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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Thu, 20/10/2022 17:57 (2 Years ago)
She was being followed.

Any normal person wouldn't have taken notice to it, afterall, the thing that was pursuing her wasn't exactly human.

No, a human couldn't possibly move as silent as the creature behind her. She had to admit, she was almost impressed by it's ability to read her movements. She had become aware of it's presence two miles back, but there was no way of knowing how long it had been tracking her beforehand.

It was skilled at evading her eye. Any normal person would assume it were a trick of the light, but she knew better. So this thing can turn invisible.

She had no idea why this creature had yet to attack. It honestly unnerved her. Her hands twitch, itching to unsheathe the katanas that are stowed on her back. It took all her self control to not grab her daggers every time they bumped against her hand. No! Now was not the time to attack. She had to draw the monster out further, away from a small group of survivors that she found. She takes a deep breath and continues forward for another half a mile before abruptly stopping.

It was a trap!

Just ahead, she could see a pale figure hunched behind some bushes. The path had became overgrown, it made it easy to hide and ambush people, but it also meant that you would be loud. The demon was impatient and shifting quite a bit. Sticks were cracking under it's feet.


Nox unsheathes her katanas, hearing the sound of feet rushing behind her.


Nox ducks and turns. Just barely evading a clawed hand that had extended out towards where she stood just moments ago.


Nox rushes towards the demon and tucks her shoulder in. She barrels into the creature sending it crashing to the ground. She straightens up and releases a breath. Demons were quick, she wouldn't have time to think, only act. Sure enough, both demons were on their feet. Snarling and racing towards her. Demons were tricky. They were worse than zombies. You couldn't actually kill a demon unless you cut off their head. Attack anywhere else and you'll definitely harm them. But they could just simply return back to Hell and seek revenge the next day.

This means I can't show you mercy Nox thinks to herself while slicing at the nearest demon- the one who could turn invisible. It's head falls clean off. But now she was in trouble. An attack like that requires lots of strength and energy. Despite the adrenaline racing through her, she wasn't prepared for the second demon who lounged towards her, claws outstretched like a jaguar. She manages to side step and slice towards it's neck. She curses out loud when the demon grasps it's neck and stands up. She didn't cut deep enough. She leaps away, avoiding a furious swipe of claws. The demon glares at her, then disappears in a burst of flames. Nox remains rooted in her place, breathing hard. She removes her mask and sits down, rubbing her already aching shoulder. Where there were survivors, there were demons. That was to be expected. But two at once? That was a surprise. There seemed to be more demons running around than normal. How long would it be before humanity became overwhelmed? She sighs and stands up, not wanting to seriously consider this question for fear of the answer. Instead she focuses at the next task at hand. She would have to move the survivor's to the Resistance base. She had a long walk ahead of her...

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Posted: Thu, 20/10/2022 13:39 (2 Years ago)
A spine prickling feeling suddenly moves through Aster. He would've thought nothing of it, but the mages, like him, were staring up at the darkened sky above. Somebody had escaped! It was quite unclear how Aster realized it. Call it supernatural abilities, or maybe he had been here for so long he could notice tiny changes like this. How bold of them! An amused smile appears on Aster's face. Was this a direct challenge? Escaping on his watch!? How kind of them to give them something to do.

He moves away from the portal and walks a few steps away to focus. The mages seemed to be working on a literal portal, one that would allow the living to enter Hell without needing to die. But for beings like himself and the escapee, they didn't need such trivial things. Thanks to fate, they could freely cross into both worlds, although it took a significant amount of energy. It was taxing enough for demons, he wondered how it would effect a mere human. Let's find out.

Flames dance around Aster's body. They become hotter and hotter, until the flames appear to be blue and white. He shut his eyes, searching for memories of the living world. After a few moments, he could feel the change. His physical body may be in Hell, but his mind was slowly entering the living world. He could smell a field rather than brimstone, feel gentle grass instead of hard rock. "Let the game commence!" Aster snarls before the flames consume him.

He was only knocked out for a few seconds. But it felt like hours when Aster came to. He was laying in a field. His claws gripping the dirt beneath him. His suit was covered in ashes, which were blowing away with the wind. His hair was a mess, sprawled out everywhere and sticking to his sweaty face. The light, ah, he forgot how bright the living world was. He hisses in pain, bringing an arm up to his face and blinking away tears. Tears?

He removes his arm from his face and growls in annoyance. He drops his arm to his side, smartly making his eyes more human and stands up, sniffing the air, desperately trying to find a familiar scent against the many filling the air. The scent of death. This smell was specific- the smell of a body that had been dead for years. He thought he could smell it, but if he were right, then the person was somewhat close. He couldn't be certain, but it would appear that they were hiding in the woods ahead. "Fate isn't too kind to you. I am still her favorite child! You better enjoy the living world while you still can!" Aster says out loud while advancing towards Mei's location.

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Posted: Wed, 19/10/2022 22:29 (2 Years ago)
"Understood" Aster responds while straightening up. A dark urge kicks in, fueled by Persephone's command. Yes, this is the moment you've been waiting for Aster thinks to himself while he rushes out of the room towards a window. His form changes again. Claws and a devlish horn appear, his jaw breaks slightly so it can become more narrow, similar to a muzzle. He opens his mouth, tasting fear in the distance. He grins and places his hands on either side of the window, catching movement down below.

Human slaves were busy at work. Their hearts were hammering in their chests. Poor things, despite being here for awhile, they had not grown use to their sentence. They were terrified. How boring. How many Centuries has Aster been here for? Too long. He needed something new, something fun! Soon, Aster would be able to cross into the living world. He would once again roam Aiona Deka. Newfound excitement hits Aster and a crazed laugh bursts out of him.

He leaps from the window and scales the roof down towards the ground, where he takes his time nearing the portal. He glares at the mages, almost daring one of them to reverse their work. He didn't understand their magic, so he would have no idea if one of them started to reverse the progress. Still, he wouldn't doubt his presence worried them. He was only scared of two beings... These beings weren't it. He bares his teeth at them, itching for a fight, but decides to wait. One would come soon. That, he was certain of.

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Posted: Wed, 19/10/2022 18:26 (2 Years ago)
Oh how delightful fate could be. She was a gracious one, with a good sense of humor. She masked her gifts with suffering. A razor sharp present that hurt to open, but the contents made the efforts worth it. Something had gone wrong when he died. Rather than be sentenced to enteral suffering, he became something else. That was fate's first present to Aster.

He strides around the grounds in Hell, walking at an impossibly fast speed. He analyzes the same sight he had seen for Centuries. Tormented souls scream out in the distance for help that would never come. He too, had once been screaming out like them, but for very different reasons.

There was a lack of prey in Hell. His deep hunger for blood could rarely be met. Until now... Oh how gracious fate was for opening the portal between the living and the dead. Once, he could only dream of crossing over into the living world, hunting prey that was living rather than dead. So what was stopping him now? He should be helping the other demons control Aiona Deka, so why was he holding back?

Aster growls and picks up his speed. His agitated pacing stops once he picks up on a familiar scent. Lady Persephone, she was close! There was only two beings that genuinely terrified Aster and she was one of them! Aster shuts his eyes and deactivates his ability. He becomes significantly less threatening, looking far more human than demonic.

He moves towards Lady Persephone's location, nervously adjusting his tie as he approaches. He still has no knowledge of how he had gotten this suit. Perhaps it was what he died in. He doesn't have time to think about it though, because Persephone was in sight. "Lady Persephone" Aster greets while bowing respectfully. "What do you command me to do?" He asks. He doesn't move, he remains bowing, too afraid to move without her command. He peers at her, somehow he manages to hide the look of fear within his eyes.

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Posted: Tue, 18/10/2022 17:44 (2 Years ago)
"Aster" ~Kieran Atherton
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~"It gives me strength to have somebody to fight for; I can never fight for myself, but, for others, I can kill" (-Emilie Autum)~

"I am a demon"

Username: RaRaRasputin

Appearance: He has long strands of black hair that is usually kept up in a ponytail. His hair has strands of neon purple in it and he has dark blue eyes. He is tall, standing at about 6'3. He has somewhat of an athletic build- being somewhere in between scrawny and brawny. He typically wears black dress pants and a white dress shirt with a long black coat over the shirt. He finishes the look by wearing dark boots and a tie. His arms and part of his chest are covered in flower tattoos. He loves flowers and thinks they look pretty neat

Personality: Very cocky. He often underestimates his opponents. He is also sarcastic and very witty. He can sometimes be easily irritable- a side effect of his demon mind and human mind fighting for control. He doesn't like humans, and if it weren't for his human mind stopping him, he would've slaughtered them all

Ability: He looks completely normal until he activates his powers. He suddenly becomes stronger, faster, and far more lethal. His teeth sharpen and he grows claws. Iconic devil horns will appear and his eyes will appear to become black (his pupils basically dilate to nearly cover his whole eye)- allowing him to see in the dark but being very susceptible to bright lights. His tattoos will also glow a bright red upon activating his ability.
He doesn't use it too often, or at least, use the full strength of his ability unless it's against another demon or devil- who he would only fight for practice/for the chance to hunt a specific 'prey'

Password: Obama? What 'text' is the password?

Role: Wouldn't he technically serve Persephone? He just causes chaos I guess

Age: Appears to be twenty, but his real age is unknown- he, himself doesn't know it, he has been dead for far too long to accurately remember details about himself

Family: His family has been dead for years. Although he has faint memories of a little sister, his parents, and if he can focus hard enough, he has faint memories of a caring boyfriend. The only clear thing he remembers is his name- Kieran Asherton, although he gave himself a new name: Aster- his favorite flower

Housing: Aster resides in both Hell and the lands above. With no permeant spot. He has a very primal brain. Hunt and kill. All other necessities come afterward

Backstory: Aster can't remember much, just brief moments of his life. One thing is clear though, he killed lots of people. Although he thinks it was due to self defense, but there is no way to know for sure. His earliest and clearest memory is waking up in Hell feeling... Different. At first, he refused to do what his new mind desired him to do. But after a Century, he couldn't handle the inner torment and released his anger upon humanity. Eventually he become much more demonic than human, although there is still a small piece of him left in his mind

"Nox" ~Dakota Thorne
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~"I would, and I will. You know my theory. Plunge in. Face the fear head-on. Stay on the offense." (-Koethi Zan)~

"I am a human"

Username: RaRaRasputin

Appearance: She has white hair, cut short into a pixie cut. Her cold, calculating eyes are an usual shade of gold. She stands at about 5'9, and has a fairly muscular build. She wears all dark clothing, as most people in her profession do. She always wears a cloth mask that covers her mouth to hide her identity and hide her expressions. She doesn't give her enemies... Or allies, anything to work with

Personality: Nox is quiet. She doesn't like to talk very much, so she chooses not to unless she has to. There are a few close people she is willing to strike conversation with though.
She is a terrifying enemy. She'll show little to no mercy and fight to the death. But she is a worthy ally. She is kind, and loyal. It'll be hard to earn her trust, but it's most certainly worth the effort

Weapons: Dual katanas and dual daggers

Role: Demon hunter. She loosely works for the resistance. Bringing survivors to their bunker and slaughtering demons for them

Age: 21

Family: None, well, she did have family, but they were killed by the demons. Nox doesn't like to talk about it

Housing: She finds refuge wherever she can, but has no permeant location

Backstory: She has always been fascinated by weapons, but never had use for her skills until the demons attacked. Miraculously, she survived their onslaught, walking away with a deep scar on her chest. Her family wasn't as lucky. She spends her days getting revenge on demons, killing them and saving survivors

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Posted: Sat, 15/10/2022 03:48 (2 Years ago)
Boomers terrify me

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Posted: Sat, 08/10/2022 01:40 (2 Years ago)
Deep in the resident area of the institution lay a young man. He was fast asleep, cups of coffee and crumpled papers scatter the desk around his slumped body. He was awake for most of the night and didn't react right away to the pounding on his door.

"Maverick!" A voice shouts. When there is no response the knocking continues, although louder this time. "Maverick! Open the door now!" The voice orders. Maverick groans, he takes his time sitting up and stretching his sore body. He grabs a hair tie and puts it in his mouth. He begins pulling his hair into a ponytail while moving towards the door. Glaring at the scientist behind the door, he gives the man a slightly muffled "what do you want?"

"You are required to change departments. I'm sure you heard of the escaped experiments-." This grabs Maverick's attention. With his hair finally tied up, he drops his hands and strides to a corner of his room and pulls open a cabinet. "And uh-" the man pauses, looking visibly confused in what Maverick was doing.

"About time! I was starting to get bored!" Maverick says with a chuckle. He lifts vials containing dark colored solutions. He pauses on an unlabeled, pure black one that smelled rancid, despite being properly closed. "You can count on me sir!" Maverick says while opening the vial, making the smell worse. He inspects it, shaking the liquid and even tasting a drop, visibly wincing at the taste. "I shall end their lives quickly" Maverick promises darkly.

"Maverick no..." The man groans, placing his fingers on the bridge of his nose and sighing. "You must capture them alive." Maverick slams the vial down, nearly breaking it. He glares at the man and furiously strides towards him. Despite his great height and age difference the man nervously backs away.

"Why didn't you say so?" Maverick snaps while jabbing a finger into the man's chest. "Be more clear next time! Be more professional!" Maverick commands. "You should have said I was on the Extraction team rather than the Extermination team!"

"Um... sure" the man says in bewilderment. "Move out as soon as you can" he says while shutting Maverick's door. Maverick barley notices his sudden absence. He returns the vials he had taken and instead grabs ones of different, much more friendly looking colors. He also grabs his shotgun, which carries blanks rather than actual ammunition. He grips it and turns towards the door with a crazed grin.

"A rescue mission?" He asks out loud. "This should be entertaining." He was a man without any true alliance to any physical group. While he was kinder to the subjects of the experiments than most- doing more tests on himself rather than them, he still gladly tested on them. But he also wasn't truly loyal to the scientists. In fact, even the people dying under the subjects hands meant nothing to him. Now that he thought about it. He was only loyal to science, and the opportunity to push the perceived physical limits of humans. He no longer would wait for nature to naturally evolve people. No, he would be the one to do it! "This will be the ultimate test~" Maverick purrs while cocking his shotgun.

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Posted: Thu, 06/10/2022 20:34 (2 Years ago)
The amused smile that was on Irida's lips quickly vanishes upon hearing Priya's warning. Right, this is a rescue mission, not a battle. I should act accordingly Irida reminds herself. She tries to put a kind smile on her face, but it looks obviously forced. Fortunately, she can miminalize the condescending look in her eyes as she passes the Telmarian army. They looked quite pitiful- a kingdom long at war would do that. She had to give them credit- they could act fast. There was a reason why this small kingdom survived all these years. That's why she couldn't lower her guard. Despite her heavy reinforcements, she had to remind herself that they were waltzing into enemy territory.

Irida sneaks a look at Priya. I wonder what she is thinking? Irida's thoughts were often rooted away from reality. She was all about fear, strength, and power. It worked out well in the battlefield, but made her cold and cruel in normal settings. Priya was different. She was smarter, calmer, and far more patient than Irida could ever hope to be- those were the reasons why Irida chose her to be her advisor. "What are you thinking?" She decides to ask. "Is this what you were expecting Telmar to be like?" Irida was sharp. If there was danger, she would find it fast. But she would never turn down a chance to get a new outlook. She could trust that Priya would see what was really there.

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Posted: Tue, 04/10/2022 03:49 (2 Years ago)
The sun was just barely beginning to rise. For the first time in years a lone figure was no longer seen standing over a gravestone. Instead, Gwen was seen patrolling her lands. It felt freeing and she didn't realize how badly she missed this until now. She didn't get to spend too long patrolling though, she was going to train her army again, nonstop, until their skills surpassed even the Cloaks!

Gwen had just arrived back to the Barracks when she heard something. A horn, signaling a Telmarian warning tune. But it wasn't any horn that she knew of. She swivels around, facing towards the entrance of the kingdom. While it sounded somewhat far, the sound of galloping horses seemed impossibly loud. A small army, but one to be wary of, was heading directly towards Telmar!

Fear fills Gwen's eyes as she expects the worse. It's the Cloaks! They finally have come to finish us off! She lowers her head and places a trembling hand onto the hilt of her sword. She lowers her head in defeat and simply listens to the thunderous noise.


The cloaks have taken too much from them already! They destroyed everything they loved! Revenge was long overdue! She would face them! She would get her revenge! For Dylan! No, this was bigger than the two of them, she would get revenge for Telmar! She screams her rage and pulls out her sword, pointing it towards the sky. Her army, who seemed to have been a mix of trembling in fear, and eagerly awaiting her command stare at her.

"We will not go down with our bellies up!" Gwen screams. "Everyone mount up! We will be facing these Cloaks head on! We will defeat them! If any one of us dies we will be going down fighting like heroes instead of dying like cowards! This is what we've been training for! Let's show them what we can do! Show no mercy!" Hyped up screams roar from her soldiers as they do what's commanded- protect this kingdom! Gwen races to the nearest horse and waits for a majority of her soldiers to mount up before racing ahead to the entrance of the kingdom.

The enemies were far, but quickly closing in. One thing Gwen noticed was the leader. She road slightly ahead of the group on a large shire. She also had an impossibly large sword on her hip. There was no way she could properly wield it. Gwen grins, determined to take advantage of this weakness. War cries sound from behind her as her army races behind her.

Gwen lifts up a hand, ceasing fire momentarily. She eyes the woman, who had drawn her sword and was staring dead at her. Not far behind her, road another woman who seemed to be the exact opposite of the one leading the charge. While she looked determined about her current task at hand, she seemed like she wasn't much of a warrior. She wore a dress instead of armor, and didn't appear to have a weapon. Even stranger was the rest of the army. Nobody seemed to have their swords drawn other than the leader. Why?

These people didn't have the signature Cloak armor, but was this a trap to lower their guard?

They were close now, Gwen had to make a decision, and now! Will they fight? Or will they wait?

"Stop!" Gwen roars while putting a first in the air. It takes a few seconds for her command to be understood within her army. Suddenly, the cries stop and there is silence. Both armies start at eachother. Both leaders sit ahead of their ranks, standing so close they could easily stab one another if they dared.

"Well, well, well, what a very warm welcome" the woman says with an amused smirk. "Do you greet all guests like this? Or am I special?"

"State your name and your reason for being here!" Gwen demands. She tightens the grip on her sword, highly considering stabbing the bold newcomer.

"I am here by the orders of miss Sage." The woman calmly sheaves her sword and digs around in her saddle pouch. She pulls out a note with the signature seal that only Sage is allowed to use. "I see... Sage didn't warn you about my arrival. That must mean you aren't anything special. Move aside, I only speak with real authority. Consider this chat as my gift to you." The woman draws her horse forward and leans off a bit to bump into Gwen while passing. She chuckles to herself, not having to turn around to know that Gwen was enraged.

"Who do you think you are!" Gwen practically growls at Irida.

"I am general Irida Mannering of Kestria, but you can refer to me as your savior" Irida winks at Gwen before nodding at the woman in the dress. Both women ride next to one another, with the rest of their army in tow. The Telmarian army, having no choice, moves their horses aside for this army. Irida and the unnamed woman bravery lead the charge into this foreign kingdom.

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Posted: Tue, 04/10/2022 01:46 (2 Years ago)
Surprised looks land on her soldier's faces as Gwen strolls through the barracks. She didn't know whenever or not it should offend her. She chose to let it go... For now. Her Officers move forward to speak to her, but she waves them away. She analyzes the sorry state of her army. She sees improvement, but not enough- they still aren't strong enough to wipe out the Cloaks.

"Everyone gather up!" Gwen calls. She waits until a majority of her soldier's were around her before grabbing her sword. Many visibly wince, having not practiced against an actual weapon. "I understand I have left you all to yourselves for awhile! And I sincerely apologise for that" Gwen tells them with a regretful look. "But as of now, your vacation time is over!" She swipes her sword at a younger soldier, who flinches and steps back, despite the fact that he was out of hitting range. "The Cloaks will show you no mercy! It's time I prepare you for their brutality! It's time you learn how to fight a real enemy!"

Some time passes and soon, the barracks seemed far more lively. Officers- all who were survivors of previous wars, were teaching others how to properly fight. Adjustments have been made from Gwen, who had far more experience than any person at the barracks. The difference may not have seemed big to any passerby, but to Gwen's army, it was vast.

Gwen took the time to spar against her Officers. Memories of the last war flood into her head. Her own Officers, betraying her. Never again! She pushes the memories aside. Her army was loyal, all the hidden Cloaks have been killed. She had nothing to worry about. With every hit she slowly becomes more and more confident in herself. She was strong, sharp, dangerous. There was a reason why she had survived this long- some of it was luck, most of it was due to her skills as a swordswoman. At the end of it, she finds that she lost a few fights. But she doesn't care. She managed to prove to herself, and her army, that she still had what it took to be a warrior- no, a leader!

A regretful looks suddenly appears on Sage's face. She had been out for too long. With a regretful look, she returns the jewelry back to Thalia and gives her a soft smile. "Next time we meet, I would love to buy those from you. Unfortunately, I have to attend to my duties." She starts to walk away but pauses and turns around. "Take some time to consider being my personal spy. You can give me your answer then too." She waves goodbye to the younger girl and strolls back to her her workplace.

She manages to sit down at her desk for about two seconds before one of her messengers races into her office. "Urgent message madam Sage!" They declare while thrusting the letter into her hands. Sage smiles and whispers a quick thank you at them before she visibly pales at the stamp on the letter. She quickly opens it and reads the contents, chuckling to herself. "About time" she says out loud with a sly smile. "The tides are about to change. I do hope they'll be prepared for it" she mutters venomously.

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Posted: Sat, 01/10/2022 15:23 (2 Years ago)
The three have arrived at the inn. Gwen pauses, waiting for Derek to take on Sylas' whole bodyweight before stepping in front of the two to open the door for them. "This is where we say goodbye" she tells the two. "I am rather interested in this unnamed person you speak of. Please send my solider over to me if you need any assistance, or if you figure out who this person is" she tells the two politely.

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Posted: Sat, 01/10/2022 15:01 (2 Years ago)
A man in the tavern? Gwen's jaw tightens and she glances back at the tavern. Was it someone dangerous? It wasn't likely. She couldn't recall seeing anyone that looked like they didn't belong in Telmar. It was also difficult for newcomers to sneak into Telmar. Gwen ensured that after the last battle. The walls had been reinforced, with more guards watching at a time. Maybe it was an internal threat?

"Let me know as soon you can" Gwen tells Derek. Again, her eyes darkened. Who was so desperate to speak to her that they would rely this message to an old drunken newcomer rather than speak with her directly? If it were an outsider and they managed to successfully sneak in, would they really risk hiding in plain sight? Part of her wanted to interrogate Sylas, but she was ordered to be kind and respectful to them. While she had the authority to ignore Sage's order, she wouldn't risk doing it unless she was positive that it was necessary. She needed to be in Sage's good graces now, just like how she needed to start acting like a true leader.

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Posted: Sat, 01/10/2022 14:27 (2 Years ago)
He really believes these crazy fantasies. Talking to the dead? That was all crazy talk, it was impossible. Perhaps it was just a way for Sylas to cope with death. She couldn't judge too harshly, afterall, her way wasn't much better.

The inn was just ahead. Gwen glances at her solider, who was nervously walking next to her. She seemed uncomfortable, probably because she was basically standing around while Gwen was working. "You've done enough, go change shifts with someone else. I can keep watch in the meantime" Gwen tells the woman softly before returning her attention to Derek and Sylas.

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Posted: Sat, 01/10/2022 02:18 (2 Years ago)
Sylas must be crazy Gwen thinks to herself with an amused smile. They likely passed by the flowered hill on their way here, or maybe his land also had a similar environment. That image was messing with his head. Regardless, Gwen waved it off as him being drunk and crazy. "I'm sorry to hear about your older brother, I can understand the heartbreak of losing someone close" somehow she manages to say this smoothly, although her face darkened a bit. She silently listens to him speak and stares at the road ahead.

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Posted: Sun, 25/09/2022 13:55 (2 Years ago)
Sage could see it already. She would look quite enchanting by wearing all of the jewelry that Thalia had shown her- not that it was something that mattered to her anyway. But the idea of wearing something that was crafted by Thalia- well, it warmed her heart. "I would love to buy all of them" Sage declares while digging around in her dress pocket for her pouch of cash. "Your attention to detail is something else, you have amazing talent" Sage praises Thalia. The earrings were most exciting to Sage- while she would have to get rid of her current ones she was excited for a new change.

She had long forgotten her responsibilities. It felt good to discuss something as simple as jewelry. She couldn't help but smile too, noticing that Thalia seemed much calmer now.

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Posted: Sun, 25/09/2022 00:57 (2 Years ago)
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"Nox" ~Dakota Thorne

~"I would, and I will. You know my theory. Plunge in. Face the fear head-on. Stay on the offense." (-Koethi Zan)~



Nox is quiet, and very distant. She'll talk when she has to, but usually stays to herself. Her cold personality is made to drive undeserving people away. She is obsessed with power and strength. If she finds that someone is worthy of her time, she'll be fiercely loyal and extremely kind to them. She is kinder to those she views as stronger, although it's not uncommon for her to be protective of the weak

She has white hair, cut short into a pixie cut. Her cold, calculating eyes are an usual shade of gold. She stands at about 5'9, and has a fairly muscular build. She wears all dark clothing and a cloth mask that covers her mouth. She uses the mask to hide her expressions. She likes to be mysterious. She has a few scars on her body and neck from testing the full extent of her powers

Magic Variant:

In order to fully control her summon she would have to stand completely still, leaving her vulnerable to attacks. Summoning her creature uses lots of energy, even more to fight with it. Fortunately, she can tank small attacks with her summon, but anything major will feel like being punched and kicked. If her summon dies, she will suffer from intense pain, sometimes even getting a less severe version of the wound that killed her summon, leaving her body scarred once it heals. She also lost herself by comfortably using her ability, becoming someone completely different from who she once was

Normal human weaknesses. Long distance attacks, while possible to fight against, aren't easy. She also doesn't fair well when she has to fight multiple enemies at once

Dakota and Nox... Nox and Dakota... two different people in the same body. One was timid, gentle, and sympathetic. But the other one... Dakota is nothing but a long memory, a shell of what she is now. Dakota was once afraid of her own abilities, so she suppressed it. Still, something lingered from within. A voice, begging to be released. The first time she summoned Freyja was in the woods, far from unsuspecting eyes. She had managed to convince everyone up until now that she was normal. Freyja, at the time, seemed harmless. Slowly she got more comfortable with her powers, and became less careful. Her family feared her newfound powers until she saved them from a home break in. Since then, she used her powers more often. Honing it into it's maximum potential. No longer was she a timid young girl, but someone completely different. Someone powerful! She took on a new name that Freyja had given her. With a corrupted mind she accepts the invitation to prove that she was worthy to use this ability (I know that's not the point of them being tested, but that's how she is viewing it)

Her summon is a normal panther that isn't too hostile in it's normal form. When it senses a fight it becomes something more-... Lethal. It's body literally becomes sharper. It has large spikes on it's back, and has smaller ones on it's head and belly. It has larger claws and fangs. It's mouth drips a substance that looks like lava but seems to be normal saliva. It's blood is also a similar color. This form is the only form that bleeds (the other form takes damage but it won't bleed). In this form, it can move more quickly than usual and is far stronger. Because of the energy drain, Nox tries to not use it unless she has to. She named her summon 'Freyja.' Whenever Nox has full control of Freyja, it's eyes go from a normal, feline gaze to Nox's iconic golden gaze. Freyja cannot access or use her fighting form without Nox being in full control of it's movements.

After going back and forth to edit small details, I am finally done :D

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Posted: Sat, 24/09/2022 19:03 (2 Years ago)
Gwen frowns slightly. She was a bit confused on how this supposed new-comer knew of her. Just like how he knew of Telmar. She shouldn't get too ahead of herself though. Almost everyone in Telmar, and even a few neighboring towns knew of her. It wouldn't be too surprising for someone to mention her name to Sylas. All good things I hope.

Like Derek, she refused both the drink and the offer to sit. "It's wonderful to meet you too" Gwen tells the man respectfully. She glances between Derek and the tavernkeeper, smiling internally at how easy it was to think of a good excuse to coax the drunken lad out of the tavern. How kind of Sylas to give them this excuse. "Yes, let's talk" Gwen says dismissively. She was curious of Sylas, but with him being drunk, she didn't expect to get any real answers. She extends an arm out, offering support for Sylas. She could already see him tripping over his own feet and falling. "Shall we return him to the inn? I think the both of you could use a break" Gwen asks Derek.

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Posted: Sat, 24/09/2022 03:11 (2 Years ago)
With all the different conversations happening at once Sage doesn't really take notice to Hyolyn's sudden absence. "That's very exciting. I'm sure you and Leaf are happy that she may be following in your footsteps" she tells Sage excitedly. She turns to look at Thalia at the mention of seeing more jewelry. "I would love that!" Sage says eagerly. She was already in love with Thalia's work. It would be nice to show off. She would also be helping someone in the process.
(Oof, not a very interactive post I know)

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Posted: Fri, 23/09/2022 01:15 (2 Years ago)
The proudest looking smile crosses across Sage's lips as she watches Thalia smile at one of the jobs that she mentioned. She was a bit curious about what job the girl chose, but she didn't get the chance to ask because Thalia was suddenly focused on finding a piece of jewelry for her. A stunned look appears on Sage's face when Thalia shows off the most magnificent piece of jewelry Sage has ever seen. "Wow" she breathes. "This is... amazing!" She stares at the piece of jewelry for some time with an amazed look. "Is it for sale? I would love to purchase it. I believe this would complete my appearance, wouldn't you agree?" Sage asks.

It caught Gwen off guard to see Derek put on his helmet and suddenly run off after Swif. She thought she understood what he said, but then again, his obvious accent proves that he usually speaks a different language. Perhaps this was one similar to her's? She races after them and easily keeps pace with Derek.

Curiously, the two were moving towards one of the kingdom's taverns rather than one of the inns. She shoots her solider a withering look before she enters the tavern with Swif and Derek. The girl just gives Gwen an embarrassed smile and shrugs. Right, her orders were to keep an eye on Sylas, not keep him locked in the inn. At least she wasn't drinking with him and was instead standing guard outside. This was the only entrance and exit anyway. "I'm assuming he is here?" Gwen asks from behind Derek. "Where is he?" She asks curiously.

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Posted: Wed, 21/09/2022 23:52 (2 Years ago)
"That's all wonderful news!" Sage tells Blossom happily. "I know Emi will shine in what ever profession she ends up in, but it would be wonderful for her to follow in your footsteps. You two are amazing healers and have the potential to even teach your skills! Your skills deserve to be passed down to future generations!" Sage encourages.

She chuckles at Hyolyn, appreciating their humor, even if it was forced. Perhaps she was imagining it, but she sensed high levels of suspicion coming from them. Was there slight contempt in their gaze or was she reading into it too much? She already has had a long day, and didn't want to create unnecessary tension between her and a citizen due to a misunderstanding, so she pushes away her doubts. "The loudest tavern huh? Sounds easy enough. I'll do my best to pace myself, but sometimes you get a bit blinded by all the fun happening around you" she points out with a joking smile. Whatever it is she was reading, she liked it. Like Thalia, there was something about Hyolyn that intrigued her. Some sort of potential that she was desperate to find out. As she said earlier, she would do whatever it took to better her kingdom. The best way to do that would be to fill her ranks with capable people.

She practically melts upon seeing Thalia's initial reaction. "Working with jewelry is a wonderful job. People with a good eye in the arts are especially necessary to have in this kingdom, I would love to see your work if that's okay with you." Sage pauses for a moment to consider Thalia's question. "I would start you out as either a spy or messenger. Because you would be new to it, it'll all be internal work, so there will be minimal risks of danger" Sage explains. Sage did catch Thalia's second reaction, but it wasn't one that shocked her. In fact, it made her look proud. Thalia's bravery and determination was exactly what she was looking for!

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