"You can change back a zombie into a normal pokemon?"Auraora said
confused of how he could do that then forgot about it and kept
running (Where dodging the zombies? idk)
Flame flew up from the ground " Where am i. I can't remember but
what i know is that this place is creeping me out" Flame started to
walk slowly while he looked around.
( where are you guys and can i start were you are?)
I kept dodging the zombies. "Oh my god," I said, "I guess I'm gonna
have to try my luck." I took the special powder, and it hit the
mew, changing her back.
(We can dodge the zombies or shot them with attacks tho..) Auraora
dodged some zombies and shoting some "So that special powder can do
it?"Auraora asked flare seening him use it
She soon reached the end of the alley, which was a dead end. She
spotted a fire escape and climbed up it, it breaking before the
pokemon chasing her could climb up it, leaving them in the
alleyway, trapped with the strange pokemon (zombies)