Forum Thread
Protectors of Space- Pokemon RP.
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Protectors of Space- Pokemon RP.

You all make personal goals for your adventures and head off.
After reaching route 1, you all think the hardest part would be reaching your goals, but that wasnt the case. there was an evil organization out there, controlling Palkia and using it for their own personal requests. but you would find out their real cause for capturing soon enough.
I wanna be a protector of Space!
Gender of Character:
Name of Character:
Description/picture of Character:
Goal of Character(Breeder, Champion, Coordinator, Pkmn Ranger, etc):
Gender of Character:
Name of Character:
Description/picture of Character:
Goal of Character(Breeder, Champion, Coordinator, Pkmn Ranger, etc):
My form:

I wanna be a Protector of Space!
Username: Corebess
Gender of Character: M
Name of Character: Delujay
Description: about 5'0, dark hair, brown eyes, wears blue jacked with a white T, Blue jeans, Black Running Shoes, Silver watch, and caries pokeballs on his belt
Goal of Character: To defeat the Champion
Username: Corebess
Gender of Character: M
Name of Character: Delujay
Description: about 5'0, dark hair, brown eyes, wears blue jacked with a white T, Blue jeans, Black Running Shoes, Silver watch, and caries pokeballs on his belt
Goal of Character: To defeat the Champion
Important places that were added:

•Ranger gyms (tests trainers strength
if they want to become pokemon rangers)(they are in Viridian,
Celedon, Saffron, 1 Island, and the last one is bext to the League
•Contest Halls. (They are in eery town except for the first two towns)(you need 8 to go to the final contest to become a top coordinator. The last one is next to the League Building)
•Gym leader testing hall. (This is inside the league building. You must have 8 gym badges to take this test for becomming a gym leader)
•Extra gyms. (there are 3 extra gyms. They are in 3 island, at the end of a man made maze in diglet tunnel, and on 6 island.)
•Contest Halls. (They are in eery town except for the first two towns)(you need 8 to go to the final contest to become a top coordinator. The last one is next to the League Building)
•Gym leader testing hall. (This is inside the league building. You must have 8 gym badges to take this test for becomming a gym leader)
•Extra gyms. (there are 3 extra gyms. They are in 3 island, at the end of a man made maze in diglet tunnel, and on 6 island.)

•All PH rules apply
•No god modding! You cant allways win battles, especially against gym leaders
•I will be narrorating a lot. Make sure you pay attention when i do narrorate!
•Dont give yourself legendaries unless i say its okay. if you go to catch meetwo, the legendary birds, etc. make sure you have defeated the champion first!
•For the legendaries that are not common in Kanto, i will say how to get them, NOT YOU!
•3 warnings will ban you from the RP
•No god modding! You cant allways win battles, especially against gym leaders
•I will be narrorating a lot. Make sure you pay attention when i do narrorate!
•Dont give yourself legendaries unless i say its okay. if you go to catch meetwo, the legendary birds, etc. make sure you have defeated the champion first!
•For the legendaries that are not common in Kanto, i will say how to get them, NOT YOU!
•3 warnings will ban you from the RP
Current players:

Corebess- Delujay: starter:

Shiny_Rayquaza- Reshiram(

SandeviRae- Paradox/mira: starter:

Pikachaming- Zane: Starter:

Username: SandeviRae
Gender of Character: Female
Name of Character: Paradox
Description/picture of Character: i'll put it in later
Goal of Character: Collect em all! ^w^
Starter: Spiritomb(Nebula)
I wanna be a protector of Time!
Username: SandeviRae
Gender of Character: Female
Name of Character: Mira
Description/picture of Character: i'll put it in later
Goal of Character: Become a pokemon Breeder
Starter: Snivy(Seraph)
Gender Of Character:Male
Name of Character:Time Lord
Description/picture:Loves nature and looks like this

Goal of character:Bringing Peace

Gender of character:Male
Name of character Prodor
Description/Picture:Loves nature and looks like this

Goal of character:Becoming a poke breeder!