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Posted: Tue, 12/09/2023 22:03 (7 Months ago)
As Shadow Unown cost 40k wich would be 21 nuggets(if already catched, otherwise +10k PD catching fee, than it would be 26 nuggets), but the trading-mininum of nuggets is 50, this order would be too small to pay in nuggets.
But if you still wanna pay in nuggets there would be the option to trade 71/76 nuggets and I(or one of the other two hunters) gift back the 50.
Otherwise you need to pay in PD or Gems/Items or order more, so we have a price above 50 nuggets.

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Posted: Mon, 11/09/2023 17:48 (7 Months ago)
Ratio is 1:1.900

I edited the thread, thanks for asking.

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Posted: Fri, 01/09/2023 17:56 (7 Months ago)
I use the sprites of shadows on my profile and in my shop.
This is the code I use on my profile:
Removing the * in the beginning makes:

This url I've taken from an already catched shadow in my boxes, if you take the picture from the Dex-Entry or directly from the Shadow Radar Page you get this one:
Both are working the same in BBCode, cause I always use last one in my Forum thread.

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Posted: Fri, 01/09/2023 08:59 (7 Months ago)
Schadow sprites has a 2 in front of the number.
So Mewtwo has the sprite 2150 not only 150.
You can see that if you just do a right-click on a shadow sprite and then choose 'copy image adress'. If you put in the text anywhere else then, you see the sprite-No is different.

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Posted: Sat, 26/08/2023 02:09 (8 Months ago)
There is no updated thread, since stonks exist.
But you can still use this thread to ask about prices and we'll help as best we can.

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Posted: Sun, 30/07/2023 11:55 (8 Months ago)
There is no avarage price for such a new Pokemon. Theoreticly it would be worth nothing, cause the Event just started and you can get it for free(only a few clicks, doable even for less active people), but mostly such new pokemon become pretty fast pretty expensive, then the price drops and when the Event is over stonks only shows the dropped price, while not considering sidewide frequency and the fact that is won't be obtainable after, cause it's not breedable.
So stonks isn't useful for non breedable Events like this.

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Posted: Tue, 18/07/2023 08:34 (9 Months ago)
Thank you for your Support!
I agree, also the Hoenn Dex, completition is already needed to get the Stardust, so it isn't even a change and fits pretty good in the lore of the space Pokemon.
The only thing is that exploring Space needs a full week(7 days) so I would like if either we're able to find more than 1 time a sphere while exploring, or the exploring time will be reduced with higher Rumble Map Lv.

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Posted: Wed, 21/06/2023 09:13 (10 Months ago)
Technically yes, but as the daily catchables are random(not planable) and Ditto is my only missing from the Shadow-Dex means the first I will find is reserved for my own. Same with Lucky Lady.
Only Zoen already has the Dex complete, and he also has an already catched Shadow Ditto UFT. If you want to buy it contact him, the price you'll find here in the thread or on my profile.

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Posted: Tue, 06/06/2023 13:01 (10 Months ago)
Premium hasn't any effect on events.
Just try to click while do other things, it's every year the same, that some users have no luck, while other get an encounter quiet often. I had pretty bad luck with Zarude, I got not a single encounter, even if I were clicking a lot while the event. Sometimes it goes that way and in other times we have more luck then.

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Posted: Thu, 11/05/2023 09:43 (11 Months ago)
Thanks ShinyUmbreonLover

And thanks Celestial Cat.
One question. Do you mean unlocking Space by getting the Hoenn Certificate and the fact that this Rumble Area needs a whole week to complete isn't difficult enough?
I understand the point, that it's not good, if we get "bombed" by the spheres, but I also think they are no Legy Item, but an Event Evo Item. How about a ratio like the Weather Balloon or Spray Duck? These are also Evo-Items and not that common as the Gems we find on Rumble. As they can be found in 6 Areas within 12h and no matter wich Pokemon send I think would make it fair compared to only 1 Rumble Map wich can only be explored by one(maybe then 2) Pokemon and also needs a whole week.
Also there is a higher need of the spheres than of the mentioned items(balloons are needed more in quantity, but they are already available for years and we don't need different balloons)
I think that could be a good way. What do you think? :)

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Posted: Wed, 10/05/2023 15:16 (11 Months ago)
I don't support this suggestion in whole, but I agree with the idea to move it into the family tree.

Let me explain my thought about this suggestion. :3
- The goal of an OT-Dex isn't endangered by the update at all, cause the OT is still the person who obtain and hatch the egg, so nothing has changed in that point. But I agree that it doesn't look that nice, if there is stated another username, too.
- As for lab eggs there is no need to collect data cause the simple code is: 'Obtained from the lab' means automaticly the breeder is Prof Rowan no matter how long ago, while 'Obtained from the Tall Grass/Daycare/GemCollector', needs to have data about the user who have breeded/exchanged it. That's why the senctence 'a few weeks ago' doesn't count for lab eggs.
- (this one is just my opinion) As breeding of Lab-Legys(same as Ditto) isn't possible for us, it's still fact that Rowan must have the eggs from somewhere, so I don't care, if he is the 'breeder' of a lab-pokemon just because we as user can't breed them. But I understand your point here.
- The example of 'your SM, give it back' doesn't work at all.
You may have breeded it in the daycare, but you have 24h to obtain the egg, after that it got released. The daycare works like that from the beginning of PH, nothing has changed this process in these almost 10 years, neither this 'Breeder'-Update. So when you don't obtain the egg, it goes to the tall grass where everyone can search for it. Means there is no right for you to say it's 'yours' anymore. Otherwise other users could say to you the same if you hatch a SM from Tall Grass wich weren't from you as breeder.
This also leads me to say I don't think a SM is worth less, when we got it from the Tall Grass, just because we now(!) know, who originally didn't obtain the egg from the daycare. It would mean, all SMs hatched from the Tall Grass would be worth less than from DC or GemC., cause the TG is mainly filled with eggs, wich aren't from ourself and it was always like that, nothing has changed. So the thought we haven't worked for the egg isn't true, cause we have searched for it. Or how was it before the breeder update? Did someone really were going to the TG with the thought 'oh no, now I have to search for eggs from another user.' or did we thought 'hopefully there are many eggs of pokemon x in the TG' fully knowing that these are 'not obtained daycare eggs' from other users and if there were none, we maybe directly ask other users to breed and release, so we can obtain these 'cuckoo'-eggs.

This whole text still doesn't mean I don't understand what you want to say.
It doesn't look nice, if there's stated another username, but it also doesn't annoy me that much. And I'm a bit confused why some users say we could see the breeder already in the family tree. That's not right, we can only see the breeder, if we're on the pokemon's page.

I just wanted to point out that the idea itself is partly good, but the 'reasons/explanations' are more personal opinions than facts wich makes this whole discussion very let me say emotional leaded.
I hope you understand what I mean with this on a neutral base. There is no offense or anything in my words.<3

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Posted: Wed, 10/05/2023 10:58 (11 Months ago)
Thank you♡

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Posted: Wed, 10/05/2023 10:43 (11 Months ago)
As there is no Dex-Certificate for the Emera Dex there is no 'need' to complete, but yeah it's something important for all who want to collect them. (Like me^^)

Thank you all for the Support!♡

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Posted: Mon, 08/05/2023 08:37 (11 Months ago)
If you only want to hunt for selling them keep away from Pokemon with mega form, cause there is already a overflow of those shinys.

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Posted: Fri, 05/05/2023 13:16 (11 Months ago)
Haha, ohja, das war bisher auch immer mein Motto.^^
Damit fährt man immer gut. ;D

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Posted: Fri, 05/05/2023 12:51 (11 Months ago)
Hey das freut mich für Dich!<3<3

Und mach dir nichts draus, ich werd mit ursprünglich 3 weiteren(gestern erfahren, kommt noch eine 4. Person dazu) unterwegs sein und ich bin die einzige die vorraussichtlich n Cosplay tragen wird. Will als weibliche Ranma gehen, wenns Wetter mitspielt. Wenn zu kalt ist(weil der Japantag genau in die Eisheiligen fällt), dann werd ich einfach nur Nerdzeug tragen und das ist auch oke.^^

Edit: Herzlich Willkommen, Codegaming93~

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Posted: Thu, 04/05/2023 11:22 (11 Months ago)
Yes, if you buy the first slot, it's autofilled with the missing quest egg.

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Posted: Wed, 03/05/2023 09:35 (11 Months ago)
Haha, sehr schön zusammengefasst! ='D
Man könnte noch erwähnen, dass der Japantag nicht rein für Cosplayer ist, sondern auch die allg japanische Kultur und Gemeinschaft von Ddorf einen großen Teil davon ausmacht.
Es gibt also auch kulturelle Infostände, Kalligraphie schreiben, Kimono anziehen, Bogen schießen, Aufführungen etc und da es öffentlich ist, natürlich stark überlaufen von Anime-Liebhabern, Japan-Kulturbegeisterten ebenso wie Otto-Normalverbraucher, der sich den Wahnsinn auch angucken will.^^°

Zum Thema Essen, ich nehme mir sonst die Jahre immer nur kleine Snacks und evtl was zu Trinken mit, aber richtig gegessen wird eig immer vor Ort. Mal gucken, wie gut ich das dieses Jahr kann, wo ich nicht mehr alles essen darf. Aber mein Takoyaki werd ich trotzdem genießen, das wird ja frittiert.🤤

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Posted: Wed, 03/05/2023 08:25 (11 Months ago)
Das ist vollkommen oke, bist ja auch mit reicher Beute nach haus gekommen, wenn ich es richtig gesehen habe. ;)

Dann schau ich mal, was die anderen so antworten.☺ *knabber, knabber*

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Posted: Wed, 03/05/2023 08:14 (11 Months ago)
Jaaaa, ich dachte, auch wenn die meisten wahrscheinlich antworten, zu weit weg oder andere Gründe, wäre es mal wieder an der Zeit zu fragen, wer denn in 1,5 Wochen in Düsseldorf auf den Japantag geht?😊

Ich werde wie jedes Jahr meine Freundin in Mühlheim besuchen um mit ihr zusammen zum Japantag zu gehen. Diesmal nehme ich einen weiteren Freund aus dem Norden mit runter und ein Kumpel von ihr würde von Köln aus selbst dazu stoßen. Wir wären also zu viert unterwegs und 3 davon sind hier auf PH.^^

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