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Posted: Sat, 06/06/2015 06:03 (9 Years ago)
(Sure, you can find plates now but only one a page. NO SPAMMING TO GET TO MORE PAGES.)

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Posted: Sat, 06/06/2015 05:43 (9 Years ago)
"Morning~" She said. "Wanna....do something today? Maybe, go to the beach?" She blushed and said "Meet me at sunset at the beach. I know it's 30 minutes from here, but we might be able to get there faster." She had some cereal.

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Posted: Sat, 06/06/2015 05:31 (9 Years ago)
(Thank you~)
Daphlia woke up, a few days later (2 DAY TIME SKIIIIPPPP. XDD) "Wha-what happened?" She said weakly. She turned in her bed to look out the window to see Strikairy tending the used-to-be-burnt grass, which now looked the same as the rest of the beautiful, green grass, and the broken branches everywhere. She looked up to see Daphlia leaning out of the window. "HI!!" She called. She was wearing a gardener's hat and using gardening tools. She was even more pretty then normal in that, and she saw Blazair come out to her. "Oh hi, blazey~<3" Daphlia thought maybe Blazair had confessed ( he had told her about his love for her a few days before the fight) but they both confessed at the same time. So now they were boyfriend and girlfriend. They kissed eachother's cheeks before Blazair asked what Strikairy was doing and asked to help. She told him, and said he could. Then she gave Blazair a kit for gardening that was like hers, except red. They started to garden together. Daphlia got dressed and went downstairs to have brekfast and meet up with Sky. She was getting the urge to confess her true love to him.

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Posted: Sat, 06/06/2015 05:21 (9 Years ago)
Arceus called to Clover in her mind. I chose you because you have a special talent, unlike any other of you're kind. (Just saying, if we get to the enormous battle, I will be making up random but sensible powers for you. I will pick my own powers, and yours. You get what you get and you don't get upset, so if you don't like it, please tell me calmly, don't complain. >:T Thanks. :) )

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Posted: Sat, 06/06/2015 05:12 (9 Years ago)
Daphlia was slipping into her normal form in her unconsciousness, and that made a flash of light brighter then ever before. Then, she began to go pale. Strikairy flew off, really fast, and she got 2 lum berrys, but landed next to Blazair and gave him the lum Berry first, which completely healed him, and he was just sleeping now. She ran to Daphlia, and gave her the lum Berry, doing the same to Daphlia as it had done to Blazair. Then, she asked Sky for help to bring them both up to their rooms, and put them in their beds. She picked up Blazair, and kissed him in the cheek and went in and ran up the stairs to his room. She tucked him in, gave him one more kiss, and went outside to check a pebble at Clover one last time. Outside there was burned grass, broken branches and a stench. The fight had been a big one. Also a very bad one, two Pokemon nearly DIED!! Strikairy was starting to cry over Blazair's bed, but held them in for a bed as she fled across the hall to her room. Then, sitting on her bed, she put her face into her palms and cried for the rest of the day.

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Posted: Sat, 06/06/2015 04:45 (9 Years ago)
Daphlia could barely breathe. (OK, NOW WE'RE GETTING DARK AND SERIOUS. O-O) "I.......I think I'm......dying....." She was panting, and taking very long breaks between words. Soon, she had gone extremely unconscious. (Extremely hard for the person unconscious to wake up and not die) Strikairy started crying when she saw Sky and Daphlia, when she heard an extremely loud *CRRRAAAAAAACCCCCKKKK*. She turned quickly, to see Blazair bleeding like crazy. He had many dents in his skin, a bunch of them very deep, as wounds. He immedeatly went extremely unconscious. He turned back to normal, and felt like he was dying, even more then Daphlia, as it had an extremely high damage rate and he didn't have the defence of "not very effective".

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Posted: Sat, 06/06/2015 04:26 (9 Years ago)
Blazair immedeatly got up. "Oh, please, sorry.." He got a flare blitz ready, but couldn't wait. He had gotten really angry now, and he released it. "SKY!!!!!!" Screamed Daphlia. She turned into her Vaporeon form, and jumped in front of Sky, taking the hit instead. Even though it was not very effective, it did a lot, and she fell to the ground, bleeding from her chest in a star pattern. Strikeairy restrained Blazair, who was furious by now, but very sorry for Daphlia, who looked barely alive.

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Posted: Sat, 06/06/2015 04:07 (9 Years ago)
"O.K..?" Hally was confused as she and the others continued walking, this time silently. Finally, Hally said "What was that all about...?"

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Posted: Sat, 06/06/2015 04:06 (9 Years ago)
Blazair looked down at Sky and his stone began to glow. He changed, and changed, until he was mega. He charged up a blaze kick and kicked towards Sky. "HOW DARE YOU THREATEN MY Love......" He was going to stopped, but he was going so fast, he rammed into Sky's face and knocked himself and Sky to the ground, landing on his stomach. Strikairy lets Clover go, not really caring if she fell to her death (but they were only 27 feet high...:( ) and zoomed down, landing next to the fallen-over Blazair, lying on top of Sky. "His WHAT??" She had never confessed, but during the strange time that she and Blazair had together, she had fallen in love with him. Daphlia had actually missed, no, wait, she didn't. She rammed into Strikairy for a bit but then got blown off track by one of her gusts. She landed safely caught up in the calm gust, and ran over to Blazair. "What the-?!" She stared at them, blankly. "What the- what- what- who- what the heck happened?!?!"

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Posted: Sat, 06/06/2015 03:32 (9 Years ago)
Blazair said "WELL I GUESS THATS A GOOD REASON TO GRAB HER. I THINK YOUR KILLING HER THOUGH, MAYBE YOU SHOULD GO A BIT EASIER ON THE GRIP..??" "Uh, sure...?" Strikairy loosened her grip on Clover. Daphlia zipped put the open window, and she landed on Strikairy. (X'D) (It's chill, em. :) ) "WHAT THE F***?!?!" (HOLY MOTHER OF MEW TONE DOWN THE SWEARING STRIKAIRY. X'D this is hilarious)

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Posted: Sat, 06/06/2015 03:26 (9 Years ago)
"you ALMOST DID!" Said Daphlia's voice, a bit fuzzy since she was dashing around at 120 mph. Strikeairy was clutching Clover extremely tight now, so tight that it was hurting her a bit. Blazair had reached Strikairy now. "Hey, what are you DOING?!" "THIS GIRL ATTACKED OUR HOUSE AND HER FRIEND NEARLY RAPED DAPHLIA!!!" Screamed Strikairy, almost in Blazair's face.

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Posted: Sat, 06/06/2015 03:23 (9 Years ago)
"I'm Hally.." Said Hally "That is Haley, my little sister.." She pointed a claw at Haley "and that.......is....um....a friend of mine, Seth." Hally snuggled up to Seth, blushing.

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Posted: Sat, 06/06/2015 03:16 (9 Years ago)
"YOU NEARLY RAPED ME, WHAT'S YOURE PROBLEM?!" Daphlia scrambled to her feet and transformed into her Jolteon form and zipped around the room, occasionally striking Tracey (REMEMBERED HER NAME. *victory dances* ^w^) with a Volt Tackle. Strikairy just tightened her grip on Clover as she heard Tracey call for her. Blazair started jumping trees to get to Strikairy.

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Posted: Sat, 06/06/2015 03:13 (9 Years ago)
(I want is to meet up. :3)
Hally was bickering with Haley on a midnight walk, with Seth trying to calm them down, when she bumped into Wishflower (she doesn't know who Wishflower is, though.) "HEY-what?" Both Haley and Seth were also silenced when they saw Wishflower. Haley stopped teasing Hally playfully, and Seth stopped trying to hold in a roaring "STOOPPP!!!". "Who ARE you??" Said Hally.

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Posted: Sat, 06/06/2015 03:05 (9 Years ago)
"YEA WELL YOU DONT TRY TO SOMEONE FOR SELF DEFENCE YOU MAYBE THROW THEM OFF A BED OR SOMETHING SHE NEVER DID ANYTHING TO HER WHY IS SHE TRYING TO MY FRIEND?!" Daphlia stirred, and punched -----(I forget her name. XD) in th face. Blazair woke up and ran outside to look up to see Strikairy screaming at Clover.

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Posted: Sat, 06/06/2015 02:35 (9 Years ago)
"Fine, I'll let you go on ONE CONDITION. YOU GET YOURE STUNKY FRIEND TO STOP TRYING TO DAPHLIA." (You got the name right, I just had to do it. X,D)

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Posted: Sat, 06/06/2015 02:26 (9 Years ago)
(Why am I an enemy? *BUMP*)

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Posted: Sat, 06/06/2015 02:25 (9 Years ago)
(I'm thinking of shutting the whole thing down, progress is reaaalllyyy slow, and no-one seems to want to join..I think this wasn't supposed to be anyways, I just made it up because people wanted to see more of my RPs and I don't have a good plot for a fan Fic. Also I made it up because I was bored. Gonna discontinue this if in 2 hours nobody posts on here.)

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Posted: Sat, 06/06/2015 01:45 (9 Years ago)
(Welll....let's go, you lazy pants dragons of mine! >:T X3)
Hally woke up to Haley's shouting. "HAAALLLLYYYY WAAAAKKKKEEEE UPPPPPPP" "WHAT THE HECK HALEY?!" She pounced. She missed, but she smiled afterwards. "Aw, don't do that again 'lil rascal." "I told you I don't like me ING called that, Hally!" Why would I care~" Hally laughed, and pounced on Haley. "HEY! PLEASE, HALLY! Ow!!!" "STOP, YOUR WRECKING THE ROOM!" It was Seth. "Come on, let's go already!!" So the gang left the house to go and get brekfast (hunt a rabbit or something. :( )

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Posted: Thu, 04/06/2015 02:40 (9 Years ago)
Ayala comes out of her dorm, holding Drake in her hands.

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