can, hatch them and bring them back to me. I will reward you, of course, depending on how many you return to me.

Rewards at [x] returned Tadbulbs:
Show hidden content
[3] Increased shiny chance for Tadbulb eggs from the Tall Grass during this event
[5] 1x Thunderstone
[10] 20x Electric Gem
[25] Wo-Chien egg
[40] Increased shiny chance for Tadbulb eggs from the Tall Grass during this event
[50] 100x Electric gem
[60] 1x Mega Stone
[75] 250x Electric gem
[90] Increased shiny chance for Tadbulb eggs from the Tall Grass during this event
[100] 1000x Electric gem
[125] Shiny Tadbulb egg
[200] Shiny Wo-Chien egg
All rewards claimed. Thanks for your help!

Sitewide milestone: At 10.000 returned Tadbulbs, the radar scanned twice as fast for eggs in the Tall Grass (lasted for 24 hours).