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Forum-Index Roleplay Inactive RPs Fruitclan-(Accepting/Semi-literate)-Warriors
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Tue, 25/08/2015 19:31 (9 Years ago)
"Alright, Whiteleap's over there with Snowflank. I'll wait for you at the entrance to camp while you talk to him, ok?" She said, trotting over to entrance. "Try not to take to long!" She laughed, humor lacing her voice.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 623
Posted: Tue, 25/08/2015 19:34 (9 Years ago)
Firelight dips his head and walks over to whiteleap, letting him know he was going to be out for a while. Whiteleap accepted, and bid goodbye as Firelight bounded over to Fernwing. "Alright I'm ready"

(and then they do an unforgivable sin and produce medicine cat babies)

Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 386
Posted: Tue, 25/08/2015 19:45 (9 Years ago)

Flintstar waited for a few more seconds then bursts from the bush. She dug her claws into the Vole's back and bit into its neck. When she felt it go limp she picked it up and look off in the direction she came. "I wonder how Treefall is doing...?" She said through a mouth of fur.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 623
Posted: Tue, 25/08/2015 20:00 (9 Years ago)
Treefall himself had made quick work of the prey he was stalking, leaping on it and nipping its neck. He picks it up and lifts his head in pride, heading back to where they had branched off, hoping his offering would please Flintstar

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Tue, 25/08/2015 21:05 (9 Years ago)
(omg Shenz)
"Arighty then!" Fern chirped, trotting off into the woods. She pranced around a bush, hopping over a tree root as she looked for Treefall and Flintstar. She caught a glance of Treefall's fur as she hopped over a particularly large tree root. "Hey Treeefall!" She shouted, trotting to the cat's side. "Hey, I got something for you and Flintstar! Where is she, by the way?" She inquired, glancing at the forest around her.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 623
Posted: Tue, 25/08/2015 21:10 (9 Years ago)
Treefall stops and drops the squirrel. "Shes nearby, and shhh you'll scare all the prey in the forest away!" he laughed. "Flintstar was stalking a mouse when I left to go hunt this squirrel"

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Tue, 25/08/2015 21:16 (9 Years ago)
"Oop, sorry" She said in a quieter tone, a grin still plastered on her face. "But anyways, I have this thing for you!" She said, digging a charm with a small wooden charm carving of a tree strung onto a piece of green twine. "I was gonna use ribbon but Iran out of the color I wanted to use. This has more endurance anyways though." She said, laying the charm in front of Treefall. "You like it?"
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 386
Posted: Tue, 25/08/2015 21:19 (9 Years ago)
Flintstar's ears pricked when she heard her name. She snorted when she recognized the voice. "Hello to you too Fern." She smiled and said to herself when she followed the voice. She adjusted the prey in her mouth and crawled out from under a bush. She gently put her vile on the ground and gave a nod to the others.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Tue, 25/08/2015 23:08 (9 Years ago)
"Yayyy it's Flintyy!" Fern said enthusiastically. "Flint Flinf Flint I made you a thiiinngggg." She chirped, pulling a silver chain with a metal star charm and a shard of flint strung on it. "This is my only good chain necklace bit so I really hope you like it! You couldn't imagine how hard to find a piece of flint with a hole in it, so I could string it on here." Fern smiled, nudging the charm necklace to Flintstar with her nose, her tail flicking happily back and forth in the air.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 386
Posted: Wed, 26/08/2015 00:30 (9 Years ago)
Flintstar purred loudly. "This is beautiful, Fern." She picked the charm up with her tail. "Thank you so much." She licked the top of the she-cats head.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Wed, 26/08/2015 01:07 (9 Years ago)
Fern smiled, practically shining with pride. "I'm glad you like it! I make stuff like this all the time, so if you ever need anything shiny, I'm the cat to go to!" She chirped happily.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 623
Posted: Wed, 26/08/2015 01:15 (9 Years ago)
Treefall picks up his charm with a smile. "This does look amazing, you have a nice talent Fernwing, I'm impressed!" he purrs as he looks at flintstar's charm. That one is beautiful just like her he thought

Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 386
Posted: Wed, 26/08/2015 01:25 (9 Years ago)

Flintstar giggled. "I'll keep that in mind." She kept the charm curled around her tail. "These really are amazing..." She purred. "What made you start making these?" She asked.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Wed, 26/08/2015 02:03 (9 Years ago)
"Weeeelll," Fern began. "It all started when I ran away from my twolegs. You see, there was a hole in the fence where me and my siblings played and I was just small enough to slip through. Basically, long story short, I was bad at hunting and traded shiny things I made with things I got from two legs and traded them for food and hunting lessons and stuff." She explained. "In fact, that's how I met Whiteleap, who was the one who convinced me to join fruitclan." Fern chirped.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Sat, 29/08/2015 02:04 (9 Years ago)
((have I missed much?))
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 623
Posted: Sat, 29/08/2015 02:07 (9 Years ago)
//noooooot really

Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 386
Posted: Sat, 05/09/2015 16:05 (9 Years ago)
Flintstar smiled. "That's pretty interesting..." She said with a flick of her tail. She looked towards the camp and kept the charm curled around her tail as she bent down to pick up her prey. "We should head back to camp." She said through the fur.

//idk what im doing
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Sat, 05/09/2015 16:44 (9 Years ago)
So, this will be my first roleplay here on PH, and since it's to do with warriors, I'll gladly join this. I'm just hoping this will become active again ^^'

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Username: Toothie

Cat name:
Kit: Sootkit
Apprentice: Sootpaw
Warrior: Sootclaw (Current name)

Moons old: 32
Gender: Tom
Rank: Warrior

Sootclaw is a large, broad-shouldered, thick furred blue-gray tom with with luminous ice blue eyes - with soot/gray color markings on the tip of both ears, underneath both eyes, and on his two front paws. He has a lighter blue tone going from his chin to his underbelly.

Sootclaw has been a warrior for a fairly long time, and has always had great respect for Starclan and is loyal to the clan, including the warrior code.
In general, he is respected by all of his clan mates.
Sootclaw is a skilled fighter and a hunter.

Father - Longear (Deceased)
Mother - Unknown loner
Siblings - 2 unknown sisters, living with their mother
Kits - [not born yet]


Sootkit was born during a heavy storm, alongside with two other sisters. His mother, a loner, gave him away to her mate, Longear, to take away to the clan as he looked fairly weak at birth. Giving him away, she hoped he would become stronger with the help of a clan. She then left with her other kits and left Longear to take care of Sootkit in the clan. Crowstar, who was the leader at the time, was skeptical about accepting Sootkit into the clan, due to his mother being a loner, but eventually accepted him, but had no hope for him as he looked weak.
Sootkit was then apprenticed and was named Sootpaw. His mentor was Longear, his father. Longear had then realized how much stronger Sootpaw has become, and realized how much the other apprentices were jealous of him.
Sootpaw then became a warrior and was name Sootclaw. After becoming a warrior, Longear told Sootclaw about his mother. Hearing the story and finding out that his mother was a loner made him infuriated, since he was not fully clan born and his birth was against the warrior code which he respects a lot. Bearing the burden and hate towards his mother, he carried on living his clan life, trying to proof to others that he is loyal. He then became respected by his clan mates due to his loyalty and skill.

During winter, there was a greencough outbreak which led to many deaths, including Longear and Crowstar. These deaths hit Sootclaw hard, and was especially upset about his father's death, knowing he was not able to repay him for bringing him into the clan and training him.
The clan's deputy, Flintpelt, then became leader of the clan, making Whiteleap a deputy.

Password: Grassclan
Other: First roleplay! Let's see how this goes

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Username: Toothie
Cat name:
Kit: Civetkit
Apprentice: Civetpaw
Warrior: Civetpelt
Queen: Civetpelt [current name]

Moons old: 20
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Queen

Civetpelt is a sleek dappled grey she-cat, with fur markings similar to a civet, with a lighter silver underbelly and chin She has unusual bright green eyes.

Like Flintstar, Civetpelt is not judgmental and has no problem with kittypets or loners. She is a caring cat and puts others first before her.
She was one of the fastest cats in the clan back when she was a warrior.

She is currently bearing Sootclaw's kits.

Mother - Maya - Kittypet
Father - Honeytail (deceased)
Siblings: 1 Sister - Flintstar
Kits - [not born yet]


[Past is to be written]

Back when she was a warrior, she was one of the fastest in the clan and was a great hunter. She is loved by many cats.

She is Sootclaw's mate and is currently bearing his kits.

Password: Grassclan


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Username: Toothie

Cat name:
Kit: Crowkit
Apprentice: Crowpaw
Warrior: Crowheart
Deputy: Crowheart
Leader: Crowstar (name at death)

Moons old: 83 at death
Gender: Tom
Rank: Leader at death
Residence: Starclan
Cause of death: Greencough

Crowstar is a small lean black tom with a long tail, glossy pelt with a long scar across his flank, and has pointed ears. He has amber eyes.

Crowstar is very determined, and is focused on his clan, eager to make it strong. He does not trust cats that are not clan-born, assuming they will never be loyal.

Mother: Unknown - Deceased - hit by a falling tree
Father: Unknown - Deceased - drowned
Siblings: Unknown 3 siblings

Not much is known about Crowstar's history.
As an apprentice, he was often teased about his size, and was told he "could never last long as a warrior". He picked fights quite a lot due to being bullied.
His courage and determination when becoming a warrior was quite a shock to his clan mates, which led him to becoming a deputy, and eventually, the leader.

Password: Grassclan

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Username: Toothie
Cat name:
Kit: Longkit
Apprentice: Longpaw
Warrior: Longear
Elder: Longear (name at death)

Moons old: 79 at death
Gender: Tom
Rank: Elder at death
Residence: Starclan
Cause of death: Greencough

Longear is a tall, broad-shouldered, dark brown tabby tom (white markings on his front paws) with unusual long pointed ears and long whiskers. He has luminous ice-blue eyes

Longear is quite carefree and ruthless. He is joyful and enjoyed his clan life and respected his clan mates.

Mother - Unknown (deceased)
Father - Unknown (deceased)
Kits -
Son - Sootclaw
Daughters - 2 unknown daughters

Unknown loner

Not much is known about Longear's history.
His lover was a loner, who he stayed with while she was giving birth during a storm. He became a father of 3 kits, one of which he takes to the clan with him, leaving the other 2 with their mother. Longear trained the kit he brought into the clan, Sootpaw and helped him become stronger.

A few moons after training Sootclaw, he joins the elders.

During a greencough outbreak, he is one of the cats that dies.

Password: Grassclan


[i]"Shinah. It means
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 386
Posted: Sat, 05/09/2015 16:47 (9 Years ago)

Thats some good sh~t right there
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Sat, 05/09/2015 16:51 (9 Years ago)
(Ahhh thank youu! hehe. I guess Honeytail should be added to "Starclan" as well.
Anyways, what has happened so far in this roleplay? ^^ not quite sure how to start)

[i]"Shinah. It means