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taiyakisimp OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 31 |
Posted: Sun, 13/03/2022 14:23 (3 Years ago) |
pokemon -sunkern, murkrow, skarmory, slugma, box: sell 2: pokemon - wobbufett box: sell 3: pokemon -gligar, box: sell 4: pokemon -unown o, box: sell 7: pokemon -swinub, stantler box: sell 11: pokemon -smeargle box: sell 19: pokemon -swinub box: sell 23: pokemon -smoochum payment: ground gems anything else: yes! everstones on the ones that can evolve please [Read more] |
taiyakisimp OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 31 |
Posted: Sun, 30/08/2020 05:56 (4 Years ago) |
Pokemon: scyther, togepi, dunsparce, granbull and snubull Gender/Nature/Link (if I have multiple): Other: tysm! [Read more] |
taiyakisimp OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 31 |
Posted: Sun, 14/04/2019 06:28 (5 Years ago) |
riako stole my dignity ! [
taiyakisimp OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 31 |
Posted: Fri, 13/07/2018 10:28 (6 Years ago) |
1. 200 naggets 2. 250k pakadollers 3. a nice belly rub please join 50 mamber squad [Read more] |
taiyakisimp OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 31 |
Posted: Sun, 24/06/2018 00:28 (6 Years ago) |
Title: 7th quest **dun dun dun**thank you!! [
taiyakisimp OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 31 |
Posted: Mon, 11/06/2018 01:08 (6 Years ago) |
SO YA BOIE GOT A NEW HOBBYyes! you heard it here, ya boie got a nice, fresh new hobbie and here are some of the things i have done so far!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() btw if you want one just palpad/pm me really its just a joke, just like what u want as a body (appropriate) what you want the head to be (appropriate) and for the background what you choose; (appropriate) or wild (I choose) [Read more] |
taiyakisimp OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 31 |
Posted: Mon, 04/06/2018 05:11 (6 Years ago) |
taiyakisimp OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 31 |
Posted: Mon, 04/06/2018 04:14 (6 Years ago) |
zwellious please [
taiyakisimp OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 31 |
Posted: Sun, 03/06/2018 10:43 (6 Years ago) |
Fanfictionfanfiction is pretty cool!! i write it from time to time, but its 6 am and writing at 6 am is not good for the health [Read more] |
taiyakisimp OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 31 |
Posted: Thu, 31/05/2018 04:02 (6 Years ago) |
taiyakisimp OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 31 |
Posted: Mon, 28/05/2018 00:51 (6 Years ago) |
Allergies and Movingim a chronic allergy sufferer, even if i were to live at the bottom of the ocean near the point that no life exists beyond plastic, i would still find something to be allergic to. now allergies are manageable using things such as medication, natural remedies or isolating yourself from life. im one of those people that can't live without allergy medicine or i sound like bella from twilight but a boy in the middle of growing up. (radical) so the best times to get periods of allergies are, reel it in..when you move! like you pack a box and you have a pair of scissors, you sneeze and then there's blood all over the box..'I have no idea how this got here' i remind myself, wiping my nose with said bloody hand. there's also getting blasted out of bed early for the sake of stuffing boxes into a dust infested creaky metal box. its box ception, i swear there are more boxes when i unload then when i load. lastly, carrying boxes and dropping it because you cough or sneeze. its lovely, all of it is. lesson learned dont have parents with every allergy ever [Read more] |
taiyakisimp OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 31 |
Posted: Sat, 26/05/2018 18:52 (6 Years ago) |
please send missing <3 [
taiyakisimp OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 31 |
Posted: Sat, 26/05/2018 08:13 (6 Years ago) |
I suggest it because I encountered a situation (when I had premium), right when the new event started, I planted those johto-exclusive berries in the garden, and I had to go somewhere for a period of time. Whenever I came back, my premium had expired, so I didn't get any of the berries from the garden in time. It could likely be prevented in the future for someone else if something like this is considered (I know its extremely subjective). thank you for your consideration both ways, feel free to add onto this idea in anyway you see fit. have a great day! [Read more] |
taiyakisimp OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 31 |
Posted: Sat, 26/05/2018 08:05 (6 Years ago) |
Rant About Premium (PH)okay so you know this new agicorn event right?? so i had the premium garden yeah, plants the plants 'sure this will work well' has to go to school, comes back, premium runs out. garden is gone, "okay this is okay just make sure my seeds are back in my bag or pre harvested" they weren't, not at all. im too much of a shy boie to propose automatic berry picking with the premium garden, i might or might not, who knows. [Read more] |
taiyakisimp OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 31 |
Posted: Sat, 26/05/2018 05:38 (6 Years ago) |
My First Encounter With Beerevent happened 5.25.18 so i'm sweaty right, we go to a restaurant (outback, its an american steakhouse). my older brother, aka the one i'm freeloading off of orders a beer, its an outback brew because rip they didn't have blue moon. so i'm like "omg beer, so cool, let me have a drink even though i'm pretty young and its technically illegal" he's like "ok" puts a straw full and puts it in my mouth. i can't i have beer ptsd now breathes in american so what i tasted it was weird..a lot of people are like "it tastes like pee" or "it smells like whisky but its ![]() so if i could describe know those uhm like OKAY OKAY SO THERE ARE THESE DASANI THINGS AND THEY ARE LIKE SPARKLING WATERS, SO IT TASTED LIKE THAT, BUT WITH ALCOHOL IN IT + SMELLED LIKE A DEAD MOUSE OKAY WE'RE GOING WITH IT otherwise i got a nice steak and some franch fries with cheese and bacon, perty good if u ask thy :) also drowned 4 cokes, walking the 2 miles back was miserable [Read more] |
taiyakisimp OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 31 |
Posted: Sat, 26/05/2018 05:23 (6 Years ago) |
if u wanna chat u can palpad me i'm just a shy boie and will probably be stiff lets start with like some basics: i'm gala! <33 she/they/he (whatever floats your boat my dudes) not big on grammar outside of a professional environment! pretty young and impressionable huge weeb, probably will cry about that all the time love attention, thats why im making this, i have this infatuation with people reading my stuff i have no idea why not rich not poor, (says gala who also uses 2 computers at any given time during home life) really sarcastic and unfunny, only if you're 12 will you like my existence :p generally okay with giving things out for free, believer in karma sporadic sleep schedules, gets pretty HECTIC aspiring to be a writer or an astrophysicist, keen on being able to make a small difference in someone's life. maybe in the future i'll answer calls to a suicide life can change many [Read more] |
taiyakisimp OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 31 |
Posted: Fri, 25/05/2018 23:19 (6 Years ago) |
pinchers as well, and big scary ears EVIL, THAT IS FINAL [Read more] |
taiyakisimp OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 31 |
Posted: Tue, 22/05/2018 23:26 (6 Years ago) |
well i had the premium garden, and i planted the seeds the girl gave me. i had to log off for a few hours to do some things, and when i came back the garden was locked. I tried checking my seed bag, but nothing was there in addition to that i checked the toolshed, to see if they've been automatically harvested or something. the thing is, none of those were the case, so I went to check in Emera Square if it had reset on me, but it didn't either. So now i have no way to do this event because i was a stupid and couldn't farm my berries. is there anything anyone can do or do i have to sit this one out? [Read more] |
taiyakisimp OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 31 |
Posted: Tue, 22/05/2018 03:41 (6 Years ago) |
any of the new ones please! [
taiyakisimp OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 31 |
Posted: Tue, 22/05/2018 03:34 (6 Years ago) |
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