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Posted: Wed, 24/06/2015 01:14 (9 Years ago)
Exactly, and that is not that hard to guarantee, just making the warning/ban serious and a way to the mods or admins to undo a trade.

I say "undo the trade" because giving the mods the privilege of just giving pokemon from one account to other one is too much power. Even undoing the trade carries a lot of power to the mods.

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Posted: Tue, 23/06/2015 23:19 (9 Years ago)
My shiny chandelure, at level 851 :3

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Posted: Tue, 23/06/2015 23:16 (9 Years ago)
Really interesting post, Omosky. I agree with the third suggestion, but I always see stuff like that on the Suggestions subforum and nothing happens.

The thing with forcing the other person (that didn't set up the trade) to give his part first is that if the person that set up the tradei is the scammer, he can easily take the stuff and don't accept the offer. So I don't think it's a solution to anything.

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Posted: Tue, 23/06/2015 22:30 (9 Years ago)
@Riako I never saw that thread, it's interesting. But you missed one of my biggest points, the thing is basically the rule is giving a cue to the stealers to steal.

@KrazyKarp Yeah, I was having an intense internal fight to decide where I should post this thing xD. I thought this would have taken more serious in this subforum.

QuoteRather, I'd like to be guaranteed that if who I'm trading with doesn't fulfill they're side of the trade, I have the right to report them.

I completely agree with that! it's really what my main objective was when making this post.

@doodlebug09 Exactly, thanks for your contribution!

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Posted: Tue, 23/06/2015 21:47 (9 Years ago)
Of course you need evidence, when agreeing the trade in the PalPad or PMs (to see the thing they agreed with), the screenshot or something of the accept of the trade at the GTS (to see if the trade was accepted or not or even created) and the Emera Bank (to see if the payment was done or not) should be enough ^^

Thanks for the contribution! :D

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Posted: Tue, 23/06/2015 21:33 (9 Years ago)
First, some of you might be asking: -why is this guy complaining about a rule? does he want to break it?. No, I'm not here to change a rule to be able to 'break' it.

This is the rule:
3.3 Trading at your own risk. You and you alone are responsible for the trade arrangements you agree on - we will not get your belongings back for you in case of a disagreement. So always make sure you can trust your trading partners.

Why am I complaining? Because I see this rule as a cue for scammers and robbers. Why? Let's imagine this hypotetical situation:

- There's a person X selling a Shiny Tyranitar
- A person Y (the robber) sees the offer and tells the person X that he will pay 400k PD for the shiny
- X sees the PD of Y and sees he has 560k PD (they don't know each other)
- X accepts the offer, and Y offers a random pokemon to Shiny Ttar
- Y promises he will give the 400k PD to X
- X accepts the trade and doesn't get his money
- X complains with Y
- Y argues "Trading at your own risk (...) we will not get your belongings back for you in case of a disagreement. So always make sure you can trust your trading partners."

You see my point? The thing is that we have to manage to force the robber to give our Pokémon back without reporting them or the robber will get banned (temporarily or permanent) and our stuff will be lost/still in hands of the stealer because the rules don't say that the stuff will be back to us.

"-But that's person X's fault" Ehm, following that reasoning you shouldn't trade with anybody you don't know (or if you're extremist, you shouldn't trade with anybody) because the potential of the person scamming you.

Now, it has happened to me and it has happened to a friend too, I'll explain you what happened on the most recent one, the one that happened to my friend:

My friend was selling his mega-able gyarados, and a guy offered him 200 nuggets for it. My friend accepted the offer, and then they did the trade. After my friend accepted the trade, the other guy didn't send the nuggets. My friend complained to me, and I talked to the other guy, knowing that if I reported him my friend probably wouldn't get his mega-able gyarados back. What was his answer? "See the rules". He was obviously talking about the rule 3.3.

So, what's our choice if this happens? reporting him won't give my friend the mega-able back, and trying to force him to give the mega-able is often times worthless.

"-But you didn't talk about rule 3.3.1!"

(In case you are wondering, this is Rule 3.3.1:)

3.3.1 This especially applies to loans. Do not lend Pokémon, PokéDollar, etc. if the user cannot be trusted. In case of doubt, get some kind of security from your trading partner, e.g. a Pokémon of equal value.

Yes, this is the original intention when making that rule (while I don't agree with it, is not that bad). I already knew that, my whole point is that stealers skips that important part of the rule 3.3, and they think they can steal other people's pokemon, PD and nuggets and get out unpunished.

"-So... what do you wanna do then?" I want to change that rule, to something clearer, that doesn't allow scammers and robbers to do whatever they want.

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Posted: Tue, 23/06/2015 01:02 (9 Years ago)
La mejor forma de hacer PD (sin contar revender cosas) es interactuando, consiguiendo GGC y después usándolos en el Golden Slot basic mode y después vender las Lansat Berries/Piedras Evolutivas/Vitaminas que te de.

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 00:03 (9 Years ago)
The thing is that the hangman is a lot harder and slower than the potential on this suggestion. And you cannot have your brain disconnected, because you constantly have to check for patterns in the words to win constantly. And even if you know every word that is possible the possibility of losing exists, there are too many options and there are unusual words too that would break any pattern.

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Posted: Fri, 12/06/2015 11:34 (9 Years ago)
I like the idea! But, with my little experience programming, I don't think it is possible having that highlight without making new images for every mini pokemon sprite (which is insane). But I'm not sure.

A way to make it work can be with a little asterisk or something, next to the sprite. Or maybe when you click the pokemon, in the details, you could see if it's busy and what is it doing.

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Posted: Wed, 10/06/2015 15:17 (9 Years ago)
Lord Helix! Hail lord Helix!

I'm a pokemon that was created by humans.
I hate hot temperatures
I can use some hardware to improve my signature attack
Im from the region of Unova
Who am I?

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Posted: Wed, 10/06/2015 04:28 (9 Years ago)
Wooper maybe? btw I loved the azumarill one a few posts ago, from you

I love sparkling, shiny things
I'm from the region of Johto
In gen 4 I got a new evolution
I'm a prankster by nature
Who am I?

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Posted: Sat, 23/05/2015 05:12 (9 Years ago)
Yes, it happens to me all the time, I hope this gets fixed soon :/

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Posted: Sun, 10/05/2015 18:40 (9 Years ago)
OMG STRIKERBOW xDDDD don't post that here bruh

Y'know, my cute mega-altaria could easily kill your oh-so-powerful hydreigon e.e xD

Thanks for the support :3

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Posted: Sun, 10/05/2015 17:34 (9 Years ago)
Well, it is simple, Sir Haxelot's typing is only Dragon, when it clearly could be Dragon/Steel.

I mean, come on, it's wearing a full-body armor... It's not a hard thing to change.

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Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 02:25 (9 Years ago)

Following that logic, if someone says for example "I'll give you a shiny ralts if you give me 350k PD" and you give him the PD and that user doesn't give you the pokemon, it's your fault and not that user's fault?

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Posted: Wed, 06/05/2015 05:41 (9 Years ago)
Bump? I need this ;n;

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Posted: Fri, 01/05/2015 20:20 (9 Years ago)
I support, because with so many possibilities it is a game of chances, you have a chance of getting the right word and there's no real way to get all the possibles words.

But well, i's on the game center where all is random, so I don't know.

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Posted: Fri, 01/05/2015 19:43 (9 Years ago)
It will be too easy, it's not that hard to memorize all the Pokémon, most of the Pokémon fans knows a lot of information about every Pokémon, so yeah, I don't support.

But I agree with @Bluekat's suggestion, I personally loved that feature on the Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky, and it will be a cool addition ^^

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Posted: Wed, 29/04/2015 02:06 (9 Years ago)
To the converter thing, most users (including myself *wink* xD) try to buy nuggets from users, so I think it's a bit pointless.

And you can buy almost anything from users with enough nuggets :3

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Posted: Mon, 27/04/2015 19:45 (9 Years ago)
Todavía no nos encontramos online con MrMostacho, cuando lo vea conectado luchamos ^^

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