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New world, new rules [Gijinka RP with a twist][Semi-Lit.]

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP New world, new rules [Gijinka RP with a twist][Semi-Lit.]
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 252
Posted: Sun, 25/05/2014 17:32 (10 Years ago)
username :Fuzzykit
character : name Josh
pokemon : raichu
age : 10
gender : male
apeerence : Josh has a raichu tail and ears blue eyes weres glasses and shorts.
personality : Josh is a energetic ever going kid he made a pact to always keep trying after his parents died in a fire.
History : he always lived alone never knowing what was going to happen next
other : n/a
password : corrupted

Trainerlevel: 92

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Sun, 25/05/2014 21:00 (10 Years ago)
Before I accept you, I have a question or two.

First of all, what do you mean with this: "he always lived with his raichuee named zap-"? Is there a some kind of typo there or do you mean Josh has a raichu? If that was the case, I would have to ask you to change that since all pokemon are extinct in this RP.

Secondly, I'm not entirely sure whether this is the best RP for you or not based on your form, you might not meet the standards I've set up for this RP. You know, People's names isn't the only time you should use caps for. If you think you could do this:
Quote from Rules-This is semi-literate RP so it would be great if you could post at least 3-5 sentences with good grammar in one post.

then I guess I could welcome you to the RP. :d
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 252
Posted: Mon, 26/05/2014 14:24 (10 Years ago)
Well he had a raichu but then pokemon went extinct and also i was just in a hurry i had to interact for scattercube

Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Mon, 26/05/2014 14:41 (10 Years ago)
Character name:Katelynn
Appearance:has gardevior legs and wears a dress and has brown hair and has brown eyes
Personality:Sometimes funny and happy but is sometimes stuborn
History:She doesn't rembember much after she turned into a Gijinka but Wants vegance on the people who did it to her

(not every good with forms sometimes..)
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Mon, 26/05/2014 19:08 (10 Years ago)
Jacob, having given up trying to signal to Jacob, dove into the crowd and struggled to where the human was shoved into the alley, keeping a strong hand on Megan's wrist, trying his best not to lose her. The Pawniard-Gijinka pushed through the mobs and made it close to the building that was right next to the alley where the human disappeared. Jacob burst around the corner, unsure of what he expected to see.

Megan followed suit, just in time to see The Gyrados punch the wall. He winked at Megan, who nodded. Jacob secured his bandanna and burst into the Alley, hands in fists so the blades stood out. "Hey, what're you doing to my client's pet!" Megan snarled, acting as a translator. "Any idea what would happen if you attack that human? Well my client has knuckle blades." Megan added, scoffing. Jacob gave her a 'Really?' look, before flashing his blades again and trying to look intimidating despite his incredibly small size. Grace was watching from the roof nearest to the alley, not jumping in, but still watching with interest.
Trainerlevel: 92

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Mon, 26/05/2014 19:57 (10 Years ago)
((@joshualee207: Well, it's not said clearly in the first post, and I apologize for that, but it's already been way longer than 10 years since the pokemon went extinct. :d

@Pikafans104: Are you sure you know what this RP is about? No one has been turned into a gijinka. They were born that way. Before you fix this, I can't accept you.))

Jonathan just blinked stupidly as a pawniard gijinka and a human girl suddenly appeared seemingly out of nowhere. He had never seen the two before but they were apparently trying to help him judging by their lies. Although he had no idea what their motives for such actions were. Maybe they were just trying to get their hands on him for some reason and he was just getting out of the frying pan and into the fire. Which would have been the likely outcome if there would have been two gijinkas coming to his aid, not a pair of a gijinka and a human. Jonathan really didn't know what to think about the two.

Feeling a slight shove on his back, Jonathan was brought out of his musings as the gyarados snarled at the pair, "Taking a walk with your pet, eh? how sweet." The hostile gijinka then turned his attention back to Jonathan and leaned in slightly too close for comfort to hiss to his ear, "You're lucky your owner gives a damn about a scumbag like you."

The gyarados let go of the human male and took a step back before nodding at his thugs and starting to leave. However, he directed a glare at the pawniard gijinka once more before doing so, "I'd keep a better look at your pets if I were you. The poor guy might just end up with his skull bashed in if you're not careful."

As the gyarados left with his goons close by, Jonathan spun around to lean his back against the wall and eyed his 'saviors' with a wary eye. They didn't seem to be hostile but better save than sorry, right? To tell the truth, he just wanted to run away again, somewhere with no one there to make him nervous, but that would have been kind of rude. The odd pair had helped him and he couldn't just take off without a single word. Besides, he was kind of curious about the two so he kept in place, "Uh.... Thanks, I guess."
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 252
Posted: Mon, 26/05/2014 19:59 (10 Years ago)
okay i will change it

Trainerlevel: 92

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Mon, 26/05/2014 20:04 (10 Years ago)
((Okay, thanks. Accpeted, I'll add him to the character list and you may start posting now. :3))
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 252
Posted: Mon, 26/05/2014 20:06 (10 Years ago)
Josh was looking down on the city from afar "whats happened why oh why", he sighed.

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Mon, 26/05/2014 20:13 (10 Years ago)
Jacob sent a pleading look to Megan, who took a step forwards. "It's not a problem. I'm Megan, and this is my best friend, Jacob. He can't speak, so I act as his voice." Megan explained, smiling in triumph and folding her arms in front of her. Jacob, even after knowing the girl for so many years, still blushed at this, and pulled off his bandanna, tucking it into his back pocket. He mouthed 'Sorry' and signed it out, just in case Johnathan understood sign language.

Grace chose this moment to swoop down, landing next to Jacob. "Can we like, go have lunch now? Or do you still need to play super-man?" the Gijinka whined, flapping her wings in annoyance until she folded them against her back. Jacob winked to Megan, who quickly got the message. "Want to come? I mean, if it's okay with you and things. Jacob still has some money from an odd job he did a few days ago..." Megan grinned, offering her hand to Johnathan. Jacob rolled his eyes and nudged Grace's arm, and she finally (after a dramatic eye-roll) added "And I can pitch it too."
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Sun, 01/06/2014 01:32 (10 Years ago)
Paka stared glassy-eyed out of the window of the cafe booth the two of them were sitting at. The number two being Nicole, who was proof-reading Paka's notebook. Occasionally she would circle something or add in a note here or there. In the possesion of one of her old masters she had learned to read, and found she was rather fond of it. She quite enjoyed looking through the young Espurr hybrid's stories that he wrote up.

"You forgot an L in 'Wingull'," said Nikki. Paka gave no signs of response. He must be spacing out again. She took one last sip of her drink, finishing it off. Paka was only halfway done with his, but at least he had finished his food.

It wasn't often that they ate out, considering how much money they usually had. They had to rely on stealing much more often these days, and they never stayed anywhere long enough to get a full-time job. They usually had to do odd jobs around neighborhoods, but luckily Paka's psychic powers came in handy. With them, he could get objects down off high shelves, and carry loads of stuff with his mind. But unfortunately, most of the money earned went towards medication for his headaches. Speaking of medication, how long has it been since he had his last pill? He would probably need to take it soon, but he seemed so peaceful in his daydream, Nicole hated to snap him out of it.

((Wasn't sure how to jump in, so here you guys go. :P))

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 92

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Sun, 01/06/2014 20:50 (10 Years ago)
((joshualee207: I'm gonna have to point this out again:
Quote from Rules-This is semi-literate RP so it would be great if you could post at least 3-5 sentences with good grammar in one post.

If you can't do that, then this might not be the right RP for you. :d))


Jonathan was nervously shifting his gaze between Megan and Jacob. Neither the girl or the gijinka seemed hostile or threatening in any way so the human male allowed himself to relax slightly. However, he almost jumped as the gijinka girl he had failed to notice earlier suddenly flew down. Jonathan hated it when flying gijinkas suddenly just appeared from above you with no warning. He had learned to keep an eye out on the sky from time to time but he had totally forgotten that lesson during the chase.

However, the pidgeot gijinka didn't seem dangerous either. As a matter of fact, it seemed she didn't really give a damn about him. The offer on the other hand was quite tempting even though Jonathan felt like he shouldn't take it. Not that he was afraid of the trio, they had already proved they meant no harm for the time being, but he felt wrong for even thinking of having them treat him lunch after what they had already did for him.

In the end, Jonathan really didn't mind having some non-hostile company at the moment so he slowly pushed himself away from the wall he was leaning on and took a few steps forward, "I guess..... But I'm paying for my own food." Feeling like dumbass for not introducing himself sooner, he quickly added, "Oh, and I'm Jonathan by the way."

((And since I haven't done anything with Lance for a while. :d))


Kicking rocks as he went, Lance walked towards his usual diner. He was bored out of his mind. The previous encounter with the luxray and glaceon gijinka had left a lot to be desired. He was in need of a serious fight. He wanted to know how strong he really was. Besides, it had been a while since he had met anyone of his level brave enough to face him one on one.

Arriving at his destination, the male gijinka all but threw the door open and walked inside like he owned the place. After giving the various gijinkas occupying the diner a half-assed glare, Lance lazily sat down at a table near the window. The typhlosion gijinka leaned back in his chair and gazed out of the window after grunting out his usual order to the waiter.
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Sun, 01/06/2014 21:17 (10 Years ago)
Jacob nodded, crossed his arms for effect, and started heading out of the alley. Grace had already taken off with a huff, and was circling above them. Jacob did have to feel some pity for the human, and would need to write out the question of if he was a pet or not later. Until then Megan could keep him company. Rolling his eyes, the Pawniard had already started to leave the alley and waited for them around the corner.

"Sorry about him. He has to keep up the whole 'strong silent' thing since it's the only thing he can." Megan justified, following Jacob out of the alley to keep for a good place to grab some food. There seemed to be a diner across the street. That would work. The human pointed it out to Jacob, and he nodded, looking to the skies and signalling to Grace the place they planned to eat. "How dos that place look to you?" Megan asked Johnathan, gesturing across the street.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Mon, 02/06/2014 23:44 (10 Years ago)
(My last post focused on Nikki, time to focus more on Paka.)

Paka "caught" a few stray thoughts out of the air. Most of them were just junk about food. They were in a restaurant after all, but every so often he came across a few gems. The one that had just sat down, the Typhlosion gijinka, seemed like an...interesting guy, to say the least. He could feel another group of minds coming closer. They didn't seem like the average group, either. In the new group, it seemed that there were two gijinkas and humans each, not counting the one that had already entered.

"Nikki, I sense some interesting minds coming here," Paka said to his partner. Nikki looked up from his sketchbook.

"Really? I wonder what they're like..." she said.

(Meh, I got interrupted. I have to go for now, guys.)

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 92

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Thu, 05/06/2014 21:08 (10 Years ago)

The gijinkas didn't seem too fond of him but Jonathan had to admit the human girl appeared to be a little too nice for her own good. He couldn't help wondering what was the deal with the three. Despite being human, Megan didn't seem to be clearly owned by Jacob or the pidgeot gijinka whose name he hadn't caught yet, Jonathan made a mental note to ask later on.

To Jonathan, it seemed as if the three stood on egual ground. It had been a while since he had seen something like that. Sure, he had stumbled into some human-friendly gijinkas before but the hierarchy between the gijinkas and humans had always been visible in some form or the other. These three seemed to be friends in the actual sense of the word.

When Megan pointed at a diner across the street to him, Jonathan was snapped from his thoughts. He just gave the place a quick glance before nodding, "Seems good enough for me."

Hoping it would go unnoticed, Jonathan gave a quick glance at Megan from the corner of his eye. Even though he hated to admit it, he was kind of jealous of her.


Not bothering to pay any mind to the rest of the accupants of the diner, Lance just dug on his lunch as soon as the waiter brought it over. However, the typhlosion gijinka did lift his gaze as he heard the chair on the other side of the table scraping the floor. Gritting his teeth, Lance glared at the milotic gijinka that had sat down opposite from him and was currently smiling at him.

Shifting in his chair, Lance huffed at the other gijinka, "The heck you want, Lorena?"

The typhlosion gijinka watched as Lorena took a sip from his glass and and flashed one of her creepy smiles at him, "The boss is pissed you left like that Lancey-boy."

Lance stiffened and glared at the female, "I told you not to call-" His sentence, however, was cut short as Lorena flashed Lance a quick but firm glare that clearly stated she wasn't finished yet and she continued with her confident voice, "However, he might forgive you if you stopped this nonsense and came back now. I know you want to, we had so much fun hunting those filthy humans down."

Meeting the female gijinka's gaze, Lance voiced out his response, "Screw you." He knew full-well he was pretty much telling the other to slice his throat open. Lorena had always been unpredictable and more or less crazy. There was never knowing what she might do. However, even she wouldn't kill him in front of all those people, right?

Lance watched with a wary eye as the milotic gijinka stood up and started leaving. However, as the typhlosion was about to release the breathe he hadn't realized he had been holding, the female turned back around and looked down on Lance with a mix of disappointment and disgust, "What a pity. The next time we meet I'll have to crush that pretty face of yours."

Barely maintaining a straight face, Lance glared at the retreating form of his former accomplice. She wasn't completely wrong, he had enjoyed hunting down humans. It had been like a sport. Except no other sport was as wrong and disgusting. Lance could see it now. He doubted she'd ever realize it.

((Okay, this post was quite long but I didn't have the heart to cut it shorter. Also, Lorena might appear again later on but I'm not posting a form for her as of now. However, I will post a form for the "boss" later on. though he shall remain as a mystery for a little while longer. :p))
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Fri, 06/06/2014 19:00 (10 Years ago)
(Hey~ Would you mind if I joined?)

Username: Sinstar

Character name: Kizuna Kilara Kraven(Goes by Kilara more than her first name.)

Pokemon: Mandibuzz

Age: Unknown to her, but appears to be a young woman.

Gender: Female

Appearance: Kilara is a very unkempt girl. She appears to be in her late teens, making her seem quite young. Her hair is a bright pink with dark black tips, forming an ombre look. She keeps her hair tied in a messy ponytail secured in place by a femur bone and a sharpened tibia. Dark circles form around her amaranth eyes, darkening the closer to her pupil. The dark circles form from her bad sleeping habits. She wears a heavy amount of eyeliner, making the shade even darker. Her skin tone is a light peachy color. Her cheekbones stand out against her rounded face, giving it one defining feature. She wears a brown fur necked jacket over a pale tan skin-tight corset. The jacket has long sleeves that flare out like a kimono. The tips of the sleeves are a light fallow. The jacket falls lower in the back than in the front, falling just above her knees. Her wings are also hidden by the jacket. She wears a short skirt underneath, that looks fluffy in appearance. The bottom of the skirt is fringed in a diamond pattern. Up her legs run bloodied bandages, one going to her knee, while the other goes completely up her leg. The bandages are changed weekly, but considering how much she loves to hunt down humans, she gets hurt often. She wears light pink boots that come just below her knees. Overall, her appearance usually makes people feel that she may be weak or a helpless little girl. She uses her appearance to her advantage to trick others.

Personality: Kilara is extremely unpredictable. Being a trained liar and having psychotic tendencies, there’s never any telling what she may do next. Kilara mainly behaves as a bounty hunter of humans, making her a little unhinged. She was taught to only be loyal to the people she trusted which are few. Her loyalty runs extremely deep and she might even die for her superiors. When Kilara feels secure around the people she’s near, she’s actually quite nice. She can be very affectionate or extremely harsh depending on the person. To people she distrusts, Kilara is a much more serious person. She has a rather sharp tongue and doesn't have a filter, saying anything that simply comes to mind. It doesn't matter if its cruel or not, she'll still say it. When she becomes serious, she sounds more like a woman in her late twenties, making her appear more mature than she really is.

History: From a young age, Kilara was trained to capture humans. She grew up as an orphan, being taken in by a gijinka organization that brought humans back to their rich masters. From the age of six, she was taught to be a cold blooded bounty hunter, aiming for high rewards. As a child, she used her youth to trick older gijinka into being caught. As she grew older, she started actually hunting and fighting humans. The boss of the organization and older members all treat her like a daughter and she loyally obeys their commands. She often hunts to support herself and gain financially. She never felt like leaving the organization and it really affected how she behaves.

Other: Kilara knows nothing of her family or heritage. She also remembers nothing from before she joined the organization. Her life has mainly just been a struggle to survive. I plan on having her switch opinions and rebel from her group. ^^

Password: Corrupted

Why do I tire of counting sheep?
Trainerlevel: 92

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Sat, 07/06/2014 11:10 (10 Years ago)
((I most certainly wouldn't mind, Kilara sounds really interesting. Feel free to start posting anytime. ^^))
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Sat, 07/06/2014 15:08 (10 Years ago)
Kizuna Kilara Kraven knew she was a hunter through and through. Checking the note in her pocket she began to follow the young man in front of her. He matched all the descriptions given. Dark brown hair, sturdy build, green eyes, everything matched her notes. Kilara stalked him from a distance, carefully stepping through the crowds of walking strangers on the street. She checked her note again, making completely positive that this man was the runaway. The picture clarified and she increased her speed, gaining on the young man.

Kilara absolutely loved the thrill of the chase. It made her feel empowered. It gave her strength. Most importantly, it gave her meaning.

She noticed a man just standing in the middle of the walkway, talking on the phone. Kilara simply pushed him, making a scene behind her. She needed the poor little prey to notice, to turn down an alley, make a wrong move. And just as she hoped, he panicked. Turning down an alley was the young man’s first mistake. He gave Kilara and easy opportunity to take him away. They were now alone. Kilara smirked and spread her wings wide. They scraped the edges of her jacket and then released it, letting it flow behind her. “Now here’s how this is gonna go down, you are going to give up now.” The young man turned to look at the grinning woman and shook his head in turn. “Or I can simply take you back with a broken leg...?”

Increasing speed and practically flying down the alley, Kilara grabbed her prey by the arms. Her landing was reckless as she pushed him to the ground. She stood over him and smirked. “I tried to be nice before... One last chance, broken leg or give up?” The young man screamed for mercy, giving Kilara a wicked sense of pride. She took him by the waist and threw him over her shoulder. She could definitely carry him on land, but she doubted her wings would be too kind to him. Her grip on struggling escapees was known to release. She hated a struggle during flight and would not take the risk.

She walked through the streets with the guy over her shoulder passing a few buildings, she looked at the diner and smirked. “Hey buddy, after I get my reward I might come eat here!” She giggled, continuing on her way.

Why do I tire of counting sheep?
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 88
Posted: Sat, 07/06/2014 16:00 (10 Years ago)
{{I am so sorry for not posting earlier! Is there anyway I can be forgiven? It's not like I don't feel guilty already T^T}}
Lionel Theodosia

Lionel hummed a little beat to himself as the leisurely strolled the park, not caring for a single being around him. This was the only day in the whole week in which he was allowed to go outside and relax under the sun. To be honest, this wasn't the best way to spend ones evening but he wasn't going to sit around and complain about what little he was given. In stead, he could be grateful of what he has. He decreased the pace at which he was walking and took a good sniff of the fresh air, hoping that this kind of atmosphere could be found it the city district as well.

The young Luxray gijinka couldn't suppress a smile as he saw an Arcanine play foot-ball with his two children. He stared at them for a while, envying the attention the father was giving his young. Lionel shook his head and ignored the scene, this wasn't the time to be going through such feelings. He stopped for a while and shifted his gaze to a nearby tree that grew tall and straight, Lionel smirked and ran over to it at god-speed, loving how the wind brushed pass his mane. He reached his destination point in a matter of seconds and put his right hand on the bark of the tree. Lionel bent down and swept some leaves that fell near the trunk. He stood straight and took a huge breath before dropping himself on the freshly cut grass at the base of the tree.

Lionel leaned back on the trunk and rested his hands behind his head. He closed his eyes and started to slow down his breathing, "This is what I'm talkin' about," He shifted a little to be more comfortable, "No work...no responsibilities...just me, myself and I." The young Luxray opened his eyes to view the sky that bore no clouds. He sighed and fixed his gaze at the sky, enjoying how it encouraged him to engage in his own deep thoughts. Lionel wad now lost, he had no idea where he was but it gave him the feeling of self confidence.

He was just about to close his eyes before he felt a couple of hands grab his shirt and pull him upwards to where the person who did this was. Lionel growled as he heard, "Enjoying ourselves are we Theo?" He grabbed the hands and pushed them away, "I see you're still the jac*a** I know and hate," the mystery person broke into laughter as Lionel dusted himself and looked at him in an unwelcoming way, "When did you return from the Cripps mission?" The mystery person smiled and patted Lionel's head, "Just now," He stopped with the patting as soon as Lionel swatted his hand away in annoyance, "Thought I'd stop by and greet you first."

There was a moment of silence between the two before Lionel smiled and extended his hand for a shake, "It's good to see ya Ace." Ace returned the gesture and smiled widely, "I take it you've been tortured for a whole week?" Lionel nodded and pointed to the path that led outside the park, "Cummon, let's chat at Pete's." He received an enthusiastic nod from Aces side. The two friends looked at each other in a knowing way before Ace yelled out, "Last one there is a rotten Magikarp!" After yelling like that, Ace sprinted towards the exit while Lionel just smirked before running after him at a faster pace.

The two of them ran past many places and were welcomed by their friends while their enemies scowled at them as they dashed by. Lionel smiled slightly a he realized Ace was a few steps behind him, he knew that the Samurott gijinka was slow as hell. Ace growled as his legs were starting to ache. He knew that they ran through half of the city. Lionel looked back and saw the pain written all over his best friends face, he felt that they should call off the challenge and walk the rest of the way. As soon as he stopped Ace smirked evilly and sprinted faster than he has ever sprinted before, feeling proud of his actions. Lionel shook his head in an amused way and began to run after the little liar.

After an hour of running they finally stopped in front of pete's restaurant. Ace panting like a mad-man while Lionel coughed maniacally. The luxray got up and thumped his chest with his hand. He glanced at Ace and used his free hand to smack his head from behind, "Next time you cheat," Lionel coughed again and growled, "I'll make a sushi platter out of you!" Ace smirked and got up before walking to the front door casually, "You can't make sushi out of an otter Dumb-a**." Lionel frowned and followed his friend inside the restaurant.

Upon entering the place, they were greeted by a few of the gijinkas they knew and sat down at the counter. Lionel scanned through the menu while Ace looked at the crowd. He was giving everybody a thorough look till his eyes landed on a human outside of the restaurant. It was apparent that she was a female and was accompanied by a scrafty, pawniard and pigeot gijinka. Ace glanced at the scrafty gijinka in a distrustful way. There was something about him that seemed different and in this town, new things meant trouble.

Lionel had already ordered his meal and now it was Aces turn, the luxray patted his shoulder and said, "Hey dude...order up." Ace looked at him in a confused way, "Huh?" His gaze shifted to the menu and he nodded, "I'd like a simple root beer for now." Lionel frowned and eyes Ace in a suspicious way, "What happened to your appetite?" Ace just waved his hands in the air, telling Lionel to shoo that thought away, "Don't worry...I was just looking at some suspicious people," Ace looked over to the four beings outside, "I got a bad feeling about one of them."

Lionel raised his eye-brow and directed his gaze to where Ace was looking. His expression turned dark as he realized what Ace was trying to comprehend. The luxray gijinka looked over to the waiter and thanked him for the root beer, "Hey buddy your root beer's here." Ace grabbed the bottle while keeping his stare fixed on the people outside, "You think we should inform Remus?" Lionel shook his head and sighed, "Nah," The luxray leaned back on the counter and shrugged, "He's gonna start a whole interrogation out here. We don't want to start a scene in front of families." Ace sighed as he agreed with Lionels reasoning.

Ace took a sip of his root beer and smiled as he turned to face Lionel, "We could spy on 'em." Lionel frowned and sat up straight, "That's kinda low, isn't it?" Ace nodded and took another sip, "Yeah but it's the only thing we can do at the moment. Besides, there may be a chance that they're nice gijinkas." Lionel sighed and nodded, indicating that he agrees with Ace for now but the luxray was unsure about this plan.