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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from SwordGuardian.
Posted: Wed, 20/02/2019 02:42 (6 Years ago)
Another thing to work on is that double clicking on many mobile devices automatically zooms in instead of clicking, so if you want to tap quickly, you're plum out of luck. I can't tell you how many fish I've missed because of that. :,(

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Posted: Wed, 28/03/2018 04:36 (6 Years ago)
Hello person reading this very informative information! I'm an oddball Pokémon trainer who joined this site because my girlfriend is here and also because I love Pokémon!

My favourite Pokémon is Vaporeon, my second favourite is Shellder. Water type is my favourite type, but I also like Fairy, Steel, Dark and Electric a lot. My favourite colour is blue, and unless it's to a colour I particularly like, I'm not a really big fan of shinies... But I will collect just about anything, so I'll likely hunt for them anyway!(^w^)

If I could have one and only one Pokémon in the real world, I'd want an Arcanine. Functionally and aesthetically, it'd be amazing!(ITSA BIG DOGGO!) If they ever come out with a Water type, or even more excitingly a Water/Dark Arcanine... Well, let's just say I'd have a new favourite.

Also, according to my girlfriend it seems my spirit Pokémon is Lucario.(^.^)

Anyway, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance!

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