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Posted: Wed, 24/07/2024 06:07 (2 Days ago)
Thank you! Will be sending a tip!

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Posted: Tue, 23/07/2024 23:54 (3 Days ago)
Can you do Aurora if possible?

Thanks :D

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Posted: Sat, 29/06/2024 04:19 (27 Days ago)
(Been a while since I last posted)

It was a surprise that they all forgave her so easily, since she did accidentally freeze them in their tracks. Satsuki sighed in relief; next time, she would have to be more careful.


Someone, or more likely a couple someones, were planning murder.

On whom exactly? Ayran and Scarlett.

She had to go warn them, afterall she didn't want to be the one to blame.

Though, there was a problem, wherever they were was a mystery. Satsuki couldn't find Ayran's mind in the sea of thoughts. Scarlett's meanwhile, were in a place Satsuki would never expect them to be, high up which seemed skeptical enough for a unicorn folk who can't fly.

Retrace my steps. When was the last time I've seen any of them? She did remember catching sight of Bliss carrying an unconscious Ayran back to his room. Maybe he hasn't fully recovered yet, that would explain the silence of his thoughts.


That was the only thing that lay behind the door.

"Finally, something that I would like to do!" Huli said excitely, rushing to the door and knocking it down in a haste. Sure enough, an Ayran lay unconscious on the ground.

Satsuki picked him up, and placed him on the bed lightly before sitting down besides him herself.

"Goodnight. Hope you're well soon, you will need it."

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Posted: Sat, 15/06/2024 02:03 (1 Month ago)
Trading 300k pd for treasure

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 21:30 (1 Month ago)
Banned for being a racoon

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 06:21 (1 Month ago)
The kitsune bit Satsuki as hard as possible, trying get free from her grasp. She let out a yelp of pain, and froze Kalyteros, Athena, Ayran, and whoever else was with them. "What was that for, Huli?!" she mumbled angrily.

Satsuki was forced to wait for 5 seconds, though it felt like she waited for an eternity until everyone unfroze. "Thanks a lot, kitsune."

She rushed towards the group that she had froze, and nearly ran in Ayran. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to."

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 05:29 (1 Month ago)
Huli (the kitsune spirit) had already caused much damage, knocking down everything in its way. In a moments eye, the kitsune had found a victim, knocking them done and nearly scratching them to bits.

Satsuki chased the kitsune, though it was no use since it wouldn't obey her when she caught up. "You asked for this, Huli," she warned, freezing everything and everyone in the cafeteria, and possibly some students in the hall way. She grabbed the kitsune off of the student, and exchanged a quick apology to them.

"Why are you such a nausiance? Causing trouble wherever you are," Satsuki sighed. "You always say that you would obey me, but never do." "I may as well apologize to the other students inside and outside the cafeteria for causing so much trouble, or more likely, for your trouble."

Huli struggled under her grasp, biting or scratching her occasionally. It didn't really bother her, there were more important things like having to apologize about freezing everyone, having the kitsune knock over everything, and not being late to class.

She made her way to towards the students, apologized to them, and rushed outside to apologize to the other students that she had froze. You are so troublesome, Huli. I will find a way to stop you.

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Posted: Wed, 12/06/2024 20:30 (1 Month ago)
"Can I go murder some kids for fun?" a small kitsune spirit said just as Satsuki finished her tea.

"First of all, no. Second of all, why would you do that, Huli" Satsuki sighed.

"Didn't you say you hate humans?" Huli circled her.

"How many times have I told you that these people are not really considered 'human'? They have abilities, unlike humans do. Also, can you be more protective of them too just like you are to me, well kind of.

It was too late, the kitsune had already pounced on someone.

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Posted: Wed, 12/06/2024 05:30 (1 Month ago)
Satsuki ripped open the envelope, skimming through the letter. A letter from the Headmaster? she thought, not like it matters anyway. Headmasters always say how much they "love" their students and honor them for their hardwork. Though, that was a lie, since there was always at least one student who did poorly in the academy.

She was just about to throw the letter away, since it was useless now, but the thought of another student rang through her mind. That student was particularly frustrated about students dumping their letters into the garbage. So instead, she tucked the letter between all her other belongings.

Satsuki dressed in her usual attire; a fancy gray buttoned shirt, and a black skirt. She always loved fancy little thing, though nothing too formal in which it becomes awkward.

She slipped through the crowd, easily avoiding some very active students. A ball shouldn't cause that much commotion. After all, it was practically the same thing as a regular event.

Satsuki made her way to the cafeteria, pouring herself a cup of tea. She merely took a glance at a nearby group chatting away, and sat at a table near them. The excitement of the ball bombarded her mind.

Guess I have some preparing to do.

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Posted: Mon, 10/06/2024 04:44 (1 Month ago)

Only saw you a few times

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Posted: Mon, 10/06/2024 00:32 (1 Month ago)
Hopefully I did this correctly, I was kinda in a rush.
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Name: Satsuki

Age (17-19, All students are in their final year): 18

Gender/Pronouns/Sexuality: Female|She/Her|Bi

Appearance: Satsuki doesn't show any trace of kitsune traits, unless being possessed. She has dark gray semi-messy hair with red eyes. A small magician's hat rests on the side of her head. She also loves wearing fancy outfits in colors of black, red, white, or gray.
Here's her previous design, I'm giving her a redesign due to her simple outfit.

Personality: Being a trickster, Satsuki loves playing with her "prey", setting dangerous tricks within seconds. She is often cold and harsh, only showing her sweeter side to people she trusts (Also known as a Tsundere). For any trouble she caused, she is able to easily cover them up, getting herself out of trouble (Well, most of the times).

Background (Shortened because I'm in a rush): Satsuki was once a sweet orphaned girl with many loving friends. This came to an end when she was betrayed and assassinated by ______. She was later reincarnated as a vengeful kitsune spirit. Seeking revenge, she murdered the same person who had killed her. Having a lack of trust, she also assassinated many innocent people living in the same urban city.

Telepathy - Satsuki loves fishing around through others' minds. She uses this ability to give herself headstarts in fights, solving mysteries, or just using it for fun.
Time Freezing - Satsuki has the ability to summon a grand clock, which stops the movement of everything near it, except for herself, for 5 seconds.

Possesion - For a cost of her powers, a kitsune spirit takes over her randomly, harming everything in sight and sometimes herself. This can sometimes be stopped by warding the spirit away with a certain white flag.
Telepathy Weakness - Telepathy is rather hard to control. Because of this, the thoughts of everyone around Satsuki gets read, resulting in splitting headaches every once in a while.

House: Selineile - The Cunning

Rank: Elite

Previous Misdeeds: Due to her lack of trust, she often assassinated innocent people in the past. (Check Background information)

PP?: Yes!

Other: Sorry for the cringe. (Also, I haven't rped in months so I may suck at this)

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Posted: Sun, 09/06/2024 04:27 (1 Month ago)
May I res a spot if possible?

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Posted: Sun, 02/06/2024 23:00 (1 Month ago)
Banned because your pfp is not a suicune

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Posted: Fri, 31/05/2024 22:47 (1 Month ago)
Bump? Just a notice that a few other people have ordered in your shop

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Posted: Wed, 29/05/2024 21:58 (1 Month ago)
User : GlitchMode
Pokemon : Aurora (Absol Glaceon Fusion)
Payment : Pfp bust (50k pd)

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Posted: Fri, 24/05/2024 05:22 (2 Months ago)
User : GlitchMode
Character: Jello (Is it alright if you can draw something besides a pokemon?)
Payment : Flat Color Full (25k)

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Posted: Wed, 15/05/2024 06:52 (2 Months ago)
2/10 I think I saw you a few times

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Posted: Mon, 13/05/2024 14:40 (2 Months ago)
3/10 I've seen you a few times

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Posted: Mon, 13/05/2024 04:40 (2 Months ago)
10/10 You're on my friendlist

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Posted: Sun, 12/05/2024 01:42 (2 Months ago)
User: GlitchMode
Pokèmon: Link here (Absol glaceon fusion)
Shiny: N/A
Costum: N/A
Watermark: No
Background: If possible, can you do a snow background?
Payment: 25k pd
Typ: Can you make it a headshot please?

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