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DustyZoiveon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 53 |
Posted: Fri, 05/11/2021 04:59 (3 Years ago) |
DustyZoiveon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 53 |
Posted: Sat, 23/10/2021 02:52 (3 Years ago) |
DustyZoiveon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 53 |
Posted: Thu, 26/08/2021 00:26 (3 Years ago) |
In the official drawn art, yeah, the rock part is much lumpier than Pokeheroes's sprite. But in the 3D model it's a lot smoother, exactly matching the sprite we currently have here. So we really, really don't need to redo the whole sprite. The one we have matches the 3D model quite well, actually - I personally much prefer it to the suggested one. But we do definitely need to tweak the colouring+detailing of one we currently have, because there are quite a few inconsistencies in there. [Read more] |
DustyZoiveon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 53 |
Posted: Mon, 07/12/2020 22:12 (4 Years ago) |
Deino / Scraggy / Toxel / Raboot Beta Garchomp / Sharpedo [Read more] |
DustyZoiveon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 53 |
Posted: Tue, 17/11/2020 06:47 (4 Years ago) |
Galarian Articuno / Oricorio Sensu / Froslass [
DustyZoiveon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 53 |
Posted: Thu, 29/10/2020 17:19 (4 Years ago) |
(Source: I currently have a PT from someone I have blocked.) I fully support this. I don't even use the GTS other than to set up PT's to myself to release-lock my shinies, so it'd be wonderful to be able to reject unwanted trades so that I can more easily see which ones I still gotta set back up, and to get rid of said blocked-user's trade. [Read more] |
DustyZoiveon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 53 |
Posted: Mon, 05/10/2020 12:00 (4 Years ago) |
DustyZoiveon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 53 |
Posted: Mon, 05/10/2020 10:08 (4 Years ago) |
Nidoran / Cosmog [
DustyZoiveon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 53 |
Posted: Mon, 05/10/2020 10:01 (4 Years ago) |
At the bottom of the Union Room page, there's a blurb about what interacting is and how it works. The "Tips for interacting" part of this description is outdated by a few years. -- "Secondly you can do interacting in different ways: You can either click a Pokémon, press "Random Pokémon", click it, "Random Pokémon" and so on, or you can use the tabbing-method. Don't view every Pokémon Profile in one single tab! Use CTRL + LEFT MOUSECLICK (on most browsers) to open more Profiles in new Tabs. After that, press CTRL + W to close the current tab. Click the Pokémon, close tab, click PKMN, close tab etc." -- We haven't needed to open individual Pokemon in a new tab since the entire time I've been here, so at this point, the description should be changed/removed so as to avoid confusing any new users. [Read more] |
DustyZoiveon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 53 |
Posted: Mon, 17/08/2020 22:23 (4 Years ago) |
DustyZoiveon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 53 |
Posted: Tue, 11/08/2020 02:52 (4 Years ago) |
I'm also using Chrome. [
DustyZoiveon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 53 |
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2020 10:21 (4 Years ago) |
DustyZoiveon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 53 |
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2020 09:48 (4 Years ago) |
DustyZoiveon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 53 |
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2020 07:16 (4 Years ago) |
1. Battle-bonder: I'm neutral on this. I'm a fan of Greninja, but personally don't care for Ash-Greninja. It was a neat concept for the anime, but in-game it honestly doesn't make sense why Greninja changes forms to look like, well... some random 10 year old kid from Pallet Town. So, I can see reasons to want it (because it's a neat form and more Greninja content), and I can see reasons to not want it (because we're not Ash so why should we get his Greninja?). And as MY_IRENE said, making a suggestion thread for possible events just makes them less likely to be chosen, so... 🤷♂️? Edit: Some clarification on this, since my reason-against-it caused some confusion... If the Greninja was an event on its own instead of a form-change item, I'd be less against it. But the purpose of a Greninja turning into Ash Greninja, was because its strong bond with its trainer caused it to take on part of Ash's appearance. So if we made the bond with the Greninja, it wouldn't make sense for it to look like some random kid from Pallet Town instead of us. Getting it pre-transformed would be less contradictory(?), though, since it would actually be Ash's Greninja instead of "some ordinary Greninja who turned into Ash for some unknown reason". So... I'm still neutral either way. 2. Rainbow/white mystery box: We already have a box set that isn't being used at all; the silver mystery box. We have no need to make more, when we apparently don't even have enough stuff to fit in all the colours we already have. Now, if this were a suggestion as to what to do with silver mystery box, I'd be inclined to support, but "No support" for adding more boxes that most likely will never be used anyway. 3. Shine changer: Prettymuch what MY_IRENE and pokemonblack said, plus some points of my own: I've recoloured sprites before, and let me tell you, it's not something you can just do. It's really not as simple as just "select area slide colour around". Pokemon sprites tend to try and use as few colours as possible; and that means that they'll reuse the body colour for the outlines if it's dark enough. Trying to turn a dark colour into a light colour, turns the outlines that light colour too in most cases. It looks god-awful. So if this were to be implemented, it would have to be VERY limiting in order to keep the sprites from looking like hot garbage; that, or the spriters would have to go through and change the way the outlines work so that they don't change with the rest of the colours, and that's entirely too much work on them if it's even possible to do. No support. [Read more] |
DustyZoiveon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 53 |
Posted: Tue, 02/06/2020 21:05 (4 Years ago) |
I wound up having to ask someone else to remove me, which is kind of inconvenient. And yes, it was like this on both mobile and desktop. Same issue, except on mobile I couldn't even zoom out to see more than 7 names... I'm using Google Chrome on both devices, if that helps narrow down the problem/solution at all. [Read more] |
DustyZoiveon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 53 |
Posted: Tue, 05/05/2020 09:28 (4 Years ago) |
DustyZoiveon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 53 |
Posted: Tue, 05/05/2020 09:00 (4 Years ago) |
Plus, like the users above said, PMing is the best place to go if you wanna share images. Much better to have the whole screen to show an image rather than a tiny box. [Read more] |
DustyZoiveon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 53 |
Posted: Sun, 08/03/2020 01:42 (5 Years ago) |
And the reason you can't take berries from the berry garden is probably because that'd absolutely wreck the economy. Berries are too easy to get there, considering you can easily get over a hundred berries from a single harvest, so they'd become worthless (value-less?) if you could use them outside of the berry garden. [Read more] |
DustyZoiveon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 53 |
Posted: Wed, 12/02/2020 07:27 (5 Years ago) |
DustyZoiveon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 53 |
Posted: Tue, 14/01/2020 11:37 (5 Years ago) |
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