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Fall_Night OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 244 |
Posted: Mon, 09/09/2019 06:27 (5 Years ago) |
"Absol Ab" (She should be a teacher) "Weavile" (Ya think?) [Read more] |
Fall_Night OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 244 |
Posted: Sun, 08/09/2019 08:18 (5 Years ago) |
"Weavile!" "Ay, dont give me that attitude little mister. Come here.." The Dark/Ice type walked back to her owner. "You should know better to run off like that" [Read more] |
Fall_Night OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 244 |
Posted: Sun, 08/09/2019 00:13 (5 Years ago) |
Fall_Night OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 244 |
Posted: Sat, 07/09/2019 21:35 (5 Years ago) |
Fall_Night OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 244 |
Posted: Sat, 07/09/2019 01:35 (5 Years ago) |
I followed the white pup outside, the cold air bit at my lungs. "I'm scared for you. Something's up in Snowdin. You should be careful next time you leave. Sans left this house to find you with 2.5HP. He came back with close to nothing. If you only took 1HP. Whoever took the rest means business. And they probably are a threat to someone whose done only pacifist routes and one neutral" How did you..?? "I have my tricks" he winked, I knew better then to ask. We stood in the bitter cold for a few minutes, his soft paw on my back. "c'mon, let get ba-"his words were cut off by the scrape of metal against bone and the splatter of crimson blood. Toby fell onto his knees and then back. I caught him before his body hit the floor. The attacker has wearing a long black cloak and hood, their face covered by shadow and their blade in blood and dust. They disappeared quicker that they appeared. "f...frisk" the dog murmered, his body slowly dusted away. The cozy orange fabric of his jacket was still warm. That's when Sans came through the door "Hey, you lot ha......." my eyes welled with tears, I wished I could speak. I wish I could tell him what happened. Before I knew it, I was being dragged away by my feet. My screams, muffled by my missing mouth, where knocked out of me when Sans threw me into a tree. I felt his rough finger bones clasp round my neck and lift me up. All common sense fled me, replaced by panic and pain. My legs swung wildly, my fingers clawed desperately at his arm, fear felt like a twisting sickness as it coursed through my body and sparked my eyes with more tears. My limbs began to go numb, the outer edges of my vision blacked and faded. I could only see Sans' expressionless face, his sockets empty. My desperate clawing turned into feeble little hits. Sans shook his head, released me, and paced about, hands on his head. I fell to the floor, laying on my knees and forearms with one of my hands hovering over my throat. I felt the colour return to my face and the fresh,crisp air fill my lungs. My eyes drifted up to the skeleton. I moved my hand from near my throat and write my message in the snow I didnt kill him tears still dribbled down my cheeks. His gaze met mine. Sans stopped pacing and stood, glaring at me. He picked up a gray rock. "And who would beleive you?" he hurtled it at me, cutting my ear and hitting the tree behind me. Gray and brown debris pattered onto my back. My shaking hands write another message Nobody ... ... "Except me" [Read more] |
Fall_Night OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 244 |
Posted: Fri, 06/09/2019 20:48 (5 Years ago) |
Fall_Night OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 244 |
Posted: Wed, 04/09/2019 17:58 (5 Years ago) |
Fall_Night OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 244 |
Posted: Wed, 04/09/2019 17:54 (5 Years ago) |
"....arky..? We here already?" It took her a few seconds to realise the dark fox had her up in the air. "..put me down now please. And go back in you will make the others jealous" Arky snickered, put her down and disappeared [Read more] |
Fall_Night OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 244 |
Posted: Sun, 25/08/2019 09:11 (5 Years ago) |
Here's some more recent ish art One of my OCs, Gradient discovering his magic Fall as a shadow pokemon Redesign of an old Undertale AU, Creativity from SoulDrift Knife Warning!(cuz I know what internet is like) [Read more] |
Fall_Night OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 244 |
Posted: Sat, 24/08/2019 21:43 (5 Years ago) |
![]() [
Fall_Night OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 244 |
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2019 23:52 (5 Years ago) |
Apperence: short black hair with blue tips(dyed :P) and gray eyes. She wears a grey vest top and black shorts. A bag hangs round her shoulder. A scar runs itself over the left side of her lips. Region:Kalos Position: Gym Leader (Dark, duh) Pokémon: Arky (Zoroark) Night Slash, Feint Attack, Imprison, Toxic Flash(Absol) Perish Song, Assurance, Bite, Theif Strike(Weavile) Icy Wind, Dark Pulse, Revenge, Fury Swipes Draco(Hydreigon) Tri Attack, Dragon Breath, Hyper Voice, Outrage Swirl(Spiritomb) Feint Attack, Will O Wisp, Ominous Wind, Persuit Flare (Shiny Houndoom) Bite, Inferno, Feint Attack, Foul Play Bit of Backstory: Her father bought the Dark Gym then passed it down to her. The first pokemon she caught, a zorua, had raked its claws over her face and only one of the marks remained. That's why she has a scar over her lips but she likes to make up stories on how she got it Other? [Read more] |
Fall_Night OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 244 |
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2019 21:39 (5 Years ago) |
Fall_Night OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 244 |
Posted: Thu, 22/08/2019 21:49 (5 Years ago) |
Fall_Night OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 244 |
Posted: Thu, 22/08/2019 07:24 (5 Years ago) |
Fall_Night OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 244 |
Posted: Thu, 22/08/2019 01:20 (5 Years ago) |
Fall_Night OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 244 |
Posted: Thu, 22/08/2019 00:48 (5 Years ago) |
Fall_Night OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 244 |
Posted: Thu, 22/08/2019 00:41 (5 Years ago) |
Fall_Night OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 244 |
Posted: Thu, 22/08/2019 00:31 (5 Years ago) |
Fall_Night OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 244 |
Posted: Thu, 22/08/2019 00:19 (5 Years ago) |
Fall_Night OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 244 |
Posted: Thu, 22/08/2019 00:05 (5 Years ago) |
Computer Data: Vurms Small dragonic snakes with feathered wings. Usually black with a blackbird like shine. They are commonly used in medicines [Read more] |