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Posted: Tue, 17/09/2024 14:07 (3 Months ago)
and btw could you feed the god he’s hungry (https://pokeheroes.com/pokemon?id=45492225)

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context: i was gonna get a friend to feed my pokemon and i wrote that but then decided not to so i just cut the text out of the message

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Posted: Tue, 17/09/2024 14:00 (3 Months ago)

the image is a little big but it’s simple ig
interesting quote/reference at the bottom too

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Posted: Tue, 17/09/2024 00:20 (3 Months ago)

missing for me pls, thx

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Posted: Mon, 16/09/2024 15:01 (3 Months ago)
Missing for me too pls, thx

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Posted: Mon, 16/09/2024 04:51 (3 Months ago)

missing plush for me too pls, thx

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Posted: Mon, 16/09/2024 00:54 (3 Months ago)
sending! missing plushie for me pls, thx

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Posted: Mon, 16/09/2024 00:08 (3 Months ago)

missing plushie for me too pls, thx

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Posted: Sun, 15/09/2024 15:08 (3 Months ago)

missing for me too pls, thx

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Posted: Sun, 15/09/2024 11:50 (3 Months ago)
missing plushie for me pls, thx

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Posted: Sat, 14/09/2024 14:20 (3 Months ago)

Title: reserved


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Posted: Sat, 14/09/2024 14:02 (3 Months ago)

missing plushie for me too pls, thx

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Posted: Sat, 14/09/2024 09:57 (3 Months ago)

missing plushie for me too pls, thx

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Posted: Fri, 13/09/2024 15:36 (3 Months ago)

Title: Uhm

(putting them in spoilers because it’s kinda long and i’m lazy to scroll)

My pokémon/minecraft au
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In a separate pokémon universe, a digital virus caused features of minecraft (yes i’m too obsessed with minecraft) to leak into this universe.

This virus corrupted the world, causing chunks of land from all regions to break off from the main map and form one single new region — Terakrine.

The virus also affected all the poor unsuspecting pokémon who happened to be on those lands, even strong legendary pokémon.

The infected pokémon transformed to either one of these four strange typings: “Over”, “Aether”, “Nether” and “Ender”. (If they were dual type, one of their canon types were replaced. If they were mono type, they would gain one of the new types and become dual.)

Over-type pokémon could any of the 18 type moves, Aether-type pokémon could learn any flying or fairy moves, Nether-type pokémon could learn any fire or fighting type moves and Ender-type pokémon could learn any psychic or dark moves. even if they canonically couldn’t.

These four typings also had some exclusive moves: Over types could learn “Venture”, Aether types could learn “Ascend”, Nether types could learn “Hostility” and “Ender types could learn “Sensitivity”. (someday i’ll probably elaborate more on what these moves can do)

But the virus also gave infected pokémon weaknesses. Over types were weak to all 22 types including their own. Aether types were weak to Nether, Ender, Normal, Fire, Electric, Psychic, Dark and Steel types. Nether types were weak to Ender, Water, Grass, Ice, Rock and Ghost types. Ender types were weak to Normal, Water, Grass, Ice, Bug, Fighting and Dragon types. (probably also will talk more about this one)

And it also affected them physically, making them either weak or resistant to stuff in the environment that corresponds to the type (so for example the grass is grass type, mountains are ice/rock type and the sky is Aether/Flying type, etc) (yes i need to work on the logic for this part too)

An absol, Enzou, and his siblings (Bane and Rykki) were unfortunate enough to end up as a part of the newly formed Terakrine. Even though they tried their best to keep away from the virus, it was no use. The infection spread quickly and soon they became corrupted.

Bane became a Dark-Aether type, so she now had the ability to learn flying or fairy type moves. Rykki became a Dark-Nether type, and now he could learn fire or rock type moves. And enzou became a Dark-Ender type, so he could now learn any psychic moves.

Enzou was ridiculously clumsy and always kept tripping over rocks and edges in the mountain that he and his siblings lived on. He fell down so much so that a part of his horn broke off. Rykki’s tail broke off due to frostbite… somehow… and his horn was also blunted from the strong cold winds. As for bane, she was perfectly fine, as she was resistant to the elements of the mountain. (yea… that’s about it for now)

(lss, enzou then met a chronically online minecraft addict and the two realised that they had similar personalities and became close allies. and yea. i’ll work on this again another time)

My pokémon/pokéheroes creepypasta story
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So it was just another day of me being chronically online, playing pokeheroes on my tablet. Feeding mons, watering berry plants, bidding on auctions and what not. It was then i noticed something weird— some sprites were really desaturated instead of them normally being bright and vibrant.

For context, the originally lime and teal muggy castform was now a dull murky green, comparable to sewage water, and its eyes were pitch black. Confused, i went to check other parts of the site. The pokémon that were set up in the gts and auction were slowly becoming more dull and grey each time i loaded page after page. Dang, even the item sprites were becoming black and white. It was then I decided to check my party to see if my eggs and pokémon were affected too.

They weren’t even there.

Yep, my party was empty, whatever pokémon and eggs that were there were now gone. Then i checked my storage boxes. All empty too. I was half confused and half panicked. Is this a glitch?

I went back to my party page, and to my surprise there were three eggs there. But the egg sprites were white, and the spots and markings were grey or black. I tried clicking on one them, but instead got redirected to the index page. It was then i really got a shock, EVERYTHING was all black and white. The background image, the header banner, the pelican art and all the art in the news post were now black and white.

As i was scrolling through the news, hoping to find something, a pop up tab showed up. “One of your eggs hatched into a (8{57)!” Strange name. But I didn’t really pay much attention to it, and closed the pop up.

After a while more of scrolling, i found a strange news post. there was nothing written on it, expect for the title which itself was really weird. It said “ | ??/???/???? | ??:?? | News written by #595*)9}58{ | ???”. Honestly i was just terrified at this point.

I went to view other parts of the site— the berry garden, emerald beach, the forums, but everything was all shades of black and white. Then another pop up appeared. “One of your eggs hatched into a {959„j!” Another very strange name. This time, instead of closing the pop up, i was curious to see what was the pokémon that hatched, so i went to my party page. There was only one egg there, and its ehp was at 5595… out of 5355. I was really confused, this definitely wasn’t normal.

I decided to go check some other places, my pokédex, my storage boxes (which were still empty), event distribution page, and they were all also black and white, but this time the dark shades were darker and the light shades were brighter. Then a third pop up appeared on my screen.

“One of your eggs died !”

…One of my eggs WHAT?! I couldn’t believe what i’d just read. But i didn’t dare go back to check my party page. I wasn’t ready for whatever horrific thing i might see.

The contrast between the black and white colours became stronger the more i checked around. I couldn’t go any further, the contrast in colour was hurting my eyes. At this point i figured the best solution was to log out. But when i clicked “ok” on the log out option, instead of getting logged out a text box appeared on my screen: “Do you REALLY want to log out?” There was only an “ok” option, so i clicked it. Another text box appeared: “Are you sure?” The option still said “ok” which didn’t make much sense but i clicked on it.

Then a third text box showed up: “Your account is now #595*)9}58{. Logged out successfully.” I nearly got a heart attack from seeing that. This “#595*)9}58{” was the same one who wrote that blank news post. Was someone hacking pokeheroes? Then i noticed the “ok” option was now replaced with “595”. I thought, “What is ‘595’ even supposed to mean?” But I clicked it regardless. Instead of being redirected to normal pokeheroes index page, i was redirected to a pokémon’s id page.

The pokémon was a level 595 joltik. The sprite was the one from gen 5. It was white instead of yellow, its eyes and feet were dark grey instead of blue, and its outline was just solid black. All of its stats were 595. it didn’t have a name, but it apparently was a shiny. Or so i thought, because there was a black star with a white outline in the place where a shiny/shadow star should’ve been. The id page didn’t have a “Training” or “Feeding” option, it only said “????????????”. And it appeared that i had already trained this joltik before, but the text said: “#595*)9}58{ has been satisfied for today. It is important for #595*)9}58{ to take control of as many people as possible, to collect a wide variety of victims. Never come back.

That message was somewhat unnerving to read. Many thoughts were going on in my mind at that point. This certainly wasn’t a glitch or a bug, has the game been hacked? Who was this “#595*)9}58{”? Of all possible pokémon it could’ve used, why a joltik? More importantly, were other users affected? I went to visit some of my friends’ profile pages. They all seemed normal.

Then i realised, i had never once went to check my own profile page the whole time, so i did. Not surprised, but my username was changed to “***********”, Which shouldn’t have been possible because i had already changed it just a few weeks ago. My avatar was the sprite of the creepy joltik, but with the black and white inverted. My party was empty except for that same joltik itself. my contacts and feeds were already not viewable by default, and all other tabs (last visitor, plushie log, shiny hunt etc) were not there either.

By now i just gave up. Maybe closing the browser window and opening it again tomorrow will fix this hell of a nightmare. But right before i could close it, the page then suddenly refreshed on its own, and the page became pure white, with what looked like the eyes of a joltik in the middle, but pitch black with white pupils, staring right at me. There was some text at the bottom of the screen. “You cannot go back. You cannot warn your friends. #595*)9}58{ will have spread. #595*)9}58{ will have control.” I just stared at the screen, reading the text, and after a few seconds, the window finally closed.

Next thing i remember, i was sitting at my desk, with my head and arms resting on the table. I suspected i just fell asleep while playing, and that all of that was a dream. But i couldn’t be too sure. With a bit of hesitation, i opened my browser on my tablet, typed “https://pokeheroes.com”, and clicked enter. The page was blank, it took a while to load the login page. But i swear, for a split second. i saw the same pair of black and white joltik eyes.

I was able to log in successfully. The index page was normal. I checked my profile, everything was as per normal. Checked my notifications, everything was normal. My pokémon and eggs in the party bar were all there, and they were normal. Then one of the eggs hatched. And I don’t know if it was a coincidence or not, but the pokémon that hatched out of the egg was a joltik.

- end -

(sorry if this is a bit lame lol. if you actually read the whole thing feel free to message me and tell me what you think, what to add or change, or whatever really)

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Posted: Fri, 13/09/2024 14:26 (3 Months ago)

missing plush for me pls, thx

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Posted: Fri, 13/09/2024 13:17 (3 Months ago)

Title: My OT specials

If there are too many per category on display i’ll put them in spoilers

Quote from shinies and mega-ablesShinies (not including mega-ables)


Quote from legendariesLegendaries (not including shinies, mega-ables or shadows)

Quote from shadows and retrosShadows

Retros (not including shinies, mega-ables or legendaries)

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Posted: Fri, 13/09/2024 10:27 (3 Months ago)

Title: probably some stuff i need for myself

everything into a spoiler because i’m so lazy to scroll lol

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Quote from Berry garden Decent for harvesting:
Cheri, Chesto, Pecha, Rawst, Aspear, Leppa, Oran, Persim, Lum, Sitrus, Figy, Wiki, Mago, Aguav, Iapapa
Razz, Bluk, Nanab, Wepear, Pinap, Pomeg, Kelpsy, Qualot, Hondew, Grepa, Tamato, Cornn, Magost, Rabuta, Nomel, Spelon, Pamtre, Watmel, Durin, Belue

Not worth harvesting:
Occa, Passho, Wacan, Rindo, Yache, Chople, Kebia, Shuca, Coba, Payapa, Tanga, Charti, Kasib, Haban, Colbur, Babiri, Roseli, Chilan

Expensive ahh berries:
idk i don’t even have them yet WHY DOES A SINGLE MICLE BERRY COST 10K PD—

seeds by speed:

Aguav, Aspear, Bluk, Cheri, Chesto, Figy, Grepa, Hondew, Iapapa, Leppa, Lum, Mago, Nanab, Oran, Pecha, Persim, Pinap, Qualot, Rawst, Razz, Sitrus, Tamato, Wepear, Wiki

Belue, Cornn, Durin, Magost, Nomel, Pamtre, Rabuta, Spelon, Watmel


Very slow

Cooking pot

4 min drinks:

8 min drinks:

small portion gives 5 (or was it 10) biscuits
large portion gives 20 biscuits

Quote from Pokeradar batteries (TLDR: buy the batteries using electric gems they’re cheaper.)

If you’re poor and can’t afford to get premium you’ll need to buy batteries to charge your pokeradar, and it give you 3 payment options: 50K pd, 50 electric gems or 50 nuggets.

Looking at stocks price, one electric gem is worth 750 pd. one nugget is worth 2.5K pd. Which means the batteries are best bought with 50 electric gems because their total value is only 37.5K pd, whereas nuggets are the worst option at 125K pd.

Quote from Game centre Higher or lower:
When the guy gives you 2-4 choose higher.
If he gives you 7-9 choose lower.
If he gives 5 or 6 just go with your gut.

Or just go with your gut for everything because he sometimes has the audacity to give you a 9 and make his next number 10.


Always start with vowels: E or A, then O, then I and lastly U.
For consonants: S, then T, then N, then literally anything else. but Q and X should probably be used last.

If you get like 2 vowels and 2 consonants or more but still can’t figure out the word then just directly use this website to help you because it’s not very worth it to have your correct-guess streak broken


Go from left to right, starting from the top left corner, then continue from the left of the second row, and so on and so forth. Or you could go in a snaking shape and go in a left-right-left-right direction but from personal experience the left-left-left-left method is better.

Quote from Daycare Requirements to make perfect breeding pairs

1: Both pokémon must come from different original trainers (ot) that are not you.

Let’s say you are OT A. You receive a male magikarp from OT B, via wondertrade. You yourself have an OT female magikarp, but they can’t make a perfect pair because you are the OT of the female.
Now you get a female magikarp from the auction house. Its original trainer was OT C. Now you can put OT B’s male magikarp and OT C’s female magikarp in the daycare together and they’ll make a perfect pair.

Now in a situation you decide to sell this magikarp pair and the buyer turns out to be OT B. The pair will not be perfect for OT B because the male magikarp in that pair belonged to OT B.

2: Both pokémon must be the same.

I don’t really want to elaborate on this, but to put it simply: the two pokémon must be the at same stage of their evo line. Like you can put a male grookey and a female thwackey together that are both not your OT, but they won’t be a perfect pair because they’re at different evo stages.

Quote from for personal ref
pokefarmq and pokeheroes currency conversion ($1 in usd):
100 ZC = 500 GP = 500k credits = 100 nuggets = 150-300K pd = $1

ph rarity prices:
easy: 200pd
medium: 550pd
hard: 700 pd
starter/rare: 1000pd
special/event/legendary: individual stonks price

username history

jade_star —> itsjust_aender —> absoul_74 —> enzou359

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Posted: Thu, 12/09/2024 15:30 (3 Months ago)

Missing for me too pls, thx

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Posted: Thu, 12/09/2024 14:37 (3 Months ago)
missing for me too pls, thx

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Posted: Thu, 12/09/2024 08:46 (3 Months ago)

missing plushie for me pls, thx

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Posted: Thu, 12/09/2024 04:51 (3 Months ago)
missing plushie for me too pls, thx

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