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Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]Miyako Hiroto
"Still..." Miyako released a sigh of exasperation. Changing the subject, she said, "Did you manage to find any dino nuggies in this godforsaken hellhole?"
She managed a weak smile.
"I need my dino nuggies, after all..."
Miyako Hiroto
Miyako's throat felt dry. She wasn't even sure if she'd been the one to say it. That horrible word, croaked out like it came from an old woman. "I-" she cleared her throat. "No, I was never good at cooking."
And that was the truth.
You suck, Miyako! Try harder dummy, or else dad's never coming home.
A lump started in her throat and she did her best to subtly wipe her eyes which strangely seemed to be getting wet. "...Anyway! Anything else vaguely microwaveable that doesn't cause an intense urge to regurgitate the weird astronaut food we've been eating over the past few days?"
Lucian Arbred's POV
Lucian paused. "Oh. That's understandable, honestly..." He actually found himself feeling a little surprised. It was probably just that Kubo couldn't think of the hardest thing he'd ever done at the moment, more so than him not having to make difficult decisions. Right? But surely... Everyone had at least that one thing.
He realized that he had been staring intently at Kubo by accident, drifting off into his thoughts, and flustered, he quickly looked away, giving a soft half-cough almost as if to pardon himself for his rudeness. He almost didn't fully process what Kubo had said next, for a moment.
"How about you?"
Lucian froze up, shoulders tensing. His heart pounded loudly in his chest. Time seemed to slow to a crawl.
Maybe he shouldn't have felt quite so alarmed. But in that moment, as Kubo asked that question back to him... What the hardest thing he had ever done was...
He tried to calm his breathing and fix his posture. To ignore the flood of images that reentered his mind.
"sorry... Your question just- just caught me off guard. I'll... Have to think for a moment. Um."
He pressed his knees together, staring at the floor in deep thought. What could he say? Should he tell the truth, make up a simple lie? Maybe, he too, could say he was unsure. The idea was lost on him.
Well... He wasn't sure it was exactly the hardest thing. But maybe it was a safe answer. A safe, mostly honest answer.
"I don't think I can really put my finger on... What the hardest thing was, exactly." He hesitated a moment. "But... I think... One thing that was really hard was..."
Should I really be telling him this?
"Running away from home was... Really hard. My family's... Not exactly the best." He avoided looking at Kubo as he said it. "So I guess... I just felt like I had to. It really wasn't easy, especially to just... Leave everyone behind with no idea of what might happen to them next but... I-I didn't feel like I had a choice."
There was a painful pang at his heart as he said it. "But... It's fine. Everything turned out fine. I'm okay," he said quickly, with a dismissive wave of his hand.
He was almost a little disappointed. To not exactly know... What the hardest thing Kubo had ever done was. And he didn't really want to dwell further on the matter of his family. But it was probably an uncomfortable subject.
He almost wanted to ask why Kubo didn't answer. But he might be uncomfortable. He almost wanted to ask Kubo about his friends, his family, his past life, but...
"What was... Growing up for you like, Kubo? I-- I'm not exactly... Sure what I mean. Exactly. Just... In general? If you're okay with answering."
He winced slightly, wondering if he was being out of line. Why was he... Asking this? Why was he talking about this with him? God... It was just asking for trouble.
Did he think that maybe, if Kubo got to know him better, he'd love him or something? Yeah. No. That was BS, of course not. No one could love him. And that was okay, that was how it was supposed to be.
Lucian's job was just to help people, to comfort them, not to take up space and to have thoughts and feelings and to be a person of his own. That wasn't how the game was played.
That wasn't how it worked.
Darcy Harper's POV
They looked so confused. And Darcy wished he could just explain it all to them, and that there was any hope of them understanding.
God... I thought I'd be used to this by now. He cupped his hand over his mouth and tried to keep from sobbing. Sawyer would get like this sometimes, but never this badly.
Sometimes they would disappear, and that mist, that confusion, would cloud their eyes, that lack of understanding of anything. That Darcy hated and sometimes envied.
How convenient it would be, to just forget about your troubles and pains.
Miyako had just left now. Of course she had. So... Did Darcy have to help heal Sawyer now?
He was fine with that. Still, he did feel kind of upset with her. For just leaving them alone with Sawyer like this.
He sighed. "Yes, Sawyer, this is part of the game. Now, I'm going to need you to sit still, okay? So I can, um... Attach the... Magical healing items? Or something?"
God, this is so stupid. He tried to keep from laughing. The wording was so dumb and awkward, and even Sawyer probably knew it too. But he didn't know why he had expected Sawyer to sit still, because the moment they sat down, their knees started banging together like crazy and they kept swaying from side to side.
Darcy immediately facepalmed.
"Okay! Wait, what do the healing items do?"
Darcy groaned. He hated coming up with this kind of thing.
"Uhhh... You have been... Mortally wounded by a deranged dire wolf! And you require this magical ointment and these bandages- which will- PFFFT! Um- ahem-" Darcy was now trying really hard to keep from laughing. "Save you from... Immediate death?"
Sawyer tilted their head and thought about this for a moment. "Hmm... Uhhh... Okay! I don't see how just a spell wouldn't suffice, though..."
Of course you don't, because you think this is a game, Darcy thought to himself with bleak amusement. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this point.
On the one hand, Sawyer was so ridiculous, as usual. And on the other... They barely remembered who Darcy was, if at all, and everything was so screwed up...
They should be okay, eventually, I think... They always were.
So why did he feel so worried?
"Well, um, yes, but our... Healer kind of got knocked down and, we have to resort to using items that we have on hand."
"Were they a white mage?"
Why... Why does that matter? The most weirded out, perplexed expression spread across Darcy's face.
"I-- um... Yes?"
"Cool!" Sawyer beamed. "I like this game!"
Darcy huffed, rolling his eyes, as he frantically tried to apply first aid as Sawyer still wouldn't stay still. Jesus. This was so stupid.
This was all so stupid.
And yet... Darcy didn't really mind just how stupid and childish it was.
Sometimes... I just wish you remembered that this was all real. Or that I could just join you in thinking it isn't.
He gazed intently at that oblivious, smiling fool before him, their eyes still cloudy with utter cluelessness.
I wonder what it must be like, to live in a world where none of this happened?
Sawyer Laurens's POV
"And about the queen, she-" Sawyer paused, blinking rapidly.
Darcy stared at them. "Hm?" He seemed befuddled as Sawyer suddenly stopped, realizing something that they hadn't before.
"Hey... Where did she go? That person from earlier?" They squinted in confusion.
Did I imagine her? they wondered.
She was so insistent on protecting them and... That Saeko person. From this imminent threat. Idris? So why did she suddenly leave?
Darcy's eyebrows raised. "Oh, she... I don't know. She just... Went somewhere... For some reason. I don't know why either."
Sawyer frowned. That wasn't very helpful. Oh, well. Maybe it wasn't important anyway?
"Is Idris the evil wizard?"
"What?! What makes you think that?"
Sawyer shrugged a moment, and then began slowly raising fingers and gesturing with their hands as they spoke. Well, it's just, Miyako. That's her name... Right? She seemed so insistent on... Protecting us from him. So I thought maybe he's that wizard you described."
"Oh... Well, I-" Darcy flinched. "I don't think he's evil, Sawyer. I think he's... Just hurting. Because of what happened to him."
Darcy finished bandaging Sawyer's hands, and crossed his arms, breath tightening, looking rather uncomfortable. As he looked at Sawyer out of the corner of his eyes, it seemed like he was searching for something, some kind of change in their expression.
"What happened to him?" Sawyer asked curiously.
"A- A lot of things. Most of which I don't really know about. But... You were there. For one of them. Do you remember?"
There was almost a pleading look on Darcy's face that made Sawyer shiver. They felt like there was something important that they had forgotten. That this person was someone important, someone who they had used to know so well.
But... What were we?
"I... I don't think I recall."
Darcy's shoulders sank. "Oh... That's... To be expected. I guess."
He went silent then. Sawyer expected him to say something, anything.
"What were we, Darcy?"
"I mean... Before... Whatever this is. A Killing Game, I think you called it? I feel like... I knew you. At some point. I'm not sure how."
"We were..." Darcy hesitated, looking away. "We were... Friends, Sawyer. Best friends. And then... Life happened, and... And I was stupid, and... Things fell apart... And... And..."
Sawyer's eyes widened. They felt a certain pang of familiarity, some sort of pang of sadness, of recognition, but...
It was like it was from another world. Another life.
"And... What?"
Darcy looked to see Sawyer had put their hand upon his, probably in some sort of gesture of comfort. He froze up awkwardly, his face reddening significantly.
"And... Never mind. I... thought I told you already. It... doesn't matter." He bit his lips with a sigh. "I-- maybe we should wait for Miyako to come back. I don't know."
Did he? Sawyer searched through their scrambled thoughts, trying to recall if Darcy had told them at some point.
Either he didn't, or Sawyer couldn't quite recall. (Honestly, the memory of the person writing this was infinitely worse than the memory of Sawyer. YOU HAD ONE JO-)
"Shouldn't we continue the game?" Sawyer asked.
Darcy rolled his eyes, pulling his hand away. "Pfft. Okay, I guess. Sure." A bittersweet smile scrawled it's way upon his face.
And Sawyer, not entirely sure of why the angel was so sad, smiled back also bittersweetly.
If only they could figure out who this person was, and why he seemed so familiar.
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Miyako Hiroto
"Sure." Miyako smiled at her. The gentle waves of Shi's voice carried all her worry and doubt away. This was her girlfriend. Stronger and smarter than her.
Gentle as water, but fierce as the ocean. Her protectee and her protector.
She hooked her arm through Shi's. "I'm hoping for ramen, but I'll take frozen hot dogs." She laughed. She did a lot of that when Shi was around. "You make me smile," she mentioned offhandedly. "When I'm with you, I want to joke and laugh. Thank you."
She ducked away before Shi could respond and then they were entering the kitchen.
Miyako Hiroto
Miyako shrugged helplessly. "Do you think they have an easy bake oven here? Preferably one meant for toddlers with play doh?" She eyed the ceiling. "Otherwise, I think we'll be eating spiders."
One waved at her.
"Rest in peace Lenny."
Miyako Hiroto
Miyako snickered. "Ah yes, the American dream. Bugs and dirt. My brother would be so proud." She smirked. "Hey, did you know when he was a kid, he used to eat dirt? Like seriously, he'd just shove it all in his mouth. One time it came with- believe it or not- a straight up earthworm."
She laughed.
"He quit after that, but I have never let him live it down. The look on his face as it squished between his teeth. He was crying so hard and I couldn't stop laughing."
Unfortunately for him, his roleplayer is extremely sleep deprived right now, and has no idea what's happened in the last five pages of this roleplay so-
He groaned.
All this Saeko business was gonna be the death of him. They were gonna have their revenge, he was sure of that. He just didn't know when or how...
Idris grimaced. He cursed himself internally for the recent events.
How could he be so stupid?
How the hell-
Did he manage to screw up an attempted murder....TWICE!?
He was a professional, for goodness sake. At least, that's what people said.
He shuffled over to the Cafeteria. All this attempted murder business was tough, and he needed a break. And a drink.
Maybe breaking into Saeko's dorm drunk and wielding a knife wasn't the brightest of ideas.
He'd do it again though.
But next time, maybe not drunk.
Kubo Atsushi
"Okay...?" Kubo echoed.
When people said that, they didn't really mean it. That happened, but I'm okay now! And the next day, her face would be a smushed mess of blood and bone and glass. I got over it! She'd tell you she hated you, kissed another guy, and ended up swinging from a noose.
What the hell did okay even mean?
"No," he concluded. "You're not okay. Stop pretending like you are." He scowled, crossing his arms. "Jeez Lucian, for the Ultimate Therapist, you're pretty bad at deflection. I know something's not right."
Setsuna Jun
Setsuna smacked Celery harder. "POST!" he screamed.
Lucian Arbred's POV
Lucian blinked. What was Kubo saying? Was he answering affirmatively to what he had said, or-
Then he stiffened, seeing the expression on Kubo's face.
"No. You're not okay. Stop pretending like you are."
For a second, he thought his heart had stopped. He opened his mouth to try to say something, to tell Kubo that wasn't true. He was perfectly okay. He was fine.
But that was a lie. He knew that was a lie.
And... Kubo hated lies.
"Jeez Lucian, for the Ultimate Therapist, you're pretty bad at deflection. I know something's not right."
He almost wanted to tell him. He almost did.
But he couldn't tell Kubo. Or anyone for that matter.
Because if he knew, he could never look at him the same way again.
It all would fall away before Lucian's eyes. And he couldn't tell Kubo. He couldn't tell anyone.
Lucian laughed softly. "Does it really matter... if I'm not? If something's wrong?"
He avoided meeting Kubo's gaze. He knew Kubo was mad at him and... He didn't like that, but...
"Just... Forget about it, okay?"
He cupped his hand over his mouth, attempting to muffle any incoming sobs.
"...i-it doesn't matter."
He shrank as much as he could where he sat, wishing that he could disappear completely. If only for a little while.
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Kubo Atsushi
Kubo sighed. Was a good person supposed to shut up and let Lucian keep his secrets?
Well too bad, because Kubo had never fancied himself to be all that moral or upright or whatever the hell Kaoru would call it. "Lucian, I'm not here to judge you. Seriously. What the hell do I have to judge you for? You know my tragic backstory, my sh*t- whatever. It's only fair you return the favour."
I would make a terrible therapist, god. I should just go back to sleep.
Setsuna Jun
Setsuna muffled Celery's screams with a pillow. "POST!"
Miyako Hiroto
Miyako cocked a brow. "Bird Instinct?"
A laugh slowly bubbled up in her throat. "I think you're right on the money with that!" And then she burst out laughing. "Oh my- hccp- god Shi! You're crazy!"
She leaned on her girlfriend, laughing her head off. Eventually, she trailed off into giggles. "Oh lord..."
Miyako Hiroto
Miyako wiped away a tear. "Oh god..." And then she noticed Shi's face and burst out laughing again. "You're roasting the hell out of my brother and you look like- oh my god-"
She started wheezing into her lap.
Dorky's POV
Lucian Arbred's POV
Lucian shook his head, and shook his head again, and again, and again. No, no, no, he had everything to judge him for! And that was... Hardly the point. Anything he struggled with didn't matter.
But... Kubo was saying he... Owed him?
He already looked angry enough. Lucian didn't want to ruin Kubo's day any more than he already had.
"Look, I... I..."
Lucian paused, hesitating. Who was he kidding? Kubo here was the Ultimate Detective. If he said the slightest thing, he might figure it all out and...
. . .
He'd never be able to help anyone ever again.
He heaved a sigh. But... If he owed him...
"I just... I hate remembering it. All of it. My dad, he... Was an awful person. I'm going to be honest. H-He..." Lucian inhaled sharply.
"I'm not sure if he... Cared that much about any of us. I'm not sure why my mom married him, not sure... What she saw in him."
He shuddered.
"On some occasions... We were forbidden to leave the house. H-He- He'd- always wave his gun around, a little, to let us know, what might happen if we didn't-"
Lucian thought he'd choke on his own breath. He could almost see the metal flickering in his vision.
"...listen. And sometimes, we'd be told to... D-Do certain tasks. We weren't really... Ever given much explanation. On what we were supposed to do during our... "errands." It always felt like he would hurt Kathy the most. She was always his least favorite child, maybe... Maybe it was because she was his daughter. My dad never... He never thought much of women."
Lucian hung his head. "I... I never understood why... Mom was still with him, and sometimes, I... Suspect she didn't really..."
He turned away, still shaking. "...didn't really... r-really... Hang herself. Though... At the same time... I wouldn't be surprised if she did. But he got over it so quickly. So very quickly."
Lucian had to take deep breaths, over and over, to steady himself, for a long while, before he could continue talking. When he spoke again, there was a faraway look in his eyes.
"...Sometimes... It's felt like... Death follows my family. Everywhere. You never escape it, no matter where you are."
And maybe his father deserved it. Still... He wouldn't wish ill will upon his brothers, despite what they'd said and done.
"But... My dad wasn't the worst, sometimes... He'd bring out his belt instead, or... He'd just yell. A- A lot. A-And... honestly, that place, living there... It was unbearable. I never want to let him see me cry again."
He lowered his head. "I-I never fought back, though... maybe it just made him hate me more than he already did. I don't know why he even had us kids in the first place, or... Why he married my mom. Although she was far more than he deserved..."
Lucian let out a choking sound, as the tears parted from his eyes.
"F-F... Far... Far more..."
He tried to muffle the sobbing with his hands, but it was to no avail. The tears wouldn't stop. The shaking, the choking, he couldn't breathe-
"Why didn't... Why didn't I--"
Make it stop.
"...why didn't I die instead...?"
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"Everything is going to be okay."