"You see, nothing major. Only a small collection." Ricky said
opening his door and showing the dioramas that spread across the
room. "Lexi, I got your dog food, also, do not mess with the cat."
"Lexi, show Catherine some of tricks. Shake." Lexi extended her paw
and put it in Ricky's hand. "Bark once for yes, and twice for no.
Are you hungry?" Lexi barked once. "Will you attack the cat?" Lexi
barked twice. "Good girl, come one let me get you your food."
Ricky fed Lexi before looking at the clock. "I got to go to Science
class. Lexi, when Catherine and Lily leave, make sure no one
enters." Ricky said grabbing his back pack before running off.
Tsukishima was already in class.Head held in hand,drumming his
fingers on the table and headphones present on his ears."Classes
are sure boring."He mumbled
Something that feels as good
as this, there is nothing else like it,
"Okay then. See you soon." Ricky said before running up the stairs,
right before the teacher made it to the door he slipped in.
"Mr.Johnson, you are late." the teacher said sighing.
"Sorry, won't happen again." Ricky choked out gasping for air.
"Mr.Johnson why were you late?" the teacher asked looking at
"Sorry, I went to the store, here are all the supplies you said you
wanted when the school had the money." Ricky said gasping before a
knock came on the door.
The teacher opened it up and three men with shopping carts started
to hand out all the technology and other science stuff.
"All paid for by me." Ricky said sitting down in his desk.