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Posted: Sun, 18/11/2018 03:38 (6 Years ago)
EDIT: Thread cleaned!

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Posted: Sat, 17/11/2018 01:31 (6 Years ago)

Avatars of the following Pokemon have been added:


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Posted: Sat, 17/11/2018 00:00 (6 Years ago)
Copy-pasted from my journal!

Animal Crossing, Smash Bros, Mother/Earthbound, Rhythm Heaven, Pikmin, Super Mario, Kirby, Mega Man Classic, Sonic the Hedgehog, Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, Yo-Kai Watch, Professor Layton, Banjo-Kazooie, Spyro Classic, Undertale, Terraria, Stardew Valley, Overwatch, Slime Rancher, A Hat in Time, Cuphead, Minecraft

So basically a bunch of Nintendo games and meme games. :T

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Posted: Fri, 16/11/2018 15:40 (6 Years ago)
@NovaStardrake: I think those would be cute too! Maybe I'll find some time to work on those today! ;D

@Perseus: I'll put those down on the "maybe" list! If enough people request them, I just might! At the moment I'll probably just focus on "vanilla" Pokemon.

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Posted: Fri, 16/11/2018 14:56 (6 Years ago)
Pikachu is already on the to-do list from an earlier request! No need to send a plushie. :o

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Posted: Fri, 16/11/2018 03:41 (6 Years ago)
@TimeKidRalsei: That's great! I'm glad you like it! ;w;

@CupcakeLover: Thank you, and you're very welcome! <3

@breathin: Yay, that's great! ^ ^ You're very welcome! :3

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Posted: Fri, 16/11/2018 01:35 (6 Years ago)

Title: Six Pieces Done!

@Mimi: Your pieces are finished!

I think I got the tree right! I hope you like it! ^ ^

@CupcakeLover: Your piece is finished!

The first of three pieces this batch that uses fire, haha!

@breathin: Your piece is finished!

I really like all the soft colors! Very cute! ;w;

@TimeKidRalsei: Your pieces are finished!

I hope this looks right, and I hope you enjoy it! :3

@All: Ok~! Shop is on break until Tuesday or so. I'll still be here but I won't have access to my drawing tablet! :o

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Posted: Thu, 15/11/2018 16:31 (6 Years ago)
@Rascal: You're very welcome! ^ ^

@Mimi: You're welcome! :3

@tiktok: Haha, I'm glad! ;w;

@TimeKidRalsei: Thank you! ^ ^ I'll add you to the slots, but real quick question before I start: she's wearing goggles on her head, but does she have little horns? I'm guessing the pixels near the top of her head are floof haha!

@Midnight-Fall: Great! Thank you~ :3

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Posted: Thu, 15/11/2018 15:20 (6 Years ago)

Title: Eight Pieces Done!

@Mimi: Your pieces are finished!

Breaking them apart into two orders! The other one should be finished sometime today as well!

@Rascal: Your pieces are finished!

Went with kind of a cool blue to complement!

@ ~Markiplier~ Tiktok: Your pieces are finished!

I think I got your character right! I hope you like it! :3

@Midnight-Fall: Your pieces are finished!

They're bluetooth headphones This is probably one of the most relaxing pieces I've done! XD

@All: Normally I'd open all the slots again, but I'm actually going to go on a trip this weekend and won't be back until Tuesday, which is an awful long time to be waiting on art (especially since I can't draw while I'm there).

I'm leaving a newcomer slot open just in case someone needs it, but once I'm done with the rest of this batch I'll close it too~!

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Posted: Wed, 14/11/2018 15:57 (6 Years ago)
Some of the others I've played/still play that I can recommend are:

-MagiStream (similar to DragonCave but all the "adoptables" are varied, like phoenixes, sea serpents, kitsune, koi fish, etc.)
-Goatlings (kind of like Neopets I guess? All the adoptables are very cute goats with themes, like tarot cards, planets, flowers and gemstones, etc.)
-Valley of Unicorns (a little bit like Flight Rising? All the adoptables are different kinds of horse variants, but they've started adding new creatures too, like wolves, phoenixes, and winged cats. You need a referral code to sign up, but I have some; just shoot me a message!)

I also play the following, but I can't really say I recommend them:
-Aywas (very focused on paying real money to get "custom pets" using a commission service; not very friendly towards kids; a little hard to navigate at times)
-Global Pokedex Plus (one of the first Pokemon adoptable sites, but there isn't a lot you can do there aside from hatching eggs and filling your Pokedex)
-Neopets (unless you're a "90's kid" you probably won't get a lot out of it haha; the site's been slowly in the process of dying for the past few years)

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Posted: Wed, 14/11/2018 00:46 (6 Years ago)
@CupcakeLover: Not a problem! Everything's all fixed now! ^ ^

@breathin: Yo yo! And alrighty, everything looks good, so I'll put you on the slots! :3

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Posted: Tue, 13/11/2018 23:12 (6 Years ago)
@CupcakeLover: I'll add you to the slots for now, but for clarification, were you wanting a headshot (100k) or a full-body (200k)? :o Everything else looks ok otherwise! ^ ^

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Posted: Tue, 13/11/2018 22:40 (6 Years ago)
Thank you, Ropets! I hope I can make events sprites you will like! ;w;

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Posted: Tue, 13/11/2018 22:06 (6 Years ago)
Internet keeps cutting out today, so I'll just say that all four of you have been added to the slots! ^ ^

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Posted: Tue, 13/11/2018 21:41 (6 Years ago)
@Breloom: That's fine! Thank you for letting me know! ^ ^

@totoparty: You are very welcome! :3

@All: If you didn't see the announcement today (or the super-cute badge under my name, bzzt!) I am now part of the Spriter staff here on PH! Now all prices are doubled I've been "in-training" for about a month, so if you've noticed me acting weird that's probably why! I've been really excited but unable to tell anyone about it until today, haha!

This shop and the free avatar thread will keep going how they have been! Speaking of, we're open again! :o

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Posted: Tue, 13/11/2018 04:50 (6 Years ago)
Secret Santa signup!
Username: ProfessorGreenie
Character reference(s): I don't have any characters, but I'd really like art of Isabelle, Luigi and a Polterpup or any of my favorite Pokemon listed in my journal
Works you are able to give: Digital art, Detailed pixel art
Works you would like to receive: Digital art, Detailed pixel art
Comments: I don't have a preference for any of the characters I listed, but if you can't pick, Isabelle is always a good choice! ^ ^ Just make sure whoever you pick is happy! Thank you very much in advance, friend! <3

(I can't draw people particularly well, so I'd prefer a Pokemon/monster/animal-based request if that's possible! ;w; )

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Posted: Tue, 13/11/2018 03:11 (6 Years ago)

Avatars of the following Pokemon have been added:

Meltan (no shiny because idk what it looks like yet!)
Shaymin Sky Forme
Lycanroc Midnight
Lycanroc Midday
Lycanroc Dusk

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Posted: Sat, 10/11/2018 14:37 (6 Years ago)
@JosieThePanda: Haha, thank you! The headshots come with a free avatar that's just the same art resized to 150x150~

@Breloom: You're very welcome! I'm happy to hear you enjoy it! ^ ^

@Midnight-Fall: Haha, thank you! ;w;

@Nevvo: I did my very best, and I'm glad you like the result! <3

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Posted: Sat, 10/11/2018 06:25 (6 Years ago)

Title: Eight Pieces Done!

No comments on the pictures this time since I'm posting this before heading off to bed haha!

@Breloom: Your pieces are finished!

@Nevvo: Your pieces are finished!

In spoiler for minor blood!

@JosieThePanda: Your pieces are finished!

@Midnight-Fall: Your pieces are finished!

@~Markiplier~: I'm very glad you like them! ^ ^

@All: Shop is now on break until next week! o/

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Posted: Sat, 10/11/2018 05:36 (6 Years ago)
I think it's fine the way it is, but if I had to choose somewhere else to put the saddle I would absolutely hate to have it in the battle shop, berry garden, beach, or gem cauldron.

-Most players are not big fans of the battling system, so I'd imagine moving the saddle there would make the userbase angry.
-I personally just don't like the berry garden. I bought all the legends from here via GTS because I can't see myself investing a lot of time in leveling berries.
-The beach is a "love it or hate it" place. There's already a lot of rare things to be found there, so I'd rather see the beach be an additional place to find the saddle, not the only/primary place.
-It makes no sense to have in the gem cauldron, since the cauldron produces gemstone-like items (aside from the "whoops" items with mega stone boiling). It would also make the gem market even more broken than it is now. There's already a lot of uses for gems, and it would make shiny hunting the UBs very cumbersome (because I can guarantee: it would use dragon gems).

I'd be fine with it being a rare item shop item... IF there's a cap set on how many a user can buy per day, or it has unlimited stock. Otherwise, it will turn into a scenario where the same users buy out all the stock and resell them for more PD than they paid.

Space is a fine idea too (Space, Ultra Space, makes sense), but considering it blocks off all the users who don't have Deoxys and you only have a chance of getting one item per week, it would make things painfully slow. Alola would be a better choice, since all users can get the area relatively easily and it doesn't take as long to rumble there (plus the UBs originated in Gen 7).

tl;dr I'm fine with them being in mystery boxes, but if they HAD to be moved, I'd rather it be as unlimited stock in the item shop on rare occasions or as a rare find in Alola.

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