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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Dorky.
Posted: Wed, 26/07/2023 06:38 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

"The hardest thing I've ever done? I- I'm not sure, actually."

Lucian paused. "Oh. That's understandable, honestly..." He actually found himself feeling a little surprised. It was probably just that Kubo couldn't think of the hardest thing he'd ever done at the moment, more so than him not having to make difficult decisions. Right? But surely... Everyone had at least that one thing.

He realized that he had been staring intently at Kubo by accident, drifting off into his thoughts, and flustered, he quickly looked away, giving a soft half-cough almost as if to pardon himself for his rudeness. He almost didn't fully process what Kubo had said next, for a moment.

"How about you?"

Lucian froze up, shoulders tensing. His heart pounded loudly in his chest. Time seemed to slow to a crawl.


Maybe he shouldn't have felt quite so alarmed. But in that moment, as Kubo asked that question back to him... What the hardest thing he had ever done was...

He tried to calm his breathing and fix his posture. To ignore the flood of images that reentered his mind.

"sorry... Your question just- just caught me off guard. I'll... Have to think for a moment. Um."

He pressed his knees together, staring at the floor in deep thought. What could he say? Should he tell the truth, make up a simple lie? Maybe, he too, could say he was unsure. The idea was lost on him.

Well... He wasn't sure it was exactly the hardest thing. But maybe it was a safe answer. A safe, mostly honest answer.

"I don't think I can really put my finger on... What the hardest thing was, exactly." He hesitated a moment. "But... I think... One thing that was really hard was..."

Should I really be telling him this?

"Running away from home was... Really hard. My family's... Not exactly the best." He avoided looking at Kubo as he said it. "So I guess... I just felt like I had to. It really wasn't easy, especially to just... Leave everyone behind with no idea of what might happen to them next but... I-I didn't feel like I had a choice."

There was a painful pang at his heart as he said it. "But... It's fine. Everything turned out fine. I'm okay," he said quickly, with a dismissive wave of his hand.

He was almost a little disappointed. To not exactly know... What the hardest thing Kubo had ever done was. And he didn't really want to dwell further on the matter of his family. But it was probably an uncomfortable subject.

He almost wanted to ask why Kubo didn't answer. But he might be uncomfortable. He almost wanted to ask Kubo about his friends, his family, his past life, but...

"What was... Growing up for you like, Kubo? I-- I'm not exactly... Sure what I mean. Exactly. Just... In general? If you're okay with answering."

He winced slightly, wondering if he was being out of line. Why was he... Asking this? Why was he talking about this with him? God... It was just asking for trouble.

Did he think that maybe, if Kubo got to know him better, he'd love him or something? Yeah. No. That was BS, of course not. No one could love him. And that was okay, that was how it was supposed to be.

Lucian's job was just to help people, to comfort them, not to take up space and to have thoughts and feelings and to be a person of his own. That wasn't how the game was played.

That wasn't how it worked.

Darcy Harper's POV

"Sit down? Why?" Sawyer asked, blinking, in puzzlement. "Is this... Part of the game, too?"

They looked so confused. And Darcy wished he could just explain it all to them, and that there was any hope of them understanding.

God... I thought I'd be used to this by now. He cupped his hand over his mouth and tried to keep from sobbing. Sawyer would get like this sometimes, but never this badly.

Sometimes they would disappear, and that mist, that confusion, would cloud their eyes, that lack of understanding of anything. That Darcy hated and sometimes envied.

How convenient it would be, to just forget about your troubles and pains.

Miyako had just left now. Of course she had. So... Did Darcy have to help heal Sawyer now?

He was fine with that. Still, he did feel kind of upset with her. For just leaving them alone with Sawyer like this.

He sighed. "Yes, Sawyer, this is part of the game. Now, I'm going to need you to sit still, okay? So I can, um... Attach the... Magical healing items? Or something?"

God, this is so stupid. He tried to keep from laughing. The wording was so dumb and awkward, and even Sawyer probably knew it too. But he didn't know why he had expected Sawyer to sit still, because the moment they sat down, their knees started banging together like crazy and they kept swaying from side to side.

Darcy immediately facepalmed.

"Okay! Wait, what do the healing items do?"

Darcy groaned. He hated coming up with this kind of thing.

"Uhhh... You have been... Mortally wounded by a deranged dire wolf! And you require this magical ointment and these bandages- which will- PFFFT! Um- ahem-" Darcy was now trying really hard to keep from laughing. "Save you from... Immediate death?"

Sawyer tilted their head and thought about this for a moment. "Hmm... Uhhh... Okay! I don't see how just a spell wouldn't suffice, though..."

Of course you don't, because you think this is a game, Darcy thought to himself with bleak amusement. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this point.

On the one hand, Sawyer was so ridiculous, as usual. And on the other... They barely remembered who Darcy was, if at all, and everything was so screwed up...

They should be okay, eventually, I think... They always were.

So why did he feel so worried?

"Well, um, yes, but our... Healer kind of got knocked down and, we have to resort to using items that we have on hand."

"Were they a white mage?"

Why... Why does that matter? The most weirded out, perplexed expression spread across Darcy's face.

"I-- um... Yes?"

"Cool!" Sawyer beamed. "I like this game!"

Darcy huffed, rolling his eyes, as he frantically tried to apply first aid as Sawyer still wouldn't stay still. Jesus. This was so stupid.

This was all so stupid.

And yet... Darcy didn't really mind just how stupid and childish it was.

Sometimes... I just wish you remembered that this was all real. Or that I could just join you in thinking it isn't.

He gazed intently at that oblivious, smiling fool before him, their eyes still cloudy with utter cluelessness.

I wonder what it must be like, to live in a world where none of this happened?

Sawyer Laurens's POV

Sawyer was, in all honesty, enjoying this game. They kept asking questions about what happened on their daring quests, and Darcy(?) would take a while to answer, and do so with slightly annoyed expressions, but they liked hearing his explanations.

"And about the queen, she-" Sawyer paused, blinking rapidly.

Darcy stared at them. "Hm?" He seemed befuddled as Sawyer suddenly stopped, realizing something that they hadn't before.

"Hey... Where did she go? That person from earlier?" They squinted in confusion.

Did I imagine her? they wondered.

She was so insistent on protecting them and... That Saeko person. From this imminent threat. Idris? So why did she suddenly leave?

Darcy's eyebrows raised. "Oh, she... I don't know. She just... Went somewhere... For some reason. I don't know why either."

Sawyer frowned. That wasn't very helpful. Oh, well. Maybe it wasn't important anyway?

"Is Idris the evil wizard?"

"What?! What makes you think that?"

Sawyer shrugged a moment, and then began slowly raising fingers and gesturing with their hands as they spoke. Well, it's just, Miyako. That's her name... Right? She seemed so insistent on... Protecting us from him. So I thought maybe he's that wizard you described."

"Oh... Well, I-" Darcy flinched. "I don't think he's evil, Sawyer. I think he's... Just hurting. Because of what happened to him."

Darcy finished bandaging Sawyer's hands, and crossed his arms, breath tightening, looking rather uncomfortable. As he looked at Sawyer out of the corner of his eyes, it seemed like he was searching for something, some kind of change in their expression.

"What happened to him?" Sawyer asked curiously.

"A- A lot of things. Most of which I don't really know about. But... You were there. For one of them. Do you remember?"

There was almost a pleading look on Darcy's face that made Sawyer shiver. They felt like there was something important that they had forgotten. That this person was someone important, someone who they had used to know so well.

But... What were we?

"I... I don't think I recall."

Darcy's shoulders sank. "Oh... That's... To be expected. I guess."

He went silent then. Sawyer expected him to say something, anything.

"What were we, Darcy?"


"I mean... Before... Whatever this is. A Killing Game, I think you called it? I feel like... I knew you. At some point. I'm not sure how."

"We were..." Darcy hesitated, looking away. "We were... Friends, Sawyer. Best friends. And then... Life happened, and... And I was stupid, and... Things fell apart... And... And..."

Sawyer's eyes widened. They felt a certain pang of familiarity, some sort of pang of sadness, of recognition, but...

It was like it was from another world. Another life.

"And... What?"

Darcy looked to see Sawyer had put their hand upon his, probably in some sort of gesture of comfort. He froze up awkwardly, his face reddening significantly.

"And... Never mind. I... thought I told you already. It... doesn't matter." He bit his lips with a sigh. "I-- maybe we should wait for Miyako to come back. I don't know."

Did he? Sawyer searched through their scrambled thoughts, trying to recall if Darcy had told them at some point.


Either he didn't, or Sawyer couldn't quite recall. (Honestly, the memory of the person writing this was infinitely worse than the memory of Sawyer. YOU HAD ONE JO-)

"Shouldn't we continue the game?" Sawyer asked.

Darcy rolled his eyes, pulling his hand away. "Pfft. Okay, I guess. Sure." A bittersweet smile scrawled it's way upon his face.

And Sawyer, not entirely sure of why the angel was so sad, smiled back also bittersweetly.

If only they could figure out who this person was, and why he seemed so familiar.

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Posted: Sun, 02/07/2023 15:23 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

Lucian pulled away from Kubo, shaking his head. "no, I..." He trailed off. "I'm fine. Sorry."

He hugged his knees to his chest with a deep inhale. Gosh. He was bothering him again, wasn't he? No... Kubo said he wasn't, but, it still didn't feel that way.


He wasn't entirely sure why.

After a long pause, seemingly out of nowhere...

"Kubo?" he asked. "What would you say was the hardest thing you've ever done?"

He wasn't entirely sure why he was asking this. (Heck, maybe the writers had their reasons, who knows.) But for some reason, he felt like he should.

Darcy Harper's POV

Darcy was slightly startled. Why should Miyako care that he was careful? But when she told him to be careful...

He couldn't help but smile weakly at her. "I'll try."

They sauntered over to Sawyer, whose brows were furrowed in thought. They seemed to be trying to remember something that was beyond their understanding. Their lips moved, but no words left them. They were so strangely quiet.

"Sawyer? Hey. Sawyer?" Darcy waved a hand in front of their face. Sawyer merely responded by blinking and tilting their head. Upon getting no response, Darcy brought his hand down.

He tried his best to think of something to say. Some kind of distraction, of some kind...

"Hey... Do you remember our science project? In fifth grade?"

Sawyer's nose twitched. "Fifth grade?"

Darcy swallowed. "Yeah. I remember that... You somehow managed to make this robot. We called it Paulio for some reason. I told you it was the stupidest name I'd ever heard! And you swore to me that you'd get him to move, and not just move, but to fly! And to change colors! You were so ambitious, I thought it was impossible at the time."

He couldn't help but laugh. Sawyer was always so... Crazy. And they never changed.

Then, he fell silent. It's funny... Even as a kid, I never hoped that much for things to work.

Sawyer's eyes flashed with something. Was it... Some kind of recognition?

Darcy's heart ached. Were they not even going to remember? "And, I was right, that the idea was too ambitious. But you kept trying! I've never seen anyone so focused on something. I'd... Keep calling out to you, but you wouldn't hear me. It was funny, seeing you so focused because... You've always been so... Easily distracted. But your determination was extraordinary. You kept dumping parts out onto a table and moving them this way and that, putting them together, inserting them, any way you thought they might work. I tried to help sometimes, but I've never been that great at building things."

"And Ms. Dubier loved it, right?" Sawyer said suddenly. "She said it was ambitious, too. She asked me just how much it had been worked on, and... I think I still remembered the exact time. 2 months, 3 weeks, 5 days, 8 hours, 37 minutes, and 3.5 seconds? Was that it?"

Darcy cupped his hands over his mouth. He was laughing, but he thought he might cry. "...god. You're such a nerd."

But the words came out with more warmth and affection than he had meant them to. Or maybe... He was excited that Sawyer remembered that.

Do you remember me, too? What do you remember about me, Sawyer?

Sawyer Laurens's POV

How... Did...

Darcy? know about that?

Sawyer was confused how even they knew about it. But something about it seemed familiar. Like it actually happened. Although what relevance the event had had was unknown to them.

If... It had really happened.

There was something familiar about this person's voice. About their tone, their face. That Sawyer couldn't quite fathom.

But then it was dunked under the water once again, and Sawyer couldn't quite reach it.

And there was someone else in this room, too. But what was she doing here?

Sawyer tried to remember. They were playing... Doctor, right?

Was that it?

Sawyer swayed from side to side. They were itching to stand up.

"No, no! Hey, hey. Don't stand up. Not yet. Okay?"

Darcy's hand was suddenly on their arm. Huh?

He pulled it away quickly, before glancing away, but Sawyer didn't understand what the reason was for this.

This... Was just pretend, right?

"Why? Why not?"

"It's- part of the game. Okay?"

There was what looked like a sort of hurt in Darcy's eyes, and Sawyer wondered if they had said something wrong. But what it was, they weren't entirely sure of.

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Posted: Tue, 20/06/2023 05:43 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

Oh- oh gosh, is he- looking at me?

Was... Kubo staring at him? Oh, gosh, he- was, why was he looking at him like--


Lucian's entire face flushed. He let out a confused squeaking noise and immediately fell backward.

He quickly sat back up, trying to compose himself, pawing through his hair with his hands rather nervously, unable to process what had just happened.

Jesus. He needed to relax. It wasn't like Kubo had just... Kissed him on the nose or something. So why was he so nervous?

"S-Sorry! Just- startled me. I--"

"Come on, Lucian. You can't just say things like that."


Lucian found himself staring at Kubo, suddenly, completely fixated on what he was saying.

"Look, geez- you don't bother me. For god's sake, you spend half the time doing stuff for me until I don't get why you even try anymore."

"I... Don't bother you?" he blurted out. He was smiling like mad, and he didn't understand why.

"If anything, it's me bothering you. Don't worry so much about that stuff, okay? I'm pretty damn hard to bother. Except-"


You? Bothering... Me?

"With scrambled eggs. I can't drink milk. I'm lactose intolerant. But- I still appreciate the gesture. So I'll wade through the crippling pain as thanks, 'kay?"

Lucian shook his head. He shook his head over and over and over. Then he threw his arms around Kubo.

"Look... I-- don't start talking bad about yourself. Either. O-Okay? You don't bother me. Ever."

Oh, god, what was he doing? Why couldn't he stop smiling?

"...oh... Oh my goodness, Kubo. You don't have to do that. I-- could go make you something else, right? I'm so sorry. I- I didn't know. I... Wouldn't want you hurt because of me."

His face reddened.




Dorky's POV

"Hi, Lucian, here's a card for you."


[Confess your feelings for Kubo or draw 25]


Sawyer Laurens's POV

There was a dark and foreboding presence. Sawyer didn't like it.


"Promise?" They looked at Darcy, blinking curiously.

"It's... An agreement. Something you can't break. Do... You not remember what that means, Sawyer?"

Sawyer didn't reply.

Play pretend! Right. Playing pretend with... Friends.


Darcy Harper's POV

Darcy brought Sawyer to the Nurse's Office with Miyako's help. He tried to smile, but... It was difficult. Sawyer's memory never got... This bad.

Do they seriously not remember... Almost everything?

He winced.


"Darcy... I'm really glad you're here."

He smiled at Sawyer, with stars in his eyes. "Me, too."

"Hey, you know, so many things are changing right now. It's crazy, isn't it?"

"Yeah... It really is." Darcy sighed. "It's like we don't know anything for certain anymore. But... You know, there's... Something I hope will never change."

The swing Darcy was on was swaying, creaking, back and forth, back and forth, threatening to break at any moment. Sawyer blinked curiously at him.

"Is it... The fact we're friends?"

Darcy looked surprised a moment. "Yeah! It's that. It's exactly that. I hope that... we'll always have each other. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you, Sawyer."

Darcy crossed his arms, and they bit at their lips. "Although... Maybe I'd... Find a way to manage. I guess. Couldn't be too hard."

Sawyer frowned. "Well, hey! What if... We pledged an oath? To each other?"

Darcy raised his eyebrows. "What kind of oath?"

Sawyer held out a pinkie finger, the widest smile suddenly lighting up their face. "That no matter what happens, we'll always be friends! And if we ever get lost, we'll find each other!"

Darcy rolled his eyes, slowing down on their swing. "Sawyer, come on, that might not be possible!"

"Only if you think that way!" Sawyer got up from the swing set, and trotted a few steps forward, pumping their fist to their chest. "I, Sawyer Laurens, pledge to always be friends with Darcy Harper! And if he ever gets lost, I'll find him!"

They looked to Darcy. "Come on, say it!"

Darcy sighed, and got up from his swing. "Okay, okay. I, Darcy Harper, pledge to always be friends with Sawyer Laurens. And if they ever get lost, I'll find them."

Sawyer groaned. "I would have preferred a little more enthusiasm!"

Darcy gasped. "Heyyyy! Was that not enthusiastic enough?" He put his hands on his hips.

But then they shook their head, giving Darcy the softest smile he had ever seen. "No... I'm just kidding. It was perfect."

They reached out their pinkie finger to Darcy. "So... You promise we'll always be friends? And we'll always find each other if the other gets lost, no matter what?"

Darcy hesitated a moment. "I... Yeah. I promise."

He smiled back at them, before hooking his pinkie finger with Sawyer.

Just like my father, aren't I?

Darcy tried not to cry. Of course, Sawyer didn't remember about that promise. And... As things fell apart, in ways Darcy didn't expect...


The promise might as well have been forgotten by both of them.

I left and I never said goodbye.

Just because he'd been... Jealous. Just because... Things had gotten harder between the two of them.

Just... What happened to us?

Best friends, who fell to pieces because of outside circumstances. Because life got harder. Life got busier. Life became more about your social standing, what people thought of you. Friends. Family. Strangers. Enemies. Acquaintances.

You heard people talking in whispers with cupped hands about you, about your every move.

And you needed to be perfect. Because if you weren't, what were you?

Oh, the thrill to be remembered. Oh, the thrill to be famous, to be in that hall of fame! To have your name up on that wall, in the paper, to be prom royalty, to have your mother finally notice you. Finally... Be proud of you.

But no matter what you did for charities, no matter what you did at dances, no matter what you wore, what grades you got...

There was always someone better. There was always someone more...






And no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't fit in.

And maybe Darcy envied that. Envied Sawyer, for living in a different world from everyone else.

Where it didn't matter what anyone thought of you. Where they were just themselves, and they were okay with that.

Where they saw everyone as a friend, and everything was sunshine, and flowers, and rainbows, and...


And whenever things got painful or hard, sometimes they just forgot all about it.

"How about... I talk to Sawyer, and try to keep them calm, in case something happens. Okay, Miyako? And... You can apply the first aid."

He paused.

Or... Should I do that?

He wasn't sure...

(Editor's note: Darcy's pronouns are set to he/him and they/them inside of the memory so as not to misgender him although this is not factually correct with what happened because I believe in supporting my son supremacy)

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Posted: Tue, 20/06/2023 04:35 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

"Look, you didn't have to-"

Lucian raised his eyebrows, perplexed. "Hey, it was no trouble at all... Really."

"Well uh... thanks Lucian. I appreciate it."

He couldn't help but smile at Kubo thanking him. "You're always welcome, Kubo. Always."

Lucian paused, unsure what to say for a moment.

"Could I have a fork, real quick?"

"Umm... Sure. Of course." Kubo was avoiding looking at him, and, well... That was fine. Of course that was fine. Lucian was having trouble looking at him too...

Was it what I said earlier? Did... I go too far?

"I... Have a spoon and knife, too. If you need them. And... If you need anything else, I..." he trailed off.

Should I apologize?


Hesitantly, Lucian walked over and sat down next to Kubo. But-- not exactly right next to him. He didn't want to make him uncomfortable or anything. He still avoided eye contact because... Well, Kubo didn't want to look at him either.

"I... Really am an idiot, huh, Kubo?" He laughed, he laughed, for some unknown reason, and he ruffled his own hair with a sad smile upon his face.

"I just... I'm sorry. I'm- I'm being so stupid, I-- I just want to help you, but, everything you've said, and done, it just... Seems like you want me to... Go away, right? I'm just bothering you. And I..."

He found himself glancing at Kubo, before feeling flustered and looking away.

"A-A-And... I-- I-"


He looked down at the floor.

"S-Sorry. I'm weird. I don't... I don't know what I'm saying. This whole situation, this... Killing Game. It's crazy. It's horrible. But... When I met you, it... Felt like everything... Changed, somehow, and I-"

He faltered. "I... I don't know what I'm saying, I..."


"I'm sorry. I've- I've been- I'm being so- stupid. And annoying. And I'm not helping at all. I don't know... What's come over me. And I know that... Maybe you'd be better off without me. Maybe that's why you wanted me to--"

He stopped midsentence.

"...to... Go away. And... Not come back."

Would that have made you happy, Kubo?

"And... Maybe, if I had half a brain, then I'd have... Listened to Idris, and Akari, about you. But... You were hurt, and... You needed help, and... I had to know you were okay because... I care about you, Kubo. You... Mean a lot to me. And... No matter what you say, or... Do, nothing... Changes that."

He sighed. "And... Here I am, being stupid again... Sorry."

Sawyer Laurens's POV



Playing pretend.

A little girl's laughter stirred in Sawyer's head. A clock was ticking.





The bell was ringing. Who was ringing it?

Their ears were ringing.

Oh, gosh, this was... This was not the last dungeon was it?

"Playing pretend," they murmured. "Aren't we all?"

"S-Sawyer. Please... Come play a game with us! It's- it's not real. It'll be fun. I promise."

Sawyer tilted their head to the side, a strange look coming into their eyes.

It's not real.

Nothing is real.

A wide, peculiar grin crept upon Sawyer's face. The angel froze.

"Okay!" they chirped suddenly.

The sauce on the walls?

Yeah, that wasn't real. Would be weird if it was.

People screaming? Oh, they did that while they were having fun!

Just a bunch of silly little people.

Playing silly little games.

Darcy Harper's POV

Darcy breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay... Come on, Miyako." He gently took hold of Sawyer's hand. There was a spark of light that hit Sawyer's eyes. Almost like a far away memory.

"It...it'll be fun, Sawyer. Okay? I promise."

Darcy couldn't believe they were thinking this, but... Somehow...

He almost thought he felt... Afraid of Sawyer.

But... They're nothing to be afraid of. They're not dangerous! No matter what... Mom said. Right?...


[Read more]
Posted: Thu, 15/06/2023 05:59 (1 Year ago)
(Editor's note: Dorky is currently hacking his mental health into pieces, and he may be high and drunk while writing this post. We make no guarantees towards its quality. Who is we? The Mind Flayer. Run while you still can. Or not. We'd rather you didn't. Easier to catch you that way. Idk, run all you want, we'll find a way anyway.)

Darcy Harper's POV

Darcy started to gnaw on his lips nervously, before noticing, to his horror, that he was doing that, and stopping before they would bleed. It was always hard to fix them if you did that. He recalled many times that he had run to the restrooms and--

No, no, no! Why the hell was that important right now?

He inhaled sharply, steeling himself to focus on what Miyako was saying.

"They... Hurt themself?" He paused. Sawyer was muttering something under their breath, staring at their hands, rapidly blinking.

Darcy thought back on it. Was this normal?...

He couldn't help but glance in Sawyer's direction, and then back at Miyako.

Was... This normal?

Sawyer was... Quite clumsy. They hurt themself all the time.

But was it ever... Like this?

"Sawyer!! How'd you hurt yourself like that?"

"Oh! I wanted to see the chandelier up close! But... It was up on the ceiling, so I--"

"So you knocked it down? My gosh, Sawyer..."

And then there was the time that they were banging their head against the wall, or that one time they almost jumped out the window, to see if they could fly. It was straight up obscene sometimes, the way Sawyer didn't understand certain things.

It was so strange, really. Their talent was about being the Loremaster, being so knowledgeable...

And yet...

Their memory, their brain, their complete misunderstanding of the bluntest of facts, that, to Darcy, felt extremely obvious... Was undeniable.

So... Was it normal for Sawyer to hurt themself?


Darcy's own hands were shaking. He realized that he'd been pressing his nails into them so hard that blood was dripping down his palms. What the... What the... Hell?

"I-- guess that's-- normal. But, my God! We have to help them!"

Darcy darted over to the trembling Sawyer.

Sawyer Laurens's POV

Oh! The angel was here. What was he saying?

"Sawyer! Sawyer! Are you alright?! Does- does it still hurt? Where does it hurt?"


Did what hurt? ...hur...t?

"Miyako, w-we should get them to the Nurse's Office."

Nurse's Office?

Sawyer froze.

"Nurses?" they slurred. "Why would anyone need to go there? It's fiiiine! Everything is fine."

"What's that?"

"No, no, Sawyer! Listen to me!" Darcy grabbed ahold of their wrist, startling Sawyer to the point they looked directly at him, blinking in confusion. "We need to get you to the Nurse's Office. And... Treat your wounds! Get you feeling better. Yeah... Of course... Better..." He trailed off, and glanced away. Sawyer thought they saw something glinting in his eyes.



"Just a new treatment that we're trying. It won't hurt. ...much."

"Oh, who am I kidding... You don't even understand anything I'm saying. Do you, Sawyer? You don't remember who you are. You don't remember who I am. You don't- you don't remember anything, and-- none- none of it... M-Matters..."

Why is he shaking?

"...I-- know who you are. Darcy, right?"

"You don't-- you don't really... Know who that is. A-Anymore."

A heaving, shuddering sigh came from the person's mouth. It was almost pitiful.

"Darcy? I-"

"It's- IT'S FINE. Come on, Sawyer. Just... Come with Miyako and I? To the Nurse's Office? Please?"

A whimper erupted from Sawyer's throat.

"Wh-Why? Why would I need- why would-"

They jerked away from Darcy, eyes widening.

"Do you... Think there's... Something wrong? Nothing's wrong! Nothing's..."

"S-Sawyer?... Come on, we need to-"

They let out a little laugh. "I don't- I don't belong there. In places. Like that. Please... Don't send me back."

"Send... You back, where? S-Sawyer?"

Sawyer flinched backwards, and hugged their knees tightly to their chest. They gritted their teeth, which chattered now...


"Back... Where?"

I feel like I've.... forgotten something.

"Do you want me to... Remember?" Their eyes were wide, and... Funny. Hands. Hands were so funny. Hands?...

"Remember... What? S-Sawyer..."

He looked pleadingly at them. "Please... Come with me. And... And Miyako. She was... Keeping you safe, right?"

Sawyer's heart raced. ...the... Entity.

That... Entity.

"Miyako?" they whispered.

No, there was...

Something that wasn't right.

Something they couldn't quite remember.

They shook their head.

"I'm sorry, Darcy, I-"

...whoever you are...

Darcy looked at them pleadingly, his eyes and face trembling.

"I can't go back."

Not there. Not ever.

Lucian Arbred's POV

Kubo's words rang in Lucian's ears. What... What had he meant? He had...

Just been trying to be nice? Get him to... To what?

Lucian pulled his scarf up, trying to quiet himself in case he started sobbing. What had he gone and done that for? He'd... He'd hurt and upset Kubo, hadn't he?

It's fine, really. He hates you already anyway, doesn't he?


Lucian felt like he was going to choke. It was getting harder to breathe. He almost wished that he wasn't breathing at that point.

What am I supposed to do?

I didn't mean to fall in love with you

I don't know if it was something you did, or something you did say

But maybe it was for the best that I walked away

"I... I just... Wanted to know what you liked. What you wanted, Kubo. Was that stupid?"

Oh, great. Now he was talking to himself.

While making breakfast, for that STUPID guy he loved for some obsc-


Since... Since when was Kubo...

No, he... He didn't think that. Not at all.

But he almost wished he did.

"I just... Was trying to be nice. I just... Wanted to try to be your friend. To help you. Was... That so bad?"

Maybe part of him wished Kubo could hear. Maybe that's why he was saying it out loud.

"and maybe... M-More than that. But... That's stupid."


"...it would be hard for us anyway. Even if it weren't for this... Killing Game. And... And I don't deserve you. And... Kaoru wouldn't have wanted this... And... And..."

Yeah, exactly. He had every reason not to be with him, right?

Every reason... Not to love him.

So why, oh, why, do I wish you'd asked me to stay?

Why do I wish you said I love you, and I said I felt the same way

It's a wonder what I see in you, a wonder, and yet it's true

That unfortunately, painstakingly, I'm in love with you

"...maybe he doesn't even... Like boys, like that... and I'm just chasing some... Stupid dream. Of course I don't mean anything to him. Why... Why would I?"


Stupid. Stupid, stupid. Stupid, Lucian, so stupid.

...oh. The food was ready. Yeah. He supposed he should bring it to him.

"...I hope you're not allergic or anything," he murmured to himself.

And I, have tried, to understand why

You always seem to push me away

From you, when I just want to help

And sometimes, I don't know why I try

He headed back to the room with a plate of food upon it, his figure slinking.

"K-Kubo? Are... Are you alright? I..."

Oh, god. This was awkward.

"I... Brought you some food."

He paused. Should... He... Apologize? He wasn't sure.

"I... Hope you like it."

Sometimes I wish that you would see me

That I would be more than just a ghost

But that's just too much to bear

It's everything I would love, and all I would fear

He turned his gaze away from him. "I picked what... I thought you might like."

I wish I was what he might like. But... That's impossible. And just... Stupid, right?

[Read more]
Posted: Fri, 09/06/2023 04:37 (1 Year ago)
Shoot guess I can't reserve :,')

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Posted: Mon, 29/05/2023 23:26 (1 Year ago)

Darcy Harper's POV

"Miyako?... Do... Do you know what happened to them?" he sputtered.

Did... Did she not hear me?

Sawyer Laurens's POV

What happened to them.

Sawyer stirred on the floor. ...right. the... Thing that had happened. That had gone and made everything so... Different.

That had gotten them...



They tilted their head to the side.

What was that?

Lucian Arbred's POV

"You don't need to worry about that. Just get me whatever. I don't care. I don't want you to cater to my every whim, 'kay Lucian?"

Lucian winced. "Kubo, I..." He paused, glancing at Kubo's crossed arms. At his furrowed brows, at the bitter look in his eyes. His gritting teeth...

"...I'm sorry. I-- was just wondering. If you wanted anything specific, like... If there was anything you preferred, if... You had any allergies or..."

He trailed off.

It hurt, to see him so angry.

To see him like that... It reminded him of the same Kubo who had told him how pleased it would make him to take his life. Not the one who had told him that he'd protect Lucian. That he trusted Lucian too. The Kubo that... Felt like he cared.

He felt his voice raising, his shoulders tensing, as he turned to look at Kubo, anger and hurt flaring in his eyes.

"Kubo... What the hell is your problem? Do you really hate me that much? Fine! I'll get out of your hair. Br-bring... You whatever, as you put it. I just want to help! I'm sorry for caring about you. I'm sorry for wanting you to be happy. Sorry for..." He paused, trailing off, voice catching in his throat. For a moment, he was unable to find the words.

"...trying to be your friend."

He slowly turned away, and stepped towards the door. Just wanting to get away from that face, from that voice, putting his hand to his mouth to try to smother a shuddering sob.

[Read more]
Posted: Mon, 29/05/2023 20:00 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

"R-Right! Okay, Kubo... What are you craving? What would you like?" He tilted his head to the side and smiled at him.

Lucian slowly stood up from the bed, almost falling over as he did so, and just barely catching himself. Ow.

...okay. Maybe he needed sleep. That wasn't important right now, though.

Darcy Harper's POV

"They're in here! Jesus, calm down!"


Darcy took deep breaths, forcing himself to remain calm. Okay, so... He was a bit irritated at Miyako using His son's name in vain like that. But...

His eyes widened at the sight of Sawyer. On the floor, blinking, staring, looking barely conscious. And quite confused.

"SAWYER!" Darcy gasped, rushing forward and wrapping his arms around them. "Sawyer, are you hurt? What h-"

He stared in shock at their dried bloody hands. Sawyer's eyebrows were raised, but they were slow to react.

"Darcy?... Was it? Whoosh! This is, uhh... What was it called? What is this?"

"Sawyer... Whose blood is that?" he asked very quietly.

Sawyer Laurens's POV


Sawyer's heart was racing. Their ears were ringing. Ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump.

There was a slamming. There was a hissing. There was a crashing, a crinkling.

Shards of broken glass and metal remains falling to the ground. There was this strange liquid, all over their hands, that they couldn't quite recognize. Dripping down their face, and down their body.

There were lights. Lights in very pretty colors.

Very bright.

Blaring this strange, loud noise.

What was that on their hands?...

Of course. It looked like the pasta sauce that Mom had used.

That's all it possibly could be.

They turned, and thought they saw something. Something horrifying.

Then it vanished in a swirl of darkness, and they shook their head. There was nothing there.

"What? What... Blood? This is pasta sauce, Darcy! It was all over this shiny thing..."

They picked up the object and showed it to him, grinning. "See? It's pretty, isn't it? It was so shiny... But it's all dulled now." Their grin faded. "It was sooo pretty! I wish you could have seen it."

Darcy let go of Sawyer, freezing up. "Sawyer... That's a knife. Did... Did... Did you... Use that?"

Sawyer didn't answer.

Did I?...


Sawyer wracked their brain.

I don't...


I don't remember...

The angel had turned away now. Sawyer felt a throb... Of something, in their heart. Was it... Disappointment? Deja vu?

Darcy Harper's POV

"Miyako, Saeko," Darcy choked out. "Do you... Know what happened? To Sawyer... Why are their hands like that?"

He remembered distinctly, now, the cuts marking up Sawyer's hands. That was their blood, for certain. They didn't seem to even remember what happened... As usual.

I just don't understand... How someone could forget something like that...


Mom always told me there was something very wrong with Sawyer. That I should stay away from them. Maybe... Maybe she was right. But not in the way she thought.

"...did... Someone hurt them? Did they do this to themselves?"

Darcy crossed his arms. "I... I need to know. I'm sorry, for barging in like this. But, they're my... My friend, and I was worried... That they might have been hurt. Or worse."

Just what is happening to them?

Sawyer seemed to be fiddling with various objects in the room, crawling about. It was like they'd never seen any of it before.


He had to get Sawyer some first aid, but... He had to know what happened.

[Read more]
Posted: Sun, 28/05/2023 14:24 (1 Year ago)

Draxomoxin's POV

They froze. Oh. No. NONONO. WAS THAT DRAGON TALKING TO THEM? Had he been discovered?!

"A-A-Are you-"

He frowned, fumbling for the words. She was pretty sure that she was going to say "Are you talking to me", but... No, that didn't sound quite right.

Or... Did it?

"Setting your... Heart. Art. On fire. That... Sounds dangerous?" he tried. They weren't sure where this dragon was going with this whole... Mortal-injury-that-if-sustained-could-lead-to-death thing, but they weren't about to get killed by some possibly unreasonable being.

He tilted his head to the side, quivering all the while. She had her talons out, at the ready, should he need to fight. Well. He hadn't exactly been in... A real fight before but... You know.

[Read more]
Posted: Sun, 28/05/2023 13:17 (1 Year ago)

Draxomoxin's POV


Few dragons knew who that dragon was? Draxomoxin was intrigued. But not enough to come out of hiding.

They don't seem particularly dangerous, her mind whispered. But... You never knew, did you? Maybe they weren't so friendly. Maybe there was a reason few dragons knew who that one was.

Aughhh, what was he even thinking?! He needed to get far away from here, right? Far away from the super uncertain possibly scary-


But what was the threat, exactly?

They paused and stared at their talons.

"I have almost never, never spoke-spoken with other dragons before," she murmured to herself. "Dunn dunn don't know if I could do it it now."

He had a strange habit when he spoke, of the words not quite registering in their mind, of them repeating at times when she spoke aloud, almost as though he was a glitchy program (or a goose from a certain novel if we're going to wreak more havoc on the fourth wall).

With all the uncertainty of what was real, and what was not... How was one to be sure that they even spoke?

Had he spoken? Had she spoken too loudly? Auck.

Okay, okay. Maybe... Maybe talking to them was worth a shot. It was better to reveal themself than to be discovered...


[Read more]
Posted: Sun, 28/05/2023 13:06 (1 Year ago)

✿ Moxin ✿


**✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿**


**✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿**

✿ Basic Info ✿


✿ Name ✿ : Draxomoxin (or, Moxin)
✿ Age ✿ : 2 or 3 in Wings of Fire terms, in human form, probably a teenager or young adult depending on the RP
✿ Gender ✿ : Genderfluid
✿ Pronouns ✿ : He/him/she/her/they/them, all of these are used to refer to Moxin
✿ Sexuality ✿ : Undecided, maybe aromantic?
✿ Birthday ✿ : Undecided, probably a Capricorn or Aquarius in terms of zodiac
✿ Ultimate Talent ✿ : N/A
✿ Roleplays ✿ : Dragon Island

**✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿**


**✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿**

✿ Personality ✿

✿ General Description ✿ :

They are a very paranoid, stammery individual who is quite cautious about everyone they meet. He is normally extremely quiet, a dragon (or person) of few words, who, despite this, trails off quite often in her sentences. Moxin is extremely out of tune with reality, oftentimes being extremely forgetful and neglectful of his surroundings, oftentimes forgetting things the moment he learns them.

This individual is like a dog chasing its own tail, trying to get somewhere or do something or other, wnd not realizing it is not useful in the least, and never really getting anywhere. He is rather aloof and cautious of strangers, being slow to trust anyone. But, if someone wins their trust, then she really trusts them.

He can come across as rude at times, as she never experienced proper parenting or socialization. He has a preference for doing things alone, and is quite afraid of trying new things. More on them as I figure things out!
✿ Personality Type ✿ : INTJ (Ni-Te-Fi-Se) 5w6 sp/sx 593 RLOEI Melancholic-Phlegmatic LVEF ILI IN(T)

**✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿**


**✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿**

✿ Appearance ✿

✿ Height ✿: Probably 8-12ft in dragon terms, since they're rather small. I'm thinking maybe 5'2"-5'5" in human form!
✿ Weight ✿: ...I don't know dragon physics, okay? I'll calculate a weight for human form later-
✿ Skin Tone ✿: Undecided
✿ Hair Style ✿: Undecided
✿ Hair Colour ✿: Undecided
✿ Eye Colour ✿: Undecided
✿ Clothes ✿: Undecided
✿ Accessories ✿: Round, dark-blue glasses, a forest-green scarf
✿ Other ✿: Undecided

**✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿**


**✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿** **✿❀ ❀✿**

✿ History ✿

✿ Backstory ✿ : (TBA. This'll take a while.)
✿ Secret ✿ : Depends, am I using Moxin in a Dangan RP?

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Posted: Sun, 28/05/2023 12:30 (1 Year ago)

Draxomoxin's POV

Loud. Loud! LOUD! Oh, confound it all! These dragons were being so loud!

Well, he couldn't actually tell if they were being loud or not. After all, every noise seemed loud to her. At least when they were paying attention.

What were they even talking about? Draxomoxin tilted their head to the side. It sounded...

Interesting. And possibly concerning.

Considering his small size, Draxomoxin hid in the nearby terrain to eavesdrop on the conversation, wide eyes blinking excessively. They didn't want to join in, because, well...


The dragons could be dangerous, right? He paused.

Why did I not want to talk to them again? What were they talking about again?

[Read more]
Posted: Sun, 28/05/2023 07:39 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

"A-Akari?! H-Hey!"

Right. He had slept... Fine. Somehow, Lucian doubted that. Aaand now he had just run out, barely having said goodbye.


Feasibly, Lucian should probably run after him. If not for the sake of Akari's mental wellbeing, then at least so he wouldn't be stuck inside of this awkward situation where he and Kubo were alone inside of a room together and--

Lucian's face reddened, and he shook his head as though to try to shake the thoughts away. No, they weren't going to start kissing again! Those had been-- accidents, and- nothing of that nature would happen again--

"Kubo, if... You don't want to tell me, that's okay." He needed but didn't want in the least to scoot far away from him, to try to banish any lingering thoughts of a romantic nature. There wasn't anything romantic about this, really! He had to get his mind off of that somehow.


Or... Did he?

Would it really be so bad to tell him that you love him? You want to do it, don't you?

"I-- um-" He patted the bed nervously with his hands, trying not to make eye contact. If only Kubo would stop being so distractingly pretty with his hair down--

"Maybe I should... Get you breakfast. Right? That's an idea! Maybe we could... Eat together. Iiiin here."

Without our lips touching!! Obviously. Because why would they be?


Focus, Lucian. You're just here to help him feel better. And... Maybe we should go check on everyone else, too. Make sure they're doing okay...

But, oh, god, why couldn't he banish the idea of kissing him?

Darcy Harper's POV

"M-Miyako?" he choked out. "Miyako, please..."

Sawyer Laurens's POV

Sawyer thought they heard a strangely familiar voice. Was that... The angel from earlier? Darcy. Right?


He kept saying Miyako. Why did the angel keep saying Miyako? They sounded... Sad-sad. And that made Sawyer feel sad-sad. What was causing Darcy's distress?

Oh, right.


That presence.

"Uhhh, Miyako? Somebody keeps calling for you!" They tilted their head off to one side. "I think it's Darcy!"

[Read more]
Posted: Thu, 25/05/2023 23:09 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

Lucian turned to look at Akari and attempted to give him a reassuring smile as well. He looked even worse than yesterday...

It seemed as though he had been about to speak, but no words came out.

"Good morning, Akari," he breathed. "Did... You sleep well?"

He paused in realization. "...that question is for you, too, Kubo."

For some reason he felt slightly amused at what he had just said, but the feeling was swept away as he remembered Akari's further downridden appearance. Maybe it wasn't even how he looked right now, but... Lucian had a feeling Akari had gotten even worse.

Or... Was his lack of sleep tonight getting to him?

He suppressed a yawn, trying not to fall over. Focus, focus. Just stand up.

Stand.... Up?

Oh, good word. Today was not going to be an easy one.

He had been watching Kubo almost the entire time he had been sleeping not in a creepy or romantic way obviously he was just making sure he was alright, but the quality of his sleep was still in question.

A pang of sorrow struck Lucian in the heart, to see Kubo so afraid, and to see Akari look in even worse shape.

This is awful... Why can't I prevent things like this from happening? I should be suffering, not them.

[Read more]
Posted: Thu, 25/05/2023 21:33 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

Lucian's heart skipped a beat. What was it that Kubo wanted to say? He tensed slightly, however, for it seemed that Kubo might be... Afraid.

"Yes, Kubo?" he asked softly. He smiled reassuringly at him, tilting his head slightly to the side. "I'm listening. You can tell me anything you feel comfortable with, I... Promise I won't judge."

Is he going to say he loves me? he thought, for a moment, albeit foolishly, before shaking the idea away. No, of course not. Lucian, get your head out of the clouds. It's probably something more important than that.

He put his hand over his heart, narrowly suppressing a slight sigh.

How can I promise him anything?


It wouldn't matter anyway, would it?

Darcy Harper's POV has come to Walmart and Target, look at stores near you for our new product!

Darcy stirred awake, troubled once again by nightmares. It seemed it was morning. Briefly, he wished that he had bottles of pills nearby.

He was shivering and shaking, his eyes twitching as he stirred. His hands were shaking, too, and he lifted them up to look at them.

He blinked and swore he saw blood, although, no, that couldn't truly be there. Could it?

They shook their head.

There were bigger things to worry about than drugs... Or alcohol. But the headache almost seemed to split his skull, his brain felt like it was screaming. He wouldn't stop shaking. He felt very nauseous, as though he might vomit.

...maybe it wasn't just the withdrawal.

How he wished that this was all some twisted dream. They got up with a groan, and headed towards the mirror, blinking rapidly. Well...

It was never a good idea to look in the mirror.

Reddish, puffy eyes stared back at him, black, inky mascara running down their face. Some of it had dripped onto their clothes, which made them wince. Darcy reached for his eyes a moment, that looked as dreary, though pretty, as ever, except for the blackness that oozed down his face, like some sort of malicious monster.

His eyes. Oh, Darcy's eyes. He almost loathed them sometimes, for the things he wished he could take back seeing. The things they wished they could never see again.

Like Mom, in her dire state. Constantly drinking, shouting, angrily, and her eyes that always looked so... Tired.

Her face, that spoke of age, though she wasn't even all that old. The methods she had turned to keep herself alive had done a number on that woman, who had once looked so very beautiful.

Perhaps her obsession over Erica had been a way to try to relive that beauty, reclaim it.

Darcy's fingers curled into fists, his sharp nails sinking into the flesh of his palms.

And Will... Was how she would do that.

Erica, the perfect girl. Always so talented. Always so... Loved. She had it made in life. Darcy... Didn't. And he envied that. He... Loathed her for it.

That doesn't make up for what you did.

Sometimes, Darcy wished he didn't have eyes. They hadn't done him any good in his life, although they were one of his most attractive features. He had seen nothing but things that he liked to regret, that drove him to tears.

That drove Darcy to pierce their skin with blades, and then panic, and cover it up.

That drove Darcy to gobble down pills. Too many pills. Begging and bribing the hospitals not to tell his mom, or anyone in the general public for that matter.

...and other drugs. And to drink. Always to drink.

Just like Mom.

That drove Darcy many times, to jump. To try to hang himself. To drown. To bleed out, finally at peace, dead and gone. To die, in so many ways. To just end it all. And... In this situation, didn't he have even more reason to do so?


He didn't.


There was-

Sawyer. They were always there. Always there to stop him. Until... They couldn't be, anymore.

He didn't even know how he had held on without them.




Darcy hurriedly got dressed and ran out the door, not even bothering to do anything else. Were they okay?! Where was Miyako keeping them?!

So desperate to protect them, aren't you, Darcy? Ohoho. Aaaanything to distract himself from the horrible person he is! He flinched, coming to a stop, thinking he heard Mei behind him.

...but... No. Of course. There was nothing there. No one there.

To protect the only person in this world who could ever BOTHER with you. Face it, if they knew what really happened, the day of that court trial... They'd never look you in the eyes again.

Oh, God, not now.


God isn't here, sweetheart.

Mei's face twisted and distorted in Darcy's mind, into a narrow-eyed, smirking demon. Her teeth became razor-sharp fangs, dripping with blood. Her nails sharpened into claws. She tilted her head to the side, neck twisted at an unnatural angle.

Go run along and find your little "friend", will you? Like the pathetic coward that you are, Darcyyy!~

"M-Miyako? Where... Where are you?"

Your waking life has become a nightmare, you silly boy! And you're NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER WAKING UP!

Horrendous laughter from Mei echoed in Darcy's mind. He could almost feel the dagger pressing into his throat, as he pleaded for it not to strike-

"...P-Please. Please no," he choked out.

Mei returned to normal, smiling almost sweetly.

...you belong in the deepest pits of Hell. Farewell, Darcy! I'll be waiting for you! Might as well end it all now, you know. Get it over with! Just a friendly recommendation!

...and then... She was gone.

"...Miyako?" Darcy choked out hoarsely.

She's dead... She was never really here.

...and somehow, THAT revelation hurt more than anything.

Sawyer Laurens's POV

Sawyer stirred awake. Three presences in the room. Three auras.


Miyak-yak. Saeko? And someone else Sawyer didn't quite recognize.

They groaned. The world still seemed to be shifting. They blinked it into slightly more focus.

"How- how did- I get here? Whoaaa. This is some- sick magic stuff. Heheheh."

Sawyer began tapping the various objects in the room, tilting their head to the side, perplexed and extremely curious about all of them.

They supposed they were awake now.


This was...

Hope's Peak. The school.


Amnesia was her name, she had beautiful eyes

Eyes? Eyes? What eyes?

Sawyer picked up the sharp object, and blinked at it. Huh. Fascinating.

And every word she said, was a little surprise

"Did we catch the imposter yet?"

Idris. Right. The imposter. Right?

Who was going to kill Saeko... Or something?


Bad person. Bad people.

"Bad... Idris was... Bad," they murmured.

"Or... Is bad."


"Where is the bad guy?"

They had a peculiar, distant thought that they tried to reach out and grasp, but couldn't quite reach. That maybe the name Idris had another place in their memory. That that person had been... Something other than bad to them.


No, that was-


I think I know, I mean,
Ah yes, but it's all wrong
That is, I think I disagree

[Read more]
Posted: Thu, 25/05/2023 19:34 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

[In reply to Akari Xenuata I cannot spell]

"...Lucian, just... Drop it."

Lucian winced. So... He was... Being that repressive of his pain?

"...but... Akari, I--"


What had this world done to him, to steal the light away from his eyes? As Lucian looked at him, he couldn't help but wonder if he had faced even worse than he had. Well... Not that what Lucian suffered from mattered. Not that his past mattered.

"I-... I'm beyond help, just... stop worrying about me, please?"

"no one is beyond-"

He stopped. Every time he tried to say something to Akari, he'd see that downtrodden face, that made him plummet into silence. That complete and utter misery. That tiredness, that sorrow. It made him feel sick inside. To see someone like this, to be unable to help them...

How could he just stop worrying?

"...Akari, I-- yes. Whatever makes you happy."

His eyes were almost pleading as he looked after him, desperately.



All he left with was that hollow saying of good night. That he was sorry.

"...good night, Akari," he whispered.


It's not you that should be sorry. It's me. Why can't I help you?...


Some "Ultimate Therapist" I am.

Lucian gritted his teeth, bitting his lips, pinching at his hands and fingers. Anything to quell the tears from starting up in his eyes. He wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight, he knew that.

Just how worthless was he? That he couldn't even begin to help Akari?

He was hopeless.

Lucian Arbred's POV

[In reply to Kubo Atsushi]

A tired and sleep-deprived Lucian, who probably couldn't sleep if he had tried, with all that was on his mind, turned to look at Kubo. The softness, of his tone, the way he whispered his name, it made him smile, if only slightly. And just the feeling of him nudging him...

Here we are, wasting our chances for the last time

Just what was he doing, really? Taking care of the one who had indirectly told him to kill himself? ...no. He hadn't meant it like that. And... Even if he had, could Lucian ever hope to be worthy of more? He wasn't expecting an apology.

Oh, and when we go, I'll try not to be, so, slow...

But how could he not take care of Kubo? Not just because he was undeniably the one he loved, who stirred his heart into motion. Who captivated him with every word and every little touch, every glance and every wonder of what he might be thinking. And he couldn't help but wonder, what it was that Kubo Atsushi had done to him. He was a mess, and... He wasn't even quite sure why. He'd never felt this way about... Anyone, before.

Skeletons, skeletons! What do we have here? Hiding from the mirror?...

Here Lucian was, though. Lingering in-between. Like a coward. Barely pretending not to dream of kissing him, of loving and being loved by him. Kubo was just like anyone else... Wasn't he? Then why... Why had Lucian considered telling him the truth? His truth? The one he had never told a soul, the one he had desperately tried to keep under wraps. The very reason, the biggest reason he never wishes anyone to hear of his past.

Say it once, say it twice, TRY TO BE NICE! Well, let's not lose ourselves...

It was pathetic. He'd... Tried pushing Kubo away, hadn't he? Maybe what he'd said wasn't enough. Maybe Kubo would know to leave him for his own good, if he told him the truth about himself. Kubo had tried to push him away, too, if he had interpreted that right. And yet it was like something still drew them both together. Curiosity, perhaps. Something in common, maybe. Because weren't therapists and detectives so similar? They'd both lost a mother. But... They coped with things differently.

Summer's over, love had left her! Screaming at the screen...

And yet, maybe he didn't want to fully push Kubo away. It was a selfish thought. Really, it was. Because if Kubo knew that truth about him, he'd be afraid of him. Possibly even hate him. If... He didn't already. Why did Kubo even put up with him? Maybe... Because there was no one else who bothered. Everyone was so caught up in their lives and their social norms, to the point they never lifted their heads above the water. To see if there was possibly... More than what met the eye.

Oh, and it's understood, that the both of us, are no good...

Could Lucian ever tell Kubo how he felt? Knowing how badly that would go? If he couldn't tell him the truth, it would haunt him forever. But... He wasn't sure if he was ready for the consequences. Lucian had lived a rather passive life, when he thought about it, hiding away from all the riskiness and the change and the pain, preferring to think of the past as but a faraway memory. He didn't want life to be like that again, he just wanted to help people. He never thought of having a life of his own, love, connections, genuine friendships, something that went beyond people being just clients.

I'll always be that... Short little gloat, always clearing his throat, like he ever had something to say...

But he almost wanted that. A life of his own. And yet, he hesitated, to venture into that unknown. Because what if it only brought pain, not just to himself, but others as well? He couldn't help but wonder... If his family would have wanted this for him. If his clients would have wanted this for him. If Kaoru would have wanted this for him, or Mei, or anyone else. If they could be bothered to care. ...not that he thought little of them, in the least, but... He wasn't that important. Would the people in his life have wanted him to live a boring, dreary life where he never formed genuine connections? Where he was merely a tool to help others?

And I'll say... When I go...

Maybe they wouldn't have. He'd have to think on that. And maybe, make a decision soon. Because anything could happen inside this terrifying school. If he didn't tell Kubo sometime soon... What if he never got the chance to?

"...yes, Kubo? Are... You alright? Do you need anything?"

Bury me six feet in snow.

He smiled sadly and squeezed the detective's hand. Maybe he'd... Tell him today. Oh, gosh. If only he could.

"...good morning."

He couldn't help but wonder how Akari had slept, if he had been alright, and dreadfully remembered the night before. Oh.

How could he ever hope that Kubo could love him? When he was THIS pathetic?

...yeah. He didn't deserve it.


Darcy Harper's POV coming soon to Walmarts and Targets near you because I'm being made to water plants!! YAYYY

Sawyer Laurens's POV coming soon to Gamestops and Hot Topics near you because I'm being made to water plants!! YAYYYY

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Posted: Tue, 23/05/2023 04:16 (1 Year ago)

Kowai Kurai's POV

Kowai was clapping. "Wowwww, guys! Keep it up with the gay ships! Maybe you'll even be able to compete with Gayme of Wits!"

Lucian stared in confusion at her. "...pardon me, but... Who are you? You're not supposed to be here, are you?"

"Uh oh. Uhh, right. I'm not supposed to exist. DORKY, ERASE HIS MEMORY!!"

Kowai mysteriously vanished just as quickly as she came.

Lucian Arbred's POV

Huh. That was strange. Lucian blinked. Had someone been here a moment ago? No, he must have imagined it.

"Hey... Kubo. Were you having a nightmare? Are you okay?" he asked, in a very soft and gentle tone.

It was difficult to tell if he was asleep, or barely awake.

Lucian's face reddened once more. Even with Akari also in here... It felt so... Awkward how he was at Kubo's bedside, stroking his hair and whispering kind words in an attempt to comfort him. It almost felt like something romantic.

But... It could never be like that, could it?

He was trying to talk to Akari right now, too, but Akari was stuck in a T-Posing state at the moment. Horrifying.

Sawyer Laurens's POV

Sawyer shifted slightly on the floor, letting out a faint groan. They thought they detected another presence within the room. Who felt faintly familiar, but...

Why was it so hard to move?

"Human... Person?" they mumbled.

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Posted: Mon, 22/05/2023 09:19 (1 Year ago)
Name: Draxomoxin
Species: Void Flyer
Gender: Genderfluid
Appearance (can be modified but has to be similar to species): A rather small black-and-red dragon, who might be mistaken for an even younger dragon due to their limited size and extreme thinness. His horns are also extremely short, and she wears two small broken shards of glass that are... Uh... Probably supposed to be glasses but honestly these dragons probably have no idea what those are, why does he even wear those on his snout, that's gotta be painful! Is even more scarred and battered than your average Void Flyer, and has extraordinarily wide eyes. Wears a scrap of torn dark green fabric around their neck, probably for protection purposes.
Personality: A stuttery, rattled, and easily annoyed dragon. They are quite easily confused and out of tune with reality, and quite easily get anxious or bothered by the slightest provocation. He can be quite rude at times without intending to be, being rather oblivious to how she might come across. It's a mystery how he even gets anywhere or does anything, because of their great difficulty with all of it.
Backstory: Draxomoxin's parents were tragically murdered when they were very young, and thus, Draxomoxin never learned a lot of different things. This incident caused him to grow up completely independently, with no parental help whatsoever. However, she struggled with almost everything, having no one to teach them what to do, what everything is, what things to avoid, and so on, and thus Draxomoxin is a scattered, paranoid mess as a result with no recognition of what is socially acceptable, that is at the same time rather aloof, not even recognizing the implications of his actions until it's too late.
Other: Is this okay?

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Posted: Mon, 22/05/2023 08:32 (1 Year ago)

Kowai Kurai's POV

She tilted her head to the side. Huh.

If this girl wanted sleep so bad, she'd GET sleep when she died. Honestly! The fact she cared so little about what might happen here, or acted like she didn't...

Was just annoying. At least try to contribute to your team, win or lose. Yeesh.

Kowai actually felt perplexed a moment, wondering why that upset her so much. I mean, she honestly, for the most part, was just playing the game to see what would happen.

Still... What she had to say was... Amusing.

"Doppelganger, huh? What a fascinating concept! And what makes you think I'M your doppelganger, and not the other way around? If that's even the case! Heh!" She grinned, putting her hands behind her back.


Reenacting sleeping in a coffin. Not like she'd know anything about death herself, huh?

She paused. That was honestly an interesting thought. Well, she wasn't entirely sure of what was the case back then, because she was dead at the time, but she was 99% sure that nobody gave her a coffin. Honestly. Even if they had thought she was really dead when she actually died, there was no way anyone would bother, even if they could have.

There was something strangely familiar about this girl. That Kowai couldn't quite place.

"Huh. If you wanna enact sleeping in a coffin, why not vote for yourself?" she joked, smiling as though she had just asked a five-year-old child if he wanted an ice-cream cone.

She was irked at Mei's insult, of her being supposedly ten times more annoying and childish. Well. Being annoying meant you weren't forgettable, didn't it? Ehhh, not that it mattered. It wasn't like she desperately wanted to be liked or anything like that. Imagine wanting that. Sounds like a skill issue.

"We're getting close to night, peopleee! Vote somebody!"

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Posted: Mon, 22/05/2023 04:40 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV


Lucian noticed Kubo seemed to be slightly awake. Was he alright? He looked slightly upset...

He walked over and sat down, gently running his fingers through his hair. He could... Still talk to Akari like this, right?

"...Akari, are... You sure you're alright? It's okay if you're not. Really."


"If there's anything you need to talk about... You can talk about it. I won't judge, I promise."

He passionately put his hand to his chest, with a sparkle in his eyes, offering Akari the most reassuring smile he could muster.


He sighed.

"...sorry if this is annoying. I just... Want to help you. If you need it."

Right. Because you can't even catch a breath without helping someone, huh, Mr. Martyr? Gotta fix the people, make sure they're in working order? Look at you! Even now you're stroking through Kubo's hair in an attempt to comfort him even though he's half-asleep, and Akari is just EXISTING and you still feel like you just HAVE to help him, huh? Because that's all you're good for.


It's your only importance. Your only relevance. You don't even want to step back and face your feelings, if only for a moment.

"Or, I mean, we could always talk about something else! If you want. Whatever you want. Whatever makes you happy."

He let out an awkward laugh.

I'm fine.

Please, there was no matter of being in love with Kubo. There was no matter of accepting a truth about his childhood. There was no matter of telling anyone either. There was no truth. Everything was going to be okay.

He didn't matter anyway!!

Just help the people.

The IMPORTANT people.

Namely, not you, Lucian.

Sawyer Laurens's POV

Sawyer was feeling rather woozy. They groaned, the world still a blur.

The evil presence was outside, over.

How funny. They wanted to hug a puffin. What was a puffin?

Alone inside of the room, well, there was the other one. But they had conveniently gone into the Infamous T-Posing Syndrome because their roleplayer was neglecting them.

There was red. Red.


All over Sawyer's hands. Sawyer's shaking hands. Their heart thudded.

Do you remember that day?


What day?


The day it all went to hell. All because of you. You're a monster, Sawyer.


Oh, how silly and funny. Their mind wasn't making any sense.

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