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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Wed, 21/09/2022 13:25 (2 Years ago)
"Hm, I would be inclined to disagree. Nonetheless, it's still wonderful to meet you" Sage tells Hyolyn warmly. To Blossom now, she says "Ah, you know. It's been the same. Keeping a strong relation with the surrounding towns while also keeping things well off here. Same thing, different day." A fat lie, Blossom and Leaf has always been almost like an advisor to Sage since the rule of both kingdoms. She could trust Blossom with the critical knowledge about the trouble within their ranks. But she wasn't about to voice her concerns in public.

"How about you? How is your family and shop doing? I do apologize for not taking the time to see you." She knew she couldn't openly voice the reasons why she was too busy to see them, but she hoped that Blossom could read between the lines and understand.

While she waits for Blossom to respond she decides to question both Thalia and Hyolyn. She was curious about both of them. "What bar do you work at? Perhaps I'll come visit once all my work settles down" Sage tells Hyolyn with a small smile. "And what about you?" Sage asks Thalia. "What kind of work do you do? Despite you feeling flustered around me I sense a spark of bravery within you. If you would be interested, there could be work within the castle for you- all simple things" Sage assures. There were important roles to fill. Messenger, spy- all important things that would be critical as their kingdom struggles for power. It would be easy to train her, but she wouldn't force her to do any role if she wasn't interested.

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Posted: Wed, 21/09/2022 01:46 (2 Years ago)
"We are both walking roughly towards the same area anyway, the main barrack isn't too far from where you and Sylas will be staying. I don't want to take up much more of your time, but I would love to meet this important client of yours." Gwen falls silent again. She chases away any negative thoughts by watching Swif bound around the area. It was definitely entertaining to say the least. For a few moments, she can forget about the crushing lost and responsibility that she is facing.

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Posted: Tue, 20/09/2022 22:42 (2 Years ago)
"It's nice to meet you Thalia Sparta" Sage says while extending a hand out for Thalia to shake. She turns part of her attention to Hyolyn when she hears them speak. Sage couldn't help but laugh at their last few comments. "I will try not to" she responds with an amused smirk. "There is no need for the two of you to feel nervous around me" Sage assures them. "I swear I am not as scary as I look!" She turns the rest of her attention to Hyolyn now. "So we have Thalia, Leaf and who might you be?" She asks.

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Posted: Tue, 20/09/2022 21:14 (2 Years ago)
Fire / Psychic

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Posted: Tue, 20/09/2022 20:56 (2 Years ago)
An amused smile rests on Sage's face. Thalia's reaction was a common one. She wanted nothing more than to assure the younger girl that it was okay to be informal with her. But the best way to do this would be to let it naturally happen. "Hello there!" She greets Thalia warmly. "Are you friends with Leaf?" She asks while turning her head to the side. It was impossible for her to remember all of her citizens but for some reason, she couldn't remember who Thalia and Hyolyn were. "What's your name?" She asks gently.

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Posted: Tue, 20/09/2022 02:11 (2 Years ago)
The older woman says nothing. Her smile vanishes when she notices that her desperate attempt to excuse Maddy's behavior didn't work as well as she intended. She wasn't surprised, but that didn't make this any easier for her. Their kingdom was still holding strong, but just how close were they to their breaking point? The people who were supposed to be leading this kingdom were understandably blinded by their sorrows. At this rate, the kingdom wouldn't be able to hold on for long. Sage sighs and glances out her window and stares into the distance. Hopefully they could stay strong for a little while longer...

She needed air, and something to cheer her up. The kingdom's secondary leaders may be hanging on by only a thread, but that didn't mean their people were also suffering... One could only hope. Sage waves away her personal guards and strolls along the streets. Unsurprisingly, she gets a lot of stares. She tried to keep a strong public appearance to avoid this. She was human like them afterall. But she was also a Queen, so she should expect to get surprised looks.

A few people race forward to greet her. She stays long enough for polite small talk before continuing her stroll. Her mood is quickly lifted. Life seemed to be pretty good for her citizens. She suddenly pauses, recognizing two people in the crowd. "Blossom!" She calls. "It's good to see you!" She moves closer to her and smiles politely at Hyolyn. "I do hope I'm not interrupting anything."

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Posted: Tue, 20/09/2022 00:38 (2 Years ago)
Tani's words pierce Sage's heart. She doesn't answer right away. In fact, her silence in itself was an answer. But Sage would be cruel to not confirm it, even if it wasn't the answer Tani wanted to hear. "No sweetie" Sage nearly whispers. "But she's been going through a lot. I'm sure she misses you, she is just a bit too preoccupied to admit it." Sage turns around to glance at Tani. "You should really visit her. I think it would do her- no, it would do the both of you a lot of good" she informs while offering Tani a small smile.

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Posted: Tue, 20/09/2022 00:15 (2 Years ago)
Even with her back turned, Tani could likely see Sage visibly wince at her words. "She..." Sage sighs and shakes her head. "She isn't doing well. She's been having horrible nightmares. Last night's incident.. It was really bad." Sage remains in her place, her body stiffening as she recalls the memory. Words couldn't extress just how badly she wanted to help Maddy, but knowing she couldn't do anything. It brought her great pain.

Ah, how strange it was. A few minutes ago, Gwen seemed to be back to her old self. How quickly things could change. It was all her fault too, that certainly didn't help. She couldn't blame anyone but herself for weakening her own army. Gwen wanted nothing more than to hide from it all. But she knew she couldn't do that, especially with Derek close by. She blinks away the tears that are threatening to spill and takes a calming breath.

"Hey! Let me lead you back to your client!" Gwen shouts while racing towards Derek. "These roads can be a bit tricky, we took enough of your time, I don't want to have you end up getting lost." She smiles kindly before dropping it. Despite Sage's orders, she wasn't in the mood to act cheerful and friendly. She, like Sage, was tired. She decides to walk in silence and only talk if Derek offered it first.

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Posted: Mon, 19/09/2022 23:36 (2 Years ago)
Sage nods, looking just as concerned as Tani. "Those are all excellent points. But it's a risk I'm willing to take." She glances towards Tani and doesn't bother to conceal her exhaustion. "We've been at war with the Cloaks for years... Gwen is particularly incorrect. Our people are skilled, but it's dumb luck that we lasted this long. It doesn't help that our army hasn't made the needed progress due to Gwen's absence... We need all the help we can get Tani."

Sage stands up and moves to the corner of the room where she has a few important looking letters placed on a table. She moves some aside and eyes one for a moment. "It's about time for the tides to change. The next time we face the Cloaks, I intend to finish our fight. I'll do this by any means necessary!"

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Posted: Mon, 19/09/2022 13:37 (2 Years ago)
Reserving a spot for a scientist character! Please let me know if I have to change anything because I'm pretty much going to be copying and pasting a character from my list of characters. (He is surprisingly fitting for this RP)!

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Maverick Ashenfall

~"Sanity is a madness put to good uses." (-George Santayana)~

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Personality: Maverick normally doesn't take anything seriously. Most would think that there is not a single intelligent thought in his mind due to the way he acts. He can be very bold and daring, seemingly acting on impulse. His insane personality tends to drive people away for fear they'll be roped into something dangerous. At the end of the day though, Maverick is extremely caring. He just has a horrible way of showing it. He can be extremely loyal-- when he takes the time to make an effort and show it. Befriend Maverick, and you'll have a strong and worthy friend. Get on his bad side and... well, let's hope you don't find out for yourself.

Appearance: Maverick has long lengths of unruly silver and electric blue hair. His eyes are mismatched from a freak lab accident. His eyes are green and grey, with his grey eye having slightly worse vision than his green one. Maverick usually has his hair tied back, he wears a lab coat, closed-toed boots, and gloves (a safe boi). He wears a simple graphic t-shirt and jeans underneath his open lab coat. Over his graphic t-shirt is a chest holster that holds vials of chemicals rather than a gun. Maverick finishes the look by having a gas mask attached to his hip at all times. Just in case...

Skills: If Maverick were a video game character, all of his points would be inserted into 'luck.' He loves mixing together different chemicals to see what'll happen. Sometimes he'll drink said chemicals- testing them out on an animal or another person goes against his ethics. Surprisingly enough, nothing too horrible has come out of doing that [don't be like Maverick kids]. His efforts seem to be worth it because he discovered a few tonics than can temporarily enhance strength, agility, and healing abilities. He's been keeping these discoveries quiet though. The money wouldn't be worth it if these tonics fell into the wrong hands.

Weaknesses: Maverick isn't too physically strong, nor is he the best fighter.

Weapons: Maverick carries around dangerous chemicals. But when those fail, he always has his trusty backup double barrel shotgun

Other: Cats :3

Pal-pad Group: Yes

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Posted: Sun, 18/09/2022 17:36 (2 Years ago)
Sage sighs and lowers her head in defeat. She should be thankful that it wasn't a no, but she was too tired to care about that. Carrying the weight of the kingdom on her back was extremely draining. While she was thankful for Tani sharing the burden with her, it didn't exactly make anything easier.

"I shouldn't have been so rash, I scared him off" Sage mutters. "Nevermind that, we can approach him again at a later time." Sage lifts up her head and looks between Tani and Gwen. How long has it been since the three were all in a room together? Years probably. "I'm shocked that you thought to bring him to me. I assumed you forgot about having to respect my authority, considering all the times you purposely avoided me. General or not, I could've ordered your own guards to drag you to me, but I wanted you to save face" Sage tells Gwen bitterly. "I know you are heartbroken and still mourning, but your people need you. This will be the last time I ask nicely. Attend to your duties... And keep an eye on that man, try to stay in his good graces. He has incredibly valuable information. You're dismissed" Sage tells Gwen.

Gwen was smart enough to say nothing. Deep down, she knew that Sage was right. Her words felt like a knife to the heart. Slowly, she stood up and bows respectfully to both Sage and Tani before exiting. Sage sits back down and sighs once Gwen is gone. She rubs her temples, already feeling a headache coming on. "I am aware you came late, but what did you think about him and the information he could possibly give us?" Sage asks Tanni.

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Posted: Sun, 18/09/2022 00:30 (2 Years ago)
The mention of a plow makes Gwen frown. She has never heard of such a thing, but the way he talked positively about it made her intrigued. Anything that helped out farmers would greatly benefit them. She sometimes preferred life in the barracks compared to the back breaking work in tending the gardens.

A sudden jab of guilt hits Gwen. Life inside the barracks? Please? She rarely bothered to show up. Much less, pay attention to the new recruit's progress. Just how behind were they? Just how far behind was she? If it came down to an actual fight, rather than a confrontation. Could she actually hold her own?

She glances up when she hears mention of a ballistae. The name sounded unfamiliar, but the image he described painted a clear picture. Something like that could turn the tides against the Cloaks....

If Sage noticed Gwen's momentary change in attitude, she paid no mind to it. "I understand you are busy with your current task at hand. You seem trustworthy enough, and we do hope you enjoy your stay here." She stands up suddenly and stares at him with an intense look. "That being said, we are in the middle of a war. Would you be able to help us build these ballistaes? You wouldn't need to physically help... we likely won't have the needed resources... yet. A blueprint is all that would be needed" Sage assures.

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Posted: Sat, 17/09/2022 18:55 (2 Years ago)
Sage opens and closes her mouth. She wanted to answer, but she also didn't want to downplay her kingdom. Fortunately, Gwen was about to answer for her. The girl had sat up now, and like Sage, was leaning forward to give Derek her full attention. Not a lot of things interested Gwen more than talk about technology, especially if it meant using it for combative purposes.

Gwen doesn't get the chance to speak though. The sound of someone entering surprised her. She turned her head slightly to glance at Tani, who seemed set on leaving. "Tani" Sage calls, immediately meeting her gaze. "You should stay for this" she says while gesturing to an empty seat. "Continue" she tells Gwen.

"Based on what I'm hearing, our technology is somewhat primitive compared to yours." Gwen admits. "We focus less on destructive weapons, such as cannons and warmachines. Instead we focus on manpower. The more skilled soliders we have, the better. We know these lands better than anyone, and can use it to our advantage. We have learned to rule these lands, but have yet to cross the waters." She smirks. "Our small kingdom has kept the Cloaks at bay for years, and it wasn't due to luck."

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Posted: Sat, 17/09/2022 04:05 (2 Years ago)
Gwen says nothing, instead she sits back and tries to imagine a ship that can do what Derek is describing. This gives Sage time to speak. Like Gwen, she seemed interested in the types of technology Derek was familiar with. She learns forward, showing clear interest in what he had to say.

"A ship that can navigate across those waters? That's an amazing feat... What other types of technology do you have?" She asks. "If you feel comfortable sharing it that is" she adds just as quickly. It was never a great idea to share too much about your kingdom to a foreign leader, and she didn't want to press.

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Posted: Sat, 17/09/2022 03:16 (2 Years ago)
This got the attention of both Gwen and Sage. Even Swif, who was oddly intriguing to Gwen, was a long forgotten memory upon hearing his words. "How did you cross the sea? Surly your boat wouldn't be suitable for long distant travels" Gwen asks. What kind of technology does this man have? Suddenly, Gwen regretted her actions from earlier. If these people were that much more technology advanced, then it would be wise to remain in their good graces.

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Posted: Fri, 16/09/2022 12:51 (2 Years ago)
A small smile rests on Sage's face. Whoever this high priority person was, there was a chance that she knew him. She tried to be familiar with the people in the other territories. "Where did you come from?" Sage asks. She glaces at Gwen, who was shaking her head. This makes Sage frown. "Are you not from around here? What is your client's name?"

Gwen was half focused on the conversation. Again, she found herself glancing down at the fox. Now it was starting to act more fox-like. But she had to remind herself that it was listening to Derek's commands only just a second ago. She found herself wondering for the second time if it were some strange looking dog that just happened to look like a fox. She snaps into attention upon hearing Sage's second question.

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Posted: Fri, 16/09/2022 02:59 (2 Years ago)
A shocked expression crosses onto Gwen's face as she watches two tiny foxes race out of Derek's wagon. To her, foxes were always prey. She didn't realize they could be trained like a canine. Maybe it is a strange looking canine? Gwen wonders while curiously peering down at the thing. She tries to walk carefully while leading Derek to Sage, as to not step on the small thing. Unlike the woman from earlier, Gwen said nothing while she lead the way. The older and more experienced woman was far more comfortable with silence.

Upon reaching the door, Gwen couldn't help but feel nervous. She may be a warrior, but Sage was still scary. She raises up a fist and knocks three times. "Come in" a familiar voice says and Gwen complies, leading the way and stepping aside to make room for Derek.

"Sage, this is Derek. He is of interest to me, and is likely of interest to our kingdom. I didn't want to discuss anything with him further without a proper audience." She pauses and turns to Derek. "Is that okay?" She asks him.

Sage says nothing for a moment and stares at the two. Her stern gaze resting on Gwen longer than the newcomer. "Please, take a seat if it makes you comfortable. I'm sure you already answered this. But what brings you here?" Sage asks lightly.

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Posted: Fri, 16/09/2022 02:19 (2 Years ago)
Gwen is quick to remember both names. The two don't seem like a threat, but it wouldn't hurt to remember them. She nods to the female guard, who had yet to leave. "Please escort Sylas to one of the private inns. He would likely wish to sleep in a real bed. Keep an eye on the door too" Gwen says the last part quietly as to not be overheard. Even though they weren't an immediate threat, it didn't mean they could lower their guard completely.

"Derek, if you wouldn't mind. I would like to bring you to our Queen and Councilwoman Tani. You must've traveled far to get here. I'm sure they'll wish to speak with you."

Sage was already awake, and seemed to have been awake for awhile based on all the completed messages next to her. After helping Maddy, she had only gotten a few hours of sleep before she was wide awake by the reminder of all her duties she had to attend to. She sits in one of her workrooms. Arranging letters from the nearby territories and writing new messages to send to the leader's of those territories. Now, more than ever, was the time to have strong diplomatic relations. Unfortunately, these territories were small compared to Telmar's already tiny kingdom. They would need Telmar's resources far more than Telmar needing theirs. But they couldn't afford to be picky.

She raises her head up upon hearing one of her guards enter. "General Gwen is here with a visitor" the guard informs her. Sage couldn't hide her surprise. Gwen was slacking at her duties now-in-days, thus avoided her as to not be scolded.

"Very well, send them in, and give these to our messengers" Sage replies while passing some documents forward. "I have a feeling things will get very interesting" Sage mutters under her breath.

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Posted: Fri, 16/09/2022 01:21 (2 Years ago)
If Derek dropping his only weapon was surprising enough, him suddenly bowing was even more shocking. Gwen hesitates for a moment, before lowering her hand to her side. She silently listens to him speak and frowns slightly, not recognizing where his accent was coming from. No nearby villages spoke like him. It only made her more interested in these newcomers.

"Your observations are correct, I am a general- general Gwen is my name- and there is no need to bow" Gwen explains. "Who is it you are trying to escort? And what brings you to Telmar?" While Gwen no longer looked physically ready to attack, there was a clear warning within her tone.

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Posted: Fri, 16/09/2022 00:03 (2 Years ago)
The woman narrows her eyes at the two. Once again, she rests her hand on the hilt of her sword, but visibly relaxes once Derek speaks in a more recognizable language. "Well, it's nice to meet the both of-"

"What's this?" A voice shouts from across the field. Nearby were the sounds of training. Multiple people were fighting against eachother with wooden swords. Further away, some people were practicing archery. In the distance, more experienced fighters were trying to knock eachother off horses. But all seemed to stop at the sound of a single voice.

Despite her frequent absence from training and her looking noticably weaker, Gwen was still highly respected within the ranks. She had more experience than anyone, and was still as cunning as she was two years ago. She strode forward, her hand gripped the hilt of her sword as she glanced between Derek, her solider, and the large caravan.

"You!" Gwen practically snarls at Derek. "Who are you? Why have you come here?" She asks threateningly. Her hand never once dropped from the hilt of her sword, in fact, upon getting closer, she seemed far more eager to wield her sword. She carefully strode around the larger man. Normally a visitor wouldn't be a threat, but one look at Derek set off alarm bells. No way a guard of that size is coming here peacefully Gwen thinks to herself.

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