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Posted: Thu, 26/10/2023 15:23 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Sun, 09/05/2021 07:39 (3 Years ago)
Yeah, I noticed it first when I couldn't log out, considering I'm using my phone, I just thorght my phone was playing up, so I asked on my feed and ppl were having the same issue 😲

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Posted: Sun, 09/05/2021 04:29 (3 Years ago)
The logout button doesn't work

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Posted: Sat, 13/03/2021 11:58 (4 Years ago)

Title: Solved?

How is this solved? I didn't get a response from Riako.

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Posted: Fri, 05/03/2021 14:28 (4 Years ago)
Just wanted Riako to check thats all.

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Posted: Fri, 05/03/2021 14:02 (4 Years ago)
Just wondering if something was wrong :s

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Posted: Fri, 05/03/2021 10:02 (4 Years ago)
Well I didn't say it was "broken" just seems abit weird I haven't had any in 3 months thats all.

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Posted: Fri, 05/03/2021 09:54 (4 Years ago)
Yeah since its been out I have had 2 going there but its been working fine until December, I don't know whats up :(

I know they are hard to come up but 3 months tho?

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Posted: Fri, 05/03/2021 09:41 (4 Years ago)
I literally had nothing since before christmas, so I have no idea what is going on :(

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Posted: Thu, 04/03/2021 19:43 (4 Years ago)
Hey tiffanyp6 here, I would like to report a bug, I don't know if its just my account but for other people too, but I haven't had a boss battle from the rumble in over 3 months (before christmas) and I am sending 2 pokemon to galar but still nothing. Bokuto suggested me to report it.

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Posted: Mon, 07/01/2019 01:33 (6 Years ago)
I know i appreciate that but im just saying my opinion too ^.^ and i would think it will help future people as well and it will show that people on this site is kind and helpful :)

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Posted: Mon, 07/01/2019 00:23 (6 Years ago)
Its also to help as well... and most people on here like to help, its just in their minds as well a safe way to get their pokemon back. I see people asking alot of lending the 3 birds i have all 3 but i just want a secure way to help.

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Posted: Mon, 07/01/2019 00:13 (6 Years ago)
Its not just that its the fact of its not gurantee that you will get it back just by talking to the mods etc. And plus what if they get banned in the mean time? Its gone for good so its just a secure way to not loose you're pokemon thats all

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Posted: Sun, 06/01/2019 23:30 (6 Years ago)
It would be awesome if we had a "lending" trade system with/without timer. Say that someone needs a ditto for dex and it to risky to trade such high value Pokemon. So i would suggest a lending system that is safe and secure (they can't trade or send on rumble missions etc) You can put in a username who you would like to lend too and for how long (max of 10-20 pokemon per lend) or something like that, and with the without timer there would be a button for the owner of that pokemon to be returned at any time. (Y)

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Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 21:52 (6 Years ago)
yeah i did get paid for it just looked, i just don't know why it comes up with the error tho =s

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Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 21:45 (6 Years ago)
well only one gone threw properly at the mo because i was showing my partner what is going on, but the useual happend when i show someone what's wrong it goes threw... -.- sigh... so im currently on 499 Puzzle pieces just and i have been on 498 for at least 10 orders anyway so.. Tbh i actually thorght it was my phone at first (i mainly go on my phone because my pc doesn't work well) so i went on my pc for this order for the screenshot (i cant do screenshot on my phone) and it came up with the same error

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Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 21:21 (6 Years ago)
https://prnt.sc/m2butr (first screenshot)

https://prnt.sc/m2bv79 (second screenshot)

I don't know whats going on, i swear to god i am not clicking twice, thing is i think.. only a think its going threw but with that tho i can't get the puzzle piece's because of this

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Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 20:39 (6 Years ago)
Well it gone now so i need to wait until i have the next order :s

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Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 20:36 (6 Years ago)
Yes the green tick marker is there, i press deliver and then it says sorry have no ingredents

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Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 20:33 (6 Years ago)
I have deffinately made sure i haven't clicked twice

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