Forum Thread
Generation Zero High School(Open to Anyone)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Generation Zero High School(Open to Anyone)Name(include last):Sakura yatsune
Appearance(image preferred):(sorry cant find a pic that looks like her and i dont wanna steal someone else's picture)A tall beautiful girl with long pink hair reaching to her ankles.Her eyes are silver-ish blue, she usually wears a pink hibiscus flower in her hair.Her outfit consists of a pink tank top and jeans.
Personality:Brave,know-it-all,sarcastic,awkward,friendly,usually serious
Crush?:She hasn't decided yet
History:She was always pushed to be the best from her Rich parents that expected everything to be perfect about her.Most people she met never hung around her thinking she was naturally gonna be a snob like most people she used to know.She eventually found her way here after her parents moved.
3 classes:Martial arts,archery,sword play

''Everything is Okay!''

''Everything is Okay!''