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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from ~Techno.
Posted: Thu, 29/07/2021 17:13 (2 Years ago)

Username: ~Techno
Shiny (and quantity): 3x Fennekin
Breeder: Sparks
Payment: PD
You need to set up a private trade to the breeder with payment and Pokémon equal to the amount you ordered as soon as they accept you...are you going to do that? (You better be answering yes or else-): ya ya ofc
Other: Umm Poha? xD

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Posted: Sat, 24/07/2021 15:28 (2 Years ago)
Your Username: ~Techno
Pokemon: muk and grimer
Breeder: Toni
How Many: 1x each
Gender: either
Payment: 200k PD
Password: REMODEL

Your Username: ~Techno
Pokemon: Kingler
Breeder: Toni
How Many: x1
Gender: either
Payment: REMODEL
Password: 100k PD

Your Username: ~Techno
Pokemon: Elgyem
Breeder: Toni
How Many: 2x
Gender: either
Payment: 250k PD
Password: REMODEL

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Posted: Sat, 24/07/2021 07:18 (2 Years ago)
Username: ~Techno
Breeder: AnimeEmber
Pokemon Requested: 1x Drifloon
Payment Type: PD
Customer Notes: no everstone needed, ty

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Posted: Sat, 24/07/2021 07:14 (2 Years ago)
Username: ~Techno
Breeder: Lola~Bunny
Pokemon Requested: 2x litleo
Payment Type: 70 normal gems
Customer Notes: a male and a female please, no everstones needed

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Posted: Sun, 18/07/2021 08:56 (2 Years ago)
Your Username: ~Techno
Pokemon: Exeggcute
Breeder: Toni
How Many: x2
Gender: either
Payment: redeeming a free shiny voucher, and 125k PD for the other!
Password: REMODEL
Ty once again

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Posted: Sat, 17/07/2021 07:39 (2 Years ago)
Your Username: ~Techno
Pokemon: Mime jr.
Breeder: Toni
How Many: x1
Gender: either
Payment: redeeming free shiny voucher
Password: REMODEL

Your Username:~Techno
Pokemon: Magby
How Many: x1
Gender: either
Payment: redeeming free shiny voucher
Password: REMODEL

Your Username:~Techno
Pokemon: Electabuzz
How Many: x1
Gender: either
Payment: 150k PD
Password: REMODEL

Your Username:~Techno
Pokemon: Kabuto
How Many: x2
Gender: either
Payment: 300k PD
Password: REMODEL

And umm.. it felt kinda obvious, but still, are the shiny omanyte and omastar UFS?

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Posted: Thu, 08/07/2021 15:55 (2 Years ago)
Your Username: ~Techno
Pokemon: Paras
Breeder: Toni
How Many: x1
Gender: (either, male, female) Either
Payment: (price and currency type) 125k PD
Password: REMODEL

Your Username: ~Techno
Pokemon: Psyduck
Breeder: Toni
How Many: x1
Gender: (either, male, female) Either
Payment: (price and currency type) 100k PD
Password: REMODEL

Your Username: ~Techno
Pokemon: Kabuto and kabutops
Breeder: Toni
How Many: x1 each
Gender: (either, male, female) Either
Payment: (price and currency type) 300k PD
Password: REMODEL

Your Username: ~Techno
Pokemon: Natu
Breeder: Toni
How Many: x1
Gender: (either, male, female) Either
Payment: (price and currency type) 125k PD
Password: REMODEL

Your Username: ~Techno
Pokemon: Totodile
Breeder: Toni
How Many: Need 3, but I suppose you'll need 3 for the complete evo line, so can you let me know wheather you can do two or 3 and set them up
Gender: (either, male, female) Either
Payment: (price and currency type) 300k PD or 450k PD, depending :P
Password: REMODEL

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Posted: Thu, 08/07/2021 11:19 (2 Years ago)
Your Username: ~Techno
Pokemon: Swinub
Breeder: Toni
How Many: x1
Gender: (either, male, female) either
Payment: (price and currency type) 125k PD
Password: REMODEL

Your Username: ~Techno
Pokemon: Corsola
Breeder: Toni
How Many: x1
Gender: (either, male, female) either
Payment: (price and currency type) 125k PD
Password: REMODEL

Your Username: ~Techno
Pokemon: Shellder
Breeder: Toni
How Many: x1
Gender: (either, male, female) either
Payment: (price and currency type) 150k PD
Password: REMODEL

Your Username: ~Techno
Pokemon: Delibird
Breeder: Toni
How Many: x1
Gender: (either, male, female) either
Payment: (price and currency type) 150k PD
Password: REMODEL

I'll set up the PT for all of them combined!

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Posted: Tue, 29/06/2021 11:25 (2 Years ago)
Username: ~Techno
Breeder: AnimeEmber
Pokemon Requested: Furfrou x 2
Payment Type: PD
Customer Notes: No gender or nature preferences, and is it fine if i set up the pt beforehand? :3

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Posted: Fri, 28/05/2021 13:55 (2 Years ago)
If I may, 2 more cramorants please? So a total of 7 ^^;

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Posted: Wed, 26/05/2021 19:13 (2 Years ago)
5 orange birbs for me please <33

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Posted: Mon, 24/05/2021 14:55 (2 Years ago)
Wow love the zubatmanchu xpp

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Posted: Mon, 24/05/2021 00:28 (2 Years ago)
I would like a pokemon please!
Shiny or mega-able?: Shiny
Breeder: BillCipher
Pokemon: 2x venonat
Other: 1 everstoned, payment 150 nuggets

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Posted: Thu, 15/04/2021 09:09 (3 Years ago)
Mind-blowing creativity, love it <3 Keep up the good work :P

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Posted: Wed, 07/04/2021 09:57 (3 Years ago)
Hi there, Fellow Hero! Wanna put up the shiny versions of mini-sprites somewhere? Well, you landed in the perfect spot for that!

Below are some shiny sprites that I've been able to complete yet. They are free to use as it's not much work to identify colors from the big shiny sprite of a Pokémon and put it on the normal mini-sprite :P (no need to give credits either, tips appreciated though <3)! I'm trying my best to complete them all, but if you do have any that are missing underneath the spoiler, and you'd like to get them quick, post a message saying which one(/s) you need, and I'll get them finished first and update the spoiler likewise :)

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Posted: Wed, 31/03/2021 04:25 (3 Years ago)
Hey! a shiny chewtle for me too :D no everstone. I'll pay up in PD whenever the turtle hatches :3

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Posted: Wed, 17/02/2021 05:06 (3 Years ago)
Your Username: Technoking
Pokemon: paras
Breeder: Toni
How Many: 2
Gender: (either, male, female) either
Payment: (price and currency type) 250k PD
Password: REMODEL

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Posted: Sat, 13/02/2021 05:31 (3 Years ago)
Bored in mid math class 😴😴

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Posted: Thu, 04/02/2021 17:39 (3 Years ago)


SHINY Price: 20,000 or 1
MEGA-ABLE Price: 10,000


SHINY Price: 25,000
MEGA-ABLE Price: 25,000


SHINY Price: 40,000 or 2
MEGA-ABLE Price: 20,000 or 1

We are sorry for the prolonged delay in activeness of the shop, but it will be regularly updated from now on!

Also, looking for shiny hunters, which are not usually on Shiny-mega hunts!! Palpad Technoking for more details.

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Posted: Tue, 02/02/2021 08:59 (3 Years ago)
1.) In the rumbling page: here, weezing (galarian) is not mentioned at all, and slowbro (galarian) is mentioned, which is not obtainable directly from the rumbles.

2.) In the valentines 2018 event page: here, unlike the other years' valentine pages, the special event pokemon has not been linked to the text.

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