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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from WaningGrimalkin.
Posted: Fri, 07/03/2014 00:02 (10 Years ago)
The topic is what you would have colored your fav. fox if you were the one to make it's shiny!

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Posted: Thu, 06/03/2014 23:58 (10 Years ago)
>w< Zorua the mighty! Thank you for the title! My Zorua is indeed the mightiest! *hugs Zoroark*
On a side note, today I hatched and started raising a Zorua in my pokemon X game. I was starting a new team, and this thread inspired me too! I named the lil guy Zorl-Chan.
Ginger, can I bring up a topic for discussion?

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Posted: Thu, 06/03/2014 20:53 (10 Years ago)
I really like the bow, and the way the hair is styled! Also, never forget, it's always important to take steps like this. Even if you don't like this, think of how much you learned from it, and how you will make your next one better! Not every piece of art needs to be a masterpiece. Not that it needs to be better. I think it's adorable the way it is!

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Posted: Thu, 06/03/2014 20:42 (10 Years ago)
Username: WaningGrimalkin
Nickname: WG or Waning.
Favorite Pokemon: ...Honestly, I can't choose. I love so many pokemon, I just don't know how. I really like Eelektrik, but it's not my favorite...
Favorite Dark: Zorua
If I were to have a team of solid dark types...

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Posted: Thu, 06/03/2014 00:58 (10 Years ago)
Can I help too?

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Posted: Wed, 05/03/2014 23:02 (10 Years ago)
Support! This would be soooo convenient!

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Posted: Wed, 05/03/2014 22:34 (10 Years ago)
Fennelkin, can you please stay on topic? This is a thread about appreciation for the foxes, not for whatever you would like to talk about. Also, double posting is not allowed if this isn't your thread. I get that you are probably some little kid, but there are rules for a reason. Sorry for acting like a Mini-Mod, but you are probably bothering other people who have subscribed to this thread. So please read the forum rules before you post again.

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Posted: Tue, 04/03/2014 20:28 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 03/03/2014 20:42 (10 Years ago)
That made me laugh. I feel horrible.

I thought this one was interesting and funny. Also, the art style is really cool!

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Posted: Mon, 03/03/2014 01:48 (10 Years ago)
((Thank you for your business! Sorry, but I'm gonna take a bit longer with these sprites, as I'm rather busy this week.))

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Posted: Sun, 02/03/2014 20:22 (10 Years ago)
((I'm gonna post your sprite along with an animation! Thank you so much for the cash!))

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Posted: Sun, 02/03/2014 19:13 (10 Years ago)
Actually, Chimchar is based of the Monkey King. It's a real big story over in China. Sandy the water deamon is only one tale in a whole bunch of stories about him! Funny that you would name the other fire monkey after him. ^w^

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Posted: Sun, 02/03/2014 19:05 (10 Years ago)
I think I support this. I don't see any reason why not to. Unnessacary hardness is pointless.

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Posted: Sun, 02/03/2014 18:05 (10 Years ago)
Thank you! I'm thinking for making a giant clan of Splitfans and selling them for really cheap, so lots of people adopt them. Actually, I probably will do that if I go shiny hunting. I just hope nobody would release them. Where do you do your research for your names? Do you just read a lot of books?
Oh, and Mbulu is an awesome name for a Gyrados!

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Posted: Sun, 02/03/2014 03:29 (10 Years ago)
Okay. Thank you for the information. I have an idea now that I'm gonna make a thread for. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Posted: Sat, 01/03/2014 23:54 (10 Years ago)
Oh, sorry. There's no place that tells how to make suggestion threads, what's customary, and what should not be suggested. Sorry if this is off topic, but why don't we PM mods? Is it that they would get a flood of PMs?

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Posted: Sat, 01/03/2014 23:25 (10 Years ago)
Here is a picture of my Zorua I just finished!

I edited it:

BRO BRO FIGHT THE POWER! Kudos to anyone who got that.

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Posted: Sat, 01/03/2014 23:08 (10 Years ago)
Support! You should PM a mod about implementing this.

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Posted: Sat, 01/03/2014 20:02 (10 Years ago)
I give my pokemon silly nonsense names. This way I can name all my pokemon! I believe that if it has a face, it has a name. It's real cool that you actually put research and thought into your names, though.
I have two that I really like:

This is Typheus Splitfan!

This is Aragoria Monochos. She is a lady.

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Posted: Sat, 01/03/2014 19:47 (10 Years ago)
Foxes Rule!
Favorite Type: Dark
Favorite Fox: Zorua
Why do you love this pokemon: I didn't at first. But I had one in my party for a long time, and I really grew to love him. He was bros with my Lucario.The Illusionary ability is also really fun. He evolves into pokemon that I kinda thought was weird at first, but now, I really like it because it's original and different. I like the Japanese Illusion-Fox theme of him too. That's why I love Zorua.
Password: ROOTBE-Pepsi.

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