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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Scotland.
Posted: Tue, 19/04/2016 08:50 (8 Years ago)
Does soundtrack count? Like a load of different stuff but I do have a thing for electro and rock. ^^

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Posted: Sun, 17/04/2016 04:42 (8 Years ago)
I don't think I'd ever get premium (Kinda infrequently on this site, travelling, etc) so buying premium with it's advantages wouldn't be the best for me, and it looks quite expensive. However, it's good that Riako and the others get some sort of payment from the fans, they deserve it! c: I don't have any problems with other users gettin' it, it can help out on the site loads! ^^

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Posted: Thu, 14/04/2016 19:13 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 14/04/2016 19:10 (8 Years ago)
(Haha thanks! Just noticed, but this rp has reached 200 posts already!! Congrats!! xD)

Brunhilde had heard the first part of the conversation that Ghembo and this new lioness were having, although now the communication had been blocked off. Rude.. she thought grumpily, They can listen into probably all my conversations, but nah, as soon as somethin' happens to 'em I get cast oot! she folded her arms but kept her eyes intense on the pair as well as the translator. With her observant nature, she kept an eye on any subtle to clear body positions that would give her at least some indication into what was going on. Turns out, as she had hypothesised, animals were harder to read than humans.

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Posted: Tue, 12/04/2016 11:22 (8 Years ago)
Thanks! Edited my first post with the other character and took out the passwords~ ^^

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Posted: Mon, 11/04/2016 19:27 (8 Years ago)
Mind if I join?

Human Alias: Cornelia

Human Age: 19

Deadly Sin: Lust

Personality: Ambitious and full of passion, Cornelia demonstrates the ability to get what she desires, regardless of how it could impact others. Her selfish-ness and unsympathetic nature have led her to have a lack of friends or allies but she seems uncaring over that. She is also prone to jealousy and feeling vengeful if something (or someone) doesn't go her way. There are brief moments in which she does feel remorse or sympathy and in those events she unfortunately carries out her actions briskly and with no thought. Simply put, she's determined to get what she wants when she wants with few thoughts of possible consequences.

Appearance: Cornelia stands at around 5'3 although with the ridiculous heels on her most of the time, she appears taller. She doesn't have much of a muscular physique but she is neither skinny either. She has blonde hair, usually curled thickly with blue eyes and her face, which is pale, is usually doused with make-up with a 'better' appearance. In terms of clothes, she generally wears ones that will 'attract' attention towards herself, not exactly skimpy or 'exposing' outfits, but ones that give a 'feminine appeal' such as dresses, skirts and crop tops, etc, although the general colors she wears in her outfits consist of black and reds.

History: (Is it possible to come later in the rp? ^^')

Others: ~

Password: -

Name: Bradley Clark

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Personality: Bradley is generally quite a loud-mouth, not particularly vain, but rather is loud for the sake of gaining attention or recognition. He isn't the most intelligent but is bold and brave when the times need it, full of confidence regardless of a lack of skills. He also holds quite a high level of empathy for people and will stand up for those who need it, yet, this 'heroic' behavior is sometimes easily deluded as he is very easy to persuade and convince.

Appearance: Generally quite tall and broad in shape, he has quite straight brown hair and brown eyes with a slight tan to his skin. Facially, he doesn't have hair such as a beard or anything and keeps himself well-shaven but there are several blemishes and spots across his face that do prove irritating at times. In terms of his 'fashion' he isn't particularly fussy, preferring to wear his signature baggy and ripped blue jumper and jeans. Overall he has quite a ragged and somewhat 'dirty' appearance.

History: ~

Others: Nope! ^^

Password: -

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Posted: Sun, 10/04/2016 14:44 (8 Years ago)
Hey, French! I'd like some goodies!
Username: Scotland
Items I want: Unown V from your selling box!
What I'll pay: would 8500pd be enough?
Other: Nope! ^^

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Posted: Sun, 10/04/2016 14:31 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 10/04/2016 14:12 (8 Years ago)
Sending! c:

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Posted: Sun, 10/04/2016 14:08 (8 Years ago)
Sending! c:

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Posted: Sun, 10/04/2016 13:57 (8 Years ago)
I fully agree with this. Clicking on the click lists is now beginning to get annoying - every 10 pokemon or so having some random coding with the button further down or with one example I've seen, nearly at the bottom of the page. Sure, it's cool people being creative and stuff but clearly a lot of people are finding it a burden. You can't get through lists as efficently at all compared to a few days ago and naming a pokemon a random line of code? Don't know, just seems kind of unimaginative (if that makes sense!), people now no longer bothering to name their pokemon possibly something cool or what-not. :/

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Posted: Sun, 10/04/2016 13:39 (8 Years ago)
Sending! c:

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Posted: Sat, 09/04/2016 16:47 (8 Years ago)
Sending! c:

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Posted: Sat, 09/04/2016 16:44 (8 Years ago)
Sending! c:

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Posted: Sat, 09/04/2016 16:33 (8 Years ago)
Sending! c:

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Posted: Sat, 09/04/2016 16:21 (8 Years ago)
Brunhilde kept walking in a defensive position, her knees bent and body relatively close to the ground. Looking over her shoulder at Ghembo behind her, she grumbled, "Would you like to lead the way?" she didn't exactly want to add the part 'because I'll get lost' but moved out of the way slightly to allow him to take the lead.

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Posted: Sat, 09/04/2016 16:10 (8 Years ago)
Sending! c:

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Posted: Sat, 09/04/2016 15:55 (8 Years ago)
I used to be a bit more religious but I follow the more scientific explanation of how the universe came to be, you know, the big bang theory and all that. So I basically agree with ya Hatoko! In terms of planets I simply believe in the whole idea that nebula's with their collapsing and even compressed clouds of various dusts and gases and churned in through several motions to become disks and eventually planets.

Agreeing with Lunarflame, I don't think that we might ever comprehend the universe and it's formation completely. Rather, we can come up with theories and ideas for how it all came into play, but it's one of our greatest unanswered questions! ^^

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Posted: Fri, 08/04/2016 19:36 (8 Years ago)
I'm gotta admit I'm very excited for Rogue One - It would be fun to go back to the time before the original trilogies, but as Kylo said it is definitely a different feel. Being honest, have no idea of the plot but knowing the franchise and the recent film, it will be brilliant!

Haven't played SWTOR but have heard a lot about it - Just mainly stick to the battlefront games! ^^'

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Posted: Fri, 08/04/2016 19:11 (8 Years ago)

Welcome to the Fallout Fan-Club!

First of all, let's get the boring rules outta the way ~

✘ Rule 1
Please. No. Drama. I cannot emphasis this enough. Look, you might love the enclave, but some other bloke might not, just don't get into a massive fight about it. This fan club exists just for the fans to talk to each other and have fun looking forward to the next games/DLC's but also to discuss previous games, characters, etc, it is not for people to argue and form grudges against! Just have fun and relax!

✘ Rule 2
All Pokehero rules should be followed as normally. This isn't the biggest rule to enforce as I generally think anyone using this site should be following the rules at least? Anyway, there's a link at the bottom of the screen in case ya'll forgot! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

✘ Rule 3
If you haven't been accepted, please don't post yet!! Also, if you are not accepted for any reason, don't spam the forum or annoy other people - very simple!

✘ Rule 4
Nothing 'too off topic'. Bethesda are incredible game developers/creators so if you're making a point or something, comparing a game to skyrim or something is allowed - However, just ranting on about Doom or some other game made by them/another company/something not fallout related at all, isn't allowed. If you want to bring up a point or ask someone about another topic, send a pm or pal-pad!

✘ Rule 5
Have fun! Hope you can all chat, discuss and have fun! (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥

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➸ Scotland
(No one else right now.. ಥ_ಥ )

Possible discussion ~

(Possible spoilers ahead!)
Do you believe that the Institute was good or bad for the commonwealth? You decide!

Ready to head out into the wasteland? Jump in and join the fan-club, but remember, war never changes!

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