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Posted: Thu, 21/11/2013 22:54 (10 Years ago)
Nickname: Big C
Character Name: Calem Wolfwind
Age: 15
Gender: Male

Personality: Calem is calm and pleasant to be around. He loves Pokemon and takes very good care of them. He battles when he needs to, but he prefers to spend his time grooming, feeding and enjoying the company of his Pokemon more than anything.

History: Calem is the son of the world famous Rhyhorn Rider, Grace. While his mother often tried to get her son into the sport, he didn't have that natural talent for it that his mother had. When his mother felt it was time to settle down for a while, there were a few options open to her. There was the beautiful Kalos region, and the newly discovered Zenith Region.

Wanting to explore the newest region and taking a chance on the unknown, Grace decided to move to the Zenith Region, taking Calem with her. Upon arrival, he meets the region's professor who offers him one of three Pokemon. Feeling a strong affinity for the little fire fox, he chose Fennekin to be his first Pokemon.
First Pokémon(No legendaries): Fennekin (Farah)
Legendary To Catch Later In RP: Mewtwo (Sulia)
Pokémon Team Later In RP: Delphox (Farah), Lucario (Freya), Lopunny (Sasha), Vaporeon (Sapphire), Mewtwo (Sulia), Lilligant (Lilly)
Password: zorua

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Posted: Sun, 27/10/2013 10:19 (10 Years ago)
Atrus Rogers
Location: Route 1
Team: FlareSable Skyla
Battle Theme: Dust: Abadis Forest

In Battle: Sable Skyla

Atrus continued to play his guitar while he kept his eyes trained on the battle. While his Pokemon were taking hits separately, he was focusing on one target at a time and using both Pokemon to bring them down individually. It was time to bring Wurmple down.

"Skylacome in with another Tackle on Wumple! Sable, Follow-up with a tackle of your own on Wurmple!" Atrus called out. Skyla spun herself on her side in the air after taking a hit and soared down to strike at the Wurmple from the side. Hit or miss, she'd swing herself upwards into the air again. Sable rushed at the Wurmple , aiming to hit it from the front shortly after Skyla's attack.

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Posted: Mon, 21/10/2013 21:49 (10 Years ago)
Atrus Rogers
Location: Route 1
Team: FlareSable Skyla
Battle Theme: Dust: Abadis Forest

In Battle: Sable Skyla

Atrus gave a nod as he gripped his guitar and pick and began laying out an intense tune. "Alright then, let's rock!" he called out as his Pokemon readied themselves for battle. Since they were both using only two Pokemon and both Pokemon were out at the same time, there'd be no way to recall a Pokemon to cancel out any stat effects.

"Sable, use Leer! Skyla, Tackle the Wumple!" he commanded while his fingers and pick strummed along the strings of his guitar. The Leer would sink their defenses a bit, in order to make Skyla's Tackle hit harder. In order to make sure he wouldn't suffer a potential drop to his speed, he'd have to take down the Wurmple first.

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Posted: Sun, 20/10/2013 12:03 (10 Years ago)
Robert followed the senior student Mike as the group moved through the school itself along with him. The school layout didn't look all too different from any other school he had been to, aside from the elemental wandering the halls as guardians, most likely to keep the other super-powered students in line. It certainly kind of made the rule about not using powers somewhat senseless. If any normal kid walked into the school on a dare or something, or someone looked in through a telescope, that would certainly stir up the presses. Even if it was only the national Inquirer.

After the tour was over, it was off to the dorms. It made more sense to his father and to him that he live in the dorms as opposed to traveling to and from the school. That, and he wanted to have his own space anyways. Living away from home was something he'd have to get used to as he got older as it was. After picking up his ID, room key and mail box key, Robert headed over to his dorm room, room 169 on the first floor. Opening the door, he took a look around while walking in.

It looked like a hotel room, only a bit bigger. Two twin beds, two nightstands, a fridge, a small kitchenette, two computer desk areas with chairs, two dressers, a wall-mounted TV and a door to the bathroom. Evidently, he was going to be sharing the room with someone. He wasn't sure if the dorms were coed or split between guys and girls. But if he managed to have the room to himself, he wasn't going to complain. Taking off his backpack, he began to start putting his belongings away.

A few sets of clothes, some laundry detergent, a laptop, his 3DS and PlayStation 3, a small bag of plastic ware, and a few heater meals to put in the fridge. After setting it all away, he took out the paper he got from the school and looked over his class schedule.

1st: Math
2nd: English/Communications
3rd: Biology
4th: P.E.
5th: Art

Pretty simple stuff. Biology would be easy for him. After all, his father taught him a lot about medicine and human anatomy, and it corresponded well with his powers. Art class was a bonus. Of course there had to be more to the school than just the classes. His last school had after school activities and clubs. He'd have to go out later and see what clubs were available, and if it was mandatory to join at least one or not.

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Posted: Wed, 16/10/2013 20:32 (10 Years ago)
Odd. They seem to work for me. I placed them in spoiler tags.

Pic 1
Pic 2

Try those.

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Posted: Tue, 15/10/2013 22:59 (10 Years ago)
Username: Zorupix

Name: Atrus D'ni

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Species: First Gen Gijinka

Fused with: Zoroark

True form

Human Illusion form

Personality: Atrus is cool, collected and cunning. He comes off as a typical businessman, but he cares quite a bit about his workers and fellow Gijinkas. While he is normally out in his illusionary human form, he follows the status quo, but will always leave suttle remarks to get people to question if battling people who were at one point human was a truly ethical thing.

Occupation: President of Plasma Industries

History: Atrus was stolen away from his family at a young age. Being but a child when they were finally released, people had mixed reactions to him. Because he was so young, he looked much more like a Zoroark than a normal Gijinka. However, he still had the body build of a 9 year old child.

If anything, it was only because of the fact that he was a young child that people felt sympathy for him. One of the sympathizers, a breeder named Carol, hid Atrus away in her ranch. She had a normal Zoroark named Faera.

While Carol raised Atrus in the ways of humans, Faera taught the boy how to use his powers of Illusion. With it, the boy learned how to give himself an illusionary human form and maintain it. With his new form, he was able to go to school and later to college.

As he grew, so too did his mastery of illusions. he joined Plasma Industries, a new pharmasutical company that made curatives specifically designed for Gijinkas. Using his mastery of illusions, he caused some scandals from within, stealing his way to the top by eventually conning the majority of the stock shares into his possession. Within a matter of two years, he became the new president of Plasma Industries. The company has since thrived under his leadership.

As a means to give aid to other Gijinkas, he opened a warehouse within the underground city, feeding the warehouse there with supplies that he would purchase with a portion of his own income. Very, very few have ever seen his true form, as he always ensures he is in a safe and secure area before releasing his illusion.

Family/Relationships: Carol (Adoptive human mother/NPC), Faera (Adoptive Zoroark mother/NPC)

Other: Has access to normally learned moves from the Zorua/Zoroark line. His illusions are also powerful enough to not only fool one's vision, but all other senses as well. It is what prevents humans, Pokemon and Gijinkas form being able to tell what he is.

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Posted: Mon, 14/10/2013 10:25 (10 Years ago)
This game is boss. So far my team consists of:

lv 16 Zangoose (Sasha)
lv. 24 Wartortle (Seaflower)
lv. 25 Braixen (Rena)
lv. 21 Kirlia (Lilly)
lv. 27 Lucario (Freya)
lv. 11 Spewpa (Garnet)

Got half a box of other Pokemon in my box that I'm rotating through to level them up.

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Posted: Sun, 13/10/2013 17:35 (10 Years ago)
Atrus Rogers
Location: Route 1
Team: FlareSable Skyla
Atrus gave a smile to the young trainer and gave a nod to him. "That's simply perfect. I have two Pokemon that have yet to battle, so why don't we make this a double battle? Two Pokemon each, both out at the same time?" he suggested. Simply battling one at a time didn't tend to require as much skill as commanding two Pokemon at the same time, and often required a higher level of strategy.

He looked over to his Shinx and Pidgey, giving them both a nod. "If you're okay with those battle conditions, I will be facing you with Sable and Skyla. We can begin when you are ready." the teen trainer added as he readied his guitar. Skyla fluttered down from his shoulder to hover to the left of Sable.

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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2013 20:32 (10 Years ago)
In Pokemon X, after 2 hours of searching Route 22, I found a Female Riolu. I used Ember to weaken it, only to have my Fennekin OHKO with a crit hit >.> Now I have to go through it all over again to try and find another female Riolu.

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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2013 20:28 (10 Years ago)
I love my Fennekin, but at the same time I want to smack it for OHKO critting a female Riolu I wanted to capture >.<

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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2013 15:13 (10 Years ago)
Just got it today and just started. Holy crap! My mother has her own room! She no longer lives in the kitchen!

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Posted: Fri, 11/10/2013 10:36 (10 Years ago)
Atrus Rogers
Location: Route 1
Team: FlareSable Skyla

Atrus bent down and gave the Ratatta a pat on the head before picking up the berry. It seemed the battle was over, and the Ratatta enjoyed itself as well. Flare did as well as she ran up and nuzzled against his leg. After placing the berry in the berry section of his bag, he stood back up, lifting Flare up with him. "You did fantastic Flare. Good work." he spoke in a pleasant tone.

Atrus returned to the road, with his Torchic and Pidgey riding on his shoulders, and his Shinx trotting alongside him. He had seen another trainer further on ahead along the path. He had just had his first wild battle. Now it was time to see how he'd fair against another trainer. With his guitar resting slung over the back of his neck and resting on his chest, he began walking down the path once more, heading towards the trainer.

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Posted: Wed, 09/10/2013 20:34 (10 Years ago)
Atrus Rogers
Location: Route 1
Team: FlareSable Skyla
In Battle: Flare
Battle Music : MM2: Dr. Wily
Atrus saw Flare get nailed from behind. Two Quick Attacks in a row, he was sure Flare was in some pain from them. However, the battle was taking its toll on the Ratatta as well. He was going to have to bring this fight to a close soon, he might lose this battle.

As Flare landed forward from the attack, Atrus called out his next instructions to Flare. "Jump backwards and strike from behind with Scratch!" The plan was simple enough. Flare pushed up and back, launching herself up and over the Ratatta. Upon landing, the Torchic then jumped forward into a jump kick-like Scratch attack, hoping to catch the Ratatta before it can evade.

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Posted: Wed, 09/10/2013 11:17 (10 Years ago)
Atrus Rogers
Location: Route 1
Team: FlareSable Skyla
In Battle: Flare
Battle Music : MM2: Dr. Wily

Atrus knew they had to press the attack. As soon as Torchic was struck, he gave his next command while playing his guitar. "Chase after it and use scratch once more!" Atrus called out in a energetic tone of voice.

As soon as Flare regained her footing, she ran after the retreating Ratatta in order to keep as little distance between them as possible. She'd then perform a flip kick of sorts in the form of an upward raking Scratch attack at its jaw and head.

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Posted: Tue, 08/10/2013 23:37 (10 Years ago)
Well, at the very least they are doing SOMETHING with Dunsparce, even if all they did was give it the Fairy typing. Still hoping for Mega Dunsparce or a Dunsparce evo.

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Posted: Tue, 08/10/2013 14:10 (10 Years ago)
No clue. All I know is everyone's competing against each other, so someone is probably beating you to the punch with more orbs and pushing you back in the rankings.

Currently, I'm placed in 3rd for the fire orbs with over 4000. Hopefully by friday I'll have *crush scouter* over 9000. *brick'd*

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Posted: Tue, 08/10/2013 12:13 (10 Years ago)
Atrus Rogers
Location: Route 1
Team: FlareSable Skyla
In Battle: Flare
Battle Music : MM2: Dr. Wily

Atrus smirked as the Ratatta came in close to use tail whip. This was the perfect time to strike, now that the rodent Pokemon was in close range. Striking a chord on his guitar as he began to jam a tune that suited a battle feel, Atrus then gave his command to his Torchic. "Now, rock it with Scratch!" he called out.

Freya, feeling a bit more energized and eager to battle from Atrus' music, spun round as the Tail Whip connected and slashed out with her taloned foot, aiming at the offending Ratatta's side. She wouldn't be able to defend as well as normally, but with the attack drop she caused, it about evened things out, putting the two back on a slightly even playing field.

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Posted: Tue, 08/10/2013 11:56 (10 Years ago)
Ferelden at War - Dragon Age: Origins

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Posted: Mon, 07/10/2013 19:15 (10 Years ago)
Robert stepped off of the bus as everyone unloaded. This special school was at least still in the US, so at least he didn't have to worry about learning a foreign language, outside of English and Ancient Egyptian. Falling into line with the rest of the students and carrying his backpack of supplies on his back, the teen looked up at Ms. Leina, the principle. At least it wasn't some crotchety old fart like the one in his last school. The guy handed out detentions like candy, regardless if you were the victim or the instigator.

He listened to the rules as she spoke them. He was sure he'd probably get in trouble with using his powers. After all, if you saw someone hurt and had the power to heal them, why wouldn't you? Just don't make it obvious. But at least here he was surrounded by those like him, born form the union of God and mortal. Or in his case, Goddess and mortal.

He followed the crowd as the principle led them to Hernandez. The man seemed straight forward, the kind that didn't beat around the bush. he watched and listened to each student as they talked about themselves, who their Deity parent was, and what their powers were.

One of them identified herself as Sobek's kin. A nice thing to see that he wasn't the only one with an Egyptian God as a parent. Power over water was quite something to behold, as water wasn't always the easiest element to control.

Soon it was his turn. Robert walked up the steps and stood before the group. He gave a traditional greeting, at least traditional in the sense of how the ancient Egyptians did. He held up both hands, palms facing the crowd at chest level. "Em hotep! And for those who don't speak ancient Egyptian, in peace! My name is Robert, son of the Goddess Sekhmet, lady of plague, healer, strength of the sun as the Eye of Ra, and deliverer of divine retribution. But, no need to worry about the retribution part." he jested a bit as he swung his hands back to his sides.

"As for my powers, they aren't something I can really 'show'. Basically I can cause plague, illness and disease, as well as heal them. I can mend broken bones, physical injuries, and cure even deadly diseases like the AIDS virus. And as a side note, I can talk to all forms of felines, from your typical tabby to a siberian tiger." he summarized for the group. "So, if you can't find the school nurse, come see me!" he coyly and cheerfully teased. With that, he stepped down and rejoined the crowd.

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Posted: Mon, 07/10/2013 09:28 (10 Years ago)
Atrus Rogers
Location: Route 1
Team: FlareSable Skyla

Atrus was a bit surprised to see a potion of all things just drop out of a Pokeball. He knew Pokeballs were for catching Pokemon, but putting items in them? Seems like it'd be a waste, when a backpack could hold the same item easier. He put the potion and the Pokeball away in his bag.

As he looked forward, he saw a Ratatta seemingly challenge him, at least that what he interpreted it as. It didn't seem hostile in the sense of hate-driven, but it was looking for a scrap. "I see. You want to battle us? Alright. Now then, which of you three wants fight this Pokemon?" Atrus asked, looking at his Pokemon. Flare jumped off of the boy's shoulder and scratched at the ground, ready to prove herself to her trainer.

"You want to battle it? Alright then, let's start off with Growl!" Atrus called out. Opening her beak, the Torchic let loose a fearsome growl from her beak in order to try and shake up the Ratatta's confidence in its attack power.

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