Forum Thread
Pokemon School-Rebuilt.
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon School-Rebuilt."And our last, but not least, teacher, Mrs. Mewburry!"
Mrs.Mewburry walked up on stage, and cleared her voice. "I am Mrs. Mewburry, and I teach your breeding class! I'm looking forward to seeing my students tomorrow." She finished her sentence, curtsied, and walked back to her seat.
"Hey, everyone. I'm Mr. Naccarato, but you can call me Mr. Nacc for short! I teach Art, more specifically Pokémon Art and how to bring out the beauty and potential of your Pokémon and also allow you the opportunity to do some cool stuff related to art."

1. reading this
2. thinking 'how does he know this'
3. hating bidoofs (dislike if you like bidoofs)
4. keeping calm cause HOENN CONFIRM
5. you have used pokeheroes
if this is all true then that is awesome :D