Game Records
Trainer ID: #318447065Registration: 11/06/2023 (1 Year ago)
Time Played: 854:20 Hours
Total interactions: 268,249
Money: 28,292

Starter Pokémon:

hey there
how are you guys?
i haven’t been too active lately.
school and volunteer work and other commitments aren’t letting me have much free time for myself.
i want to find some time to just chill and catch up on sleep, so i’ll stop playing pokeheroes (and pokefarm if that concerns you) for a while.
no, i’m not quitting.
i’ll pop in every now and then, but i won’t be actively participating in any events.
if you guys urgently need to contact me here please send me palpad messages.
i will not be reading private messages.
thank you for reading, have a good day