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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Lavender_Luxray.
Posted: Thu, 27/07/2023 20:23 (11 Months ago)
I mean, there is always mobile, where you do interactions by tapping the phone screen. But I do get your complaints and feel similarly. Clicking using the spacebar, for example, would be a nice alternative to clicking too I feel

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Posted: Thu, 27/07/2023 18:54 (11 Months ago)
I suck at dancing

When I say "lavender", do you think of the color or the flower first?

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Posted: Thu, 27/07/2023 16:08 (11 Months ago)
Shiny fairy Mew in a forest

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Posted: Thu, 27/07/2023 05:57 (11 Months ago)

An easy one: 🧍‍♂️🔑

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Posted: Wed, 26/07/2023 13:27 (11 Months ago)
Boo! That pun socked!
Show hidden content

(Just kidding, I thought it was pretty good)

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Posted: Wed, 26/07/2023 11:54 (11 Months ago)
Lavender flowers are my favorite type of flowers, and Luxray is my favorite Pokémon, so I combined those two ^^

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Posted: Wed, 26/07/2023 11:37 (11 Months ago)

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Posted: Wed, 26/07/2023 08:05 (11 Months ago)
Demon Slayer? idk I haven't watched that hdjfjfj

I've eaten nothing but drywall for the past 3 years

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Posted: Wed, 26/07/2023 06:31 (11 Months ago)

Pokemon or Digimon?

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Posted: Wed, 26/07/2023 06:20 (11 Months ago)
On it! Preferably missing plush as well please :)

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Posted: Wed, 26/07/2023 06:14 (11 Months ago)
@_-_-_-Sam-_-_-_ unfortunately, I had put the Milcery up for sale in the AH and no longer have it. However, I do have the Kecleon still. I will set up a PT for that.
Your total will be 100 pd.

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Posted: Tue, 25/07/2023 19:58 (11 Months ago)
@BubblyStick3 no, don't worry! You made it to the waiting list. We closed when we hit 20 spots originally, and you made it in :)

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Posted: Tue, 25/07/2023 12:10 (11 Months ago)
Alfred as Eggman from Snapcubes dubs? :o

You may be [blank], but you can't go stealing [him/her] from me!

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Posted: Tue, 25/07/2023 06:46 (11 Months ago)
One piece?

Arm chopping is not a love language!

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Posted: Tue, 25/07/2023 06:11 (11 Months ago)
@Pokehero0111 your order of a Catercream breeding pair is ready! Your total will be 10.000 pd! I have set up a PT.

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Posted: Mon, 24/07/2023 20:49 (11 Months ago)
Nah, not necessarily but I personally like doing that better 😅
Main point I was trying to make really, is that there are potentially other reasons for wanting to view profiles anonymously

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Posted: Mon, 24/07/2023 20:41 (11 Months ago)

Important shop update!

Heya all! Since we have quite the waitlist at the moment, we have decided to close the Event Breeding waiting list until we've worked through all current orders.Our other services (missing plush service, general sales etc.) remain open for now!

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Posted: Mon, 24/07/2023 19:07 (11 Months ago)
It's a bit of a iffy thing to do imo, but yes, there is a reason to want to view a profile while logged out.

The amount of pd someone has when you're in a bidding war with them at the auction house.

I can see why you'd want to anonymously look at their spending power so you can safely outbid them.

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Posted: Mon, 24/07/2023 11:06 (11 Months ago)

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Posted: Mon, 24/07/2023 04:41 (11 Months ago)
Bump! We're open for business again! I see people have posted some orders while we were closed. If you're still interested, we ask of you to reorder, as we don't count the ones posted during our break!

Also, during break we completed some orders and handled them via PalPad/PMs. I also just managed to complete another order so...

@Blazecat1 your order of one Dark Ponyta (no everstone) is ready! Your total will be 14.000 pd! I have set up a PT~

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