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Posted: Sun, 18/04/2021 04:51 (3 Years ago)

"Dear customers, your orders are ready for pick up! (*^▽^*) Please contact us through PM if there is any questions or concerns with your orders. Thank you for shopping with us."

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Posted: Sun, 18/04/2021 02:10 (3 Years ago)
"Thank you for being so patient with us. We have good news, your order is ready for pick up! Please PM us if there is any question or concern with this order. (*^▽^*)"

"Dear customer, your deposit have been recieved! ( ^∇^) We shall proceed with your order as soon as we can."

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Posted: Sat, 17/04/2021 19:40 (3 Years ago)
"Roger that! your order have been received! What a good choice, as Azusa-nee always says 'no use saving items, cause items wont give you interests.' what a good decision you made! "

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Posted: Sat, 17/04/2021 19:22 (3 Years ago)
"Thank you for shopping with us. ~ヾ(^∇^) your payments have been received in full. Please do enjoy your cheeb."

"I am so glad you enjoyed our services. We also really enjoyed having your young lady here as well. Your payments have been received in full. Thank you for shopping with us and please enjoy your cheeb. (*^▽^*)"

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Posted: Sat, 17/04/2021 19:13 (3 Years ago)
"Dear customer, your deposit have been received! (*^▽^)/We shall get started on that pixel shortly."

"Dear customer, your order is ready for pick up! ( ^∇^) Please PM us if there is any question or concerns with this order. "

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Posted: Sat, 17/04/2021 18:21 (3 Years ago)

"In fact dear customer, you have come at the right time. A slot has just opened up!(´∀`)♡ We have slotted you in . Oh mai, what an elegant little lady you have brought with you today. We are looking forward to working with her(´ω`♡%)Your total comes to 50k pd, we are ready to recieve your 20k pd deposit whenever you are ready. (*^▽^*)"

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Posted: Sat, 17/04/2021 18:10 (3 Years ago)

"Dear customer, we are happy to announce that your order is ready for pick up! o((*^▽^*))o Please contact through PM if you have any questions or concerns regarding this order.(‐^▽^‐)"

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Posted: Sat, 17/04/2021 15:18 (3 Years ago)
"Dear customer, your deposit have been recieved, we shall get started on your orders ASAP!!o((*^▽^*))o"

"Hello there, welcome to the shop. Aww thank you so much, we will gladly take your order. (*^▽^*) We have just slotted you in. Your totall comes to 100k pd, please feel free to send over 40kpd whenever you are ready. (ノ*゜▽゜*)"

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Posted: Sat, 17/04/2021 05:49 (3 Years ago)
"Aww your positive feed backs have really warmed my heart. So glad you like it (´∀`)♡. Your payment have been received in full, please enjoy your order."

"Hello dear customer, a slot have just opened up for you. Thank you for your patience, we have slotted you in for a base coloured chibi. You can send in your deposited of 20k pd whenever you are ready. ❤⃛ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ ) If you would like to cancel your reservation instead, just leave us a note in the shop."

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Posted: Sat, 17/04/2021 05:32 (3 Years ago)
"Dear customer, your order is ready for pick up! (*^▽^)/. Please PM us if there is any concerns or questions."

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Posted: Sat, 17/04/2021 04:07 (3 Years ago)
"Dear customer, your deposit have been received. We shall get started on your ikemen order asap! ٩(๑> ₃ <)۶♥"

@ Authur

"Good choice, kitty! Candies only taste good when they are hot and fresh out of the stove! Oh and good evening little misses. Alright kitty, so who will be eating those candies. Only one person can eat it or the magic wont work. Send me the reference to the person eating and I shall perform the magic DADADADA ♡҉٩(*´︶`*)۶҉ "

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Posted: Sat, 17/04/2021 03:28 (3 Years ago)
"Oh the kitty from the neighbourhood! Hello hello, and for saying that, you have quite the nice taste as well! Well Kitty san, your payments have been recieved. Here are your candies! Do you wanna eat them now? or save them for later?"

Kira hands you a pack for colourful candies

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Posted: Sat, 17/04/2021 02:42 (3 Years ago)
"Hello! Welcome to the shop.(^-^)What a precious little lady you brought with you. Unfortunately we are all full for flat chibi slots. But we have put you in the first place in the wait line. (゚∇ᵘd) So please hold on to that 20k deposite, and we will notify you as soon as the slots have opened up. (゚∇ᵘd)"

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Posted: Sat, 17/04/2021 01:41 (3 Years ago)
"Roger that! You have been added (♡≧ 𓎺 ≦)=ъ ♡. Your total comes to 50k pd, please send that 20k whenever you are ready <3. Oh an oh mai, what a hawt- I mean what a lovely looking customer we have to day."

"Ah! Welcome back!! So good to see you again コンバンハーヾ(・∀・`o)ノ)) I cant wait to see which cutie you brought today, let me slot you in right now. There you have been sloted, your total comes to 50k pd please send in 20k whenever you are ready<3. Hmm it seems that more then an cutie you brought in an mysterious cool one (´•ω•`♥). "

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Posted: Sat, 17/04/2021 00:56 (3 Years ago)

We are open!!!

"Hey, did you notice something different? Yes, we had a renovation and extended the shop. We restocked all the selves too while we are at it! We also have a new staff on board in the items counter. Please say 'hi' when you see her~"

Quote" Heya! The item counter is just opened, and its got all sort of cool stuff in it. It will get restocked every week.....uh hopefully, well at least the old stuff gets put away. Anyways, come check us out!"

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Posted: Fri, 16/04/2021 05:27 (3 Years ago)
Ice ❄️

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Posted: Wed, 14/04/2021 05:42 (3 Years ago)
April 14th, 2021

I was too busy to post this, but I opened a art shop a few days ago! yay, to grand opening ~~~~~~
Click on the house image above to check it out. I expand it too just today to include one more sales person haha.

Speaking of sales person, meet Azusa, who will be werking at the shop. She is the newbie on the contact log, please say hi.

Quote from Azusa
"Greetings everyone, come and say 'hi' to me if you visit our shop. ~ Even if you don't go to the shop you can drop me a message here or even ask for a battle. I will be glad to talk ^_^"

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Posted: Mon, 12/04/2021 05:41 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 12/04/2021 02:43 (3 Years ago)
"Thank you for your kind words >////<. I am so glad you like it <3. Your payments have been received in full. Thanks again for shopping with us :D.


Shop is closed, will open next Fri, Apr 16

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Posted: Mon, 12/04/2021 01:33 (3 Years ago)
"Dear customer, your order is ready for pick up! Please PM us if there is any questions or concerns with the art ^ ^."

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