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Hogwarts-School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Hogwarts-School of Witchcraft and WizardryShe closed her eyes, only for them to fly open in shock as she inhaled a slight whiff of smoke. She glanced at Callisto, but her hair hadn't changed a bit, so she glanced behind her to find Thomas flinching as Professor Rinestone scolded him, holding a (was that green?) matchstick in his hand.
During the summer, she had been visiting a distant cousin in her cousin's vacation house. It was an understatement to say Callisto's family was well-off; they had useful connections to just about every Wizarding family there was. Most, of course, were skeptical of their pro-Muggle views, but almost all of them grudgingly respected the Rinestone name. An enemy of a Rinestone was easily cornered and captured, it was common knowledge.
Callisto was subconsciously making her needle tap dance across her table and back, absentmindedly tapping her wand against the table top while doing so. The smell of smoke snapped her out of her pleasant reverie, and she instinctively jerked her wand against the air, shooting out a stream of clean, sparkling water.
Her once dark brown eyes momentarily flared into their striking molten gold color as her vision sharpened rapidly, sensing the subtle movements of the air currents. She hastily spotted the cause, and her heart momentarily sank when she heard her father taking points.
With a heavy sigh, she turned her attention back to her own match, knowing perfectly well that her father did not do favoritism, so she'd have to work hard to earn back those points.
Focusing for once, her needle splintered back into pieces of wood, shifting easily from wood to metal, reassembling themselves and breaking into pieces in a never-ending cycle.
A shadow fell upon her, and Callisto looked up to see her father, with a glint of approval in his eyes. He muttered something completely inaudible before hurrying away to check up on someone else, and Callisto did her best to stop a grin from spreading on her face, knowing she had just won another battle for her House.
Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.
As Mia climbed the last flight of stairs to her dormitory, she now realized who her Professor was. Professor Callicay, one of the pure-blood allies of the Grey family. She remembered him from childhood, him being the one to introduce charms to her and recognizing her talent in it.
The eagle at the doorknob now said, in a melodic voice, 'What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment, but never in a thousand years?'
Mia's eyes met the eagles as she snapped out of her reverie. "The letter 't'," she murmured, before walking into the common room.
Later, as Felicity walked alongside her to the Great Hall, her homework done in the time she took to rouse Felicity, she wondered whether the professor would recognize her.
The loss of House points was quite the bummer, and Callisto grimly noted that DADA was on a different day. Of course, there was also the stress of not one, but two people outside of her family knowing her little secret.
"Password?" The Fat Lady inquired, and Callisto answered with a dull, "Spattergroit."
The portrait promptly swung open, and Callisto listlessly entered her common room, her hand instinctively reaching for a book. She reckoned she could get a few pages of reading in before heading for lunch. The thought of the latter made her rebellious stomach grumble in protest, and Callisto ignored it as she flipped open a random book she had taken out of the library, seating herself near the fireplace in one of the loveseats.
Making herself comfortable, Callisto found her thoughts wandering from her book, and she set it down with a frustrated sigh. Nightmares had been plaguing her for some time. Around a year or so, and a particular one just couldn't get out of her head.
"You might be strong enough, little girl. But how strong will you be when I destroy every single last person and thing you care for?"
"Not on my watch," Callisto thought, her body temperature raising slightly as her hair slowly and steadily began to burn.
Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.
Sighing dejectedly, she stood up from the table, calling attention to her movement, but she merely strode out of the Great Hall, intending to go to the quiet library for a good read.
'Mia, what's up?' Felicity asked.
Mia raised an eyebrow at her pet. 'Do you expect me to feel alright after having my wandless magic, Metamorphagi magic and true appearance revealed in one day?'
If a cat could wince, that would the expression Felicity would take on as she gazed at her owner. 'Do I want to know how?'
Mia stared at her familiar incredulously. 'Really? You couldn't sense my Metamorphmagi magic change not once, but twice?'
Felicity sounded sheepish as she replied. 'I was in a lot of pain?' she tried meekly.
The only thing Mia could do was sigh.
Metrocity Magic - a Megamind/Potter crossover.
Cat's Paw - a Mewtwo fanfiction.
The blood of the offspring of two wizards, and in the wizarding world is know are pureblood. She mused in her head, although annoyed that some wizards judged her or kinds that were not like hers just because of that.
It was like the Chinese Revolutionary War, when slightly rich people's children had been teased and chided and yelled at just because of their heritage. It wasn't fair. That's when she heard a voice in her ears, making her startled and confused.
"Greetings, students of Hogwarts... I now announce that all newspapers besides those from the Muggles are banned from this school, including such as the Daily Prophet, Witch Weekly, or any wizarding news in the matter. This is for the safety of students. All newspapers in the future will be confiscated." An old man's voice said, calmly and kindly. It was the Headmaster that Clarisse couldn't name. A first-year behind Clarisse (probably a gossip girl) made a groan in irritation.
"What?!" She hissed. Clarisse turned to the girl, licking the blood off her finger quickly. "Geez, can't you live without that stupid newspaper?" She grumbled, to be ignored by the girl. Strange. Clarisse thought.
(It's because of the ''Blood War'', and they don't want the students to freak out or join in. Just a heads-up.)
Ever since her little accident, Callisto had had her fair share of hearing nonexistent people. She'd looked it up, and it was apparently something about her spirit connecting more firmly to the astral plane, or whatever. She wasn't too miffed about it.
She visibly relaxed as she recognized the headmaster's voice, her hand stopping in its tracks as the headmaster finished speaking.
"Greetings, students of Hogwarts... I now announce that all newspapers besides those from the Muggles are banned from this school, including such as the Daily Prophet, Witch Weekly, or any wizarding news in the matter. This is for the safety of students. All newspapers in the future will be confiscated."
"You have GOT to be kidding me," She exclaimed out loud, leaping from the armchair and startling the other Gryffindors, who until this point had not noticed her.
"Are you a ninja?" A nearby (and naive) fourth year brunette girl peered at her curiously.
Callisto's now molten gold eyes flickered towards her blue orbs, and the girl let out a terrified squeak as she quickly left the first year's company. Sighing, Callisto knowingly checked her hair. Yep, it was red again.
She shook her head, focusing on the announcement as she grabbed her bag, heading for lunch. Her mind was awhirl and her emotional level was reaching over 9000. Why the newspapers? What could they be possibly hiding from the students?
As she reached the last staircase, Callisto's jaw was unmistakably set. She had to get down to this. Her thoughts momentarily strayed towards her collection of newspapers, deep in a secret compartment in her trunk, but quickly forced herself to forget it as she passed a professor. The professor glanced at her once before moving on, and Callisto let out a sigh of relief.
The time for her to learn Occlumency was nigh.
Then her stomach grumbled, and Callisto was abruptly brought back to reality from her rebellious thoughts.
By all means, the time to eat lunch was also nigh.
[Casually taking down a stereotype and doing a pun in one post. I think that's good enough.]
Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.
Slightly annoyed, Mia looked up into the blue eyes of the Headmaster. He smiled benignly at her, his eyes twinkling at her. "Hello, dear. I would like to announce that all newspapers besides those from the Muggles are banned from this school, including such as the Daily Prophet, Witch Weekly, or any wizarding news in the matter. This is for the safety of students. All newspapers in the future will be confiscated."
Mia's eyes imperceptibly narrowed at him as she felt a pressure on her Occulumency shields. She slammed them up on full power, causing him to stumble backwards. She growled silently, sliding the Daily Prophet across the table, before flicking her wrist under the table. In her room, her trunk suddenly clicked as it gained several more layers of security. The Quibbler and Witch Weekly issues redirected to a secret compartment in her trunk, before she stalked to the librarian, signing the tome out.
The Headmaster flicked his wand at her feet, freezing them in place. "Do you have any other newspapers or magazines in your possession?" he asked in a dangerous tone of voice. Mia met his gaze evenly, her eyes flashing a bright white. "No, I do not, and I will cancel my subscription today," she answered calmly, before removing the spell and striding out of the library, Felicity hot on her heels.
Clarisse's Kneazle friend burst into the door carrying a limp, bloody bird. Hey Clarisse, look what I found! Glisten cheered mentally. A girl behind her shrieked at the sight of the creature's freshly-caught prey. Clarisse laughed at the girl's reaction. Well done, Glis. She stroked the Kneazle's sleek-furred head. The Kneazle began to eat the bird. Clarisse stood up and exited the Slytherin ''dungeon'', slipping her wand into the sleeve of her robe.
Almost immediately a Slytherin fourth-year trampled into the hall, slamming her head against the wall harshly making her eyes fill with water in alarm. Clarisse blinked them away to face her opponent with a hard, expressionless look. It was the boy whose robes she had lit on fire. "I'm going to get revenge on you." He hissed. "I'd like to see you try." Clarisse snapped.
The boy let go of her head, and thrust out his wand. "Aqua Eructo!" He shouted, drenching Clarisse in water. "Mucus ad Nauseam!" Clarisse cast onto the boy. He was momentarily distracted by the massive snot running out of his nose. "Wingardium Leviosa!" Her spell lifted the other Slytherin up in the air two feet. But it broke free and the Slytherin fell on the floor with a thump.
The stern, white-haired teacher rushed into the hall. She grabbed Clarisse's arm and dragged both her and the boy to her office. "Stay there!" She snapped at Clarisse once she was in the chair, and rushed away with the boy. Probably to take him to the Nurse, Clarisse thought.
Mia herded Felicity up to the tower exasperatedly. 'Am I the only one who has a magical familiar who insists on following them to all their classes?'
She rolled her eyes at Felicity's behaviour, before stalking off to the Charms classroom rapidly, ensuring that she wasn't seen by any of the Professors who might try to drag her to the Headmaster for an explanation of her...irrational behaviour.
On one hand, she had a perfectly valid reason for trying to gain knowledge regarding the wizarding world's current events; on the other, she didn't exactly have to act like that to put her points across. She sighed. At the moment, she felt conflicted with herself again.
Pushing the door to the Charms classroom open, she peered inside, only to find it empty. Heaving a slight sigh of relief, she sat down near the front of the classroom, pulling out the tome from the library and reading it.
'The Gray family were rumored to be Metamorphmagi, which has been proven to be true by the Noble House of Wethed. Due to this revelation, which has led to a possible threat being neutralized, the Head of the Wethed was granted an Order of Merlin, second Class.'
Mia snorted to herself. The Wethed were a squib family who believed themselves to be above all others. They were once pure-blood, yes, but history had already denoted that blood no longer mattered. Besides, there was solid evidence that muggles had married into their line.
"Interesting read, Miss?" a baritone voice sounded.
Mia jumped slightly, drawing her wand, sparks shooting out the business end of it at the speaker, who immediately had his wand drawn.
"Name the crest of the Callicay family," she challenged, her gaze meeting the man's.
His face dropped into a scowl for one moment, before answering. "A..field mouse."
Mia dropped her wand arm down, before throwing her arms around the professor. "It's great to see you again!"
"Likewise, my dear Mia. How has you charmwork been?"
"Year 4 level, progressing to 5th."
"Practical and theory as always?"
"You know me like the back of your hand," she responded, exhilarated at finding one of her old mentors once again.
Censorship?! Arashi fumed silently, incredulous and incensed at the very thought when someone mentioned the new ban to him. All magazines, really? What if someone happens to be subscribed to a comic magazine, or something scholarly? The only things to come of this will be resentment, paranoia and unbridled curiosity - what are they thinking? He ranted in the privacy of his own mind. He was, point of fact, subscribed to a journal - Potioneering Monthly - and he had absolutely no intentions of cancelling. If pressed on the matter, he would protest most volubly, and point out that no mention had been made of prohibiting journals. He really couldn't see the sense in kicking up an ant's nest like this one - particularly in a school containing Ravenclaw of all groups. In fact, Arashi was rather tempted to take out a new subscription just to spite the ban. Perhaps something to do with Magizoology?
Metrocity Magic - a Megamind/Potter crossover.
Cat's Paw - a Mewtwo fanfiction.
Callisto had eaten her lunch listlessly and without relish. The other students who had also decided upon a late lunch were chatting away to each other - either ranting, or firing away questions. Actually, no. At this point, it was practically the same thing.
----After exiting the Great Hall, she immediately set out for her father's office, which proved to be a rather tedious task. Callisto gazed at the solid wall where the office door was supposed to be, but she had a sneaking suspicion the rooms have moved around...again.
----Callisto bit back an irritated sigh, fully aware that it would most definitely not help her if she just stood there and raged like a spoiled child. A quick glance around easily proved that no one was around, and she slid down to the floor, her back pressed against the cold stone wall. With one shuddering breath, her eyes shifted into their blazing molten gold and her dark hair flared into its burning red, streaks of gold highlighting some strands. Callisto didn't even need to blink as her eyes rapidly sharpened into phoenix vision, startling her for a moment. She lifted her hands, noting how remarkably different it was from her usual eyesight, before pressing her palms against the wall. A shock wave buzzed through her entire body, and Callisto dared not to take a breath, lest this worked against her. She'd never purposely tried to see more than the waves of magic that rolled off people and things. She'd been too scared to try, not wanting to delve deep into the mysteries that had had the wizarding population baffled since the beginning. Callisto had been afraid that she might see too much...and knowledge was power.
----After the feeling of the coiled magic in her unraveling subsided, Callisto decided it was safe to breathe. As she exhaled slowly, the magic in her lungs twisted and pulled, causing a cooling sensation. Least to say, she was a little shell-shocked. The fiery phoenix hybrid hastily recovered, leaping to her feet. Much to her dismay, even the slightest movement allowed her to feel the subtle pulse of magic. As if she needed any more abilities that evidently separated her from a normal witch.
----It was almost too much. The magic rolled off every inch of the castle like jelly, slipping and alerting the female phoenix of everything. It took all of Callisto's willpower to locate the familiar scent of palm trees and the beach - the scent of her father. Each person and thing's magic held their characteristics. These tiny details that the magic resonated made Callisto feel quite light-headed. She dropped to her knees, her mind flooded with bits of information, and the young first year frantically attempted to shut whatever door she had opened. Almost immediately, her hair and eye colors reverted to normal, and her senses dulled considerably.
----The now dark-haired eleven year old stayed in that position for some time, panting heavily as the new information was sorted accordingly in her mind. She'd successfully detected where her father was - second floor. She didn't know at what cost. Callisto really didn't want to know, either.
----Staggering to her feet, Callisto hauled herself up, pushing against the wall with one hand to keep upright. Her eyes glinted gold for a brief moment as she heaved a deep sigh, her brain reminding her that Charms was next. A quick chat with her dad, the girl decided, and she'd head for the class immediately.
Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.
Year: First
Wand type: 13 inch English Oak, Dragon heartstring, surprisingly swishy
Heritage: Muggle family of assassins/murderers
House: Slytherin
History: Parents are the head of the Ravenwood household, famous for it's underground operations in the muggle world. Isobelle was trained to be a shield/protector/assassin for her older siblings (two boys). She found her powers after she erased the memory of her best friend from school when her friend witnessed her killing the girl's parents. She received her Hogwarts acceptance letter just a week later.
Blood-type: Muggle-born (A+, just saying, she had to go through a number of blood transfusions after several missions)
Love Affliction: - (What love?)
Personality: Cold, calculative, shuts away her emotions, powers are unstable as she becomes more emotional, loves her muggle weapons (a double sided scythe she calls "Shinigami"), good with knives, loyal when her respect is earned, likes to use poison for assassination, likes cats, foxes, snakes and owls.
Appearance: Blue hair to her knees, green eyes, wears a Fall Out Boy T-shirt and black shorts.
Wand type: 12 inches of dogwood, phoniex feather, swirled end.
Heratige: comes from a muggle family
House: RavenClaw
History: She doesn't remember much, but she knows everyone hates her. She received her Hogwarts letter after she attempted suicide. The letter hit her right after she bandaged the wounds on her arms.
Blood type: Muggle born
Love affliction: open?
Personality: shy, kind, helpful. On the inside she is very suicidal.
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