"Whoa!" Caught by surprise by the black and white tom, Buckpaw
temporarily fell out of balance, before awkwardly regaining her
footing. "Hey, Waterheart! I didn't see you coming there, guess
that's a fully fledged warrior for you. Is there anything you
"Not really," Mewed Waterheart "Just in a rush of things to do and
people to talk to because the Gathering is over." Purred happily as
if TideClan had no problems.
Blackbird padded up to Waterheart and Buckpaw. "Hello, Waterheart,
Buckpaw." She mewed. "Hey Waterheart, didn't you ask if I wanted to
hunt last night?" She asked, bored.
(I'm so bored right now... I'm waiting for MooMoo)
Cloudkit got up and walked out the nursery he saw the warriors
talking -unknown- and sneaked past them. He walked out of camp and
walked around in the woods
do it! I'm perfect and your perfect in your our little ways
"You don't have to bow or anything, you know. I'm just a deputy. I
can just take loyalty as respect." Blackbird chuckled. "We can hunt
now, if you want. And Buckpaw can come too." She said.
Pigeonpelt watches the warriors leave. His tail tip twitches as he
turns and heads off. Moonshine emerges from the nursery, noticing
that a kit is missing. "Where is Cloudkit?" She thinks to herself,
sniffing the air worried.
Avatar drawing made by
Silverpaw pounced on Cloudkit lightly, thankful that she didn't
crush the kit. "I was chasing a mouse and caught you, I must be the
best hunter ever!" She joked. "You should be back at the camp.
Silverpaw, tell Wadestar about this while I bring him back."
Palepaw said, picking up the kit by the scruff of his neck and
trotted to camp. The she raced back to camp, no other kit would
ever escape once it reaches Wadestar's ears.
Buckpaw obediently trotted after Blackbird and Waterheart, eager to
do her part for the clan. "Thank you for letting me join," she
mewed as they exited the camp. "It means a lot."
"You know you aren't allowed outside of camp!" Palepaw said through
muffled teeth.
"Wadestar, Palepaw saw Cloudkit out of camp and he is bringing him
back now." Silverpaw said. "I'll have to do something about this,
he might encourage other kits to sneak out of camp. Fix all holes
in the camp and remove anything climb-able. I might bury thorns
underground if it gets worse." Wadestar said.
Blackbird padded out of the camp. "Well you weren't busy, so why
not? We can use another cat in hunting anyways." She meowed and
spotted a mouse (whatever they eat) and began to stalk it.
"You dream too much, you can't play around as a warrior. Others
will think your a bad warrior and taunt you. Maybe Wadestar will
exile you." He huffed and dropped the kit in front of Wadestar,
placing a paw on the tiny squirming body to keep it there. "He went
out of camp to play. He even said that he was going to play as
warrior and apprentice, even in battle." Palepaw said.