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iGod OFFLINE Forum Posts: 6 |
Posted: Wed, 01/11/2017 13:05 (7 Years ago) |
People aren't crying because their eggs only get 15 seconds on index. So why would it matter of their Pokemon only gets a little bit of time like eggs? If people are really worried about getting a full 5 minutes on index. Then something is wrong. With it refilling upon release would give more chances for people to get on index. [Read more] |
iGod OFFLINE Forum Posts: 6 |
Posted: Tue, 31/10/2017 22:06 (7 Years ago) |
On index, once a new egg hatches, a new one takes it's spot. When it comes to the Pokemon, if its released we're stuck waiting the left over time for a new one. So my suggestion is to allow new Pokemon to fill the slot of the released Pokemon. [Read more] |
iGod OFFLINE Forum Posts: 6 |
Posted: Thu, 15/12/2016 00:55 (8 Years ago) |
Amount of PD: 150,000 Amount of Nuggets: 0 Amount of Normal Gems: 0 [Read more] |
iGod OFFLINE Forum Posts: 6 |
Posted: Thu, 01/12/2016 18:49 (8 Years ago) |
Username: SinfulHighMan I wish for something shiny. Polestar! I want to tell you about my best friend here! Your username: SinfulHighMan Your friend's username: Gilthunder Why are they special to you?: I've known this guy for a few years now. We've both helped each other however we can. And somehow manage to always run into each other on online games. This guy is a true good soul. [Read more] |
iGod OFFLINE Forum Posts: 6 |
Posted: Mon, 24/10/2016 21:21 (8 Years ago) |
iGod OFFLINE Forum Posts: 6 |
Posted: Sun, 05/06/2016 19:36 (8 Years ago) |
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